Handbook of Texas Online

two Texas militiamen from the Civil War

With more than 25,000 articles and 3,000 authors, this website offers students and teachers a broad scope of topics, with in-depth analysis from scholars and amateur historians across dozens of universities and historical associations. Material on the site can be accessed alphabetically, or by browsing articles using the left-hand navigation column ("title", "what", "when", "where", and "who"). In addition, the site contains three major subsections: "The Handbook of Civil War Texas," "The Texas Lighthouse Series," and "The Handbook of Texas Music." Visitors can also subscribe to the site’s RSS feed to receive a "Texas Day by Day" feature.

The Education section offers teacher resources and more than 20 lesson plans. Most of these materials are for grades four and seven (state history), but they have applications across grade levels. Lesson plans are arranged by topic, grade level, and state standards—useful for educators in Texas and across the country.

Due to the sheer volume of entries in this site, becoming familiar with the dozens of subcategories in the left-hand column is a good place to start. The search engine may also prove helpful when looking for a keyword or phrase.

Online Nevada Encyclopedia

image of a Cornish immigrant in Nevada with child

Online Nevada Encyclopedia (ONE) is a succinct website focusing on themes related to the state’s history, geography, politics, economy and society. Ten thematic sections, such as "Mining," "Gaming and Tourism," and "Nuclear Nevada," appear on the left side of the homepage. When clicking on a topic, a short introduction appears followed by three to 24 article subcategories (104 subsections in all.) Educators will find the "Media Gallery" helpful in these subsections; the rich imagery is one of the positive elements of this site. Suggested readings and website links can be found at the conclusion of many articles, providing meaningful connections for teachers and students.

Viewers can easily access the virtual galleries, as well as maps that highlight popular destinations and topics of interest, from the homepage or content entries. Alphabetical indices list authors, content, and media, and exhibit galleries offer more information on people and topics in Nevada.

ONE, a project of Nevada Humanities, gives a clear representation of this state. Utilizing the website as a resource will help students understand the diversity of Nevada.

Chadds Ford Historical Society, Barn Visitors Center, and Historic Sites [PA]


The Society maintains the Barn Visitors Center, as well as three 18th-century historic sites: the 1725 John Chads House, the John Chads Springhouse, and the 1720s Barns-Brinton House.

The society offers educational programs, lectures, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events; the Center offers exhibits; the John Chads House offers tours; the Barns-Brinton House offers tours.

Louisiana State Archives


The Louisiana State Archives, a division of the Louisiana Secretary of State's office, is mandated to identify, to collect, to preserve, to maintain, and to make available those records and artifacts that enhance our endeavors to understand the dynamics and nuances of the state's history.

The archives offers exhibits and research library access.

Jennifer Orr on Primary Sources in Primary Classrooms

Date Published
Photo, Participants...marching...from Selma to Montgomery, 1965, Peter Pettus
Photo, Participants...marching...from Selma to Montgomery, 1965, Peter Pettus
Article Body

Using primary sources in a primary classroom is a challenge. Many of the most wonderful sources are text-based. For students who cannot read and who are still developing their vocabulary these sources are very difficult. Simply understanding the Pledge of Allegiance, words students recite every day, can be frustrating for young children.

As a result images are often a better way to offer primary grade students a window into the past. They are accustomed to looking carefully at pictures in books and they notice things that adults frequently miss. Allowing them the opportunity to do the same with historical images is a powerful way to teach.
Many schools across the nation have a collection of posters from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Picturing America. This collection includes 40 large reproductions of artwork, including paintings, sculpture, architecture, photography, and crafts. There are images of Native American pottery and a Catholic mission in Texas. Portraits of George Washington and Paul Revere as well as photographs of statues of Ben Franklin and Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment are also included. There is a painting of Allies Day in 1917 and a photograph of quilts from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Photo, Participants...marching...from Selma to Montgomery, 1965, Peter Pettus Around a specific holiday or as we begin to study a person or period I post one or two of these pieces up in my classroom. For several days the art hangs there for students to enjoy and think about. Before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I use a photograph of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965. Some students will notice the photograph immediately and begin asking questions. Typically I'll answer them briefly, just enough to keep them interested. After a couple of days we'll bring the photograph over to the carpet and talk about it. The questions the students ask frame our eventual discussion of King and the Civil Rights Movement. I'll keep the photograph up for a while as we continue to study the issue so that we can refer to it or simply soak in the image.
Other pieces I use are the Stuart portrait of George Washington and the Leutze painting of the Crossing of the Delaware. These offer the opportunity to analyze our first president and the many roles he played in his life and in the formation of our country.

The collection comes with a resource book full of information about the artwork and the artists and lesson ideas. In addition, the website has more resources. Even without the collection of artwork the website can guide teachers in the use of art as primary sources. Any of these images can be shown from the internet with a projector for students to study. Art teachers often have reproductions of art available as well.

Young children are highly visual and images allow them to see the past. Simply hanging historical art and images in your classroom will spark questions and discussions. Not only will students begin learning about a person or period though their own observations, but the image is something they can hold onto throughout the study and in the future.

For more information

Check out the Picturing America website to view all of the images Orr describes—and more.

With field trips often harder to find time and money for these days, you and your students can take a virtual trip to an art museum with Google's Art Project. More than 100 websites we've reviewed also include art in their primary source collections.

Depending on your students' level, you may want to guide them through the steps in analyzing composition when introducing them to artwork as primary sources.

Want to learn more about teaching with art? Daisy Martin provides some ideas and Carolyn Halpin-Healy offers hers.

Significant Changes in Teaching History over the Past Decade

teaching the globe

I would be interested in any views regarding what you think are the most significant changes in teaching history over the past 10 years.


Three of the most significant changes in teaching history over the past decade are the following: teaching the narratives of U.S. history within a wider frame to include other countries and regions, and where relevant, a global perspective; emphasizing "historical thinking" as a fundamental pedagogical goal; and an acceleration in the corporatization of American higher education that has had harmful impacts with regard to the conditions of teaching history.

Enlarging the Frame

One of the most significant recent movements in the teaching of American history has been concerned with bringing the rest of the world back into the picture through acknowledging that developments in U.S. history cannot be understood adequately without exploring the nation's history from broader perspectives. Beginning in 1997 and continuing for four years, the Organization of American Historians and New York University collaborated on a Project on Internationalizing the Study of American History. During annual conferences held at NYU's Villa Pietra campus in Florence, Italy, an international group of historians presented papers and discussed issues concerning the effort of "Rethinking American History in a Global Age," a phrase that subsequently became the title of an acclaimed collection of selected essays culled from conference proceedings. As Thomas Bender, the editor of the collection and a prime mover behind the effort, has written, the intent "is to integrate the stories of American history with other, larger stories from which, with a kind of continental self-sufficiency, the United States has isolated itself." Not only foreign relations, but "every dimension of American life," Bender believes, should be understood "as entangled in other histories."

The point "is to contextualize the nation" to produce "an enriched national history"...

Bender has been careful to distinguish the effort from that of global history. The point, he insists, "is to contextualize the nation" in order to produce "an enriched national history, one that draws in and draws together more of the plenitude of narratives available to the historian who would try to make sense of the American past."

In the report of the La Pietra Conference, Bender notes that the new approach "builds upon comparative history," but is different from that type of history also. "Rather than comparing two national experiences," Bender explains, the goal is to relate "national experiences to larger processes and local resolutions." The effort has been influenced by a number of earlier historiographical developments, including “the study of the African diaspora, the creation of the Atlantic world, diplomatic history, the history of migration, environmental history, the study of gender, and intellectual history.”

Following the publication of the La Pietra Report and the "Rethinking" volume, Bender himself authored A Nation among Nations: America’s Place in World History, in which he contextualized five themes of American history within a wider, often global, perspective: the discovery of America, the American Revolution, the Civil War, the "American way of empire," and movements and ideals of American progressive reform, social liberalism, and social citizenship. Bender notes that American historians of the 1890s, during a period of professionalization, often performed this type of contextualization in their studies, but that “the worldly impulse among historians went into decline" following World War I and "was dismissed after World War II."

In 2008, both the Organization of American Historians and the American Historical Association published guides for teachers of the U.S. history survey course who wish to incorporate a global perspective into their curricula: American on the World Stage: A Global Approach to U.S. History, and Globalizing American History: The AHA Guide to Re-Imagining the U.S. Survey Course. These works include both discussions of issues involved in broadening the perspective and practical suggestions for teachers.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

A second trend, what some historians have called a "pedagogical turn in the profession," known otherwise as the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), surfaced in large part following the publication in 2001 of Sam Wineburg’sHistorical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past. Wineburg, a professor of education at Stanford University (and the Executive Producer and Senior Scholar of this website), publicized the use of concepts and research stemming from the field of cognitive psychology in order to ask fundamental pedagogical questions and create research programs to evaluate methods and processes of teaching and learning history. He argued that "historical thinking, in its deepest forms, is neither a natural process nor something that springs automatically from psychological development,” but rather a way of inquiry that “actually goes against the grain of how we ordinarily think."

there is only a small push towards the application of historical thinking and it has not yet resulted in having our students 'do history.'

Wineburg claims "that history holds the potential, only partly realized, of humanizing us in ways offered by few other areas in the school curriculum." His project has been strongly motivated by a sense of civic purpose and has been critical of the status quo in the profession. To develop historical thinking, students and teachers, he advises, must "reconcile two contradictory positions: first, that our established modes of thinking are an inheritance that cannot be sloughed off, and second, that if we make no attempt to slough them off, we are doomed to a mind-numbing presentism that reads the present onto the past." In order to foster a learning experience that adequately acknowledges the otherness of lives lived in the past or present. Wineburg’s vision calls for "the education of our sensibilities," an endeavor that "history, when taught well, gives us practice in doing."

Despite an upsurge in studies and writings on historical thinking since Wineburg’s book was published (see Sources below), a recent study concludes, "In this age of assessments and standards, there is only a small push towards the application of historical thinking and it has not yet resulted in having our students 'do history.'"

Corporatizing Higher Education

With regard to the final trend, what some historians and educators have called the corporatization of American higher education, a recent study prepared for the American Federation of Teachers revealed that "contingent" faculty and instructors, those holding temporary teaching jobs without tenure, make up about 70 percent of the teaching population in the U.S. and teach 49 percent of more than 1.5 million undergraduate classes at public colleges and universities, including nearly 58 percent of public community college courses and close to 40 percent of classes at public comprehensive colleges and research universities. These figures do not include graduate students, who teach between 16 and 32 percent of classes at research institutions. The report notes, "Particularly in the case of part-time/adjunct faculty members, contingent instructors receive disproportionately low pay and inadequate employment benefits such as pensions and health insurance." Contingent faculty teach an average of 43 percent of the undergraduates in public colleges, or 37 percent of undergraduates at public comprehensive colleges and research universities, and 52 percent of students at public community colleges.

More women make up the contingent faculty workforce than men. Between 1987 and 2003, the percentage of male part-time faculty rose from 28 percent to 40 percent, while the percentage of female part-time faculty rose from 14 percent to 49 percent.

On average, part-time/adjunct faculty are paid $2,758 per course,"only a quarter of what average full-time (tenured and tenure-track) faculty members receive on a per course basis if their full salaries are divided by the average number of classes they teach." Full-time faculty not on tenure track make one-third less than tenured faculty and those on the tenure track. Despite the fact that tenured and tenure-track faculty are responsible for important non-teaching duties, the report concludes, "it is not reasonable to suggest that contingent faculty deserve to be paid at the disproportionably low wages they currently earn for the valuable service they provide." To rectify this situation, the report proposes a plan "to achieve pay equity and increase the number of full-time tenured faculty members without job loss to existing instructors."

Average income for contingent faculty falls below the poverty line. ...the corporatization..."has to be exposed, challenged, and opposed."

In February 2008, the journal History Teacher published a series of articles by historians concerning this trend. Gerda Lerner notes a "tendency toward a 'star system' in hiring," in which research universities and private institutions, in order to improve their national ranking, compete for a relatively small number of "star" faculty, whose salaries as a result increase dramatically relative to the average. To compensate for these high salaries, institutions have increased the number of contingent faculty, whose average income falls below the poverty line. Job security for contingent faculty is non-existent and they receive no health or retirement benefits. In the field of history, the proportion of part-time faculty in four-year institutions in 2003 rose to 25 percent from 6 percent in 1979, while 70 percent of history faculty in two-year colleges in 2003 worked on a part-time basis.

In addition to the equity issues that this system poses, Lerner points to consequences of the "two-tier labor market"—what she characterizes as a "dangerous trend"—for students and history departments. Along with the "star system" for faculty, institutions have accelerated competition for "star" students, which has resulted in a deceleration in the trend to democratize American higher education that began following World War II due to the GI Bill of Rights. With the decrease through attrition of tenured positions made possible by increase employment of contingent faculty, the influence of faculty concerning administrative matters of institutions will decrease, she worries. Lerner advocates that the corporatization of American higher education "has to be exposed, challenged, and opposed."

For more information

Please visit Ask-a-Master Teacher on the Clearinghouse for another perspective on this question.


Thomas Bender, ed., Rethinking American History in a Global Age (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002), 6, 12, 19.

Organization of American Historians, "The La Pietra Report: A Report to the Profession," (accessed February 6, 2009).

Thomas Bender, A Nation among Nations: America’s Place in World History (New York: Hill and Wang, 2006), 13-14.

America on the World Stage: A Global Approach to U.S. History, ed. Gary W. Reichard and Ted Dickson (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2008).

Peter N. Stearns and Noralee Frankel, eds., Globalizing American History: The AHA Guide to Re-Imagining the U.S. Survey Course (Washington: American Historical Association, 2008).

Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001), 7, 5, 12, 24.

Brad Burenheide, "I Can Do This: Revelations on Teaching with Historical Thinking," History Teacher 41 (November 2007): 56.

Michael Coventry and others, "Ways of Seeing: Evidence and Learning in the History Classroom," Journal of American History 92 (March 2006): 1371-1402.

Rachel G. Ragland, "Changing Secondary Teachers’ Views of Teaching American History," History Teacher 40 (February 2007): 219-46.

David Pace, "The Amateur in the Operating Room: History and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning," American Historical Review 109 (October 2004): 1771-92.

Flannery Burke and Thomas Andrews, "The Five Cs of History: Putting the Elements of Historical Thinking into Practice in Teacher Education," in Wilson J. Warren and D. Antonio Cantu, eds., History Education 101: The Past, Present, and Future of Teacher Preparation (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2008), 151-66.

Daisy Martin and Chauncey Monte-Sano, “Inquiry, Controversy, and Ambiguous Texts: Learning to Teach for Historical Thinking,” in Warren and Cantu, 167-186.

JBL Associates, Inc., "Reversing Course: The Troubled State of Academic Staffing and a Path Forward," (Washington: American Federation of Teachers, 2008), (accessed February 6, 2009).

Gerda Lerner, "Corporatizing Higher Education," History Teacher 41 (February 2008): 219-27.

Juli A. Jones, "Foundations of Corporatization: Lessons from the Community College," History Teacher 41 (February 2008): 213-17.

Leon Fink, "Corporatization and What We Can Do About It," History Teacher 41 (February 2008): 229-33.

Museum of Natural History and Planetarium [RI]


The Museum of Natural History is Rhode Island's only natural history museum and is home to the state's only planetarium. The Museum houses collections containing over one-quarter million objects pertaining to natural and cultural history assembled from sites around the world. The natural history collections include fossils, mollusks, minerals, rocks, and mounted flora and fauna. The cultural collections contain over 24,000 archaeological and ethnographic specimens primarily of Native American and Pacific origin.

The museum offers exhibits, educational programs, planetarium shows, and educational and recreational events.

Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum [UT]


The Museum houses the largest collection of Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) pottery on display in the Four Corners Region and allows visitors to explore an authentic Puebloan village behind the museum. In addition to permanent collections, Edge of the Cedars offers special exhibits, festivals, and events throughout the year. Dynamic exhibits at Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum feature outstanding photography, fine art, current topics in archaeology, and contemporary Native American crafts. Festivals, programs, and special events promote traditional values through storytelling, craft workshops, and an Indian art exhibit.

The site offers exhibits, workshops and classes, and occasional recreational and educational events.