At a Glance
Explore James Madison's life through his correspondence, personal notes, drafts of letters and legislation, and legal and financial documents.
James Madison Papers

These 12,000 items (72,000 digital images) allow the visitor to explore James Madison's life, the Revolution, or the Early Republic. Materials include his father's letters, Madison's correspondence, personal notes, drafts of letters and legislation, and legal and financial documents. Material covers the period from 1723 to 1836.
Page images of correspondence can be browsed by title, name, or correspondence series or they can be searched by keyword or phrase appearing in the bibliographic records (descriptive information) of the collection. Additionally, the full text of correspondence for which transcriptions are available can also be searched by keyword or phrase. A timeline covers the period from 1751 to 1836 and is useful for placing the events of Madison's life in historical context. Three essays are available, including one on Madison's life and papers and one on Madison at the Federal Constitutional Convention.