At a Glance
Need a historic map for any of your lessons? Check out this digital map collection!
Digital Map Collection

This specialized site contains more than 6,000 digitized maps. Almost 700 are maps of California, most drawn in the mid-19th century. California map results can be sorted according to users' needs. More than 5,330 maps (primarily from the 19th and 20th centuries) cover other parts of the world, including Portugal, Kenya, Hong Kong, Iraq, and hundreds of other nations or territories. Non-California search results cannot be sorted. Many of the maps are archived by the University of California, Berkeley, but some are accessible by links to other sites.
The maps are extremely high quality, so loading the images may take some time, especially with slower connections. The maps include information about the date and author. The site is difficult to navigate and the search engine is finicky, but the site should be useful to those interested in high-quality maps, especially older ones. This site will be most useful for those who are looking for specific maps.