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Snips and Shoes and Sealing Wax: New Publications and Websites

The October issue of Perspectives from the American Historical Association includes reflections from AHA President Gabrielle Spiegel on being a History Mom; an article by Karen Halttunen, The American Historical Association and K-16 Collaboration presenting findings from the AHA Working Group on the Future of the American Historical Association; and Wilson Warren’s Bridging the Gap between K–12 Teachers and Postsecondary Historians, highlighting the positive effects of the Teaching American History (TAH) program, but noting that more can be done to "bridge the gap between K–12 teachers and academic historians."
Over at the Organization of American Historians (OAH), the October Magazine of History focuses on Military History. Access to most articles requires OAH membership; however, the article American Wars on the Web: Internet Resources for Teaching Military History is for public use. Susanna Bruce shares an partially-annotated collection of "easily accessible and reputable online primary source collections" for teaching military history.
The University of Virginia's Digital History Center launched an rich archive on Virginia Emigrants to Liberia.
The website opens a window into the lives of free black and enslaved Virginians, the trans-Atlantic world they inhabited, and the African nation they helped to found.The website now includes a searchable database of nearly 3700 Virginia emigrants to Liberia and nearly 250 Virginia emancipators, a timeline of relevant events and documents between 1787 and 1866, a compilation of important related sources, links to related research websites and news of Liberia today.
The National Womens History Museum launched the online exhibit, Chinese American Women: A History of Resilience and Resistance. More an essay than an exhibit, the site nonetheless, offers an overview of highlights of one hundred years of Chinese women's experiences in the United States and a useful bibliography.