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Bookmark This! Contests for Students and Teachers

Gilder Lehrman Institute, Preserve America, and the History Channel join together annually to honor outstanding history teachers through the History Teacher of the Year Award.
The national winner receives $10,000; state winners, $1,000 and an archive of books and other resources for their schools. Department chairs, school directors, school principals and other administrators, colleagues, students and parents are eligible to nominate a history teacher. Middle and high school teachers are eligible for this year's award, and Gilder Lehrman lists the criteria for a March 15 nomination and supporting materials.
Full scholarship to attend LeadAmerica's National Leadership Summit this summer at Georgetown of Johns Hopkins Universities are among the essay contest awards the National History Club offers to winners of a 2,000-word essay contest.
This year's essay contest is about Historical Leadership. Students are asked to study a past event and write about how leadership from a group or an individual contributed to the development of society and what we can learn from this. Essay submission deadline is April 1, 2010. For further information, contact Bob Nasson of the National History Club a