Introductory Videos  click on an image below to watch a video


Teaching Materials

Teaching Guides

Help students reflect on the purpose of learning history and of education in [...] »

Ask a Master Teacher
Photo, Ice 049, March 23, 2010, wcn247, Flickr

Explore tips on challenging gifted high school students, including resources [...] »

History Content

National Resources
Photo, Dr. Thomas Starzl, 1960-1980, Office of History, NIH

Repository for the history of the federal agency, medical profession, and [...] »

Website Reviews

Official documents and articles from periodicals record the history of the [...] »

Best Practices

Examples of Historical Thinking
Photo, Is Anybody Home?, 2006, Pink Sherbet Photography, D Sharon Pruitt, Flickr

Excite students by introducing them to primary sources that answer questions [...] »

Using Primary Sources

Check out these sites for excellent primary source material.

History Quiz

What about the other occupants of the White House?

| Take This Quiz »

Digital Classroom

Chronozoom is a dynamic timeline tool that presents large scale timelines in a creative way.

| [...] »

Thinking Like Historians

Interactive Historical Thinking Poster (Elementary)
Historical Thinking Poster Elementary
Find strategies, quizzes, and lessons for teaching historical thinking in your classroom. | [...] »
Interactive Historical Thinking Poster (Secondary)
Historical Thinking Poster Elementary
Find strategies, quizzes, and lessons for teaching historical thinking in your classroom. | [...] »
Civil War Interactive Poster
Historical Thinking Poster Elementary
Get students thinking like historians as they learn about the Civil War! | [...] »