At a Glance
Explore the Civil War-era South through hand-drawn maps and renderings.
Gilmer Civil War Maps Collection

This collection of 161 maps represents the work of Jeremy Francis Gilmer, an engineer in the U.S. Army from 1839 to 1961 and a Confederate States of America Army officer during the Civil War. These hand-drawn maps represent the entire South, but Virginia and North Carolina are particularly well-represented. General maps of the eastern, central, and valley regions of Virginia are included, as are maps of the battlefields in Hanover County and at Manassas. Several drawings of rivers in Virginia suggest their importance in the War. Drawings of forts and fortifications, entrenchments, and defensive works also feature prominently, such as Forts Debray, Velasco, Quintana and Sabine in Texas, Forts Boykin, Magruder, and Monroe in Virginia, and defensive works around Weldon, Wilmington, and Halifax, North Carolina. Maps can be browsed by state or searched by keyword, and can be enlarged and zoomed in, making them useful for those interested in detailed viewing or projection in the classroom.