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Sessions Especially for Teachers at the 123rd American Historical Association Annual Meeting

The American Historical Association (AHA) invites all history and social studies teachers to join us for the 123rd Annual Meeting, January 25, 2009 at the Hilton New York.
Twenty-one of the more than 200 sessions during the meeting are especially geared toward history and social studies teachers. Topics include History Education and Technology in Our Middle and High Schools, Students as Historians: Historical Thinking and Primary Sources in the American History Classroom, and From the Atlantic Slave Trade to the Harlem Renaissance: Stretching and Expanding Cultural Boundaries. (Download a PDF of the teaching session schedule.)
On Saturday, January 3, 9:304:30, the National History Education Clearinghouse (NHEC) holds a workshop specifically designed for K12 teachers including presentations from a variety of speakers. Lunch is provided and registration is requested in advance. (Please contact the Clearinghouse with any questions at
The AHA Meeting website provides information about the meeting including accommodations, transportation, registration, venue locations, and the job center.