Teaching American History (TAH) Grant Application Deadlines

tah screenshot
Wed 20 2010

The application period for Fiscal Year 2010 Teaching American History grants opened today, according to the Request for Proposals (RFP) in the Federal Register. Critical dates: February 22, 2010 is the deadline for notice of intent to apply and March 22, 2010 is the deadline for transmittal of applications. May 21, 2010, marks the deadline for intergovernmental review.

The announcement includes detailed information about the scope of the program, eligibility criteria, how to apply, and selection criteria. You'll also find concrete examples of TAH programs, how they work, and what they're accomplishing in the Clearinghouse TAH Grant section under Lessons Learned and Project Spotlight. Or, search the database for summaries of grant awards.

The Department of Education website offers further information about the TAH program, the application process, as well as who to contact with questions.

About the Author

Lee Ann Ghajar is a digital history associate in Public Projects at CHNM and a PhD candidate in American history at George Mason University.