Internet Moving Images Archive

Screencapture, Duck and Cover, U.S. Federal Civil Defense Ad., 1951, Moving...

These resources come from a privately held collection of 20th-century American ephemeral films, produced for specific purposes and not intended for long-term survival. The website contains nearly 2,000 high-quality digital video files documenting various aspects of 20th-century American culture, society, leisure, history, industry, technology, and landscape. It includes films produced between 1927 and 1987 by and for U.S. corporations, nonprofit organizations, trade associations, community and interest groups, and educational institutions. More than 80 films address Cold War issues.

Films depict ordinary people in normal daily activities such as working, dishwashing, driving, and learning proper behavior, in addition to treating such subjects as education, health, immigration, nuclear energy, social issues, and religion. The site contains an index of 403 categories. This is an important source for studying business history, advertising, cinema studies, the Cold War, and 20th-century American cultural history.

American Cinema


Using clips from more than 300 of the greatest movies ever made, this series explores film history and American culture through the eyes of over 150 Hollywood insiders, including Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg, and Michael Eisner. In-depth treatments present film as a powerful economic force, potent 20th-century art form, and viable career option. "American Cinema" connects subjects such as history, business, and English with other studies. In addition, it is a perfect vehicle for developing visual and media literacy skills and can be used as a springboard for creative-writing endeavors and media production. This video instructional series on film history for college and high school classrooms and adult learners includes 10 one-hour and three half-hour video programs and coordinated books.

Professional Ethics and Dissent


Don Snider of the U.S. Army War College; Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold of the U.S. Marine Corps; Peter Hegseth of Vets for Freedom; and Lt. Gen. Dennis McCarthy, Executive Director of the Reserve Officers Association, discuss several questions related to military-civilian relations: "What is the line on offering advice?," "How much can/should the military speak out?," "What are the ethical dimensions of serving both branches of government?," "What is the obligation that senior officers owe to their seniors, and to their juniors?," and "How much should officers be involved in the media?"

Audio and video options are available.

Radio Fights Jim Crow


During the World War II years, a series of groundbreaking radio programs tried to mend the deep racial and ethnic divisions that threatened America. At a time when blacks were usually shown on the radio as lazy buffoons, the federal government and civil rights activists used radio for a counter attack. Did radio unify America in the face of war? This documentary is divided into three downloadable sections.

To listen to this documentary, select "Part One," "Part Two," or "Part Three" beside the text "Radio Fights Jim Crow."

Lindy Boggs and Cokie Roberts: Two Generations of an American Political Family


Former Congresswoman Lindy Boggs and her daughter, noted journalist Cokie Roberts, join archivist Allen Weinstein for a conversation about their mother/daughter relationship in an influential political family. Mrs. Boggs served nine terms in the House of Representatives—the first woman elected to the House from that state. She was the first woman to chair a national political convention and the first woman to serve as Ambassador to the Vatican. Mrs. Boggs is the author of Washington Through a Purple Veil.

Cokie Roberts is a political commentator for ABC News covering Congress, politics, and public policy. She has won countless journalistic awards and has been inducted into the Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame. Her books include We Are Our Mothers' Daughters and Founding Mothers.

To listen to this interview, scroll to "Lindy Boggs and Cokie Roberts," and select "Watch the Video."

Standing at Armageddon


Professor Nell Painter discusses the research that went into the writing of her book Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919. She focuses on grassroots politics and labor movements during this period, and the political reaction to and fear of them.

To view this lecture, scroll to "Nell Painter" under "American History Institute," which is in turn located under "E-Lectures."

Museum of the Moving Image [NY] Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 10/10/2008 - 13:59

The Museum advances the public understanding and appreciation of the art, history, technique, and technology of film, television, and digital media. It does so by collecting, preserving, and providing access to moving-image related artifacts; screening significant films and other moving-image works; presenting exhibitions of artifacts, artworks, and interactive experiences; and offering educational and interpretive programs to students, teachers, and the general public.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, film screenings, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.