The Lost Worlds of Venture Smith


Professor John Wood Sweet "uses the dramatic story of Venture Smith, an enslaved African in New England who earned his freedom, to anchor an analysis of the colonial dynamics that brought together — and kept apart — a series of disparate regions and peoples in the increasingly global early modern world."

Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition
Phone number
1 203-432-3339
Target Audience
General Public
Start Date
Course Credit
One or two hours

Roots: Teaching the African Dimensions of the Early History and Cultures of the Americas Through the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade


This seminar will "enhance participants' knowledge of Africa, the Middle Passage, and the people who arrived here in North America in slavery. They will do so by developing projects of their own choosing involving early Atlantic history, literature, or culture up to and including the early nineteenth century." Topics, week by week, will include "Organization: African Understandings," "More African Meanings," "Embarkation, Exile," "Remembering Africa in America," and "Research Results and Teaching Applications."

Contact name
Miller, Joseph C.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 434-924-6395
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($3,600 stipend)
Course Credit
"Neither the NEH, the VFH, nor the Seminar offers academic credit. The director is willing to supervise credits taken through the University of Virginia Summer Session for participants wishing to take responsibility for whatever financial commitments may be involved (the NEH does not cover such costs, beyond the basic stipend given to all participants), on the basis of additional reading or research during the Seminar. Credits and grades will depend on completing a written project, to be worked out with the director during the first week of the Seminar, within the five weeks here in Charlottesville."
Contact Title
Five weeks
End Date



Professor Diana Schaub looks at the views of free blacks (prior to the Civil War and emancipation) who supported emigration of free blacks and freed slaves to Africa or elsewhere away from the U.S. She considers why they believed emigration was the best choice for African Americans.

Peace Corps

Article Body

The Peace Corps has a three-fold mission. First and foremost, the organization sends volunteers to communities around the world which have requested assistance in creating sustainable solutions to real world problems. Second (and third, really), is an interest in increasing international understanding and friendship—of non-Americans for Americans and vice versa.

One of the most exciting options the Peace Corps offers educators is the World Wise Schools Correspondence Match program. The program permits educators to request a pen pal relationship with a Peace Corps volunteer in a region of the world and area of interest (agriculture, business, education, health, or environment) of their choosing. Maybe your students could discuss the lasting impact of the Vietnam War with a volunteer in Southeast Asia or how U.S. business history has altered life in China or Central America. This could also be an excellent way to introduce social studies students to the connection between history and geography and fields more often taught at the collegiate level, such as anthropology and international relations.

Another feature offered is a collection of more than 120 lesson plans. These are not focused on history per se, but you may be able to find a lesson which will strengthen themes you are pursuing in the classroom. One such lesson involves planning a service learning project. Oral histories are a classic way to combine service learning and history.

Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record


This collection of more than 1,230 images depicts the enslavement of Africans, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and slave life in the New World. Images are arranged in 18 categories, including pre-Colonial Africa, capture of slaves, maps, slave ships, plantation scenes, physical punishment, music, free people of color, family life, religion, marketing, and emancipation.

Many of the images are from 17th- and 18th-century books and travel accounts, but some are taken from sketches within slave narratives, Harper's Weekly, and Monthly Magazine. Reference information and brief comments, often an excerpt from original captions, accompany each image. Although there is no interpretation or discussion of historical relevance, these images are valuable for learning about representations of slavery in American slave societies, especially in the Caribbean and Latin America.