Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project


"Densho" means "to pass on to the next generation." In this quest, this website offers an archive of more than 668 oral histories presented in countless hours of video interviews on Japanese American incarceration during World War II. Materials also include approximately 12,000 historical photographs, documents, and newspapers. Visitors to this website should keep in mind that Densho is continually engaged in expanding its resources and adding more interviews, photographs, and documents, so be sure to check back periodically to discover new content!

Access to archival materials requires free registration. Once registered, users may select materials according to 32 topics, including immigration, community, religion and churches, education, race and racism, identity values, resistance, economic losses, redress and reparations, and reflections on the past.

Materials available without registration include lesson plans and information on "Causes of the Incarceration," "Civil Rights and Japanese American Incarceration," "Sites of Shame: Japanese American Detention Facilities," and "In the Shadow of My Country: A Japanese American Artist Remembers." The website also offers 90 multimedia materials providing historical context, a timeline, a glossary, and a list of related sources in print and online.

Images of Native Americans

Image for Images of Native Americans

This collection of materials (more than 80 items) comes from rare books, pamphlets, journals, pulp magazines, newspapers, and original photographs. The illustrations reflect European interpretations of Native Americans, images of popular culture, literary and political observations, and artistic representations. The three main sections are "Portrayals of Native Americans," "The Nine Millionth Volume," and a timeline.

"Portrayals" is divided into four online galleries: Color Plate Books, Foreign Views, Mass Market Appeal, and Early Ethnography. The galleries incorporate the renowned works of George Catlin and Edward S. Curtis, and the lesser-known works of early 19th-century Russian artist-explorer Louis Choris. "Mass market" features 32 illustrations, including colorful images of western novel covers and portraits of southwestern Indians. "Early ethnography" contains a newspaper article about a Native American family, five photographs, and 15 illustrations of Indians at play and at war. "The Nine Millionth Volume" is devoted to James Otto Lewis's historic volume, The Aboriginal Port Folio, a series of hand-colored lithographic portraits of American Indian chiefs.

Isleton Tong Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 12/18/2008 - 16:07

In this four-minute episode of PBS's "History Detectives," Charlotte Brooks, speaks about the relationship between Chinese immigrants and the white populations with which they came into contact in the U.S. Topics covered include the transition from violence to non-violent discrimination, the simultaneous romanticization and distrust of the Chinese, the lack of Chinese legal standing, and the way in which the arrival of Japanese and Filipino immigrants altered the social standing of the Chinese.

Teachers should be aware that the term tong is never defined within the talk. It essentially refers to Chinese organized crime groups within early Chinatowns. The violence and disparity of the anecdotes called to attention in this discussion render it better suited to middle or high school students, rather than an elementary audience.

Brooks holds a BA in Chinese history, as well as a MA and PhD in American history. She currently teaches at Baruch College, and primary academic interests include Asian American history, politics, and community in California.

Frederick Douglass National Historic Site


The Frederick Douglass National Historic Site is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the most famous 19th-century African American. His life was a testament to the courage and persistence that serves as an inspiration to those who struggle in the cause of liberty and justice. Visitors to the site learn about his efforts to abolish slavery and his struggle for rights for all oppressed people.

The site offers tours, a film, and exhibits.

When Affirmative Action Was White


Professor Ira Katznelson argues that U.S. government policies, beginning in the 1930s, favored white citizens over black citizens in practice, even if the policies' wordings were race-neutral. He discusses this in relation to affirmative-action policies favoring minorities today.

Audio and captioned video options are available.

Heritage Guild: Honoring David Walker and Maria Stewart Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:03

Spencer Crew, CEO of the Underground Railroad Freedom Center, and other presenters outline the lives of David Walker and Maria Stewart, African American Boston activists in the 1800s, as well as the lives and efforts of abolitionists generally and the history of the Underground Railroad.

Audio and video options are available.