
Preparing a visit that balances content and strategies [...] »


Teaching at professional development, Chris Preperato, Sustaining momentum and connecting it to the classroom [...] »


Practical Matters

To help ensure that the trip continues to go smoothly, here are a few logistical tips to keep in mind while traveling:

  • Make sure all teachers have note-taking materials, government-issued ID (for security), and contact information for the coordinator (cell phone) and hotel in case they are separated from the group.
  • Recommend that teachers travel light, wear comfortable shoes, and bring a light jacket.
  • Bring a list of all participants and cell phone numbers, as well as phone numbers of content providers, hotel, and bus driver (if applicable).
  • Arrive on time and at the right entrance.
  • Once at the site, confirm the program details: timing, breaks, activities planned.
  • Remind the content provider of any special needs for the group.
  • Pack a first-aid kit.