
Preparing a visit that balances content and strategies [...] »


Teaching at professional development, Chris Preperato, Sustaining momentum and connecting it to the classroom [...] »


Guiding Questions

The central question to ask during the trip is:

Are the experiences meeting the needs and expectations of the group?

More specifically, project coordinators should ask the following questions during workshops to ensure success:

  • How do the different experiences work together? Complement each other?
  • Are the teachers engaged? Are they asking questions? Making connections with their curriculum?
  • Are content providers helping teachers make connections to the classroom?
  • How can we follow up? How can the institutions help teachers when we go home?
  • Are the teachers being given time to process and reflect on what they have seen and experienced?
  • Are they receiving or finding materials to use back at school?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no" or "I don’t know," the project coordinator should share his/her concerns with the content provider during a break. Everyone wants the professional development to be successful.