Meshing History and Montessori Method

Photo, "Montessori en famille. . . ," 2007, valilouve, Flickr, cc

I teach 4-5 grade students at a Montessori school. We are looking to improve our history curriculum and trying to decide the best route to go: a quality text book set from a major publisher such as Houghton Mifflin or using literature, picture books, first sources, etc. Any suggestions?


You might find that an inquiry approach to teaching history aligns nicely with the Montessori philosophy of education. An inquiry approach requires students to construct and critique interpretations of the past. Through investigation, close reading, and analysis of primary source evidence, students learn how history is viewed from multiple perspectives and develop a deep understanding of the past.

Primary sources, and to a lesser extent textbooks, can support inquiry-based instruction.

Primary sources, and to a lesser extent textbooks, can support inquiry-based instruction.

For rich and relevant primary resources, the Library of Congress (LoC) has several documents sets that have been created for teachers. The LoC also provides teachers with document analysis worksheets for students as well as several document-based lesson plans.

Go to The Bringing History Home website for comprehensive examples of unit plans that support an inquiry approach for grades K-5. This site has several fully developed units with lesson plans and assessments where students are encouraged and supported to engage in rigorous history explorations.

As for textbooks, A History of US, a series of history textbooks written by Joy Hakim, is considered by many to be an engaging narrative that pushes students to think critically about the past. Teachers may also wish to use a textbook from the major publishers. When selecting any textbook, teachers may want to consider the points raised by researchers about how textbooks present information.

There are several online and print resources available to teachers to help them develop an inquiry approach to teaching history. We highlighted a few, but also recommend that you search our history content page where you can search for a variety of history resources based on topic.

To view examples of elementary school teachers engaged in inquiry-based instruction with primary documents, check out the following "Examples of Teaching" on our site:

Teaching Public Issues in the Classroom

Photo, Spaghetti Feast with the G8, laria DiBiagio, 2009, Oxfam-UCODEP

I need to plan for this year's social studies fair and I am considering having my students take on a public issue. However, I'm struggling with finding an appropriate issue that my third and fourth graders can take on that has enough information either online or through library research at their level. Do you have any suggestions? At this time I'm considering something with immigration (positive spin on immigration); education—reading proficiency or transforming a troubled school, or the idea of all work and no play vs. all play and no work or somewhere in between; poverty and welfare—homelessness; environmental issues like saving our wetlands or home energy assistance. Thanks for any help you can provide.


There are a lot of different ways you could go with this, depending on the issue you choose. So, let's choose one and explore some of the resources available.

With a growing emphasis on global awareness in the curriculum, you might consider having your elementary students look at a non-profit organization that works to advance humanitarian concerns in the world. A number of organizations offer curricular resources, and each takes a different approach to combating global poverty.

Heifer International

One resource is Heifer International.

Heifer distributes animals like cows, goats, rabbits, and bees to impoverished areas around the world—something your children may take an immediate interest in. In addition to the resources for teachers available on their website, there is an excellent children's book about one of the early success stories, Beatrice's Goat, that can be used in the classroom. Check out this Sixty Minutes program on the real Beatrice.

Heifer distributes animals like cows, goats, rabbits, and bees to impoverished areas around the world—something your children may take an immediate interest in.

The Heifer site also contains an interactive section called "Explore the World of Hiefer" that students can use as a resource. It is engaging and can be used on a Smartboard, an LCD, opened on computers and projected onto a Smartboard or large screen via LCD. Students could explore the areas in which Heifer has projects and the history of those areas.

Ultimately, students might develop/host school or community fundraisers to buy, say, a goat or cow or other animal to be sent to one of the impoverished areas in which Heifer works.


Another organization that works to combat global poverty is Oxfam.

Oxfam has offices across the world, and works to deliver aid and conduct development work. Based in Great Britain, Oxfam's Educational wing works to empower young people to become global citizens.

Oxfam's educational resources offer age-appropriate lessons for students aged 7-11. Among the themes that their resources cover are those on children's rights, climate change, and ending poverty.

Any work on Oxfam could certainly culminate in a fund-raising effort. But students could also use resources available on Oxfam's website to educate the school community about pressing global issues.

Another organization working to end poverty and hunger across the globe is UNICEF.


UNICEF, which is the United Nations Children's Fund, works for child survival, safety, and education around the world—another approach to global humanitarian issues that your students might take an interest in.

Among their many projects, UNICEF has a new site called "MAGIC—Media Activities and Good Ideas by, with and for Children." One thing you might do is have students watch videos or listen to broadcasts created by children in other countries. Check out the MAGICbank.

. . . have students watch videos or listen to broadcasts created by children in other countries.

In your final project, you might have your students do a radio broadcast, create a video, or establish a connection with another school via the internet. They might even decide to raise money for students working on a particular project.

Doctors Without Borders

A fourth great organization that works on international humanitarian concerns is Doctors Without Borders.

Doctors Without Borders has a Learning Resources page which provides materials to lead students through research projects. Although the resources are not specifically tailored for grade school students, they are open-ended enough that they can be accessed by younger students.

After your students research conflict and explore the ways that an organization like Doctors Without Borders works to bring aid to conflict regions, they might do a school-wide fundraiser for the organization.

Of course, there are plenty of great organizations working to advance humanitarian concerns in the world, but these four are a great place to start. Whether you choose one as a class, or divide students up to look at different non-profit groups, they represent an accessible way to introduce young people to public global issues, while also providing them with a way to take action.

History is All Around Us

one room schoolhouse

I am the Director of Social Studies in a town in Massachusetts that has not had an elementary SS program for years. (Yikes!) We are about to do a major overhaul to this practice. And, as a kickoff event I have offered to do a workshop for teachers of grades 3-5 entitled: History is all around us. I was thinking of working with teachers to research the history of their small community (i.e. their school). Do you know of any others who have done similar projects? The point of such a project is to have teachers view their school with a different pair of eyes and to see that with history, there are always teachable moments.


Great idea! While we don’t know of any similar web-based projects, there are some easily accessible resources that can help you with planning and structuring student investigations into their own school’s history. Consider the ideas on the PBS website, Get Involved: Discover Your School History.

This Irish site, Ask About Ireland includes additional ideas for potential sources that students could locate and consult. One approach might be to first engage students and the community in building a school archive and this article Establishing a School Archives from The National Archives will be helpful in getting that going.

Teachers have reported on their classroom experiences with school history projects in journals published by the National Council for the Social Studies. See the September 2009 issue of Social Education for an article written by high school teacher John J. DeRose, or the January 2009 issue of Middle Level Learning for articles written by middle school teachers Amy Trenkle and Candyce Sweda. With an NCSS membership, you can access these online or check a local library to see if they subscribe to these journals.

Some of the activities and resources important to doing local history with students or collecting oral histories are likely relevant and you may want to scan this NHEC blog on third-graders investigating local history, this one about working with middle-schoolers, and this one about how to get elementary students started with local history. Also see this entry about an adult collaboration to recapture a local school’s history.

We hope these are helpful—and good luck!

Wasting Our Educational Resources

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Today's textbooks represent a system of learning and knowledge transfer that is centuries old and sorely outpaced by modern technologies. Digital textbook providers are changing the textbook paradigm but, of course, adoption is the key. Do we dare take a new direction with the authorship and delivery of educational resources? We cannot afford not to.

Traditional textbooks are often expensive, rigid, and difficult to update. It is not unusual for these texts to be out of date before they go to the book binder, leaving many students learning from outdated materials that cannot be customized, individualized, or leveraged for multimedia.

Take, for example, an article in the San Francisco Chronicle on June 29, 2011, reporting that at a local school four blue recycle bins were found filled with hundreds of unused workbooks that ranged in price from $10 retail to about $24 each. The books were supplemental English and math workbooks that came in a set with textbooks supplied by publishers. The school principal explained that districts or schools typically sign multi-year contracts with textbook publishers, which provide one set of textbooks and supplemental workbooks for every student each year. Sometimes, teachers choose not to use the student workbooks. In other cases, schools might switch midstream to a newer textbook that more closely aligns to the questions on state standardized tests, and the result is that many of the workbooks go unused.

How can we, in good conscience, accept this waste when school districts are faced with ever-tightening budgets? How much longer can we let our students suffer the consequences of outdated resources?

This is just one example of how schools deal with outdated learning materials but I assure you similar examples exist throughout the country. How can we, in good conscience, accept this waste when school districts are faced with ever-tightening budgets? How much longer can we let our students suffer the consequences of outdated resources?

CK-12 was founded in 2007 with the mission of reducing textbook costs worldwide. The fact that schools across the world are facing these textbook dilemmas fuels the CK-12 team's commitment to eradicate such waste and to provide high-quality, standards-aligned open-source FlexBooks.

Why Digital?

Quality, of course, is a critical part of the textbook equation. Unlike the rigidity of traditional textbooks, the flexibility of digital textbooks allows teachers to easily update content for accuracy and relevancy. For example, a U.S. history teacher using digital learning resources can easily update content related to September 11th with information covering the 2011 capture of Osama Bin Laden.

Perhaps the most compelling argument for digital textbooks is that they allow teachers to create scaffolded learning tools for students. We know that one text does not fit all. With digital textbooks, the materials can be adapted as needed by teachers to enhance the learning experience for students.

Unlike the rigidity of traditional textbooks, the flexibility of digital textbooks allows teachers to easily update content for accuracy and relevancy.

CK-12 and Leadership Public Schools [LPS], a network of four urban charter schools in the Bay Area, have forged a compelling digital textbook partnership that is making a measurable difference for students in need. Together, we created customized College Access Readers featuring embedded literacy supports to help bridge the achievement gap for an urban student population whose majority enter 9th grade reading between 2nd- and 6th-grade levels with math skills at the same levels.

LPS is using Algebra College Access Readers and FlexMath, an online Algebra support and numeracy remediation approach developed by LPS in partnership with CK-12 Foundation. LPS Richmond has also integrated immediate-response data with clickers.

Recent semester exams showed 92% at or above grade level, triple their performance last year and four times that of neighboring schools. This progress is particularly notable in a school in one of the highest poverty communities in California, Richmond's Iron Triangle.

So yes, the time for digital textbooks is here. The supply of quality digital textbooks is growing, as is the evidence of their positive impact. Now school administrators need to ensure their schools have the technology infrastructure and the appropriate teacher training in place to achieve widespread digital textbook adoption. Our teachers and students cannot afford for us to wait any longer.


Do we dare take a new direction with the authorship and delivery of educational resources? We cannot afford not to.

Using Visual Fine Arts to Enrich Understanding

Poster print, 1867, L'art Nouveau S. Bing, Tiffany, art glass, Meunier bronzes

What resources or techniques would you recommend for teaching using art and its analysis in the social studies/U.S. history classroom? I have already read "Historical Evidence in the Material World: Art History, Material Culture, and Historical Thinking" on your site. In this instance, we are concentrating on the visual fine arts – painting and photography.


Things have changed since teachers had to go through their private and local libraries to create slideshows using art to teach history. Now with a click of a mouse and a projector, we can show students provocative works of art. And while including art in your teaching will, no doubt, engage some of your reluctant students and add variety and aesthetic appeal to your curriculum, deliberate methods are required when teaching students to analyze the visual fine arts as a means to learn about the past. And those methods require slowing down when we observe and discuss a piece of art.

It may be useful to think about three things as critical to teaching students how to analyze art as historical artifacts:

  • Close reading (and we use the term “reading” broadly here, referring to observing the item closely);
  • Feeling and considering the emotional impact of the piece;
  • Considering the historical context of the piece.
  • You’ve started with a good entry that introduces some key aspects of using art. Author Carolyn Halpin-Healy, talking about how to use material culture, explains that analyzing these kinds of sources should “begin by describing the object--to analyze its structure, to consider the circumstance of its creation--and only then to propose an interpretation of the meaning of the piece.” She goes on to identify specific steps in this process that include the key aspects above.

    Deliberate methods are required when teaching students to analyze the visual fine arts as a means to learn about the past. Those methods require slowing down when we observe and discuss a piece of art.

    We have other resources at that address art analysis. Visit this review of a lesson plan that uses art and documents to investigate Paul Revere’s ride. The lesson comes from Edsitement, a site created by the National Endowment for the Humanities [NEH] that includes lesson plans using a variety of material culture for both World and American history. These plans can serve as inspiration, models, and resource banks for analyzing art in the history/social studies classroom.

    And don’t miss the NEH’s Picturing America program. It was designed to encourage and support teachers in using art to teach history and social studies. This tremendous resource includes a set of artistic works to use in the classroom, information about the works and artists, links to other sites with resources for teaching with art, and a teacher’s resource book.

    See this entry to listen to two educators talk about how they use Picturing America in their Teaching American history grant. The third video in this series may be most helpful to you since it concerns the ideas of slowing down with a piece and closely observing it while considering one’s emotional response to it.

    There are also many resources designed for teaching photo analysis in the history/social studies classroom.

    At, see our “Using Primary Sources” feature for links to worksheets that can be used to analyze varied kinds of sources, including photos and art. See both our entry about the National Archive’s worksheets and the Library of Congress’ worksheets. In the Library’s excellent Prints and Photograph collection, you can also find help in preparing to teach students and teachers about analyzing photos as historical sources rather than as truth-telling images. Check out their resources on Dorothea Lange’s iconic migrant mother photo here and here to help you use this photo to illustrate the choices and selection that the photographer makes.

    See “Using documentary photography” for a comprehensive guide that uses the photos of Jacob Riis to illustrate the process of photo analysis. Especially helpful may be the guide’s list of questions.

    Good luck! And we’d love to hear what was most helpful to you.

For more information

For other helpful resources see:

  • Check out the Fall 2010 newsletter that focuses on the use of images in the History classroom;
  • A guide to using K-W-L charts for helping students analyze photos;
  • This question for a guide to online photo archives;
  • The “What is Historical Thinking” video on our home page. It can help make clear some of the key facets of analyzing any historical source; and
  • Search “website reviews” in the History Content section to locate websites that have art and teacher resources for using that art in the classroom.

Bridging the Language Barrier

"Three several alphabets of the Japanese language," 1727, Kaempfer, NYPL

I want to have my students analyze primary sources, but too often, language is a barrier. For example, James Otis's speech on the Writs of Assistance, is too hard for 8th-grade students to understand. How can I use these types of primary sources without having to break the whole document down for them?


Excerpt and scaffold!

Don't be shy about using an excerpt from a document like Otis's rather than the entire speech. While many of us cringe at cutting rich historical documents for our students, it is a necessary step if we are to actually use them in our classrooms. Once you get past the uneasy feeling, then the choice of what to excerpt can pose additional questions. I like to start with the beginning of the document and see if I can use the opening lines. In the case of Otis's speech (or any other document) this depends upon what you are using the document for.

Using the beginning of Otis's speech might work if you are using it to engage your students with the beginning of public revolutionary talk, but not so good if you are using it to help students understand his specific complaint. So when you excerpt, think about what historical question(s) students are considering when they approach the text.

Then think short. Using documents like these is an opportunity for students to learn how to slow down, read closely, and analyze. Anyone can look up Otis on Wikipedia and find an encyclopedic entry about the content and significance of the speech. But reading the words themselves allow students to work on imagining that world, a world where lengthy speeches engaged the populace, and deliberate word choices and tone inspired passion and rebellion in an audience's heart.

But still, the language and syntax in Otis's speech are too difficult for many 8th-graders (as are many pre-20th-century sources). Given a short excerpt, students still need support. Vocabulary legends, guiding questions, working with others to translate the documents—all of these can help students comprehend and analyze the document. And this is just the beginning of a longer list of supports. An orienting headnote is probably a non-negotiable.

And then, I'll go out on a limb and say that in some cases, modifying the language of the document can be necessary. This is necessary when putting primary sources into the hands of struggling readers or English language learners. While this, again, makes many of us wince, it can make the difference between our students getting to work with primary sources and experiencing history as a vibrant and interpretive activity or merely memorizing the textbook's narrative.

Kudos to you for puzzling over how to use these challenging sources with your students.

And hopefully others will chime in with ideas!

Lower Level Learners: Teaching Their Way

Photo, More scaffolding being built, April 13, 2005, Augapfel, Flickr

How do you impart knowledge to low learner students? How do you help them understand the lesson?


That’s a big question! And an important one. While there are many methods for reaching lower level students, two key strategies can help you think this through: scaffolding and formative assessments.


As teachers, we often focus so much on where we want students to be that we forget we must begin by meeting them where they are. When a building is constructed, scaffolds are placed around the building to give it additional support. As the building becomes more stable on its own, the scaffolds are removed, a few at a time. Eventually, the building stands independently of the scaffolds. Similarly, "scaffolding" your lessons provides additional support to students as they work toward understanding the content on their own.

You can scaffold your lessons in a wide variety of ways, depending on your students' specific needs. Some useful scaffolds include graphic organizers, guided notes (notes that are already partially completed for the student), pre-teaching important vocabulary, and adapting reading materials to students' reading levels. Below we discuss two of these methods: modifying documents, and using KWL charts.

Modifying Documents

Understanding the sometimes archaic or complex language of historical texts can be challenging even for experienced students of history.

Understanding the sometimes archaic or complex language of historical texts can be challenging even for experienced students of history. For struggling readers, such a task can be nearly impossible. When the choice is modifying documents or not using them at all, we support doing the former. By modernizing spelling and punctuation, removing confusing or unnecessary phrases, even replacing difficult vocabulary, you open the door for your struggling students to have more successful experiences in historical analysis. For guidance on adapting and modifying challenging historical texts, see this teaching guide on adapting historical documents for the classroom.

K-W-L Charts

Another valuable method for scaffolding, or supporting student understanding while simultaneously preparing them to become independent learners, is the "KWL chart," a simple graphic organizer in which students first list what they already know about a particular historic source (K), and what they want to know (W). This strategy not only helps you as the teacher to see where your students are at the beginning of the lesson, but also helps students read a source closely, connect your lesson with their prior knowledge, and provides a structure for students to organize their new understandings.

Formative Assessment

The KWL activity also demonstrates our second key strategy for meeting the needs of struggling students—formative assessment. As teachers, we must continually assess student understanding and use what we find out to plan our instruction. What do students already know about a topic? What have they learned from a particular lesson? What don’t they understand? Sometimes we get so caught up with planning our lessons, we forget to focus on what students actually learned from that lesson. Using K-W-L charts allows you to see what students understand at the outset of a lesson, and at its close.

The beginning portion of this video clip illustrates how one teacher works assessment into her lessons. She starts with a question, "What does it mean to be an American?" that allows her to see students' beginning ideas. Then, when students are working with historical sources about the immigrant experience, she circulates through the classroom and listens to individual students make sense of the documents.

As you continuously check for student understanding in a variety of ways, you will see how students are making sense (or in some cases, not making sense) of the material.

Formative assessments can be as simple as a brief one-on-one conversation like those shown in the video, or a short "ticket-out"—a small slip of paper on which students must write one thing they learned before leaving class for the day. They can be more complicated, such as requiring plans and drafts for written work where you can see whether students understand key aspects of historical writing, such as using evidence to support a thesis, or including important background information. As you continuously check for student understanding in a variety of ways, you will see how students are making sense (or in some cases, not making sense) of the material. You will more easily detect misconceptions and most importantly, you can use this information to plan your next instructional steps.

The fact that you are even asking this question shows that you are moving in the right direction—you are aware of how your students are doing, and you see that some of them need additional help. We wish you the best as you work to scaffold their learning, and continually assess their understanding to design lessons that will meet their individual needs.

Amy Trenkle's Columbus in the Capital

Date Published
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
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Columbus in Context

When I first started teaching a little more than 10 years ago, very few of my students knew why they were getting Columbus Day off. Now, I find a lot more know why they have the day off and have a pretty strong opinion as to whether or not it should be celebrated as a national holiday. I've enjoyed watching my students be able to express their opinions better and better throughout the years.

While my U.S. History state standards do not cover Columbus's voyages and exploration, I find it is a lesson worth teaching, and very timely with the holiday. As my students have grown in their knowledge and understanding of Columbus, I have had to change my lesson to contain more depth. One way I like to do that is by integrating a local monument into our discussion.

Preparing for the Site Visit

I start the lesson out by reading several chapters from Joy Hakim's A History of US, Book 1. The chapters talk about Columbus's character, his experiences, and effect on the "New World." While most of my students cite that Columbus shouldn't have a holiday because he didn't "find" anything new—that there were inhabitants living there already—they are unaware of the details of his encounters with Native Americans. They also do not know about the Columbian Exchange or Columbus's use of scientific knowledge to aid his survival.

After our reading, complete with guiding questions, I ask the students why we have memorials. Most say that it is to remember a person or an event. Here in DC, student examples range from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial to the Vietnam Wall. I tell them that we are going to go see a memorial to Christopher Columbus. I ask them what a 'symbol' is and work with the definition until there is an understanding among the students. We talk about how memorials and monuments convey their message through words and symbols. I tell the students that we are going to be looking at this memorial for symbols.

While the Columbus Memorial is only a few blocks from our school, and many of my students pass it twice a day, most do not know about it. Those that do, usually do because they had a sibling in my class in previous years.

After a quick reminder on memorial etiquette and general good behavior expectations, I have the students get their jackets, take a handout that I provide, and a pen or pencil. . . .and we're off!

On-site with Christopher Columbus

The five-block walk to Union Station is quick, and as we come up to it, I can hear many of my students say that they know this memorial, but they never knew what it was about or who it was to.

I tell the students they have between 10 and 15 minutes to look at the memorial and to answer the questions on their paper. They may work individually or in small groups. I remind them to look for symbols.

The question sheet is not difficult, but it does make them look at the memorial. The questions on the sheet are:

  1. What is your first impression of this monument?
  2. Have you seen this monument before? If you have, did you know that it was a monument to Christopher Columbus?
  3. What symbols do you see on this monument that give you clues to what Columbus did in his life? (List them here.)
  4. Are there any words on the monument? If so, what are they?
  5. Do you think anything is missing from this monument? If so, what? If not, what makes it complete?
  6. Does this monument portray Columbus in a positive or a negative way? How do you know?
  7. Do you think this is an appropriate monument? Why or why not? Give evidence (from our reading yesterday and from your own feelings) to support your answer.

I give them a few minutes to look and then I begin to circulate to see what they have come up with, what questions they have, and maybe to point out a symbol or two they may have missed.

What Do You See?

After 10 or 15 minutes, I call them back together at the front of the memorial and I ask them to share what symbols they have found. Some of them include:

  • lions (for the courage to sail into the unknown)
  • the Native American (on one side of Columbus, to represent the New World)
  • the European man (on the other side of Columbus, to represent the Old World)
  • the bow of the ship (for his means of travel)
  • the three flag poles behind the memorial (to represent the three ships he first sailed on)
  • the medallion of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on the back (in recognition of who he sailed for and who funded his expeditions)

The students really enjoy being able to share what they found. Some students believe that some of Columbus's crewmates should be added to the memorial because, my students say, he couldn't have done it alone. Some believe that goods from the Columbian Exchange should be integrated into the memorial. Others believe that chains, to represent the start of slavery in the New World, should be added.

Before we go, we always take a group photo.

Responding to the Experience

Upon return to the classroom (my double block is almost up by this time), I ask my students to now write one complete paragraph, taking a definitive stand (no wishy-washy yes and no answers) as to whether or not Columbus should be celebrated with a holiday. Students may not state the day off as a reason for celebrating it. If time permits, I like to have a volunteer for each side of the debate share his/her paragraph. If we have run out of time, then I start my next class with this activity.

It's a great way for my students to think about the holiday, memorials in their community, and to evaluate history. It also provides a great gateway for me to use other memorials and monuments in my teaching as the year continues.

For more information

Maybe you teach earlier grades, or your middle-school or high-school students haven't yet thought to analyze the mythology of Columbus. In her blog entry, 1st-grade teacher Jennifer Orr guides students in engaging with early exploration history.

New to the idea of teaching with monuments and memorials? U.S. history teacher James A. Percoco shows you how he approaches these public memories in this video.

Every picture or sculpture of Columbus looks different. Ever wondered why? No portraits of Columbus taken from life exist today. Take our quiz on images of Columbus, and consider why each artist chose to make Columbus look as they did.


Logo, EDSITEment

A project of the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH), Verizon Thinkfinity, and the National Trust for the Humanities, EDSITEment gathers together original K-12 lesson plans and links to websites and interactive activities from around the web, in the subject areas "Arts and Culture," "Foreign Language," "Literature and Language Arts," and "History and Social Studies."

For U.S. history and social studies teachers, the heart of the site lies in the "Lesson Plans" section. Visitors can browse more than 376 lesson plans, filterable by topic, grade level, or time required to teach. Lesson plans range across all of U.S. history, and include 12 lessons designed to accompany NEH's Picturing America resources and 53 designed for its We the People program. Each plan is divided into three sections: "The Lesson," "The Basics," and "Resources." "The Lesson" lays the lesson out, including an introduction, guiding questions and learning objectives, the lesson's activities, assessment, and ideas for extending the lesson. "The Basics" gives the lesson's suggested grade level, time required, the subject areas it covers, and its authors. "Resources" rounds up required worksheets and primary sources for download.

A valuable resource for teachers looking for ready-to-go lesson plans and guidance around the web.

If these lesson plans aren't enough, visitors can pick the topic "History and Social Studies" on the "Websites" page. Here, visitors can browse short annotated links to more than 219 websites, vetted by humanities specialists. (Unfortunately, this page has no dedicated search function.)

Still not enough? Visitors can also choose the topic "History and Social Studies" on the "Student Resources" page, and browse more than 124 annotated links to interactive and media features from around the web, filterable by grade level and type of resource.

EDSITEment also offers "NEH Connections," describing and linking out to teaching and learning resources funded by NEH, ranging from books and articles to professional development events, a calendar of historical events (clicking on an event links the visitor to lesson plans and other resources related to the event), and "After School" activities—five social studies and culture-related activities that students can carry out in their communities. The "Reference Shelf," under development, currently presents articles on internet browsing and assessing online resources and links to standards.

Visitors can search the entire site by keyword, grade level, subject area, and resource type using the search bar at the top right of the site. They may also sign up for the site newsletter, volunteer to write or revise lesson plans, or nominate websites for inclusion.

Overall, a valuable resource for teachers looking for ready-to-go lesson plans and guidance around the web.

Teaching Holidays

Looking for resources for Constitution Day? EDSITEment collects a roundup of Constitution Day resources, including 11-item bibliography and webographies and links to relevant EDSITEment lesson plans, interactives related to the Constitution, and the full text of the Constitution in English and Spanish. The collection also links to an EDSITEment spotlight on the Constitution, highlighting more resources and providing orientation to the document and to teaching and learning more about it.

EDSITEment also looks at what led up to the creation of the Constitution (and the Articles of Confederation). In its Fourth of July feature, EDSITEment highlights more than 20 lesson plans on African Americans in the 18th and early 19th centuries, colonial protests, the Declaration of Independence, the Founders, religion's place in colonial America, and the Revolutionary War.