Realizing the Value of Primary Sources

India Ink, ". . . Lodge. . . ," Thomas Nast, June 25, 1892, Library of Congress

My middle school students prefer to read secondary sources. How can I explain that primary sources are also valuable in understanding historical events?


What an interesting question! It provokes other questions—what is it about secondary sources that your students like? And what kinds of secondary sources do they like? Textbooks and movies are a familiar genre for students in middle school and offer a much tidier story than reading primary sources. Primary sources, given their variety, seem very different from these; and may offer challenges to your students that they are reluctant to tackle. Consider that primary sources about the same event can directly contradict, that they can contain antiquated or complex prose, and that the background knowledge necessary to understand a primary source can be substantial; and it definitely makes sense that your students balk at using them.

But this complexity, and the need to analyze and read them carefully, is exactly why your students need to work with them.

So what to do? While explaining to your students the value and importance of primary sources is one approach, combining that explanation with a few activities designed to show, rather than tell, students their importance can be invaluable. Some teachers do activities designed to make the nature of history more explicit for their students. These can range from activities that use everyday situations to uncover the existence of multiple contrasting sources about events to those that require students to investigate a historical question by consulting multiple sources. Both kinds of activities can be used to make points about differences and relationships between primary and secondary sources and the necessity of consulting primary sources to understand history.

For example, "everyday" activities could include:

  • Students write accounts of the first day of class or school, teacher selects some to read, and then the class discusses why and how they differ. If a school newsletter addressed the beginning of school, use this to introduce secondary accounts into the activity.
  • Stage a brief dramatic episode (for example, a verbal altercation) with a colleague and then have students write what happened. Compare accounts, generate questions that need to be asked of the accounts, and then consider how these interact with a hypothetical account of the same from the school newspaper—the secondary account in this activity.
  • Read, analyze, and compare conflicting accounts of a community event that you find in the school or local newspaper. Identify what primary sources were consulted and the role they play in the story the newspaper tells.

More historical activities include:

Using detective work as a metaphor for introducing primary sources and the central role they play in creating those secondary accounts can be useful. See this Research Brief or this one for a quick look at studies that included teaching students what primary sources were and how they were used by historians.

You may also get buy-in from your students if you select primary sources that you judge especially interesting for them. For example, try using childrens’ voices from the past (See this Depression Era lesson or this Civil War lesson.) or sources addressing topics they are interested in like music or sports.

But in any case, even if students are initially resistant to primary sources in your classroom, we encourage you to use them and help them learn why studying history without them makes little sense as they are the raw materials of the discipline. Primary sources also offer rich opportunities for helping your students practice and hone their reading and analysis skills, critical abilities for their future.

Top Tens, or "Best Sites for..."

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Lists of Top Ten Best Sites For... or 100 Best Whatevers or One Thousand Resources to Help You... abound on the internet.

But are lists of Bests valuable? They are one way to corral the quick fix, hyperlinked capability of internet research and to mediate enormous quantities of material of unknown quality. Then there's always the hope that other people's time spent compiling these lists might save us some of our own.

So, here's an eclectic selection of a few lists that have come to our attention. Since we don't want to marginalize other prime candidates, we won't call them the best of the bests, but they're definitely quite, quite good. And if all of them don't directly address history teaching, many do speak to pedagogical methods applicable to the history curriculum.

Lists that aren't content specific may still have ideas to adapt across the curriculum.

Educator Larry Ferlazzo is a prolific list creator (also featured in previous Clearinghouse blog posts). My Best Of Series is a table of contents to those lists that cover topics from A to W (Art to Web 2.0) with social studies, ESL and ELL, and a broad variety of content and methodological topics in between.

Making Teachers Nerdy is another teacher-based blog from a tech integration specialist who went back into the classroom when budget cuts affected technology teaching. This Kansas teacher blogged between January and September in 2009, annotating links and best of lists of tech tools appropriate to her curriculum. Attached comments from readers augment her blog entries.

Top Ten Sites for Brainstorming/Mind Mapping is from Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero the blog of technology education specialist Dav Kapuler. Kapular advocates mind mapping as "a tool that facilitates ideas and collaborative in nature," as an ideal tool for 21st century learners.

In October, 2009, the New York Times published The 10 best educational websites. Maybe yes. Maybe no. But these selections definitely link to some of the largest educational organizations that are crammed with information helpful to the American history curriculum and that serve as gateways to relevant microsites.

History News Network features Cliopatria's History Blogroll. This gateway places blogs within 30 categories such as American History, Primary Sources, Military History, Women's History—and each listing is well-populated with history content and commentary.

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators lists American History Sites, General History and Social Studies Sites, World and Ancient History Sites. These, too, are eclectic lists that may take you to historic sites, archives, lesson plans, and tech tools.

Technology enables teachers to develop personal learning networks for diverse learners.

Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology from Edutopia talks about how to use digital technology tools for teaching and assessment to help meet the challenge of increased classroom diversity. "Income levels, ethnicities, family structures, first languages, interests, and abilities now vary so much, that a traditional teaching approach, with a uniform lesson targeted to the average-level student, just doesn't cut it" is the premise of the list.

One Alone

Resources specifically directed toward middle school teachers and students are often difficult to find, so here's a list of one.

Middle School Matrix: Exploring the changing world of middle school teaching and technology is a blog from a Philadelphia history, English, and technology educator . She talks about what she teaches, how she implements lesson plans, about how technology works (or doesn't work) with different units, and about the role and goals of the educator. The focus is the curriculum and the student; technology is a means to meet classroom goals.

Throughout the Ages

Photo, A small boy with chicks on a farm. . . , 1932, New York State Archives

Throughout the Ages was created to meet the primary source needs of New York state K-6 history teachers. The site collection includes more than 500 photographs, letters, paintings, advertisements, and maps.

To navigate the site, choose an area of interest and subtopic (for example "leisure" under the heading "community"), and scroll to a source of interest. The source will offer a caption. In some cases, historical context, focus questions, and the correlating New York state standards will also be listed. Be sure to click on each of these section titles, as items such as resources and historical background only display once selected.

One feature to look into is the automatic handout maker. For each image, you can automatically generate a handout by selecting any or all of the following categories: caption, historical background, standards/key ideas, historical challenge, interdisciplinary connections, and resources. For some images, these will already be filled out. For others, you can type anything you want for all, some, or one of those categories. Don't worry about deleting existing text if you don't want it on your handout. It will be back the next time you load your page.

Connecting Art and History


From the Corcoran website:

"Explore America's cultural history through paintings, sculpture, and other works of art in the Corcoran's collection. Look at Western expansion, the Gilded Age, the Great Depression and other major issues and movements in our country through the eyes of artists. Hands-on activities, educator resources, and refreshments are included."

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$12, $8 for members
Three and a half hours

The Iconography of Slavery


From the National Humanities Center website:

Visual imagery played a major role in the anti-slavery movement. From the iconic image of a kneeling slave asking "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" to images of family separations through sale at auction, images were an important weapon in the arsenal of abolitionist activity. This seminar will look at some of the imagery created in support of anti-slavery activities. How did the imagery evolve? What were the major themes? What were the iconic images of slavery? And how, then, did artists portray freedom? What was the relationship between anti-slavery imagery and slave narratives and abolitionist writing, including Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"The National Humanities Center programs are eligible for recertification credit. Each seminar will include ninety minutes of instruction plus approximately two hours of preparation. Because the seminars are conducted online, they may qualify for technology credit in districts that award it. The Center will supply documentation of participation."
One and a half hours

Children and Youth in History

Detail, homepage

This website presents historical sources and teaching materials that address notions of childhood and the experiences of children and youth throughout history and around the world. Primary sources can be found in a database of 200 annotated primary sources, including objects, photographs and paintings, quantitative evidence, and texts, as well as through 50 website reviews covering all regions of the world. More than 20 reviews and more than 70 primary sources relate to North American history.

The website also includes 20 teaching case studies written by experienced educators that model strategies for using primary sources to teach the history of childhood and youth, as well as 10 teaching modules that provide historical context, strategies for teaching with sets of roughly 10 primary sources, and a lesson plan and document-based question. These teaching resources cover topics ranging from the transatlantic slave trade, to girlhood as portrayed in the novel Little Women, to children and human rights. Eight case studies relate to North American history, as do two teaching modules.

The website also includes a useful introductory essay outlining major themes in the history of childhood and youth and addressing the use of primary sources for understanding this history.



Given a high number of English Language Learners and California's emphasis on English language arts, this project chose an overall focus on integrating history into language arts. For five days in the summer, historians will present history content. For four days during the school year, a history educator and a technology specialist will present teaching strategies and Web 2.0 technologies. Teachers will also work with a university professor to research commercial teaching materials, using CICERO, History Alive! and other materials in their classrooms. They will analyze and review the software, print and online products, including games and simulations, to benefit other history teachers. A core group of 38 teachers&#8212two from each elementary school—will stay through the full five years, spending at least 13 hours a year mentoring a teacher outside the project. In keeping with elementary history standards, the project will address the foundations and founding documents of the United States. Content literacy will be developed by helping teachers build prior knowledge, apply structured note-taking, analyze images and evaluate historical materials. Specific pedagogical approaches will include Binary Paideia and historical thinking skills, and strategies will include bracketing history, E.S.P. (considering the economic, social and political aspects of events), analyzing primary sources and others. This project aims to be on the cutting edge of the "Facebook approach" to teaching American history; that is, it will use Facebook, Twitter, blogs and discussion threads as important communication and dissemination tools. A project Web site will host all lesson plans, reviews of history teaching materials and other products as freely available resources.

The Evolving West in American History


Very few teachers in the Burbank and Glendale, California, districts have history degrees, and history professional development has been hard to get. Also, 64 different languages are spoken in these schools, adding another challenge for teachers whose students have little understanding of the nation’s history. Annual activities will include five after-school workshops, a summer institute or workshop, a spring break or summer field trip, 10 hours of one-on-one lesson development and coaching support, and visits to local museum and archive resources.

Cohorts of 25 teachers will participate each year, based on content appropriate to their grade level, with an additional 20 teachers per year having access to workshops and summer institutes. The participants will explore historical turning points, key individuals and founding documents through four interconnected themes: the setting, the stories of the people, the government policies and Western influence on the nation as a whole. Teachers will learn research techniques, use of primary source documents, lesson development and evaluation. Their visits to local and distant sites will help teachers better understand the content they teach. Participants will develop rigorous, standards-based lesson plans to be disseminated through presentations at professional conferences and at special professional development events sponsored by the project. In addition, the project Web site will house model lesson plans, recorded lectures and presentations, and other resources for content and pedagogy.

Project TAH-21: Teaching American History in the 21st Century


All six of the countywide, southwestern West Virginia districts involved in this project have failed to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress for three or more consecutive years. Two districts are in corrective action, and 18 of the region's elementary, middle, and high schools have been identified as in need of improvement. Project TAH-21 will engage teachers and administrators in learning communities focused on American history, led by Marshall University professors. Two-hour monthly meetings will develop content knowledge and employ lesson study to support instructional skills. Online courses, 1-day mini-institutes, 3-day summer field experiences, and weeklong intensive summer institutes will help teachers develop content knowledge, history thinking skills, and history Habits of Mind. Each year, a new cohort of 30 teachers will participate, and project staff will recruit first from schools that are most in need of improvement. Project TAH-21 aims to link history content, curriculum design, and instruction within a comprehensive American history plan. Teachers will review and analyze original, core documents in a setting that models the strategy for use with students and Professional Learning Communities will foster sustained and purposeful conversations about teaching practice and content delivery. When the grant ends, the project will continue through Professional Learning Communities, ongoing access to online courses on American history topics, and a living Web site of resources for teachers.

McAllen ISD Project TEACH


McAllen Independent School District in southern Texas serves mostly Hispanic students, a fourth of whom are classified as English Language Learners. Five of the district's 34 schools have not achieved Adequate Yearly Progress: the average Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) score for these five schools is 55 percent, compared to the state average of 72 percent. Most history teachers in the district have minimal credentials in the subject area and few opportunities for professional development. McAllen ISD Project TEACH (Teachers Engaged in American Culture and History) will target low-performing schools and engage 50 teachers annually in four 2-day colloquia, eight 3-hour seminars, and a 4-day summer institute. At least half of the teachers will participate in a 5-day historical site visit each year. The project will also provide support and tuition for five participants interested in pursuing a master's degree in American history. Themes explored in Project TEACH will include complex political, economic, and social dynamics that have shaped America from colonial times through the present. Through training, observation, and feedback, teachers will implement an instructional strategy called document-based questioning. Participating teachers will also share their work with colleagues face-to-face and online, mentor other history teachers, and use Texas's Web-based curriculum management tool to align classroom instruction to district curriculum. The teachers will create thematic "toolbox libraries" for classroom use.