Eckley Miners' Village [PA]


Eckley is one of the hundreds of company mining towns or "patches" built in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania during the 19th century. In 1854, the mining firm of Sharpe, Leisenring, and Company, later known as Sharpe, Weiss, and Company, leased land from the Tench Coxe Estate of Philadelphia and began work on the Council Ridge Colliery and the village of Eckley. The village, built near the colliery where the coal was mined and processed, provided housing for the miners and their families. Its stores, schools, and churches supplied the economic, educational, and religious needs of the villagers. By owning the village, the company had greater control over the lives of their workers.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Coal and the Industrial Revolution


How can the story of coal help students understand the nature of today's fossil-fueled world?

Textbook Excerpt

Most textbooks explain the phenomenal growth of the American economy during the industrial revolution by some combination of immigration, urbanization, the rise of mass production, the inventiveness of great scientists, the development of extensive infrastructure, the rise of corporations, government subsidies, the "laissez-faire" legal environment, and the bounty of America's natural resources.

Source Excerpt

Sources reveal a society suffering from growing pains, with environmental and human rights concerns not yet keeping pace with the huge demand for raw coal and power to support rapidly expanding systems of infrastructure and industry. A nationwide dependency on mining sprang up unplanned, at the root of many of the changes in the U.S.'s culture and economy.

Historian Excerpt

Historians also treat economic growth during the industrial revolution as the product of many factors, but some seek out explanations and track changes beyond the few tidy categories laid out in textbooks. How, for instance, did the U.S. transition to coal power, and how was that transition both driving and driven by urbanization, mechanization, and a growing infrastructure? What effect did it have on the environment and living conditions?


Why did the American economy take off in the late 19th century? What were the consequences of the nation's industrial ascendancy? Textbook treatments of what some historians call the "second industrial revolution"—the period of rapid and tumultuous economic expansion that stretched from the 1860s into the 1900s—can seem superficial and unsatisfying in comparison to neighboring sections on social change, political conflict, and cultural ferment. A better understanding of the story of coal, too often ignored by textbook authors, can provide students with important understandings about the nature of today's fossil-fueled world.

Coal Mining in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Logo, Coal Mining in the Guilded Age and Progressive Era

This collection about coal mining in the 19th century consists of 17 separate pages, mostly containing primary source material, produced between 1869 and 1904, about coal mining and mining disasters. Material includes a 600-word essay on the dangers of coal mining, an account of an 1869 cave-in, Stephen Crane's 1894 article, "In the Depths of a Coal Mine," eight photographs of coal miners from 1904, and a 30-page account of labor violence written by a Pinkerton agent in 1894.

A page about mining machinery offers four study questions for student visitors. The site will be useful for those studying 19th-century coal mining and labor issues.

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park [MD]


The 184.5–mile Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park preserves the history of this canal, which shipped coal, lumber, grain, and other agricultural products along the Potomac River. The canal's story intertwines with those of western expansion, transportation, engineering, the Civil War, immigration, industry, and commerce. Rangers provide a mid–19th–century living history experience, and the park also offers an option of staying overnight in one of several historic lockhouses–each with interpretive media and furnishings which simulate the living conditions of the lock keeper's family during the 1830s, Civil War, the early 1900s, or the 1950s.

The park offers two replica canal boats, drawn by mule; docents in period dress; ranger–led hikes, walks, lift lock demonstrations, power point presentations, and mule programs; canal boat tours; Junior Ranger activities; and a period room overnight experience. The website offers lesson plans, photo galleries, and a coloring page.

Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site [PA]


The 1,249-acre Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site presents the history of the Allegheny Portage Railroad, founded in the early 1800s. This railroad system was the fastest means of travel across Pennsylvania. The site include a visitor center, the Engine House Six Exhibit Site, the historic Lemon House, and the Skew Arch Bridge.

The site offers an introductory film, exhibits, period rooms, hiking trails, field trip programs led by costumed guides, demonstrations for students, outdoor activities, and a picnic site. Demonstrations include coal mining, stone cutting, log hewing, and musket firing. Wheelchairs and an electric scooter are available for use on site. The Lemon House is only partially wheelchair accessible.

Kentuckiana Digital Library

Image for Kentuckiana Digital Library

These historical materials come from 15 Kentucky colleges, universities, libraries, and historical societies. There are nearly 8,000 photographs; 95 full-text books, manuscripts, and journals from 1784 to 1971; 94 oral histories; 78 issues of Mountain Life and Work from 1925-62; and 22 issues of Works Progress Administration in Kentucky: Narrative Reports.

Photographs include collections by Russell Lee, who documented health conditions resulting from coal industry practices; Roy Stryker, head of the New Deal Farm Security Administration photographic section; and others that provide images of cities, towns, schools, camps, and disappearing cultures. Oral histories address Supreme Court Justice Stanley F. Reed, Senator John Sherman Cooper, the Frontier Nursing Service, veterans, fiddlers, and the transition from farming to an industrial economy. Texts include Civil War diaries, religious tracts, speeches, correspondence, and scrapbooks. Documents cover a range of topics, including colonization societies, civil rights, education, railroads, feuding, the Kentucky Derby, Daniel Boone, and a personal recollection of Abraham Lincoln.

Osage County Historical Society, Hawley Genealogical Research Center, and Museum [KS]


The Osage County Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Osage County, Kansas. To this end, the society operates a museum of local history. Topics addressed include business, farming, railways, coal mining, and family life. The area's ethnic heritage includes African Americans and English, Welsh, Swedish, French, Irish, German, and Italian immigrants.

The museum offers exhibits. The research center offers access to official Orange County records, as well as research assistance. Payment is required for research assistance.

Delaware Canal State Park [PA]


The Delaware Canal State Park preserves the Delaware Canal. Completed in 1832, the canal was used to transport coal to Philadelphia, New York, and the eastern seaboard.

The park offers hands-on activities; guided walks; guided bicycle tours; guided digital photography hikes; outreach programs; educational programs on the watershed, the environment, and history; mule-powered barge rides; continuing professional education workshops; curriculum development assistance; and trails. The park does not rent bicycles for the tour programs. The website offers a watershed and land use curriculum.

Rotch-Jones-Duff House and Garden Museum [MA]


The Greek Revival Rotch-Jones-Duff House was built in 1834 for whaling merchant William Rotch, Jr. The interior is furnished to the different periods of the residence's occupation (1834-1981). The home was also occupied in turn by the Jones and Duff families, ship's agents and coal, whale oil, and oil transportation professionals. The surrounding gardens most closely reflect the period 1851 to 1935.

The museum offers period rooms, exhibits, 30-minute self-guided tours of the home, gardens, one-hour guided group tours, guided group tours with tea or a luncheon, fourth and fifth grade educational programs, lectures, and educational programs. The website offers background information for the educational programs.

Lehigh County Historical Society [PA]


The Lehigh County Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley. To this end, the society operates a museum, six historical sites, and a research library. Collections include more than 35,000 artifacts and close to 3 million archival documents. Historical sites include the 1770 Trout Hall, the 1756 Troxell-Steckel Farm, the 1893 Claussville One-room School, Haines Mill, the 1868 Lock Ridge Furnace, and the 1893 Saylor Park Cement Kilns.

The society offers exhibits; guided tours; archival and library access; and outreach living history presentations, slide shows, and videos. Interactive school tours include pre- and post-visit material, and were developed in accordance with state educational standards. The society can provide boxed lunches upon request.