Oyez: U.S. Supreme Court Multimedia

Supreme Court 1890. Photo by Napoleon Sarony. Courtesy Library of Congress.

These audio files, abstracts, transcriptions of oral arguments, and written opinions cover more than 3,300 Supreme Court cases. Materials include 3,000 hours of audio arguments in selected cases since 1955 and all cases since 1995. Users can access cases through keyword searches or a list of thirteen broad categories, such as civil rights, due process, first amendment, judicial power, privacy, and unions.

Cases include Roe v. Wade (abortion), Gideon v. Wainwright (right to counsel), Plessy v. Ferguson (segregation), Grutter v. Bollinger (affirmative action), and Bush v. Gore (election results). Biographies are provided for all Supreme Court justices and "The Pending Docket" provides briefs and additional materials on upcoming cases. The website also includes links to written opinions since 1893 and podcasts featuring discussions of cases starting in 1793.

Civil Liberties, The Constitution, and The Perils of Secrecy, Part Two: Examining the Document


According to Constitutional Connections, "Athan Theoharis, Professor Emeritus of History at Marquette University, draws from his expertise in FBI history to paint the story of federal surveillance policy during the Cold War. He guides listeners through a reading of case study documents that reveal central threads of the story but also speak to the challenges of studying history. Speaking of the Patriot Act, Theoharis discusses ways in which the Cold War story has contemporary resonance."

To listen to this lecture, select the second link under either "Presentation Audio" or "Presentation Video."

Civil Liberties, The Constitution, and The Perils of Secrecy, Part One: An Overview


According to Constitutional Connections, "Athan Theoharis, Professor Emeritus of History at Marquette University, draws from his expertise in FBI history to paint the story of federal surveillance policy during the Cold War. He guides listeners through a reading of case study documents that reveal central threads of the story but also speak to the challenges of studying history. Speaking of the Patriot Act, Theoharis discusses ways in which the Cold War story has contemporary resonance."

To listen to this lecture, select the first link under either "Presentation Audio" or "Presentation Video."

The Supreme Court Interprets "Due Process of Law"


Professor Ken Masugi examines the 1965 U.S. Supreme Court case Griswold v. Connecticut, in which the Supreme Court ruled that an 1879-established Connecticut law against the use of contraceptives violated a citizen's right to privacy. He looks at how this case interprets the Constitution.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session eight, and select the RealAudio link to the left of the main body of text.