US Capitol Historical Society [DC]


The US Capitol Historical Society was chartered by Congress in 1962 in order to educate the public on the history and heritage of the U.S. Capitol building. The society primarily works to further academic research regarding the capitol, but also offers educational tours and outreach programs.

The website offers information regarding society programs, an events calendar, online exhibits, and a history of the capitol building.

Springfield Historical Society [PA]


The Springfield Historical Society owns and operates the Springfield Heritage Museum, which houses an immense collection of vintage maps, memorabilia, historic photographs, deeds, legal documents, historic artifacts, and a "cornucopia" of Springfield Township school milestones and military mementos. In addition to the museum, the society works to preserved historic structures in and around Springfield Township.

The site offers visitor information for the museum, an online gift shop, historical information regarding Springfield Township, and an events calendar.

Greece Historical Society and Museum [NY]


The Society maintains a restored 1870s farm house as the Greece Museum, featuring exhibits of local history. Visitors can bridge the years by stepping into the new museum wing and wandering through the gallery of historical exhibits. They can take a look at the town's first fire wagon, imagine our ancestors harvesting ice from a lakeside pond, contemplate transportation before the automobile, or study the Native American encampment on Long Pond.

The society offers occasional recreational and educational events; the museum offers exhibits.

Hershey - Derry Township Historical Society [PA]


The Hershey - Derry Township Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Hershey and Derry Townships, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. To this end, the society operates a museum and research center. The museum presents information on Milton Snavely Hershey (1857-1945), the founder of Hershey's, who made chocolate affordable to the masses, and life in the area prior to Hershey. The archives include cemetery listings, obituaries, historic photographs, obituaries, and oral histories, among other items.

The society offers exhibits and archival access.

Bland County History Archives

Photo, Joe Compton and son plant corn, Bland County History Archives

Over more than 15 years, Rocky Gap High School of Rocky Gap, VA, has offered students the opportunity to participate in a history and technology project. While working on the project, students conduct oral history interviews, and archive these interviews and related photographs in a database and, in many cases, online.

The main page can be somewhat difficult to navigate. However, the largest portion of content can be found under Stories of the People. This section contains roughly 90 oral history transcripts on the lives of Bland County residents. Topics range from train rides and farm life to working in a World War II aircraft factory and religious practices. Some of the transcripts are also accompanied by photographs of the interviewee throughout his or her life.

Yet other transcripts link to collection pages which bring together related oral histories, as well as narration written by students. In some cases, video and audio versions are available in addition to the text transcripts. Topics include the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), church, death practices, farming, logging, the railroad, school life, tunnel building, and Bland County residents at war.

For more information on the project and its facilities, try the links under "Mountain Home Project."

This website is excellent as inspiration for beginning your own local history projects, as well as a fantastic resource for anyone looking for information on life in rural Virginia.

Note: The site is frequently unavailable for short bursts of time. Try again later if you reach a 404 error page.

Forebears’ Furniture

windsor chair ca. 1790

Can you suggest any sources for a furnishing plan for a 1790 second floor bedroom of the house of a well-to-do 3rd generation Scots-Irish farm family who lived just north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania?


Depending on how much information you already have about the house, you might have to begin with examples of basic architectural plans of other houses from the time that are roughly in the same area. A good place to look for this is in the Historic American Buildings Survey (a New Deal project), all of which is now available online from the Library of Congress.

Architectural drawings, made during the 1930s, of a wide variety of almost 40,000 historic buildings around the country are provided, as well as photographs, and written descriptions, including notes on changes and additions that had been made since the buildings were first completed. An example from the database is the documentation of the William Maclay Mansion, built in downtown Harrisburg in 1793.

Diagrammatic plans of 18th-century houses showing the placement of furnishings do not exist. Nor are there photographs to consult, obviously. Paintings present an opportunity and a challenge: A family getting its portrait painted would often ensure that the painter include an array of the family’s prized possessions in the background. There are a few places where you can see such paintings as well as large collections of actual pieces of early American furniture, identified by date and place of manufacture:

Philadelphia Museum of Art
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
The Athenaeum of Philadelphia

However, when families had their photographs taken in the mid-19th century and later, they often rearranged their furnishings to bring all their treasures into the picture—even dragging armoires and organs outside if the photo was taken there. Consequently, even if domestic portraits of an earlier period often showed plenty of furniture, it was not necessarily arranged as it would have been in normal use.

In addition, it was still common practice for portraitists to surround the people in their paintings with objects that indicated their social position or their profession or accomplishments, such as a pet parrot next to a Nantucket ship captain, showing the “souvenir” he had brought back from one of his voyages.

This is all caution against expecting the arrangement of domestic furnishing in posed paintings to reproduce how a room would have looked if one had walked into it on an ordinary day.

Local historians and curators of historic residences have furnished houses in Pennsylvania. You can visit these and get ideas from them:

Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation, Media, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Massey House, Broomall, Pennsylvania.
Stenton, home of the Logan family, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Cliveden, home of Benjamin Chew, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Grumblethorpe, home of John Wister, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Hans Herr House, Willow Street, Pennsylvania.
Conrad Weiser Homestead, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania.
Trout Hall, Allentown, and the Troxell-Steckel House, Egypt, Pennsylvania.

One problem in describing a “furnishing plan” is the fact that most of the furnishings of houses at the time, with the exception, perhaps, of the largest pieces, like beds, were often moved from room to room, depending on transient needs. This was especially true of rooms, such as upstairs bedrooms, where company was not received.

Even famous houses of the 18th century that were later restored—such as Washington’s Mount Vernon or Jefferson’s Monticello—have generally only had their furnishings restored in an impressionistic way. Not strangely, house owners do not and did not ordinarily make lists of their furnishings, much less room by room. And most people, even relatively wealthy ones, did not accumulate anywhere near as many items of furniture as people do today.

Except for the very wealthiest people in the 18th century, and well into the 19th century (when furniture became mass-produced and relatively less expensive), most people’s sleeping room would have had only a bed, a chest, and perhaps a chair and a small table. A spinning wheel might also have found space there.

Sometimes, letters from the time mention items of furniture—if they’ve been broken or replaced or given as wedding gifts or in token of friendship or esteem. That can be helpful in reconstructing a family’s furnishings.

Another place to look is in wills, inventories, and probate records. Specific items of furniture are often recorded there, as they are disbursed to the next generation. It is sometimes evident where the deceased lived and some information is often provided about social status and occupation. Historian Barbara Clark Smith, elsewhere on this website, shows how useful this can be by looking an example of an 1804 probate inventory of the possessions of Thomas Spring of New Castle County, Delaware.

Throughout the Ages

Photo, A small boy with chicks on a farm. . . , 1932, New York State Archives

Throughout the Ages was created to meet the primary source needs of New York state K-6 history teachers. The site collection includes more than 500 photographs, letters, paintings, advertisements, and maps.

To navigate the site, choose an area of interest and subtopic (for example "leisure" under the heading "community"), and scroll to a source of interest. The source will offer a caption. In some cases, historical context, focus questions, and the correlating New York state standards will also be listed. Be sure to click on each of these section titles, as items such as resources and historical background only display once selected.

One feature to look into is the automatic handout maker. For each image, you can automatically generate a handout by selecting any or all of the following categories: caption, historical background, standards/key ideas, historical challenge, interdisciplinary connections, and resources. For some images, these will already be filled out. For others, you can type anything you want for all, some, or one of those categories. Don't worry about deleting existing text if you don't want it on your handout. It will be back the next time you load your page.