The Jonathan Corwin House [MA]


The Jonathan Corwin House, also known as The Witch House, served as the residence of Jonathan Corwin (1640-1718), magistrate and judge in the Salem Witch Trials. The court in which he worked issued the death sentence to 19 individuals, none of which would admit to the crime of witchcraft. The home itself dates to before 1675, and is the only residence in Salem with a direct connection to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Topic covered include the trials and the daily life, decorative arts, and architecture of the period.

The house offers period rooms, guided tours, and self-guided tours.

The Old Stone House Museum [VT]


The Old Stone House Museum contains 25 rooms of exhibits on 19th-century life in Vermont. The museum consists of six buildings spread over 55 acres, with the largest being Athenian Hall, a stone dormitory. The dormitory was built between 1834 and 1836 by the nation's first African American college graduate and state legislator, Reverend Alexander Twilight. Other structures on-site include Twilight's own home and an English-style barn.

The museum offers self-guided tours, hands-on activities, educational programs, and living history outreach presentations. The website offers several scavenger hunts.

Andover Historical Society [MA]


The Andover Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Andover, Massachusetts, founded 1646. To this end, the society operates the 1819 Amos Blanchard House and Barn Museum which illustrates the life of an early 19th-century (1820-1850), middle-class family. The barn contains a variety of vernacular tools. According to the society site, tour topics include "politics, religion, women's roles, economics, banking, youth, education, household management, and agriculture." Extensive archival materials are available for research at the Caroline M. Underhill Research Center.

The society offers exhibits, period rooms, guided tours, educational programs, hands-on activities, and archival access.

Old Constitution House State Historic Site [VT]


The Old Constitution House State Historic Site commemorates the 1777 signing of the Vermont constitution.The Vermont constitution was far reaching—the first to prohibit slavery, establish universal voting rights for all males, and authorize a public school system. This document guided the Republic for 14 years until 1791, when Vermont was admitted to the Union as the 14th state. An exhibit recounts the writing of the most progressive constitution of its time, and examines its effect on the politics of the nation. The site includes the tavern where the document was originally adopted.

The site offers period rooms and an exhibit.

Museum of Our Industrial Heritage [MA]


The Museum of Our Industrial Heritage presents the history and social aspects of industry within Franklin County, MA. Exhibits display locally made cutlery, machine tools, hand tools, taps and dies, and other items, as well addressing the World War II home front. Collection highlights include a circa 1880 screw thread cutting machine and a circa 1920 Goodell Pratt Company lathe. The museum is located within a historic factory.

The museum offers traditional and interactive exhibits, teacher workshops, field trips, interactive outreach programs for students, and archive access. The museum is open by appointment only.

National Heritage Museum [MA]


The Museum presents wide-ranging exhibits on U.S. history, from the traditional stories of Paul Revere, George Washington, and the American Revolution to novel topics such as Route 66, diners, neon signs, or even doing laundry in America. Each year, the museum holds as many as 18 changing exhibitions.

The museum offers exhibits, guided and self-guided tours for school groups, educational programs for all grade levels, research library access, and recreational and educational events.

William Steinway Diary, 1861-1896

Photo, William Steinway and family, 1882, Napoleon Sarony, Henry Z. Steinway Ar.

Who is William Steinway, and what makes his diary so noteworthy? From some perspectives, Steinway is a perfectly average person, giving readers a view into daily life in the 1800s. However, he also happened to be a partner in the newly formed (and later famed) family business Steinway and Sons, a name likely familiar to readers who have played the piano. Another point in the favor of the importance of the diary is that its 2,500 pages begin just eight days after the beginning of the Civil War and three days before William's wedding—a time of personal and national change. While William was not a soldier, his younger brother Albert was, giving the diary a perspective on both home and military life in the Civil War. The diary continues until November 8, 1896, within a month of William's death.

The website offers a digitized and fully transcribed version of William's diary. For any page, you can view both the original and the transcribed text. It's also possible to enter any date of your choosing, and go straight to that page. Users can also find a family tree with short biographies of William and Albert Steinway, as well as William's first wife Elizabeth Roos Steinway; more than 50 photos of the family, useful for putting faces to William's story; and Resources such as scholarly articles on the piano industry of the day and lists of abbreviations and German words and phrases found within the diary.

Eventually, users will be able to search the diary by topic as well.

17th-Century Colonial New England

Logo, 17th Century New England

Offers more than 235 annotated links, within 20 categories, to documents and materials about the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692, and more broadly, 17th-century New England. Categories include primary sources, bibliographies, references for young readers, teaching materials, museums, Native Americans, witchcraft, religious heterodoxies, and Hollywood versions of history. In addition to links, the site's creator, a novelist and descendant of accused witch Rebecca Nurse, provides nine documents from the trials; an account of one witchcraft trial written by Cotton Mather; four documents from Salem court records; an annotated bibliography with 26 titles; a table listing more than 200 people accused of witchcraft with their place of residence, year of accusation, and jurisdiction; and a discussion of historical inaccuracies in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible and the recent film version. As the site is checked regularly for dead links, it can be a valuable gateway to sites on 17th-century American cultures, religions, and social life.

Boston Streets: Mapping Directory Data

Photo, MacJannet student up a lamp post as Emory Foster, ca. 1930, 1930

This website uses photographs, historical maps and atlases, and city directories to contextualize "the people, places, and events that have shaped the city from the years before the American Civil War through 20th-century urban renewal." The site has four exhibits, each accompanied by an introduction. Moments is a searchable collection of more than 2,500 historic maps and photographs that includes some of the earliest urban photography in the country. Places presents three historic atlases of the city, from 1874, 1898, and 1928. Each of the 94 plates in the atlases can be viewed individually. People offers nine city directories from 1845 to 1925 and five examples of how people's histories can be traced in the directories and how the directories can be combined with the images and maps from the site to "contextualize in time and place a single history or the history of millions."

Cowpaths allows users to plot information gathered from the images and directories on a map as an aid to tracing the history of the city and its people. Users can define their own data layers, query the data, and have results mapped on historical maps. An illustrated primer on how to use "Cowpaths" is available.

Each exhibit is individually searchable with basic or advanced searches. This site is a useful resource for those interested in the history of Boston and is also of interest to those studying urban history.

Connecticut History Online

Photo, Captain George Comer of East Haddam in rigging..., 1907

This site is a collaborative effort between the Connecticut Historical Society, the Thomas H. Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut, and the Mystic Seaport Museum, funded by a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. It offers approximately 14,000 images depicting Connecticut's history from the beginning of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century.

The images are divided into categories: "Artifacts," "Manuscripts and Documents," Maps, Charts, and Bird's-eye Views," "Newspapers and Magazines," "Photographs, Prints, and Drawings," "Posters/Broadsides," and "Sound Recordings and Transcripts." Each image includes notes on the creator, date, and place created, medium, repository information, and a brief (40-word) description of the subject. Visitors can search the site by keyword, subject, creator, title, and date.

The site also includes four sample lesson plans for middle school classes comparing and contrasting two Connecticut families and the roles of men and women through exercises interpreting the site's images, a list of ideas for future topics, and themes for secondary-level classrooms. This site is ideal for teachers and students interested in the history of Connecticut and its communities.