Resources on Native American History

Photo, Woman from Plains with baby, c. 1901, Library of Congress

I teach Native American history/studies. . . It is difficult finding curriculum and good lessons for these subjects. I would really like to find a good text book but have not been able to. . . [A]ny ideas or suggestions would be helpful. . .


There are several textbook-y resources available that we like. Consider the readers in the Bedford Series in History and Culture. Three of these paperback readers address Native American history, including The Cherokee Removal and The World Turned Upside Down: Indian Voices from Early America. Each of the readers begins with an introductory essay that provides an overview narrative of the topic and its historiographical context. Following this essay are selected primary and secondary sources accompanied by orienting background information. Depending on the ages and abilities of your students, these readers can serve as a resource for creating source-based activities and lectures, or for older and more capable students, they can be a kind of textbook. However, be forewarned, if you are working with younger students, you will likely need to further excerpt and prepare many of the provided sources.

For a lengthier survey textbook that is popular and worth investigating, try First Peoples by Colin G. Calloway. Also consider the documentary series, We Shall Remain, a recent entry in the excellent PBS series, The American Experience. You can find teaching activities and full episodes on the series’ companion website. Also see this blog for links related to this series. All of these resources can help you craft lessons that emphasize both the diversity of Native Americans and the fact that they are still with us today—two ideas that challenge many students’ misconceptions about this topic.

Building a Class on Native American History

Photo, "2005 Powwow," Kristine Brumley, Smithsonian Institution, Flickr Commons

I would like to develop an elective for teaching Native American history. I am looking for a class on teaching Native American history. If you could let me know of any classes, books, or other ancillary materials I would appreciate it very much.


The National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC offers a variety of resources about American Indian history including workshops for teachers.

For resources you can use with students, see our response to a teacher who asked about classroom resources for teaching a Native American history course.

We also recommend contacting local tribes and organizations directly to see what resources they recommend that you use to learn about their history. Below are some organizations you might consider:

We also recommend contacting local tribes and organizations directly to see what resources they recommend that you use to learn about their history.

In Connecticut, the Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center provides a wealth of resources. They offer professional development to teachers as well. The center also offers workshops on how to evaluate books and other materials about Native Americans and have several educational programs for students based on the Connecticut Curriculum framework. The center designs workshops based on teacher interest as well. The Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center provides a recommended reading list and a research library.

If you will be in Minnesota for the summer you may want to check out the American Indian Policy Center in St. Paul and The Minnesota Indian Affairs Council. These organizations offer resources, and can most likely direct you to additional educational resources.

You can search the NHEC site for relevant local museums, websites, and professional development opportunities. If you have not done so already, remember to also check the course offerings at your local colleges.

Thanksgiving: The Real Backstory

Date Published
cartoon, plimoth plantation
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Is there a real first Thanksgiving?

According to resources from the Library of Congress, the Plymouth colonists were latecomers to the scene. The Library's Wise Guide explains that Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and 1,500 men gave thanks in 1541 in the present-day Texas Panhandle. French Huguenot colonists celebrated in Florida in 1564, and Jamestown settlers gave thanks in 1610—in fact, many actually consider this the first Thanksgiving. Visit the American Memory Learning Page and search for Thanksgiving to gather resources, timelines, and primary source sets on Thanksgiving in American Memory.

Historians at Plimoth Plantation are adamant that the harvest celebration held in 1621, often called the First Thanksgiving, wasn't. Instead, they place the first observance in Massachusetts in mid-July, 1623, after a Day of Humiliation and Fasting, during which these early colonists sought prayerful relief from a series of misfortunes threatening the settlement. (Visit Plimoth Plantation's interactive exercise emphasizing historical thinking: You are the Historian: Investigating the First Thanksgiving—especially excellent for elementary and middle school.)

The National Park Service helps us move us quickly to the indisputable date of 1863 as the establishment of the holiday as an annual event—the date when President Lincoln issued his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. Technically, his proclamation only affected the District of Columbia and federal employees, but governors throughout the Union followed suit. (Note, however, that the Park Service advocates 1621 as the first Thanksgiving!) Check the White House website during the week of November 22, 2009, to read this year's Presidential Proclamation.

If an actual Pilgrim came to Thanksgiving dinner today, chances are, he'd be stunned!

Backstory with the American History Guys takes a lively look at solid historical evidence about the history of Thanksgiving. The three historians who host this radio program talk among themselves and with guests about how holiday traditions and celebrations have changed since those first days of thanksgiving. As American as Pumpkin Pie: A History of Thanksgiving points out that "when we sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, we think we know what we’re commemorating. But if an actual Pilgrim were to attend your Thanksgiving, chances are he’d be stunned, and a little disgusted, by what he saw."

Listen to historian James McWilliams discussing why the Puritans would have turned up their noses at our traditional Thanksgiving foods, religion scholar Anne Blue Wills explaining the 19th-century origins of our modern holiday, and legendary NFL quarterback Roger Staubach describing what it was like to spend every Thanksgiving on the football field—about a century after the first Thanksgiving Day championship playoff in 1876. Read how the the industrial revolution and large-scale migration and immigration in the 19th-century turned Thanksgiving into a holiday of family homecoming.

Wills's discussion is accompanied by an audio slideshow of primary sources, and you'll find links to a wealth of other primary and secondary materials: the timeline of thanksgiving celebrations from the Library of Congress, an article on the agricultural challenges of Europeans in the New World, a translation of an Iroquois prayer of Thanksgiving, and more.

Check resources on the Clearinghouse site.

On the Clearinghouse site, test yourself with the weekly quiz, Thanksgiving Dinner in 1943, and visit the Ask-a-Historian archive , to find the answer to the question, "At the first Thanksgiving did the Pilgrims/Native Americans eat roasted kernels of corn or popped corn, or was there no corn served in that matter at all?" (Note that our Clearinghouse historian doesn't pinpoint a date!)

And Happy Thanksgiving!

Mundane Lives and Extreme Adventures

Pot and platter of Miles Standish

What were the primary concerns of life in the New World?


Let me somewhat arbitrarily focus the question more specifically on the earliest English explorers, adventurers, and settlers in Virginia and Massachusetts in the first half of the 17th century.

Reading their published accounts gives one the impression that their lives alternated between extremes of feast and famine, between health and sickness, between sublime ease and almost unimaginable hardship, and between periods of contentment and even boredom and periods of sharp fear and terror interspersed with periods of sheer joy. Supplementing those accounts, however, with evidence from rather more mundane sources such as probate and account books, old court records, and modern excavations of kitchen middens from colonial sites, yields a larger story of people organizing and conducting their work and family lives in ways similar to ours today.

The "Commodities" of Life in the English Settlements in the New World

Captain John Smith published A Description of New England in 1616 in London, in which account he sought, among other things, to recruit English settlers. In it he declared:

Worthy is that person to starve that here cannot live; if he have sense, strength and health: for there is no such penury of these blessings in any place, but that a hundred men may, in one houre or two, make their provisions for a day: and he that hath experience to manage well these affaires, with fortie or thirtie honest industrious men, might well undertake (if they dwell in these parts) to subject the Salvages, and feed daily two or three hundred men, with as good corn, fish and flesh, as the earth hath of those kindes, and yet make that labor but their pleasure; provided that they have engins, that be proper for their purposes.

The first minister in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Reverend Francis Higginson, acting, like Smith, as a kind of colonial recruiter, published New-England's Plantation; or, a short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that countrey in 1630 in London. In it, he praised the "fat black earth" around the Charles River in Massachusetts. The land, he said, was extremely fertile, and was well suited to the plow. "It is scarce to be believed how our kine and goats, horses and hogs do thrive and prosper here, and like well of this country." He bragged of the vast harvest of corn, turnips, parsnips, carrots, watercress, "pumpions," "cowcumbers," and herbs. He wrote that the colonists also planted and harvested mulberries, plums, raspberries, currants, chestnuts, filberts, walnuts, cherries, and strawberries.

He wrote about the abundance of game: deer and bear, as well as the other animals, listing wolves, foxes, beavers, otters, martins, great wild cats, and "a great beast called a molke"—most probably a moose. The abundance of fish was "almost beyond believing." Cod, mackerel, bass, and sturgeon; oysters, clams, mussels, and lobsters were easy to catch or gather. Of lobsters, Higginson wrote that "the least boy in the Plantation may both catch and eat what he will of them. For my own part, I was soon cloyed with them, they were so great, and fat, and luscious. I have seen some myself that have weighed sixteen pound; but others have had diverse times so great lobsters as have weighted twenty-five pound, as they assured me."

Higginson commended the "temper of the air" of New England as healthful. He noted that summers were hotter than in England and winters were colder, but he said that the cold was not so bad because of the ease of getting firewood. "Here is good living," he wrote, "for those that love good fires."

The "Discommodities"

Higginson's improbably upbeat list of New England's "discommodities" was much shorter: First, mosquitoes; second, the snow and cold of winter; third; poisonous snakes; and fourth, the lack of more settlers. This last "discommodity" is telling, and does much to explain the hearty promotional tone of the rest of his description.

In fact, many of the first settlers, both in Massachusetts and Virginia, died of starvation, which especially afflicted them during the first winters. Several times, Indians brought them some relief with baskets of corn and game.

Diseases of one kind or another also took their toll. Some of these they brought with them, such as smallpox. Some of them, like dysentery and scurvy, were the result of malnutrition or lack of fresh drinking water. The sheer physical difficulties involved in exploration and in building a settlement in the wilderness also presented tremendous hazards to those that undertook the work.

Shipwreck was also common, especially from the hurricanes and nor'easters that were novel to them. Shipwrecks not only endangered their own lives but also imperiled the re-provisioning of the colonies from England. This was especially critical in the first years of the settlements, when their vulnerability was increased by the fact that they had to depend on ships to supply them, not just with food, but also with basic goods, such as gunpowder, firearms, tools, iron, and cloth.

Colonel Henry Norwood's pamphlet, A Voyage to Virginia, described his harrowing trip in the fall of 1649 from England, in which his ship met storms off the coast of Cape Hatteras and they were blown offshore. He and a small party of others were eventually marooned on an uninhabited island off the coast of Maryland and nearly starved until being rescued by Indians and carried by them to the colony at Jamestown:

Of the three weak women before mentioned, one had the envied happiness to die about this time; and it was my advice to the survivors, who were following her apace, to endeavour their own preservation by converting her dead carcase into food, as they did to good effect. The same counsel was embrac'd by those of our sex; the living fed upon the dead; four of our company having the happiness to end their miserable lives on Sunday night the day of January___. Their chief distemper, 'tis true, was hunger; but it pleased God to hasten their exit by an immoderate access of cold, caused by a most terrible storm of hail and snow at north-west, on the Sunday aforesaid, which did not only dispatch those four to their long homes, but did sorely threaten all that remained alive, to perish by the same fate.

The colony in Virginia was established in the midst of the Algonquian nation of Powhatan, and the Plymouth Colony on the land of the Wampanoag tribe. Relations with the Indians were sketchy and volatile, consisting of periods of friendship interspersed with periods of fighting, sometimes alongside the Indians of one tribe against its enemies from other tribes. The colonists traded metal implements and cloth for food, furs, and land. But they also carefully constructed fortifications and palisades to protect themselves against the almost certain eventuality of attack by the various tribes and nations of Indians among whom they settled. Both colonies suffered large loss of life from Indian attack.

All in all, much of the earliest settlers' time and energies were devoted to providing for their basic, physical subsistence and doing what they could to ensure their survival. Much of the colonies' early precariousness was due to not having yet cleared and planted enough land to ensure harvests that would not only provide the colonists daily fare, but would also allow a surplus to draw upon during times of scarcity.

Until about the mid-20th century, historians largely worked from the writings of the colonists and explorers to understand what colonial life was like. But those writings offered only a very selective picture. For the past several decades, detailed research by archeologists and archivists into the material culture of the colonists has dramatically broadened and sometimes corrected the historical picture.

For more information

The History of Jamestown at Preservation Jamestown.

The Plymouth Colony Archive Project at the University of Virginia.


"The settlers at Jamestown," William Ludwell Sheppard, 1876, from Pioneers in the settlement of America: from Florida in 1510 to California in 1849. Boston: Samuel Walker, 1876-1877. New York Public Library.

"The pot and platter of Miles Standish," detail from Plymouth stereoview collection. New York Public Library.

The "Cradle" of America?

mezzotint, Puritans going to church, c1885 March 31, George Henry Boughton, LOC

Would you agree that Puritan New England was the "cradle" of America?


Puritan New England has long been given priority as a model for the development of America as a whole. There are a number of possible reasons for this regional prejudice. For one thing, historians have simply found it easier to research colonial New England because of the abundance of written sources that were created and have survived there. Additionally, the image of Pilgrims and Indians sitting down together at the first Thanksgiving meal makes a more comforting foundational moment than the messy first years at Jamestown, marked as they seem to have been by sloth, greed, and starvation.

The idea that New England was the cradle of America is composed of different interlocking arguments.

The Puritans’ perception of their having been chosen for divine purposes, it has been suggested, also meshes well with America’s sense of manifest destiny, which was not just a geographical expansion, but also a moral one. And of course, the shadow of the Civil War casts itself over the whole question, making it tempting to write the South and its defense of slavery out of the mainstream of national development. This view assumes that the South was always hostile to economic innovation and forgets that slavery also existed in colonial New England.

Therefore, the idea that New England was the cradle of America is composed of different interlocking arguments. Prying them apart, we can ask the following questions:

  1. Was New England a closer recreation of English society than other colonies were?
  2. Was New England substantially different from other English colonizing projects?
  3. Was New England a better model for what America would later become in the national period?

One historian, Jack Greene, in his book Pursuits of Happiness, makes an argument against the exclusive use of New England as a model of development for later American history. Greene argues that it was precisely to get away from the conditions marking contemporary England that Puritans emigrated in the first place. Their gathered churches, egalitarian society (compared to England), and their rejection of the market economy were all in contrast to developments in England. (1)

[I]t was precisely to get away from the conditions marking contemporary England that Puritans emigrated in the first place.

As research is now showing, English society at this time was much more mobile than previously thought, and was not composed of stable, static rural communities. (2) Agriculture in England was increasingly a commercial venture, dominated by large landowners who depended on tenants and wage laborers. For those who controlled their own smallholdings, the nuclear family composed of parents and children was not the unit of production, as it was in New England; rather, children were typically apprenticed out, and households employed other laborers. Laborers and apprentices were often involved in nonagricultural pursuits, notably the cloth industry. (3) English society, then, was open, competitive, stratified, and acquisitive, all of which makes New England seem much less English than its name might imply.

Looking at the question from the perspective of the colonial Chesapeake (specifically Jamestown), settlers both brought with them from England and maintained in the New World attitudes and values regarding family, community, work, order, and religion. (4) In addition, by the 1630s the Chesapeake was not the chaotic and divided society often depicted. Political stability had been achieved and community networks had been created despite dispersed settlement patterns. (5) Other historians have noted that despite the lack of personal religious inclinations on the part of individual settlers in Virginia, the colony was founded with religious goals at the forefront, and that the ethos behind these was essentially Puritan. (6)

All of this takes away from New England’s place of primacy as either most English or most unlike other colonies. At the same time, it has been argued that New England did lack traits that other colonies—as well as the later United States—exhibited. It was, for example, much less ethnically diverse than colonies founded later in the 17th century. The Middle Colonies with their Dutch, German, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Swedish, and Jewish settlers, and even Carolina with Huguenots, Highland Scots, Jews, and a large population of enslaved African Americans offer a better foretaste of the future multiethnic America.

It is for modern historians to look beyond these regional prejudices...

The varying trajectories of the colonies all offered patterns for later American development, and the issue of originary myths did not begin with modern historians, nor even with the Civil War. In the quest for a national identity following the Revolution, each region articulated its own vision and insisted on its own importance to the development of the American character. New Englanders saw their regional characteristics of piety, industry, simplicity, and democracy as essentially American, but felt they were not shared by Southerners due to the widespread institution of slavery. This self-image came to be adopted by other Northern states, and because of migration by New Englanders to Western territories, it was spread there as well. (7) The South was in effect outflanked in its claims to be the repository of American ideals. It is for modern historians to look beyond these regional prejudices and adopt a more nuanced and inclusive view of the formative influences of the American past.


1 Greene, Jack P. Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
Bushman, Richard. From Puritan to Yankee: Character and the Social Order in Connecticut, 1690–1765. Harvard University Press, 1967.

2 Whyte, Ian. Migration and Society in Britain: 1550–1830. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.

3 Wrightson, Keith. English Society, 1580–1680. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 1982.

4 Horn, James. Adapting to a New World: English Society in the 17th-Century Chesapeake. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

5 Kukla, Jon. “Order and Chaos in Early America: Political and Social Stability in Pre-Restoration Virginia.” The American Historical Review, 90:2 (April 1985).
Carr, Lois Green. “Sources of Political Stability and Upheaval in 17th-Century Maryland.” In Planters and Yeomen: Selected Articles on the Southern Colonies, edited by Peter Charles Hoffer (New York: Garland Publishing, 1988).

6 Miller, Perry. "The Religious Impulse in the Founding of Virginia: Religion and Society in the Early Literature.” The William and Mary Quarterly, 5:4 (October 1948).

7 Kermes, Stephanie. Creating an American Identity: New England, 1789-1825. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

The Origins of Thanksgiving


This short video from The History Channel website offers an overview of how Thanksgiving came to be enshrined in America's national calendar. According to the website, "Although Thanksgiving celebrations dated back to the first European settlements in America, it was not until the 1860s that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be a national holiday."

Mass Moments

Engraving, Filling Cartridges, Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Harvey Isbitts

On May 15, 1602, English explorer Bartholomew Gosnold dropped anchor off the Massachusetts coast, and due to the abundance of cod fish in the waters surrounding his ship, named the location Cape Cod. This is the first of 365 moments in Massachusetts history presented at this website.

The majority of moments cluster in the 19th and 20th centuries, and include events of relevance to political, economic, social, and cultural history, including the incorporation of the town of Natick in 1781, the opening of Boston's African Meeting House in 1806, and the release of the movie Good Will Hunting in 1997.

Each moment is described in roughly 750 words, and is accompanied by an excerpt from a primary source. The text is also available in audio format. The moments are keyword searchable, as well as browseable through the website's Timeline and Map features.

Elementary, middle, and high school teachers will find the Teachers' Features section especially useful, as it includes several comprehensive lesson plans, on labor, women's rights, the African American experience in Massachusetts, and early contact between settlers and indigenous peoples in Plymouth.