Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World

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Charting changes in women's rhetoric in the public realm from 1848 to the present is possible through this archive of more than 400 speeches by influential, contemporary women. These include prominent female politicians and scientists, as well as popular culture figures. There is an emphasis on the United States (particularly after 1900), including speeches from women as diverse as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, Mary Church Terrell, Marie Curie, Helen Keller, Emma Goldman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Friedan, and Ayn Rand. A nearly complete list of Nobel lectures by women laureates provides access to acceptance speeches.

The search function is particularly useful for pulling speeches from a diverse collection into common subject groups. It also allows for the study of the language of women's public debate by following changes in the use of particular metaphors or idioms, such as the concept "motherhood."

The Political Theory of Hannah Arendt: The Problem of Evil and the Origins of Totalitarianism


"The seminar will explore several key works by the political theorist, Hannah Arendt: 'Eichmann in Jerusalem,' 'The Origins of Totalitarianism,' and 'The Human Condition.' These works shed light on the problem of evil and the use of terror in the contemporary age, and provide a philosophical perspective on current debates about the use of violence to settle political conflicts, about the conditions of democracy, and about the scope and importance of human rights."

Contact name
Arias, Simone
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($4,200 stipend)
Course Credit
"Optional certification of course credit equivalent to three units of graduate course work can be provided in the form of a letter from the program director, pending completion of a 10-15 page research paper." Participants will also receive a certificate indicating participation.
Contact Title
Assistant to Program Director
Six weeks
End Date

Ralph Waldo Emerson


David S. Reynolds, Professor of English and American Studies at the City University of New York, discusses Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American philosopher and lecturer who, in his day, commanded crowds like a modern rock star.

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