The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900-1933


Scholar and author Emily Thompson describes the study of aural history—the study of not just music, but of noise and soundscapes as a whole, what cultures heard and how they heard it—and discusses the aural culture in the U.S. from 1900 to 1933. She looks at how sound at the time was influenced by technology and at the consumption of sound, focusing particularly on architecture's influence on sound.

Museum of the Moving Image [NY]


The Museum advances the public understanding and appreciation of the art, history, technique, and technology of film, television, and digital media. It does so by collecting, preserving, and providing access to moving-image related artifacts; screening significant films and other moving-image works; presenting exhibitions of artifacts, artworks, and interactive experiences; and offering educational and interpretive programs to students, teachers, and the general public.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, film screenings, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

The 4th Estate as the 4th Branch

speak to the world via radio

Why is it that, while the media is referred to many times as the 4th branch of government, it is not explicitly stated as such? Is this something that would be or has been up for consideration? What arguments would favor or oppose this amendment to the body of our Constitution?


Calling the media the "4th branch of government" is a rhetorical device, not a serious statement of fact. The point is to emphasize that the press is not a mere passive reporter of the facts, but a powerful actor in the political realm.

Calling it "the 4th branch" not only emphasizes the amount of power it wields, but is often meant to suggest that that power is not under the control of the people in the same way that their elected representatives are. The implication is that it acts as a shadow government, unaccountable to the people, but is instead beholden to special interests of one sort or another, or that the press's supposed separation from the government is largely an illusion. The corollary is that the press sometimes menaces rather than protects, or controls rather than serves, the public.

The Phrase "4th Branch of Government"

The "4th branch of government" is a phrase that appears to have first surfaced among critics of FDR's New Deal in the 1930s. It referred not to the press, but to the collection of new Federal regulatory agencies with top officials appointed by the Executive Branch. Their function was quasi-judicial, and they were not directly accountable to the people.

Identifying the "4th branch of government" as the press came a decade or so later. Hartford Courant editor Herbert Brucker, in his 1949 book, Freedom of Information, devoted some ink to it. He explicitly equated "the 4th Estate" (another, older phrase often applied to the press, which has its own linguistic history derived from British and French politics) with "the 4th branch of government."

Journalist Douglass Cater entitled his 1959 book on the practical relationship between the government and the press, The Fourth Branch of Government. Both authors were convinced that, insofar as the press did act as a true political player (rather than an unbiased observer of politics), it corrupted itself and went astray from its primary responsibility—to convey important information and to act as a nonpartisan watchdog for the public against all trespassers on their rights.

Lately, some political writers have used the phrase, "the 4th branch of government," to mean the voters' power to form law directly through petition or referendum, as in California.

Freedom of the Press

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom ... of the press.” The Constitution establishes a government with three branches, but it does not establish a press or a media. What it does do is prohibit the government from trying to control what people say, either in the press (and by extension in other forms of media) or outside the press.

The core principle is that in the U.S., as distinct from many other countries, the media (and the people in general) are not established or granted rights or status at the discretion or pleasure of the government. Rather, the government's power is entirely derived from the "just consent of the governed." The point of the 1st Amendment is to make sure that the government does not overreach itself by trying to limit the basic rights of the people, such as their right to speak freely, including their right to criticize the government. The government does not grant that right. It already exists, no matter what the government might say or do.

The 1st Amendment states the consequence of that fact: Congress cannot limit freedom of speech. The Constitution recognizes the press's freedom as fundamental and prevents the government from infringing on it.

Another way of demonstrating this: The government, barring a few exceptional situations, has not put itself in the business of funding the press, much less actually running a news organization (rather than a public information office). One exception is the grant money that partially funds the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Public Radio (and fully funds international broadcasting entities such as Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, and Radio Free Asia).

Another exception is Voice of America, the government agency that broadcasts radio and television abroad. VOA is prohibited by the Smith-Mundt Act, however, from disseminating its programming directly to the American people. This was partly out of fear that an administration would find it a useful tool for selling itself to its own constituents and thereby unfairly consolidating its own power against its political opposition.

Potential Upside of Making the Press a Separate Branch of the Government

Incorporating the press into the government would make the media more accountable in some sense for what it says and does, and would make it less dependent on large commercial interests for success. It would likely make the media more careful and guarded about what it said. No matter what your political perspective, it is not difficult to think of instances where that would have been a good thing.

Politicians and journalists have recently talked about giving government subsidies to news organizations suffering from a dwindling subscriber base and shrinking audience or advertising revenues. This idea they justify under the notion that the press or the media is a kind of public service or utility and is valuable to the general welfare of the country. This would be an of extension of the idea of the electromagnetic broadcast spectrum as a public resource that is allocated and protected by the Federal Communications Commission.

Potential Downside of Making the Press a Separate Branch of Government

Trying to bring the press under the umbrella of the government, even as a separate "branch," would join the interests of the press with the interests of the government that funded it, making it less likely to criticize the government. The press, then, as a government entity, would be perceived (and truly function) as a propaganda ministry, a partisan political tool.

This would jeopardize the press's credibility as objective, making it less valuable to the public. It would also introduce a largely unpredictable period of experimentation, resetting the most fundamental structure of the government by adding a 4th branch. It would also re-frame the relationship of the government to the people, from one in which the government is granted its limited power by the people (who always maintain their rights), to one in which the government is the granter and administrator of rights, such as, here, freedom of speech.

There are many countries in the world where this is the model. Many of them have media that are largely or even exclusively government-run (or at least government-funded). Despite the occasional desire of politicians or government bureaucracies to control a media that annoys or criticizes, the Constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press have largely prevented such action here.

Exceptions to the Freedom of the Press

By law, the press is limited in its content when such content would be libelous, obscene, seditious (leading to "imminent lawless action"), or would threaten national security or the public safety. Restrictions on "hate speech" also limit the freedom of the media, as do copyright laws. It has been along the border of these limitations that skirmishes between the press and the government have been fought for nearly the entire history of the U.S.

Such skirmishes began in earnest with the passage of the Sedition Act of 1798, which, for a time, made it an offense "To write, print, utter or publish, or cause it to be done, or assist in it, any false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the government of the United States, or either House of Congress, or the President, with intent to defame, or bring either into contempt or disrepute, or to excite against either the hatred of the people of the United States, or to stir up sedition, or to excite unlawful combinations against the government, or to resist it, or to aid or encourage hostile designs of foreign nations."

Nevertheless, it is a sign of how little support the Constitution gave to the government to define for itself the content of what the press could publish that 1st Amendment cases involving questions of the freedom of the press were decided in what historian Lucas Powe calls a "haphazard" fashion until the 1964 Supreme Court decision of The New York Times v. Sullivan, which clarified what constituted libel and what did not.


Herbert Brucker. Freedom of Information. New York: Macmillan, 1949, pp. 9-16.
Douglass Cater. The Fourth Branch of Government. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959.
Lucas A. Powe, Jr. The Fourth Estate and the Constitution: Freedom of the Press in America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
Lyrissa B. Lidsky and R. George Wright. Freedom of the Press: A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
Text of the Sedition Act of 1798.

Analyzing Composition in Paintings

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s site provides a nice straightforward explanation of how to analyze the composition of historical paintings. Using Emanuel Leutze’s famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware, the site explains how artists use various elements of composition like lighting to convey particular messages about the events depicted in paintings. For lesson plans on how to interpret historical paintings check out this site.

Hope for America


Hope for America, an exhibition from the U.S. Library of Congress, focuses on the comedian Bob Hope and the marriage between humor, politics, and satire in the modern age. Various viewpoints are on display, which the site believes will allow visitors " draw their own conclusions regarding the interplay of politics and entertainment in American public life and its consequences for the nation’s political culture."

The site is divided into three basic themes: Political Humor, Causes and Controversies, and Blurring of the Lines. Each thematic section offers a basic overview, some poignant quotes, and links to items in the collection. A bibliography and list of events are also provided for further exploration in the top navigation menu.

It is worth noting that each of the three main thematic sections contain between seven to nine subsections. Users can choose to view the entire set of items in the three main sections, or by each subsection. In all, around 180 items are available for U.S. history teachers and students. Each item contains a brief description and most images can be viewed in larger sizes and/or downloaded for educational use.

This collection by the Library of Congress is highly recommended for educators and students of American history who want to gain a better understanding of the historical relationship between politics and comedy. Although Bob Hope is the center of the exhibit, comedians and satirists throughout the twentieth century are included. The scope of the exhibit, largely covering the entire twentieth century, is likewise helpful in understanding how humor and political concerns changed over time.

Propaganda and World War II


Help students understand wartime propaganda with this excellent lesson plan.


Students compare World War II propaganda posters from several countries and then choose one of several writing assignments to demonstrate what they’ve learned.

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In this lesson from HERB—a website produced by the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning—students learn how to examine posters as primary sources and work with them to write essays. In addition to a collection of wartime propaganda posters, the site includes a brief essay providing historical context, as well as a well-designed “propaganda poster analysis worksheet” that students can use to explore the meaning of each document.

After work in small groups that includes each student analyzing a poster, students demonstrate their understanding through different kinds of writing assignments. These range from considering the historical time and events the poster sits within, to comparing two posters, to fiction writing.

The strength of this lesson is the collection of documents it brings together. Posters from the United States, Great Britain, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union give students insight into the propaganda machines operating in each country during the Second World War. Because each document is visual in nature, it is a good lesson for struggling readers and English Language Learners. The group structure is also a strength as students have the opportunity to analyze a single poster, but also to look for patterns across several posters.

The HERB website can be navigated several different ways: by collection, by historical era, or by approximately 70 different teaching activities.

World War II
Time Estimate



A brief historical background to U.S. propaganda during the period is provided, but additional background may be necessary for teachers to feel fully prepared.


Students show their understanding through writing.


Requires close reading and attention to source information?


The poster analysis worksheet is an essential tool.


Because the sources are visual, they are useful for a number of audiences.




This is partly dependent upon the choice of writing assignment. No criteria are included.


Directions are brief and clear. Teachers must design necessary supports for own writing assignments.

