Our Documents

Image, National Recovery Administration logo, Our Documents

A cooperative effort, this online repository presents 100 milestone documents in American history. The first document is the Richard Henry Lee Resolution of June 7, 1776, proposing independence for the American colonies. The last is the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In between, visitors will find Eli Whitney's 1794 cotton gin patent, the 1862 Pacific Railway Act, and the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling.

Additional documents include the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916, and orders and addresses by several presidents, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower. There is a full-page scan and transcription of each document. In addition to the chronological list of 100 documents, the site includes a "People's Vote." Of the 100 documents, Americans voted the Declaration of Independence number one, followed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

250 Years of Political Theory: Machiavelli, Locke, and Montesquieu


Jack Rakove of Stanford University discusses the influences that shaped early American political thought, including the move to rebellion and the formation of the U.S. government at the American Revolution's end.

To listen to this lecture, select "250 Years of Political Theory: Machiavelli, Locke, and Montesquieu" under "Listen to Dr. Rakove's lectures."

Abraham Lincoln and the Roots of the Abolitionist Movement


Eric Foner of Columbia University discusses the religious base of many abolitionists' beliefs; and contrasts it to Lincoln's antislavery position, based on concepts from the Declaration of Independence and the idea of free labor.

To listen to this clip, scroll to "Abraham Lincoln and the Roots of the Abolitionist Movement" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

The Declaration in American History and World History, Part Two


Professor Harry V. Jaffa analyzes the text of the Declaration of Independence, focusing particularly on its reference to equality. He interprets equality as resting on freedom of religion and on the separation of church and state—that is, on rejecting individual divine favor as setting anyone above anyone else.

This lecture continues from The Declaration in American History and World History, Part One.

The Declaration in American History and World History, Part One


Professor Harry V. Jaffa analyzes the text of the Declaration of Independence, focusing particularly on its reference to equality. He interprets equality as resting on freedom of religion and on the separation of church and state—that is, on rejecting individual divine favor as setting anyone above anyone else.

This lecture continues in The Declaration in American History and World History, Part Two.

Benjamin Franklin, Part Two


Professor Steven Forde talks about the life and beliefs of Benjamin Franklin, using Franklin's writings to explore these issues. Forde looks at the ways in which Franklin was both different from and similar to the other founders, at the written legacy he has left, and Franklin's religious beliefs. This lecture continues from the lecture "Benjamin Franklin, Part One."