The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900-1933


Scholar and author Emily Thompson describes the study of aural history—the study of not just music, but of noise and soundscapes as a whole, what cultures heard and how they heard it—and discusses the aural culture in the U.S. from 1900 to 1933. She looks at how sound at the time was influenced by technology and at the consumption of sound, focusing particularly on architecture's influence on sound.

Valerie Tripp: Salty Ham: Using the Senses in Historical Research

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Photo, Lemon Bars, 1 March 2009, kochtopf, Flickr, creative commons
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Historical research usually begins with reading. Books and articles open your eyes, and open the door to a period. They engage and entice you, and before you know it, you're immersing yourself in literature written about the period you're studying. It is wonderful to read literature—both fiction and nonfiction—written during the period, as well. Children always get a kick out if it when I tell them that when I was researching Felicity, my character who lived in Williamsburg, Virginia just before the Revolutionary War, I read a journal kept by a tutor who lived with a family that had eight children in it. My 21st-century readers laugh when I tell them that two of the sisters in the family had a fight because one sister borrowed the other sister's hairbrush without asking. The hairbrush owner was so mad that she waited for her sister to fall asleep, and then she cut off her eyebrows! And this was in 1773!

If you can find books and stories written for children or about children from the period your class is studying, those stories will be a great way to engage your students. Books with paintings, photographs, and advertisements for your students to scrutinize are fun, too. Your students will see that though clothes and conveyances, art and architecture, design and concepts of beauty have changed, human nature—especially children's natures—have not!

Noses, Hands, Tongues, and Ears Are Excellent Learning Tools

But reading, that is, using your eyes to research a period, is not the only way to make a period from the past come to life. Your students will enjoy learning by using all of their senses. For example, to help children have a tactile sense of how Felicity felt in her 18th-century clothes, I ask children to take a deep breath and then use their hands to push in on their rib cages as hard as they can. I explain that boys, men, ladies, girls, and even babies wore stays in the 18th century, and stays were sort of like a very tight vest. The children see that their imaginary stays make them stand up very straight. They feel constricted. They can hardly breathe. I explain that just as Felicity's body was held in by the stays, so too her life was held in and constricted by rules that she was expected to follow. The children understand the metaphor—and they sigh with relief when I tell them to let go! They're glad they live in the 21st century, when our bodies and our lives are freer.

Scent makes a direct and powerful connection to memory; when we smell a familiar scent, we are automatically transported back to the time it reminds us of . . . .

Scent is particularly evocative. When I speak to children about Josefina, who lived on a rancho in New Mexico in 1824, I give the children herbs to smell: peppery, flowery, minty, musty, fishy, soapy, and yeasty-smelling herbs. The children can close their eyes, smell the herbs, and be transported back in time to Josefina's rancho. There is a subtlety to the sense of smell, and smells are fun, too! If you can collect soaps, herbs, spices, or flowers connected to the period you're studying, your students will enjoy it. Scent makes a direct and powerful connection to memory; when we smell a familiar scent, we are automatically transported back to the time it reminds us of and we recall the circumstances, emotions, and sensations. Once your students have smelled cod liver oil, commonly dosed to children in the 19th and even early 20th centuries, they'll never forget it!

Taste is equally evocative, and equally revealing about an historical period. That salty ham from Felicity’s period can lead to a discussion about food preservation, lack of refrigeration, transportation, health, nutritional differences between economic strata, celebrations, hygiene—well, you get the idea! I remember a wonderful event for children at which we ate food from the World War II era, as if we were my character, Molly McIntire. Tasting cake made without sugar or butter, bread made with tomato juice, mashed turnips, and Spam sandwiches led to a great discussion about rationing, Victory Gardens, black market shenanigans, vitamins, food advertising, grocery shopping, regional food specialties, and even body consciousness. (It was considered healthy for a child to be rather stout and sturdy, and parents sought ways to encourage their children to eat up. We know better now!)

Seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and hearing are varied and vibrant avenues for teaching about historical periods.

Last but not least, your students' sense of hearing can enchant them and educate them about an historical period. Listening to the rousing John Philip Sousa marching music from the turn of the last century—the period my character Samantha lives in—will thrill your students and tell them a great deal about the highly patriotic Zeitgeist of 1904. Listening to the clackety-clack of typewriter keys and the ding! of the carriage return on a 1930s manual typewriter and comparing those sounds to the quiet tap-tap-tap of computer keys will inform them about how our communication tools have evolved from the Depression era to today. Sounds that have NOT changed can be fun and informative, too. I still laugh when I remember that when I was writing about Josefina, I needed to know the sound a piano made when it was dropped. I called all the piano movers in the Washington, DC area yellow pages. You'll be distressed to learn that every single mover could tell me—and imitate!—exactly the sound a dropped piano makes! I tried to describe the sound in words so that my readers could "hear" it, too.

Seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and hearing are varied and vibrant avenues for teaching about historical periods. They're fun, and using them is just good sense!

For more information

To read more by Valerie Tripp, try her two earlier blog entries for "Vitamins in the Chocolate Cake: Why Use Historical Fiction in the Classroom?" and "Looking Backward, Looping Forward: How to Make a Period of History Matter to Your Students." She also contributed to our Roundtable "What Role Should Fiction Have in the U.S. History Classroom?"

Interested in adding taste and sound to your teaching? Take a look at our Website Reviews. More than 80 websites feature music resources—the Library of Congress's National Jukebox is a rich starting point. To whip up some historical recipes, try Michigan State University's Feeding America, which features more than 70 cookbooks published between 1798 and 1922. The University of Wisconsin's Recipe for Victory: Food and Cooking in Wartime can also give students a sense of how foodways reflect changes in the world at large.

Cayuga Museum of History and Art and the Case Research Lab [NY]


The Cayuga Museum of History and Art presents the history and culture of the Auburn, New York area. The museum is located within the 1836 Willard-Case Mansion, with the permanent exhibit addressing the history of the Auburn Correctional Facility. The Case Research Lab preserves the site where the first commercially successful talking film technology was developed. The site includes the darkroom, chemistry lab, recording studio, exhibits on talking film ventures, recording equipment, and the first sound camera.

The museum offers exhibits, guided tours, and thematic slide presentations. Reservations are required for guided tours.

Inventing Entertainment: The Early Innovations of the Edison Companies

Image, Catalog for Edison cylinder records, 1911, Inventing Entertainment

These materials—early motion pictures from 1891 to 1918, 81 sound recordings from 1913 to 1920, and related materials, such as photographs and original magazine articles—document Thomas Edison's impact on the history of American entertainment. Edison's inventions included the phonograph, the kinetograph motion picture camera, and the kinetoscope motion picture viewer.

Sound recordings are accessible by title and according to six genres: instrumental selections, popular vocals, spoken word, spoken comedy, foreign language and ethnic recordings, and opera and concert recordings. Films are organized by title, chronologically, and according to genres, including actualities (nonfiction films), advertising, animation, drama and adventure, experimental, humorous, trick, and reenactments. Actuality subjects include disasters, expositions, famous people, foreign places, the navy, police and fire departments, railroads, scenic America, sports and leisure, the variety stage, and war. Special pages focus on the life of the inventor and his contribution to motion picture and sound recording technologies.


What is it?

Animoto takes photographs and allows users to add sound and text, as well as control some editing of the video project, in order to share stories through a short video presentation. Students will find the ability to express themselves through new media tools an attractive aspect of Animoto, and teachers can utilize this tool as a way to bridge curriculum and student engagement or develop digital storytelling projects. For students and teachers tired of PowerPoint presentations, Animoto is just as easy to use and provides a wider multimedia experience.

Getting Started

Pre-planning is a helpful first step in creating your video project. Gather all images and video clips and save them in a desktop folder. If a particular soundtrack serves the needs of the project, make sure the sound clip or song is in .mp3 format. Finally, on a piece of paper, sketch out the storyboard for the video—in particular the placement of text in the video. Animoto offers a handful of different account types that vary in price from personal to business.  The "Professional" account priced at $22/month ($264/year) is the most common and offers HD quality videos, more than 25 professional fonts, and pre-built storyboards.

Once images and videos are uploaded, users can click and drag images at will in order to construct a desired sequence. Other features allow users to spotlight certain images or videos for a more focused display during the final presentation...

After users open an account, the first step is to upload photos and videos via three options: from files on the computer, from Animoto's own collection of photographs, or from another website. Uploading images and videos from the computer allows users to select multiple files and conduct a batch upload. Once images and videos are uploaded, users can click and drag images at will in order to construct a desired sequence. Other features allow users to spotlight certain images or videos for a more focused display during the final presentation, add text slides, rotate and/or duplicate images, and delete any unwanted selections. It is worthwhile to note that one of Animoto’s biggest drawbacks is the limit placed on text entries. Text restrictions may prove to be frustrating for users, but one simple way to bypass these limits is to create a PowerPoint slide with the desired text, save that PowerPoint slide as a .jpg image, and then import the file as a picture into Animoto. Step two directs users to add a music file, or soundtrack, to the video either through Animoto’s own selection of songs or your own .mp3 files. Users can also select at which point the music begins. The final step is the editing process and finalization, where users can establish the speed of transitions, the design template, and select whether the video is short (30 seconds) or full length. After all selections are made, users go to the final section where the credit information is provided for the title of the video and the creator(s). Here is where Animoto users will find a second frustration: once everything is ready to go, users select “create video” and the process of finalizing the video can often take quite a while. Nevertheless, Animoto emails video creators once the video is finalized . . . so you don’t have to wait around. (Update: Animoto’s site updates may have fixed the speed delay in finalizing videos.)

Examples used a quick mock-up video at the 2011 AHA conference to show attendees how five simple images can tell a story. Other video examples include The American History of Chocolate, The Great Exchange, and Civil Rights.

For more information

Animoto’s website, as well as their education page.

USA Today’s blog TechnologyLive looks at the updates and improvements of Animoto.

Review an abstract on "Animoto and language acquisition in the classroom." İrgin, Pelin and Yildiz Turgut "Using Animoto for Language Education" The International Journal of Learning 16 (2009): 1-8.

Thomas A. Edison Papers


A vast database of Thomas Edison's papers, this website includes 71,000 pages of correspondence, 12,000 pages of technical drawings, and more than 13,000 clippings about the inventor from 103 journals and newspapers. The site boasts over five million pages of documents related to Edison. Processes for searching the site are complicated, but an extensive guide offers search strategies.

Materials include 2,210 facsimiles of Edison patents from 1868 to 1931 for products such as the electric lamp and the phonograph. A collection of 14 photographs, maps, and prints depict Edison, his environs, and his inventions. The site offers a "Document Sampler" of 23 selections of general interest as well as an 8,000-word essay on Edison's companies, 22 pages about Edison and the development of the motion picture industry, and two chronologies. A bibliography directs visitors to more than 70 books and articles and 21 related websites.