Elizabeth Glynn's Student-Led Monuments and Memorials Tour

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Photo, 6th Grade DC Trip - Day 2, March 25, 2009, climbnh2003, Flickr, cc
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Five years ago, during my first year of teaching Advanced Placement U.S. History in Leesburg, VA, I created a final exam for my students that I hoped would change the way they thought about monuments and memorials.


For the students to fully execute this project, they first had to understand the purposes of monuments and memorials. We spent two days reading materials that discussed the goals of monuments and memorials. Students also read an article from the Washington Post Magazine that detailed a failed attempt to build a monument on the National Mall. The third day we watched History Channel videos on the presidential monuments and war memorials and critiqued the information that was presented on each. After our discussion on the videos was completed, I introduced the students to the final exam project.

The project was to create a 45-minute tour of a monument or memorial in Washington, DC. Each year, I pre-selected 15 monuments and memorials that were in walking distance of each other. I divided the students into groups of three or four and gave them five class days to plan the tours and accompanying brochures. Each tour and brochure had to explain the purpose of the monument and memorial and help visitors understand its role in history. Both the tour and the brochure had to use at least one primary as well as one secondary source for the information presented.

Throughout the year in my classroom, we had worked with primary and secondary sources, which prepared students to work with sources on their own for this project.

The students also had to create an activity that reinforced the information they presented to the audience. This activity had to be something that everyone could participate in and that incorporated the sources from the tour the group presented. I purposely did not give much guidance on the activities beyond emphasizing the need for primary and secondary sources. I wanted students to create their own activity that they believed helped to explain the monument or memorial to the group.


Throughout the year in my classroom, we had worked with primary and secondary sources, which prepared students to work with sources on their own for this project. To the students, primary and secondary sources are generally items that they use for research purposes—not incorporate into an active event like a tour—so this stretched their understanding of how to use sources and of how to create historical meaning.

I made sure that there were no duplicate groups and that students had plenty of resources available to use. Before assigning the project, I made a trip to the National Park Service Ranger Station in Washington, DC, to pick up brochures on individual monuments and memorials and a trip to my local library to take out books on the monuments and memorials. (It was near the end of the school year, so computer labs and the school library were in high demand).

The sources and books ranged from children's books and nonfiction sources to historical association publications. When the students were researching for their tours, I wanted them to have a mix of sources available so that they could create a unique tour.

I wanted the students to realize that primary and secondary sources of a historic site are not just the building plans but anything that deals with the site!

I researched each monument and memorial to make sure they had primary and secondary sources available that the students could find through the different National Park Service websites. I explained, though, that the primary and secondary sources did not have to be just about the monument and memorial—they could be from a spectator, newspaper, fundraising committee, or a schedule of opening day events. I wanted the students to realize that primary and secondary sources of a historic site are not just the building plans but anything that deals with the site!

When the students were researching, finding, and printing their sources, they analyzed sources in terms of usefulness for the tour and accessibility for the audience. Many found that the primary sources they selected allowed them to weave a story into their tour. I didn't have any guiding activities for their primary/secondary sources so the students had to analyze and synthesize the information on their own.

Plans Come to Fruition

I was nervous to let the students go like this, but I knew they had to do the analysis on their own to be able to speak intimately of the monument or memorial on their tour. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial group did this with ease. Although they were excellent students in my class, they had not been comfortable with primary source analysis in our previous in-class activities. The group began by searching for only primary sources dealing with the building of the monument, letters from veterans, legislation in Congress, and the plans from Maya Lin.

They were able to find a common thread between all the sources but they were still missing a piece that would connect the audience to the memorial personally.

I kept encouraging this group to look through the books I had checked out from the private library, but they were determined to sort through what they had found online and in journals in the school library. The group took the approach of observing the materials, seeing who wrote them, finding bias, and trying to connect the sources all together. They were able to find a common thread between all the sources but they were still missing a piece that would connect the audience to the memorial personally.

When the students finally started going through the public library material, they found a book that changed the focus of their tour. The book was Offerings at the Wall: Artifacts from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. One student made a decision—she was going to let the offerings (primary sources left behind at the wall) take the lead. The group laid their sources out on a desk. They had photocopied offerings that they liked from the book and placed them with the other primary sources they had collected to construct a narrative for their tour. This was an extremely effective way to demonstrate the connection between the memorial and its visitors.

I collected the brochures the students created before we went on the field trip to Washington, DC. I did this for two reasons: one, so that I had time to grade the brochures, and two, so that the students could not rely on their brochures to present the tours. I didn't want them to just walk through the sites using their brochures; I wanted them to add to them with additional information that they had found through their research.

The day we left for the trip, the students came prepared with props, primary sources, handouts, and prizes for their activities. Each student received a response booklet that they were to fill out for each tour. My questions in the booklet aimed at what the students learned and the strengths and weaknesses that they saw. I had my own grading rubric to use and the chaperones who came with me were also assigned rubrics to grade with so that I could reference them later.

I had high expectations for the tours and the students knew this.

The first presentation was the hardest for the students but once one group went, the rest were relieved and couldn't wait to present. I had high expectations for the tours and the students knew this. My secondary goal of this project was to impart my passion for historical sites and discussing them to the students, and I could see that my passion had passed on to several of the students.

For each tour, every student had to talk for at least 15 minutes (for groups of three, or 11 minutes for groups of four) and had to draw on one source in his or her portion. The groups that brought pictures or documents to hold or pass around to the audience were usually the ones that the other students enjoyed most.

The best part for all of us was the activities that went along with each tour. The students really went above and beyond in planning activities to review what they talked about. Many of the groups found additional primary sources for this portion. They would either do a card sort where you mix and match the picture to a person or you would have to put pictures in chronological order based on the building of the monument or memorial. Several students also planned scavenger hunts around their monument or memorial.

The activities were usually based on the size of the monument and memorial.

The activities were usually based on the size of the monument and memorial. For example, the Washington Monument usually had a matching activity due to the limited access to the monument and the structure of it. The 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial had a scavenger hunt based on the information on each plate since it was a smaller memorial with full access.

One memorial that invoked a lot of emotion for the students and for which students found primary sources easily is the National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II by Union Station. This site is beautiful and the students really loved exposure to this piece of history. The site is dedicated to Japanese Americans' participation in World War II from military service to the internment camps.

The best tour site for a group of four was the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, which is divided into four sections. The World War II Memorial was good for a larger group because I could divide the students into the Atlantic and Pacific fronts.

Having students base the tour on primary sources forced them to look in the past and find out about the monument or memorial as it was being built and presented to the public.

To talk for 45 minutes about a monument or memorial is not easy if you do not know the information well. Having students base the tour on primary sources forced them to look in the past and find out about the monument or memorial as it was being built and presented to the public.

My overall goal was to expose students to the resources and history that surround them. These students may or may not go back to these sites, but they will remember their stories and the stories monuments and memorials can tell. A few, I feel, will return and be able to tell the people they are with a little bit about what they are seeing.


Books and Articles
Ashabranner, Brent K. Their Names to Live By: What the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Means to America. Bookfield, CT: Twenty-First Century Books, 1998.

Katz, Leslie George. "The American Monument." Eakins Press Foundation, 1976.

Kelly, John. "A Mom-umental Failure." The Washington Post Magazine, May 11, 2008: 14 – 18, 23 – 26

Walton, Eugene. "Philip Reid and the Statue of Freedom." Middle Level Learning. 24. (2005): M2 – M4.

Great Monuments of Washington, DC. The History Channel: 2005.

Monuments to Freedom - The Presidential Memorials. The History Channel: 2005.

The War Memorials. The History Channel: 2005.

For more information

Eighth-grade teacher Amy Trenkle also uses DC monuments and memorials with her students. What do her students make of one of the city's less-famous statues—a memorial to Christopher Columbus?

Historic Place and Interpretation

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Looking Past First Reactions
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Before you do any kind of field trip, you as a teacher have to do your own homework. You have got to do the groundwork and if you continue to go back to the same site, as I do with Gettysburg, it becomes an evolutionary process. And you as an independent learner and an independent thinker develop your own ideas, and you come to then understand that, and you come to recognize, after going back time and time and time again, that this was a place of great trauma—great tragedy—and that only comes to you once you've gotten beyond your initial reading because I think once in your initial reading, you're caught up in the excitement, you're caught up in the drama that history sometimes imposes on the present. And it's when you get beyond that, that you really begin to understand, and that comes with experience.

If I were a teacher, developing a field trip experience for my teachers in my Teaching American History grant program—first I would do the homework, I would make sure it's a site in which you as an individual feel you are competent to deal with as an adult. I would encourage you to do as much reading as possible and particularly a look at the more recent scholarship that's been written about different sites. You'll find that those things that attract you to that particular vignette or that particular story will take on a life of itself for you, so you will get a different experience. So, the experience that I would give at Gettysburg may very well be different from the experience that teacher A, B, or C gives at Gettysburg because you've read different books, you've seen different things, you've brought your own biases to it and you see things differently. And that's kind of the magic of history; that there is no real one certifiable truth. I mean we all know the battle of Gettysburg took place. We all know it was July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 1863, but what is the meaning of Gettysburg? Did the Union win? Did the Confederacy lose? Was it the turning point in the war? What are the other things? I mean there's questions that always revolve around it. So, you need to be, I think, for best practices, always willing to be open to the fact that your reading, your development is going to lead to more questions and invariably that's what you want your students to do.

One option is to go to the National Park Service and use their Teaching with Historic Places website. I mean, it's a dynamic powerful website that really cuts across all elements of American history in a very rich engaging way for teachers and their students. Every area has a historical memory and I think part of the problem in America has been, that we have so often focused on military history and political history. And it's really been in the last generation that social history has made such important inroads into the interpretation of American history that places like New Bedford, places like the Amoskeag Mill in Manchester, New Hampshire, that places like Butte, Montana, which had a huge mining industry—that these places have a resonance in and of themselves that are important for that local community.

Another way, look for local trails. I mean the United states is dotted with national historical trails. Whether they be short ones from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, marking the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 or they be the Lewis and Clark Trail or they be the Trail of Tears or they be the Nez Perce trail. We have got trails all over the United States—even if you can't do the whole trail you can do part of it and you can make that part of the trail and give it a kind of immediacy for the young people or the young teachers that you are working with. So the environment really, I mean history doesn't happen, and I always tell my students it didn't happen in these four walls; it happened out there and I point out the window.

And again I certainly wouldn't expect teachers to be able to take their students everywhere, but there are places ripe for this and I think one of the great things about the Teaching American History grant program is that there is such an emphasis on training teachers locally. That they can use the local museums, they can use the local cemeteries, they can use the local archives as part of it, and I think that's been one of the geniuses of the Teaching American History program is that it has led teachers in that direction.

Before you do any kind of field trip, you as a teacher have to do your own homework. You have got to do the groundwork and if you continue to go back to the same site, as I do with Gettysburg, it becomes an evolutionary process. And you as an independent learner and an independent thinker develop your own ideas, and you come to then understand that, and you come to recognize, after going back time and time and time again, that this was a place of great trauma—great tragedy—and that only comes to you once you've gotten beyond your initial reading because I think once in your initial reading, you're caught up in the excitement, you're caught up in the drama that history sometimes imposes on the present. And it's when you get beyond that, that you really begin to understand, and that comes with experience.

If I were a teacher, developing a field trip experience for my teachers in my Teaching American History grant program—first I would do the homework, I would make sure it's a site in which you as an individual feel you are competent to deal with as an adult. I would encourage you to do as much reading as possible and particularly a look at the more recent scholarship that's been written about different sites. You'll find that those things that attract you to that particular vignette or that particular story will take on a life of itself for you, so you will get a different experience. So, the experience that I would give at Gettysburg may very well be different from the experience that teacher A, B, or C gives at Gettysburg because you've read different books, you've seen different things, you've brought your own biases to it and you see things differently. And that's kind of the magic of history; that there is no real one certifiable truth. I mean we all know the battle of Gettysburg took place. We all know it was July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 1863, but what is the meaning of Gettysburg? Did the Union win? Did the Confederacy lose? Was it the turning point in the war? What are the other things? I mean there's questions that always revolve around it. So, you need to be, I think, for best practices, always willing to be open to the fact that your reading, your development is going to lead to more questions and invariably that's what you want your students to do.

One option is to go to the National Park Service and use their Teaching with Historic Places website. I mean, it's a dynamic powerful website that really cuts across all elements of American history in a very rich engaging way for teachers and their students. Every area has a historical memory and I think part of the problem in America has been, that we have so often focused on military history and political history. And it's really been in the last generation that social history has made such important inroads into the interpretation of American history that places like New Bedford, places like the Amoskeag Mill in Manchester, New Hampshire, that places like Butte, Montana, which had a huge mining industry—that these places have a resonance in and of themselves that are important for that local community.

Another way, look for local trails. I mean the United states is dotted with national historical trails. Whether they be short ones from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, marking the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 or they be the Lewis and Clark Trail or they be the Trail of Tears or they be the Nez Perce trail. We have got trails all over the United States—even if you can't do the whole trail you can do part of it and you can make that part of the trail and give it a kind of immediacy for the young people or the young teachers that you are working with. So the environment really, I mean history doesn't happen, and I always tell my students it didn't happen in these four walls; it happened out there and I point out the window.

And again I certainly wouldn't expect teachers to be able to take their students everywhere, but there are places ripe for this and I think one of the great things about the Teaching American History grant program is that there is such an emphasis on training teachers locally. That they can use the local museums, they can use the local cemeteries, they can use the local archives as part of it, and I think that's been one of the geniuses of the Teaching American History program is that it has led teachers in that direction.

Memorializing Veterans: Teaching with Place

Date Published
Photo, World War II - The Janesville 99 Memorial, May 9, 2009, cliff1066tm
Photo, World War II - The Janesville 99 Memorial, May 9, 2009, cliff1066tm
Photo, World War II - The Janesville 99 Memorial, May 9, 2009, cliff1066tm
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Veterans Day approaches! Last year, Teachinghistory.org introduced you to resources for collecting oral histories from veterans. Most of these resources still hold good—if you're interested in inviting a veteran into your classroom or leading your class in an oral history project, try History.com's Take a Veteran to School Day or the Library of Congress's Veterans History Project.

But what if you don't have the time or resources to arrange a speaker or manage oral history collection? What if your students are too young to appreciate a veteran's stories and their context? How can you honor the holiday and draw your students in?

How about teaching with monuments and memorials?

National Memorials

Everyone knows the Vietnam Veterans National Memorial, with its simple, iconic design, preserving the names of servicemen killed or missing in action. But what about the additions to the memorial? What prompted the creation of the two figural statues, The Three Servicemen and the Vietnam Women's Memorial? If you are far from Washington, D.C., your students can examine photographs (try Flickr Creative Commons for copyright-free images of many major memorials), read about the history of memorials, and draw their own conclusions.

What needs do the different pieces of the memorial fill? What do they say about Vietnam and its veterans? Who designed them? Who chose these designers? Where did the money to build them come from? When were they unveiled? What controversies have surrounded their design? Are there any special observances at these memorials on Veterans Day?

You could also look up other major DC memorials, built to remember very different wars and participants. Try the African American Civil War Memorial, District of Columbia War Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II, or the National World War II Memorial.

Local Memorials

Or perhaps you'd like to engage students with material closer to home. Look around your town. Ask at your local historical society. What monuments and memorials does your area have? A memorial for the Civil War? Korean War? Vietnam War? World War II? When were these built? Why might your area have memorials for some wars but not others? Who maintains them? What do area residents think of them? How do they resemble or differ from other memorials to veterans from the same war? How and where is Veterans Day memorialized in your town? Are there any observations at these memorials?

High-school teacher James A. Percoco shares his own experience engaging students with memorials in this video, while 8th-grade teacher Amy Trenkle demonstrates teaching with monuments and memorials in action, in our blog, as she takes her class to visit the Columbus Memorial Fountain in Washington, D.C.

If you can't arrange a field trip to a memorial, but would still like to have students visit and analyze one, try designing an individual field trip (IFT) for students. James A. Percoco tells you how.

Still at a loss for resources? Search our Website Reviews for online exhibits and archives full of primary sources, or our Museums & Historic Sites database for sites in your area.

ABMC War Dead Database


This American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) Burials and Memorializations database features over 224,000 records of individuals buried or memorialized in ABMC cemeteries and memorials worldwide. Covering 24 cemeteries in 10 foreign countries and 3 additional memorials in the U.S., this database provides online access to burial information of those killed in action primarily during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

Additional individuals include veterans, active duty military, and civilians. The database also provides information on individuals in the Corozal American Cemetery (Panama) and the Mexico City National Cemetery (Mexico), including civilians and veterans of the Spanish-American War and the Civil War.

The database interface allows students to search by name, war or conflict, service or serial number, branch of service, unit, service entry location, cemetery/memorial, date of death, and keyword. Users can also search for service members who are missing in action and Medal of Honor recipients who are buried or memorialized by ABMC.

This organization of the material allows the user to explore a wealth of information. Students can research the geographic distribution of burials or explore representation among military branches in individual cemeteries. The ABMC database allows users to focus on who is buried and memorialized and to explore the experiences of individual soldiers as well as patterns and commonalities.

Students, for example, could begin to explore the number of women who served as nurses during World War I and the Influenza epidemic of 1918, or the experiences of the 100th Infantry Battalion of the U.S. Army during World War II. Or they could chose to search for an individual from their home state or community and use the database’s information as a starting point to research the life of this individual. They can download search results and print, email, or share individual records.

This valuable research and teaching resource is accompanied by a robust “Education Resources” section featuring interactive timelines and campaign narratives, cemetery or memorial-specific mobile apps, publications, videos, lesson plans, and curriculum ideas. The “Flying Yanks: American Airmen in WWI” interactive, for example, provides historical background for students exploring the air war in WWI, a timeline and map with primary sources, as well as individual stories of airmen.

Students can use the database in conjunction with the learning materials to enrich their understanding of U.S. military history, memorialization, public history, and numerous other historical topics.

Resources for Memorial Day

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Observed on the last Monday of May, our modern Memorial Day has its roots in two wars. In the late 19th century, "Decoration Day" honored the Civil War dead. After World War I, the holiday expanded to honor all citizens who died in service to the U.S. (though it would not become an official national holiday until 1971).

Ready to learn more about Memorial Day? Visit our Memorial Day spotlight page for teaching strategies, quizzes, website reviews, videos, and more on the history of the holiday. Listen to a presentation on dog tags, discover high school teacher James Percoco’s techniques for engaging students with monuments and memorials, or test your knowledge of the 54th Massachusetts, the Civil War regiment made famous in the film Glory. Other organizations also offer rich Memorial Day resources. Try visiting:

  • The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs for the history of Memorial Day and associated traditions.
  • The Library of Congress for primary sources, including 19th- and early 20th-century newspaper articles on the holiday.
  • The Smithsonian National Museum of American History for online exhibits on military history and the diary of a Civil War nurse.
  • The National Park Service for information on historic battlefields, cemeteries, monuments and memorials, and other sites related to military history. Check out lesson plans on teaching with historic places, too.
  • The White House for presidential proclamations from past Memorial Days.
  • EDSITEment for lesson plans on U.S. military history (click "War and Foreign Policy" under "Themes"), including a lesson on the Massachusetts 54th Regiment.
  • The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History for a special issue of History Now, "Perspectives on America’s Wars," and essays and primary sources related to Memorial Day.
  • PBS for video clips related to Memorial Day and military history, including on spouses and parents of fallen soldiers.
For more information

Explore all of our spotlight pages for holiday and heritage teaching materials. Spotlight pages are available all year, and constantly updated!