Heritage Center Museum of Lancaster County [PA]


The Heritage Center Museum of Lancaster County presents the history of life in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The museum collection focus is the decorative arts used throughout Lancaster residences. The museum is housed within the 1790s former city hall and Masonic Lodge No. 43. The city hall served as the state capitol building between 1799 and 1812.

The museum offers exhibits, guided tours, an exhibit tour and activity program for students, 45- to 60-minute outreach presentations for students, a self-guided walking tour of Lancaster for students, traveling trunks, teacher professional development workshops, and summer camps. All groups interested in a guided tour must call ahead. Student educational opportunities are curriculum-based.

Making Personal Connections to the Past by Finding Historians

Photograph, Man at Telephone I, 1920-50, Theodor Horydczak, LOC

Is there a historian that would be willing to Skype a 4th -grade classroom on the American Revolution?


At a National Archives lecture historian David McCullough once made a startling but quite obvious assertion. "Each of us has," he reminded the audience, "at our disposal the world's greatest research device: the telephone." Times have changed since that 1993 lecture I attended and so too has technology, but McCullough's message still serves us well almost two decades later. If you want to find something—or in the case of this article, someone—you have to reach out.

It matters not what grade level you teach. If you are interested in hooking up with historians . . . you must be the one to make the leap.

It matters not what grade level you teach. If you are interested in hooking up with historians to help you enliven your curriculum or fuel your own intellectual yearnings, you must be the one to make the leap. I have been literally connecting historians with my Applied History class at West Springfield High School since 1992, when we held a long-distance phone conference with filmmaker Ken Burns. Since then students have connected with many historians by speaker phone including Edward Linenthal, Louis Masur, Robert Utley, Nicholas Lemann, and the late Walter Lord, among others.

Since the inception of the collaborative Teaching American History Grants I believe that historians, more than ever, are willing to talk with you and your students. So how do you get started and once you have the process in place what do you do?

Say you are studying the American Revolution and George Washington and you want your students to interact with a Revolutionary War era historian or biographer. Start with where George lived, his home in Mount Vernon, VA. Most top-drawer historic sites have a direct pipeline or e-connection to historians who are working in the site-specific subject matter. Chances are these sites have educational curators or specialists on staff that can help you find someone who can speak articulately to the topic at hand.

Plan Carefully

What is essential is that once the process gets underway you and your students do their homework. Like any research project you and your students must invest the necessary time to make it successful and meaningful. Planning is essential. You need to consider how far out into your curriculum you want to hold such a conference. We all have busy schedules and it is imperative that you be flexible with the person to whom you are connecting. I generally plan for two months out or longer when I make my first pitch. Your students need to prepare, too. If you are connecting with an author you must ensure that your students read the author's work beforehand; otherwise, there will be awkward pauses.

Point out that "how" questions and "why" questions will elicit more of the historian's expertise than factual ones that can be answered by consulting a textbook or encyclopedia.

What I do is have students submit to me, several days before the scheduled conference, an index card with a question that they are posing for the author. I read through the cards and select the best questions. Before I make the phone call I pass out the cards to the students and then bring them up to the speakerphone one by one. A brief introduction is made and then the question is posed. What generally evolves is a conversation between the students and the historians with me facilitating the call, but staying in the background. These are moments for the students.

For elementary students, you may need to do even more preparation. Make sure students have studied the topic recently and are familiar with what historians do. While they may not have the reading skills to read the historian's text, you can still introduce his or her area of expertise, the subject matter that she or he studies, and some age-appropriate texts. Introduce the kinds of questions that may be appropriate for the conference, for example, pointing out that "how" questions and "why" questions will elicit more of the historian's expertise than factual ones that can be answered by consulting a textbook or encyclopedia. This is an opportunity for students to also ask questions that get at what is exciting, puzzling, or ambiguous about the historical topic. And they can find out more about why a person would become an historian, the day-to-day aspects of research, and the ways historians work to decipher history through investigating pieces of the past. In any case, you may need to devote some lessons to effectively preparing your young students for a productive conversation.

Look for Local Resources

Consider also working with your local university history departments. With collaboration being the operative word in education these days, make it real. You might even be able to get the person to come and visit your classes, taking the whole process to a very different level. Also, for information on museums and historic locations in your area, check out the Museums and Historic Sites section of our website.

Ambling down this path may at first seem risky, and it is. I was very nervous when I contacted Ken Burns's studio in 1992 to ascertain the possibility of such a conference call. What I have discovered since then is, if you are genuinely sincere about your motives on behalf of your students then you and they will discover the power of making just such a connection. And I honestly believe that the person on the other end of the line from you and your students actually enjoys the outcome, too. I have never received an answer of "no" from anyone of whom I have made the request. And that I think speaks volumes.

Carriers' Addresses

Image, Introductory graphic, Carrier's Addresses

Limited in scope, this site provides an introduction to the study of Carriers' Addresses, which were poems or broadsides read by American newsboys to their customers on New Years' Day. The carriers read the poems, which often emphasized the diligence and hard work of the newsboys, expecting to receive a tip from the customer.

The site includes a 2,500-word explanatory essay and a collection of more than 400 digitized addresses from 1772–1912. The site is searchable, and visitors may browse the collection alphabetically by subject, title, or creator. Each address indicates the name of the newspaper, the date, and the name of the newsboy if known.

Burlington County Historical Society and Museums [NJ]


The Burlington County Historical Society operates three house museums furnished in period style—the 1743 Bard-How House, circa 1780 James Fenimore Cooper House, and Captain James Lawrence House. The Cooper House was the birthplace of James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851), author of The Last of the Mohicans; and now contains items from the estate of Napoleon's brother. The Lawrence House served as the boyhood home of Captain James Lawrence (1781-1813), who died in the War of 1812, best known for initiating the battle cry, "Don't give up the ship!" The society also maintains a research library and an exhibit on production history within Burlington County, NJ.

The society offers exhibits, research library access, period rooms, and guided house museum tours.

Noah Webster: The Forgotten Founding Father


Video background from The Library of Congress Webcasts site:

"Noah Webster's name is synonymous with the dictionary he created, but his story is not nearly so well-known. Webster hobnobbed with various Founding Fathers and was a young confidant of George Washington and Ben Franklin. He started America's first daily newspaper, predating Alexander Hamilton's New York Post. His "blue-backed speller" for schoolchildren sold millions of copies and influenced early copyright law. But perhaps most important, Webster was an ardent supporter of a unified, definitively American culture, distinct from the British, at a time when the United States of America were anything but unified—and his dictionary of American English is a testament to that. Joshua Kendall has written an absorbing and insightful account of how American English came to be codified in his new book."

Research & Reference Gateway: History - North America

Logo, Rutger's University Libraries

This site furnishes hundreds of links to primary and secondary sources on North American history. An eclectic collection, it includes links to library catalogs throughout the world, archival collections, texts, journals, discussion lists, bibliographies, encyclopedias, maps, statistics, book reviews, biographies, curricula, and syllabi. Materials are arranged by subject, period, and document type. Try "History-North America" for the widest variety of vetted sources. Special resource collections include "America in the 1950s," "New Americans: American Immigration History," "The Newark Experience," "U.S. Business History," "U.S. Labor and Working Class History," and "Videos on the U.S. and American Studies."

American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World


Video background from The Library of Congress Webcasts site:

"On Nov. 25, 1783, the last British troops pulled out of New York City, bringing the American Revolution to an end. Patriots celebrated their departure and the confirmation of U.S. independence. But for tens of thousands of American loyalists, the British evacuation spelled worry, not jubilation. Maya Jasanoff discusses the plight of these exiles in place in her new book."

Papers of John Jay

Portrait, John Jay

This site is a compilation of the unpublished papers of founding father John Jay, dating from 1745 to 1829. It is comprised of nearly 14,000 pages scanned from Jay's manuscripts and related materials. Abstracts and bibliographic notes accompany the scanned images. The primary documents are difficult to read in the original handwriting and they have not yet been transcribed. The quality of some of the images is also poor, although users can enlarge and enhance them. The records are searchable by name of writer, date of composition, name of holding institution, and accession number. Keyword searching of the abstracts, which vary in length and informational detail, is also possible.

Users will find letters from such prominent individuals as John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. The correspondence deals with New York, anti-slavery, repeal of the Missouri Compromise, international affairs, and state government and politics. Those unfamiliar with Jay and his historical significance should be sure to visit the site's four thematic pages, each containing an essay (500 to 800 words) with links to documents. The site also includes a 1,300-word brief biography and a more than 50 item bibliography of relevant sources.

Common-Place: The Interactive Journal of Early American Life

Oil on canvas, John Usher Parsons, Self-portrait, John Usher Parsons, 1835

A scholarly journal focused on early American history and run by professional historians. Published in September, January, April, and July, and constituted by interdisciplinary essays, reviews, and "object lessons," the journal hopes "to reach a broad audience of the educated public." Toward this end, the site offers a forum for readers' responses and discussions, space for librarians and archivists, and an "ask the author" feature.

As always with journals, the quality of the site will largely depend upon the quality of the contributors. The editorial board and first two issues, which present 12 items each, suggest a high level of interest from prominent scholars of early America. Whether these scholars can attract a broader readership is a question unanswerable as of yet. A salutary project that holds promise for teaching and research alike.