Reading Place with the National Building Museum

Video Overview

What does architecture say about the past and the present? TAH teachers learn strategies for close examination of buildings in Washington, DC, including the National Building Museum, Capitol, and Lincoln Memorial.

Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Close Examination of an Object
Close Examination of a Building
Drawing First Impressions
Considering Intent
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

Mary Hendrickse: We're going to start off with a really simple activity—the Coke bottle—and finding out how much information we can get about Coca-Cola from this Coke bottle.

Speaker 1: I notice that the shape is made to feel good as you're holding it.

Kendra Huffbower: I notice that it's made out of glass, so it could be recycled…

Kendra Huffbower: The Coke bottle we were thinking about incorporating into our daily morning meeting routine. Where that's kind of the activity and you pass an object and you really have to think about what they're noticing and why they're noticing that and how it's used and the function and design of it.

Speaker 2: There's another image on here. There's an image of a Coke bottle printed on the Coke bottle. Maybe that's something to do with scanning or something?

Speaker 3: Yeah, going on the shape of it, it's kind of…seeing that it comes out of the 1950s-ish time, it's kind of got an hourglass shape of a slender woman's body.

Speaker 4: That was mine! No!

Speaker 3: But that's good, great minds think alike! It reminds me of Barbie or something.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, okay, so the hourglass figure type of idea.

Speaker 3: Whether that was implicit or not.

Mary Hendrickse: Why do you think—let's just go with that.

Speaker 4: Can I tell why, 'cause that was my thing?

Speaker 3: This was a joint thing between minds.

Mary Hendrickse: Why do you think they might have used that shape, that hourglass shape?

Speaker 4: I think it's advertising, because if I drink it I'm gonna look like Barbie.

Speaker 5: It has a date on it—11 February 12. I'm assuming it's either expiration date or…

Mary Hendrickse: If that is the expiration date, what do we think about that? That it expires next year, like eight months from now.

Speaker 6: Lots of preservatives.

Mary Hendrickse: Lots of preservatives, okay.

Speaker 2: That it has an expiration date, though, at all. That's better than if it doesn't!

Rachel Blessing: We talked a lot about visual literacy today and trying to incorporate that in a meaningful way in the classroom is my hope. I've been writing down how she's [Mary Hendrickse] been teaching us, because that's something that she's modeling for us. I don't know if she knows that, but she is.

Rachel Blessing: It's from Mexico.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, it was made in Mexico. So what does that tell us?

Kendra Doyle: I think sometimes we can just get so caught up in day-to-day things that we don't take the time to look at the outside of a building and just see what does this tell us, what does this mean? Taking the time to just slow down and observe and analyze, that’s something that I've learned.

Kendra Doyle: I noticed the label, it's red, and the way the Coca-Cola is written it looks like a ribbon almost, the script. It's like a repeating sound, it's like a catchy sound—Coca-Cola—it's like the same letters.

Mary Hendrickse: So, I wanted to point out that it took us one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13 people to get to the logo that's written on it. Because that's something that we expect to see, so we don’t really think about it very often.

I have some disks that I'll give you at the end of the day in an electronic form so you can use it again if you want to and it's got the reason behind some of the design parts. They did go for the curvy bottle on purpose, for both easy gripping and attractiveness—because it looked like a woman—and the red and white because it was bold colors. So there's a reason behind even the smallest details of a Coke bottle, and the same thing goes with buildings. Even the smallest detail in a building has importance and has meaning.

Mary Hendrickse: Visual literacy is really about slowing your students down and asking them to articulate why they are making the assumptions they are. What did they see that makes them say that? We're very quick to say, "Oh, that's a school." Well, why does it look like a school? What about it makes it look like a school? It's about looking closer and longer and further. Drawing is one way that you can do that. It's also important to ask questions that bring you to more questions and more ideas. And it's also important to get your kids to ask questions too.

There's a handout over there called "50 Ways to Look at a Big Mac Box." These are good questions to use about anything. You can use them about a Coke bottle, you can use them about a building, you can use this as a reference. I'm going to give each group two pictures of buildings you may not be familiar with. You can either work on them together, you can pick one to work on as a group, or you can split up into two smaller groups. I would like you to use those questions and look really closely at the details to see if you can figure out more information about this building. Okay? Does that make sense to everybody?

[Group 1:]
Speaker 1: That's the entrance.

Speaker 2: And are these windows?

Speaker 1: Ah, could be, letting in some light.

Speaker 2: Or ventilation.

Speaker 3: So describe the shape—

Speaker 2: Yeah, I would say planetarium or an arena.

Speaker 4: I was thinking like a rec center.

Speaker 1: Yeah, a sports center.

[Group 2:]
Speaker 1: We said that we noticed the landscape in this one. We noticed the intentional barriers. The park area is set up to where you can enjoy the view of the building and set up to where you might want to just go and take a walk.

Speaker 2: There's shade because there's trees; if it's sunny you can do a picnic underneath them.

Speaker 3: And I think that's juxtaposed with the symmetrical almost like prism, to me, structure.

Speaker 1: The straight lines.

Speaker 3: It's straight, the windows are tiny and narrow and dark.

[Large-group discussion:]
Mary Hendrickse: We're going to go around and I'd like each group to tell a little bit about what they think about these buildings. What did you…what do you think about this one?

Speaker 1: The design is different. When you look inside of it, it looks kind of like the chandelier crystal things hanging down. The top looks very translucent. We were kind of thinking if it's like a memorial type thing.

Speaker 2: There's a variety of materials because the bottom level is like these pillars but glass in the front and in the back, and then there's this marble layer. We can't really tell what exactly the material is at the top, but it's like this mesh, it looks like a metal sort of mesh glittery something.

Speaker 3: And when you look up through the center of the building, you can see it glows a little bit, almost like it's open. So there's offices or some functioning room up top.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, yeah, absolutely. So this is one proposed design for the National Museum of African American Culture and Heritage. You guys were absolutely on target when you were thinking about what the different parts mean. The design was supposed to look like a crown—this idea of a crown—it was supposed to look like it glows. I mean, you guys were able to get a lot of information out of this just by looking at it.

[Group 3:]
Speaker 1: See what the people are wearing.

Speaker 2: See what the people are wearing or doing.
[This seems odd…should this group discussion be here?]

Mary Hendrickse: This building was built a long time ago to be both a Pension Bureau for Civil War soldiers so they could come in and pick up their retirement checks or pensions, and also a space to have inaugural balls. As we're going through we're going to be drawing things and looking at different aspects of the building and seeing how they can reveal different information about how this building was used.

Rachel Blessing: I can't tell you the last time I've drawn a picture, so just being forced to do those things and remembering what it's like for the kids, and also just learning new things. I grew up in DC, and I've been to this building but I didn't know half of what I learned today.

Speaker 1: Look, there's a clue. There's a Civil War clue right there. There's people coming to get their pensions.

Mary Hendrickse: The first thing that I want you to do is to open up your sketchbooks. We are going to do a 30-second quick sketch. I want you to get a sort of big picture, overall impressions of what you see in this space, okay? What were you able to capture in 30 seconds?

Multiple Speakers: Nothing. Columns. Arches.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, so columns, arches. So maybe something that the architect really wanted you to look at and focus on when you came into the building. What about those arches and columns? What do you notice about them?

Speaker 2: They look like aqueducts.

Mary Hendrickse: They look like aqueducts, okay. Aqueducts from today or from—

Speaker 3: No, like Rome.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, so like the Roman aqueducts.

Kendra Doyle: Ancient Greece and Rome—what connection does it have to that? What message are they trying to send? So I think being here sometimes reinforces some of those ideas about those things we've discussed in class.

Mary Hendrickse: What is this?

Multiple Speakers: It's the seal.

Mary Hendrickse: It's the seal. The seal of what?

Multiple Speakers: The United States of America.

Kendra Doyle: We might be able to actually do a field study to a site. If not, we also discussed just starting by analyzing the buildings that we're in. So many DC schools have this history and if we just take the time to look at what's around us, the buildings themselves tell an important story.

Mary Hendrickse: Doesn't have to be perfect, you're just recording clues. Your own interpretation of what you see.

Judy Leek Bowers: Drawing, I thought that was neat, because then you really do get to see what different people think is important. None of our drawings were the same.

Mary Hendrickse: We're going to do a really quick share; this is the easiest way to share. Everybody hold up your sketchpads like this. There you go. Take notice of what other people have drawn. Did they draw things that are similar to you? Different?

Speaker 1: Yeah, I did. I don't see what other people see.

Judy Leek Bowers: There's always a new technique. There's always somebody that you meet that has a different perspective. In just this short length of time it's opened my eyes to other ways to address the children. Really having more instruction that's almost individualized to each child so that they can think more deeply about the place and the power it might have.

Mary Hendrickse: What were some of the things that people drew?

Multiple Speakers: The doorway.

Speaker 1: The columns.

Mary Hendrickse: What can the door tell you about how the building was used? Is it like a normal door you would see on a house? How else is it different from a normal door?

Speaker 2: It's huge, it's inviting. The window above it at the same time—it's not a stained glass window, but still you [can] see an old castle or church.

Mary Hendrickse: It's a little bit elaborate; it's not really a plain door.

Speaker 3: What about the sculpture around the door? It's so different from that.

Mary Hendrickse: The sculptures around the door. Anybody want to guess who those people might be?

Speaker 4: You've got different ones. You have the Navy kind of on this side and then you have the Army maybe on this side.

Mary Hendrickse: We know it's from the Pension Bureau, so these were some of the people who were going to be coming into the building. So they had a visual clue on the outside of the building about what this building was used for.

Mary Hendrickse: Let's start off with the Capitol Building. Who was looking at the Capitol Building?

Speaker 1: The fact that there's the two houses—Senate and the House of Representatives—kind of link this idea of states and the nation, and then the dome in the middle kind of unifies the two. There's the Greek-style columns, which pay tribute to the birthplace of democracy.

Speaker 2: Everything else paled in comparison; the marble, the white symbolized purity.

Mary Hendrickse: Ideal, pristine, we're doing good things here. Perched upon the hill to add to the importance.

Speaker 1: Stately, powerful in itself; but not overdone, not overblown, not too elaborate.

Mary Hendrickse: A house for the president rather than a mansion for the president, or a castle for the president. So not towards the realm of king and royalty, but still important enough that a president can live in there.

Speaker 2: It's got kind of a plantation house feel to it, too.

Mary Hendrickse: Anything else that anybody wanted to add? We still have that continuation of the white coloring again and that reference to classical architecture with the columns and the capitals.

Mary Hendrickse: Who looked at the Jefferson Memorial?

Speaker 1: We talked about the columns and the architecture, the structure of the building being reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture and how Rome was the greatest power of its time so it's our expression of being one of the greatest powers in the world.

Speaker 2: We also talked about him standing as opposed to Lincoln, who is sitting.

Mary Hendrickse: What did you think about him standing?

Speaker 3: He was sort of presiding over everything and the idea that when you go to the monument you have to walk up the steps to greet him and you have to look up at Jefferson; and he's just sort of looking down—not looking down on us, but—

Mary Hendrickse: Surveying the land?

Speaker 3: Right. But just sort of overseeing, making sure the democracy stays intact.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, the Lincoln Memorial. Who was looking at that one?

Speaker 1: We talked about the Parthenon and the Greek influence.

Mary Hendrickse: Anything else? What about the size of Lincoln? He's huge! So what does that say?

Speaker 3: He's a huge figure in American history

Speaker 4: He has a huge position in our history.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, so his position in our history, he's this huge man, huge figure in our history. The original statue was going to be a lot smaller and then when they went to start trying to figure out putting it in the building they realized it was going to be much too small and it would be dwarfed by the architecture, so they made it even bigger.

Speaker 5: I always think it's so ironic to think that they ended up making this huge statue of him and making him this huge icon, whereas what we know of him and his personality is so humble and, you know, just your everyday man. I just only imagine what he would think if he could see this.

Mary Hendrickse: It's got symbols on it about Lincoln, but the building itself has become a bigger symbol for civil rights and for rights in general. It's grown beyond what Lincoln was about to be even more symbolic and meaningful to the country.

Speaker 6:: So don't meanings always evolve? The meanings of the power of a place always is changing.

Mary Hendrickse: Absolutely, these things grow, you're absolutely right. They grow and they evolve until what we think now about the Lincoln Memorial is not the same thing they would have thought about the Lincoln Memorial in the 1920s.

Judy Leek Bowers: I'm understanding that everything that's historical is not written. Some things are based on the boulder that's in the middle of the road and it has a story behind it. Why is it significant in the District of Columbia, and why is it significant to you? And that's where I need to learn to make the connection for the students. Who really decides if the place has power?

Children's Lives at Colonial London Town

Screencap, Children's Lives at Colonial London Town

Children's Lives at Colonial London Town tells the stories of three 18th-century families who lived in the port town of London Town, MD. Funded by a Teaching American History (TAH) grant, Anne Arundel County Public School teachers created this interactive online storybook and complementary app in partnership with the Center for History Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and Historic London Town and Gardens.

The storybook includes a three-chapter narrative exploring the lives of the Pierponts, a four-child, single-mother family running an ordinary (a public house) in 1709; the Hills, a middle-class young Quaker couple raising Mrs. Hill's five young siblings in 1739; and the Browns, 1762 tavernkeepers who owned several slaves, among them seven-year-old Jacob. Introductory sections explore the pre-colonial lives of Native peoples and the early days of colonization.

Each of more than 40 pages features images of primary sources, photographs of reenactors, and two to three paragraphs describing the everyday lives of these families. The stories look at how both parents and children (including enslaved children) ate, slept, dressed, worked, learned, played, and attended to their health. Questions throughout the text ask students to consider the information they read and develop questions about the past. Highlighted names and vocabulary invite readers to click to visit a glossary.

A slideshow gallery of images used in the storybook, an interactive map showing the locations of the three families' homes, and a timeline of events of both national and local London Town events from 1600 to 1800 support the storybook. Clicking on highlighted names and terms on the timeline takes visitors to related primary sources and articles off-site.

But how to use the storybook in the classroom? An Educators section orients teachers to the storybook and its supporting materials. A guide outlines the purpose and structure of the storybook, while the "Educator Resource" section offers more than 10 downloadable lesson plans and activities for 4th- through 5th-graders. Teachers can also review pre-reading and during-reading strategies for using the storybook, as well as strategies for writing prompted by it. Teachers can also follow links to sections of the Historic London Town and Gardens' website, including a 300-word introduction to London Town's history and information on London Town school tours.

To learn more about subjects covered in the storybook and to explore the sources that went into making it, see "Additional Websites and Places of Interest" for more than 25 links to websites focusing on Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania history and "Sources Used to Create This Book" for a bibliography of more than 30 books, primary sources, and websites.

A window into history tailored specifically for upper-elementary students, Children's Lives at Colonial London Town could make a compelling whiteboard read-along activity for teachers covering the colonial era. For students and teachers with smartphones and tablets, try the free app version and let students explore at their own pace.

Plan Ahead for Professional Development in Spring 2013

Date Published
Photo,  SSC Sample Spread 1, bjornmeansbear, Jul 2, 2009, bjornmeansbear, Flickr
Article Body

Ready for spring? How about summer? It's never too early to start planning ahead for professional development. Historical societies, museums, libraries, and other institutions across the nation offer workshops, seminars, conferences, and more for U.S. history educators. Visit the websites of your local and state institutions to see what they're planning, and check out these offerings from national institutions:

  • American Bar Association and Federal Judicial Center:
    Offer a week-long institute on federal trials and great debates in U.S. history. Applications are due by Mar. 1, 2013.
  • Bill of Rights Institute:
    Offers a week-long Founders Fellowship for high school teachers, Jul. 22-26. Fellows explore the intersection of civil and economic liberty in lectures, discussions, and site visits in Washington, DC. Fellows receive a $400 travel stipend, as well as $100 upon completion of post-program activities. Applications are due by Mar. 26, 2013.
  • Civil War Trust:
    Offers two-day regional institutes and one four-day national institute. Institutes require a refundable registration deposit. Registration begins February 2013 for the national institute.
  • C-SPAN Classroom:
    Offers a four-week fellowship for middle and high school teachers. Participants will develop teaching materials using C-SPAN's resources. Fellows receive a $7,000 award. Registration ends Feb. 8, 2013.
  • Dirksen Congressional Center:
    Offers a week-long workshop on teaching about Congress for middle and high school teachers. Requires a nonrefundable $135 registration fee.
  • Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History:
    Offers week-long seminars for full-time K–12 teachers. Seminars take place at locations across the U.S. and treat topics from the era of George Washington to 9/11. Requires a nonrefundable $25 registration fee; participants can also register to receive graduate credit. Applications are due by Feb. 15, 2013.
  • Library of Congress:
    Offers summer teacher institutes. Applications are due Feb. 4, 2013.
  • National Archives and Records Administration:
    Offers "Primarily Teaching" workshops for upper elementary- through college-level educators. Workshops introduce teachers to the holdings of the Archives and techniques for using them with students. Requires $100 nonrefundable fee, with graduate credit available for an additional fee.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities:
    Offers two- to five-week seminars and three- to five-week institutes for K–12 educators as well as week-long workshops on landmarks of U.S. history and culture (see the full listing). Seminars, institutes, and workshops cover a wide range of topics and emphasize introducing participants to the scholarly process. Provides stipends from $1,200 to $4,500. Applications are due by Mar. 4, 2013.
  • Smithsonian American Art Museum:
    Offers the Clarice Smith National Teacher Institutes, week-long institutes for 6–12 teachers featuring strategies for connecting art, language arts, and social studies. Requires $200 nonrefundable fee, with graduate credit available for an additional fee; $500 scholarships available. Applications are due by Apr. 1, 2013.
  • Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture:
    Together with the Smithsonian American Art Museum, offers a free online conference, "Oh Freedom!," on teaching African American civil rights history with art. The conference will take place on Feb. 6, 2013; register on the website to participate.
For more information

What makes professional development useful? Educators and professional development directors share their thoughts in this Roundtable.

Wisconsin's Prekindergarten Standards

Article Body
  • WI.5. Content Standard: Cognition and General Knowledge

    • 5.C. Performance Standard: Social Systems Understanding

      Children in Wisconsin will understand the characteristics and structures of social systems. During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:

      • 5.C.EL.1 Grade Level Example:

        Recognize and respect shared and different characteristics of self and others, including values and beliefs.

      • 5.C.EL.2 Grade Level Example:

        Understand family and community interdependence.

      • 5.C.EL.3 Grade Level Example:

        Comprehend the concepts of fairness and equality and the reason for rules and laws.

      • 5.C.EL.4 Grade Level Example:

        Recognize the interdependence of humans with the natural world.

Washington's Prekindergarten Standards

Article Body
  • WA.4. Ealr / Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge

    Social Studies

    • 4.46. Component / Goal: History

      Children differentiate between events that happen in the past, present, and future.

      • 4.46.1. Benchmark / Gle:

        Retells a more complex story or event in somewhat sequential order

      • 4.46.2. Benchmark / Gle:

        Begins to use the vocabulary for days of the week and names of the months

      • 4.46.3. Benchmark / Gle:

        Describes events or objects from his/her personal or family history

      • 4.46.4. Benchmark / Gle:

        Begins to understand that people in the past lived differently than people do today

      • 4.46.5. Benchmark / Gle:

        Uses the future tense to discuss plans

      • 4.46.6. Benchmark / Gle:

        Recognizes that other children have different past experiences from own

    • 4.47. Component / Goal: Geography

      Children demonstrate awareness of location and spatial relationships.

      • 4.47.1. Benchmark / Gle:

        Talks about location using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., near/far, over/under, next to)

      • 4.47.2. Benchmark / Gle:

        Describes some concepts of distance or space (e.g., knows it's far to Grandpa's house)

      • 4.47.3. Benchmark / Gle:

        Recognizes that real places can be represented symbolically

    • 4.48. Component / Goal: Geography

      Children demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between people, places, and regions.

      • 4.48.1. Benchmark / Gle:

        Describes some physical characteristics (e.g., bodies of water, mountains, weather)and some of the social characteristics of the corresponding communities (e.g., types of shelter, clothing, food, jobs)

      • 4.48.2. Benchmark / Gle:

        Helps to navigate on journeys (e.g., ''after you pass the big red barn, then my house is next.'' or ''I live by the bus stop.'')

      • 4.48.3. Benchmark / Gle:

        Understands that there are different places that people live

    • 4.49. Component / Goal: Economics

      Children demonstrate awareness of economic concepts.

      • 4.49.1. Benchmark / Gle:

        Realizes that making one choice means that you may not be able to do something else

      • 4.49.2. Benchmark / Gle:

        Recognizes that people rely on others for goods and services

      • 4.49.3. Benchmark / Gle:

        Understands the concept of saving resources for use in the future

      • 4.49.4. Benchmark / Gle:

        Accurately names some coins and money bills (e.g., penny, nickel, dollar bill)

      • 4.49.5. Benchmark / Gle:

        Recognizes that some things are owned by people and other things are collective goods

    • 4.50. Component / Goal: Ecology

      Children demonstrate awareness of the relationship between humans and the environment.

      • 4.50.1. Benchmark / Gle:

        Recognizes, with adult support and guidance, how people can take care of or damage the earth

      • 4.50.2. Benchmark / Gle:

        Exhibits simple concepts of conservation (e.g., uses paper judiciously, does not waste water)

      • 4.50.3. Benchmark / Gle:

        Shows interest in understanding how animals gather and store food, sleep, and live

    • 4.51. Component / Goal: Technology

      Children use technology appropriately.

      • 4.51.1. Benchmark / Gle:

        Identifies ways in which technology helps people accomplish specific tasks (e.g., ''the wheelchair helps Cedric get from one place to another.'' ''E-mail lets you communicate with your friend who lives far away.'')

      • 4.51.2. Benchmark / Gle:

        Identifies alternate ways of doing things with and without technology (e.g., can use hands or dishwasher to clean dishes; can travel by foot or by car)

      • 4.51.3. Benchmark / Gle:

        Considers, with adult guidance, what it must have been like to live without technology in an earlier time

      • 4.51.4. Benchmark / Gle:

        Uses computer for simple ''point and click ''operations on child-appropriate web sites or software

Virginia's Prekindergarten Standards

Article Body
  • VA.1. Strand / Topic: History

    Similarities and Differences: The child will identify ways in which people are alike and different.

    • 1.a. Standard / Strand:

      Recognize ways in which people are alike and different

    • 1.b. Standard / Strand:

      Describe his/her own unique characteristics and those of others

    • 1.c. Standard / Strand:

      Make the connection that he/she is both a member of a family and a member of a classroom community

    • 1.d. Standard / Strand:

      Engage in pretend play to understand self and others

    • 1.e. Standard / Strand:

      Participate in activities and traditions associated with different cultural heritages

  • VA.2. Strand / Topic: History

    Change Over Time: The child will develop an awareness of change over time.

    • 2.a. Standard / Strand:

      Describe ways children have changed since they were babies

    • 2.b. Standard / Strand:

      Express the difference between past and present using words such as before, after, now, and then

    • 2.c. Standard / Strand:

      Order/sequence events and objects

    • 2.d. Standard / Strand:

      Ask questions about artifacts from everyday life in the past

    • 2.e. Standard / Strand:

      Recount episodes from stories about the past

    • 2.f. Standard / Strand:

      Take on a role from a specific time, use symbols and props, and act out a story/narrative

    • 2.g. Standard / Strand:

      Describe past times based on stories, pictures, visits, songs and music

  • VA.3. Strand / Topic: Geography

    Location: The child will develop an increased awareness of the physical relationship between and among people and places.

    • 3.a. Standard / Strand:

      Identify and describe prominent features of the classroom, school, neighborhood and community

    • 3.b. Standard / Strand:

      Engage in play where one item represents another - miniature vehicles, people, blocks

    • 3.c. Standard / Strand:

      Make and walk on paths between objects - ex., from the door to the window

    • 3.d. Standard / Strand:

      Represent objects in the order in which they occur in the environment

    • 3.e. Standard / Strand:

      Experience seeing things from different elevations

  • VA.4. Strand / Topic: Geography

    Descriptive Words: The child will use words to indicate relative location of objects and people including direction words, comparison words, and attribute words.

    • 4.a. Standard / Strand:

      Use words to indicate relative location

    • 4.b. Standard / Strand:

      Use words to describe features of locations in the environment and manmade structures found in stories and seen in everyday experiences

    • 4.c. Standard / Strand:

      Develop control in using direction words - on, under, over, behind, near, far, above, below, toward, and away - one direction at a time

    • 4.d. Standard / Strand:

      Develop control in using comparison words - closer, farther away, taller, shorter, higher, lower, alike, different, inside, and outside

    • 4.e. Standard / Strand:

      Develop fluency using attribute words -hard, soft, rough, smooth

    • 4.f. Standard / Strand:

      Use labels and symbols for what the child has seen

  • VA.5. Strand / Topic: Economics

    World of Work: The child will develop an increased awareness of the kinds of work people do and the variety of tools people use in their jobs.

    • 5.a. Standard / Strand:

      Identify pictures of work and name the jobs people do

    • 5.b. Standard / Strand:

      Describe what people do in their community job

    • 5.c. Standard / Strand:

      Match tools to jobs

    • 5.d. Standard / Strand:

      Match job sites to work done

    • 5.e. Standard / Strand:

      Role-play the job of workers

  • VA.6. Strand / Topic: Economics

    Making Choices: The child will identify that people have wants and make choices.

    • 6.a. Standard / Strand:

      Identify choices

    • 6.b. Standard / Strand:

      Recognize that everyone has wants

    • 6.c. Standard / Strand:

      Choose daily tasks

    • 6.d. Standard / Strand:

      Role-play purchasing situations where choices are made

  • VA.7. Strand / Topic: Civics

    Citizenship: The child will participate as a member/citizen of a classroom community.

    • 7.a. Standard / Strand:

      Cooperate with others in a joint activity

    • 7.b. Standard / Strand:

      Recognize the need for rules to help get along with others

    • 7.c. Standard / Strand:

      Participate in creating rules for the classroom

    • 7.d. Standard / Strand:

      State personal plans for learning center activities

    • 7.e. Standard / Strand:

      Participate in discussing and generating solutions to a class problem

    • 7.f. Standard / Strand:

      Share thoughts and opinions in group settings

    • 7.g. Standard / Strand:

      Demonstrate responsible behaviors in caring for classroom materials

    • 7.h. Standard / Strand:

      Identify the needs of other people by helping them

Tennessee's Prekindergarten Standards

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  • TN.4. Content Standard: Cognitive/Social-Emotional - Social Studies

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation: Human Interactions/Culture

      Discriminates individual, culture and community.

      • 4.1.1. Benchmark:

        Recognizes own gender.

      • 4.1.2. Benchmark:

        Begins to understand family structures and roles.

      • 4.1.3. Benchmark:

        Notices similarities and differences in people.

      • 4.1.4. Benchmark:

        Plays and acts out family roles in dramatic play center.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation: Human Interactions/Culture

      Develops growing awareness of jobs and what is required to perform them.

      • 4.2.1. Benchmark:

        Participates in classroom jobs.

      • 4.2.2. Benchmark:

        Looks at books and identifies jobs of persons.

      • 4.2.3. Benchmark:

        Chooses leader or boss for activity.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation: Human Interactions/Culture

      Begins to understand the reason for rules.

      • 4.3.1. Benchmark:

        Helps make and follows class rules.

      • 4.3.2. Benchmark:

        Places personal symbol at interest area to denote her place.

      • 4.3.3. Benchmark:

        Participates in class clean-up or group activities.

      • 4.3.4. Benchmark:

        Can state a rule and simply explain the why of rule

      • 4.3.5. Benchmark:

        Learns to wait (for longer periods of time) for his turn.

    • 4.4. Learning Expectation: History

      Identifies common events and routines.

      • 4.4.1. Benchmark:

        Understands that the day follows a schedule.

      • 4.4.2. Benchmark:

        Understands and can predict the next events that will happen in the day.

    • 4.5. Learning Expectation: History

      Begins to categorize time intervals.

      • 4.5.1. Benchmark:

        Uses terms today. tomorrow

      • 4.5.2. Benchmark:

        Begins to understand concepts of before and after.

    • 4.6. Learning Expectation: History

      Recognizes the changes in environment.

      • 4.6.1. Benchmark:

        Recognizes that it is rainy, sunny, cool, hot.

      • 4.6.2. Benchmark:

        Begins to recognize seasons (if he lives in a place where seasonal differences are apparent).

    • 4.7. Learning Expectation: Geography

      Begins to express and understand concepts and language of geography in the context of her classroom, home and community.

      • 4.7.1. Benchmark:

        Recognizes common features in his immediate environment (playground, library, restroom).

      • 4.7.2. Benchmark:

        Creates drawings of home, school, etc.; can make simple map of home to show different areas and talk about what is in those areas (stove in kitchen).

      • 4.7.3. Benchmark:

        Identifies important or familiar landmarks (fire house, grocery store, etc.).

      • 4.7.4. Benchmark:

        Identifies common features of local landscape (houses, streets, buildings).

    • 4.8. Learning Expectation: Geography

      Begins to understand that people need food, clothing and shelter.

      • 4.8.1. Benchmark:

        Begins to understand that people need nutritious food.

      • 4.8.2. Benchmark:

        Understands that he must put on a coat and warm shoes in cold weather.

    • 4.9. Learning Expectation: Economics

      Begins to understand that people need food, clothing and shelter.

      • 4.9.1. Benchmark:

        Understands that people need a place to live.

    • 4.10. Learning Expectation: Economics

      Begins to understand what services the community workers provide.

      • 4.10.1. Benchmark:

        Understands that fire fighters help others in many ways.

      • 4.10.2. Benchmark:

        Understands that police officers help people in different ways.

      • 4.10.3. Benchmark:

        Begins to understand that there are other community workers that help his community.

    • 4.11. Learning Expectation: Economics

      Begins to understand the concept of money.

      • 4.11.1. Benchmark:

        Understands that money can buy items.

      • 4.11.2. Benchmark:

        Understands that some items cost more than others.

South Dakota's Prekindergarten Standards

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  • SD.1. Goal / Strand: Social Studies - Families/Cultures

    Through their explorations, play, and social interactions children demonstrate an understanding of self, families, and cultures.

    • 1.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Identify themselves as individuals and as belonging to a family.

    • 1.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe what a family is and roles that family members can play.

    • 1.3. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Share family traditions and daily routines and demonstrate interest in learning about the traditions of others.

    • 1.4. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Demonstrate understanding that there are diverse families and cultures and all have value.

  • SD.2. Goal / Strand: Social Studies - Community/Civics

    Through their explorations, play, and social interactions children demonstrate an understanding of what it means to be a participating member of groups and communities.

    • 2.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Demonstrate confidence in expressing individual opinions and thoughts.

    • 2.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Demonstrate respect for the thoughts and opinions of others, even when different from their own.

    • 2.3. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Demonstrate understanding that communities are composed of groups of people who live, play, or work together and identify communities to which they belong.

    • 2.4. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Participate in creating and following rules and routines.

    • 2.5. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Take responsibility for simple tasks that contribute to the well-being of the group.

  • SD.3. Goal / Strand: Social Studies - History/Time

    Through their explorations, play, and social interactions children demonstrate an understanding of the passage of time and how the past influences their future.

    • 3.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe past, current and future events.

    • 3.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe their day and coming activities in terms of daily routines (first we..., then we...).

    • 3.3. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe how a past event relates to something happening currently or in the future.

    • 3.4. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Share stories or pictures about themselves in the past.

  • SD.4. Goal / Strand: Social Studies - Geography/Places, People, and Environments

    Through their explorations, play, and social interactions children demonstrate an awareness of their physical environment and its impact on daily living.

    • 4.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe where they live and where others live in relationship to them.

    • 4.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Identify various living environments, such as farm, ranch, city, town, and country.

    • 4.3. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe familiar places in their environment, such as a house, classroom, park, lake, or river.

    • 4.4. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Draw or build representations of familiar places with a variety of materials.

    • 4.5. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Identify various weather conditions and seasons and how they affect what we wear and what we do.

    • 4.6. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Name natural resources, such as water, soil, clean air, and trees, describe how they help us, and how we can be good stewards of the environment.

  • SD.5. Goal / Strand: Social Studies - Economics

    Through their explorations, play, and social interactions children demonstrate an understanding of how people work together to grow, produce, distribute, and consume goods and services that meet their wants and needs.

    • 5.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Identify several community helpers and the services they provide.

    • 5.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Describe source of familiar foods, such as milk, apples, and eggs.

    • 5.3. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Express knowledge that money can be used to purchase goods.

    • 5.4. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Demonstrate understanding that people work to earn money to provide for their families and buy what they need.

Pennsylvania's Prekindergarten Standards

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  • PA.SS1. Academic Standard: Social Studies

    Develop an understanding of self within a community

    • SS1.1. Standard Statement:

      Identify similarities and differences of personal characteristics

    • SS1.2. Standard Statement:

      Demonstrate an appreciation of one's own characteristics and those of others and others' cultures

    • SS1.3. Standard Statement:

      Display an awareness of his/her role as a member of a group, such as the family or the class

    • SS1.4. Standard Statement:

      Show understanding of how individuals work together to achieve group goals

    • SS1.5. Standard Statement:

      Recognize how things are spatially related to one another

    • SS1.6. Standard Statement:

      Describe the characteristics of where s/he lives and visits

    • SS1.7. Standard Statement:

      Identify location and direction

    • SS1.8. Standard Statement:

      Develop a beginning understanding of maps as representations of actual places

  • PA.SS2. Academic Standard: Social Studies

    Develop understanding of past, present and future

    • SS2.1. Standard Statement:

      Demonstrate understanding of the sequence of events

    • SS2.2. Standard Statement:

      Understand how things, people and places change over time

    • SS2.3. Standard Statement:

      Demonstrate an ability to connect new ideas to past experiences

  • PA.SS3. Academic Standard: Social Studies

    Develop an understanding of the role of consumers

    • SS3.1. Standard Statement:

      Demonstrate knowledge about community workers and their roles

    • SS3.2. Standard Statement:

      Demonstrate an awareness of the uses of money

    • SS3.3. Standard Statement:

      Develop an understanding of how goods and services are produced and distributed

Oklahoma's Prekindergarten Standards

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  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: Social Studies - Civics

    The child will exhibit traits of good citizenship.

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Works and plays cooperatively in a variety of settings (e.g., in large and small groups, learning centers).

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Recognizes the importance of his/her role as a member of the family, the class, and the community.

    • 1.3. Strand / Standard:

      Listens to others while in large and small groups.

    • 1.4. Strand / Standard:

      Shows respect for others and their property.

    • 1.5. Strand / Standard:

      Develops an awareness of how people positively affect the environment.

    • 1.6. Strand / Standard:

      Recognizes patriotic symbols and activities (e.g., American Flag).

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: Social Studies - Geography

    The child will demonstrate knowledge of basic geographic concepts.

    • 2.1. Strand / Standard:

      Locates and describes familiar places (e.g., classroom, home, school, fast food restaurant).

    • 2.2. Strand / Standard:

      Begins to develop an understanding of his/her community (e.g., home, school, city).

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: Social Studies - Geography

    The child will discuss how children in various communities and cultures are alike and different.

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explores how children have needs in common (e.g., food, clothing, shelter).

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Explores how children are unique as to languages, food, clothing, transportation, and customs.

    • 3.3. Strand / Standard:

      Explores how families and communities build ''traditions.''

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: Social Studies - Economics

    The child will explore various careers.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Develops growing awareness of jobs and what is required to perform them.

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Identifies various school and community personnel.

    • 4.3. Strand / Standard:

      Develops an awareness of money being needed to purchase things.