Bosque Redondo Memorial at Fort Sumner State Monument [NM]


Fort Sumner was the center of a million-acre reservation known as the Bosque Redondo Indian Reservation. The story of how the U.S. Army forcibly moved the Navajo and Mescalero Apache people from their traditional homelands to the land surrounding this lonely outpost is pivotal to the history of the American West. During this tragic period of U.S. history, the Navajo and Mescalero Apache Indians were starved into submission and then forced to march hundreds of miles to the Bosque Redondo Reservation. The Navajo call this journey the Long Walk. Nearly one-third of the captives died during incarceration. Today a unique new museum designed by Navajo architect David Sloan and an interpretive trail provide information about the tragic history of Fort Sumner and Bosque Redondo Indian Reservation.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.

Fort Loudoun State Historical Area (TN)


During the French and Indian War (1754–1763), the British colony of South Carolina felt threatened by French activities in the Mississippi Valley. To counter this threat, the colony sent the Independent Company of South Carolina to construct and garrison what became Fort Loudoun. This move helped to ally the Overhill Cherokee Nation in the fight against the French and guaranteed the trade would continue between the Cherokee and South Carolina. In the course of the fort's four-year existence, relations between South Carolina and the Cherokee Nation broke down. In August, 1760, the Cherokee captured Fort Loudoun and its garrison.

Today, the fort offers tours and occasional living history events.

Century of Lawmaking: Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873

Image Century of Lawmaking for..: Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873

This comprehensive set of Congressional documents covers the nation's founding through early Reconstruction. Materials are organized into four categories: Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention; Statutes and Documents; Journals of Congress; and Debates of Congress. The site provides descriptions of 16 types of documents, including bills and resolutions, American State Papers, the U.S. Serial Set, Journals of the Continental Congress, the Congressional Globe, and the Congressional Record.

A presentation addresses the making of the Constitution that introduced an 1834 compilation of Congressional debates and proceedings and a timeline presents American history as seen in Congressional documents. Special attention is directed to Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence, Indian land cessions, the Louisiana Purchase, the Journal of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, 1861–1865, the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, and the electoral college.

Center for Archaeological Studies

Image for Center for Archaeological Studies

Designed to showcase the work of archaeologists and their excavations at Mobile and elsewhere in Alabama, this website offers images and exhibits from several digs. Visitors can "virtually visit" archaeological sites in the town of Old Mobile, capital of the French colony of Louisiane [sic] from 1702 to 1711; the Mississippian Indian city of Bottle Creek (1100–1400); and the Indian fishing site of Dauphin Island Shell Mounds (1100–1550).

Additional sites include the French village of Port Dauphin (1702–1725); the Dog River Plantation site, home to a French-Canadian immigrant family, numerous Indians, and slaves (1720s–1848); and sites in downtown Mobile, including a Spanish colonial house (ca. 1800), an early 19th-century riverfront tavern, and antebellum cotton warehouses.

Artifacts features more than 250 images of pottery shards with accompanying descriptions. Great Links presents 30 additional websites that focus on preservation, archaeology, and Alabama history. The site also includes images and information on seven additional French colonial sites in Nova Scotia, New York, Michigan, Illinois, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Cultural Readings: Colonization and Print in the Americas

Image for Cultural Readings: Colonization and Print in the Americas

Texts about the Americas produced in Europe from the 15th through the 19th centuries are examined in this well-organized online exhibit. Over 100 images of printed texts, drawings, artwork, and maps from published and unpublished sources are arranged into six thematic categories. Categories are named: "Promotion and Possession," "Viewers and the Viewed," "Print and Native Cultures," "Religion and Print," "New World Lands in Print," and "Colonial Fictions, Colonial Histories."

Five scholarly essays (5,000 to 7,000 words each) contextualize the documents. A bibliography and list of links accompany the presentation. A visually attractive, thoughtfully arranged site that explores connections between colonization and representation.

Steering Oar


To navigate the Kansas River in the 1820s, you needed the right equipment—a keelboat. Curators and experts at the Kansas Museum of History look at the history behind a steering oar which helped a fur trader's keelboat stay the course on the mighty Kaw.

By Railroad to Nebraska: Uriah and Mattie Oblinger, 1872 Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 02/16/2009 - 12:25

This presentation, narrated partially from the perspectives of Uriah and Mattie Oblinger, 1872 homesteaders, describes the efforts of pioneers to settle the Great Plains and their belief in Manifest Destiny and personal ownership.