Roads to Antietam


You're a Union general on the eve of Antietam. You know Lee's plans. What will you do?

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With so many topics to teach and so little time, many teachers find it difficult to cover military history. This lesson on the Battle of Antietam provides an excellent opportunity to both teach military history and promote historical thinking skills.

Students will hone these skills as they analyze two documents written by General Lee on the eve of the Battle of Antietam. The first document, Lee’s 1862 Proclamation to the people of Maryland, sheds light on Lee’s motivations for invading Maryland. The second document, Special Orders #191, is Lee’s marching orders that were famously intercepted by the Union Army before the battle. Focus questions that support close reading and historical thinking accompany each of these documents.

After analyzing the documents, students work in groups to create a battle plan that could be used by the Union Army to counter Lee’s plans as revealed in Special Orders #191. Each group draws their battle plan on a laminated map, and presents it to the class. This portion of the lesson is creative and interactive, but teachers are not provided with clear information about what would be an effective, historically accurate battle plan. Teachers may want to devise clear criteria for students to consider when developing the battle plan to prevent this from devolving into an ahistorical activity in which students draw up unrealistic or anachronistic plans. Alternatively, teachers and students could generate criteria together as they review the groups’ plans, but teachers will still want to be prepared to guide students in judging these plans in reasonable ways.

For homework, the lesson specifies that students are to research the battle tactics used by General McClellan to counter Lee’s plans at Antietam. This has potential to be a very useful assignment; but again, teachers will need to be attentive to the criteria students use for evaluating McClellan’s tactics.

Civil War, Battle of Antietam
Time Estimate
2-4 class periods (50 minutes)



Little background information is provided. Teachers will need to seek background information about the Battle of Antietam before class.


Students carefully read primary documents and answer focus questions, but the lesson does not include a significant writing assignment.


Students use primary documents to draw inferences about General Lee’s reasons for invading Maryland.


Students carefully read two documents about the Battle of Antietam and consider the source of the documents.


Appropriate for grades 8-12, but it may need to be adapted to meet the specific needs of particular classrooms.


Focus questions are provided to help students analyze the two primary documents. Teachers may wish to edit and adapt these questions to meet the needs of their students.


Students are assessed on the quality of the battle plans that they devise and their own assessment of McClellan’s battle plan. However, the lesson does not provide clear criteria for what would constitute a good battle plan.


The lesson provides clear directions and will work in many secondary US history classrooms.



Slave Receipts

Image Credits
  • Accessible Archives
  • Harper's Weekly
  • Historical Maps of Pennsylvania
  • Library of Congress
  • New York Public Library Digital Gallery
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
Video Overview

Historian Tom Thurston analyzes a slave receipt that records the sale of a female slave named Mary and her child, Louisianna, for $1,000 on September 17, 1853. Thurston models several historical thinking skills, including:

  • (1) close reading of the 1853 slave receipt to investigate the details of a single transaction as well as the larger significance of printed receipts and the information they convey;
  • (2) drawing on prior knowledge of life in the mid-19th-century in a country nearing Civil War; and
  • (3) placing the slave receipt within a larger context of the law, finances, and the geography of slavery.
Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Looking at the Document
Close Reading
Slavery and the Law
Historical Context
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

Slavery, legally sanctioned in the south, and for a long time in the north as well, was supported at every turn by legal structures. So, something that I like to use a lot in teaching, just to get students thinking about this, are—these are receipts, these are receipts. And, the one I'm holding right now is dated Norfolk, September 17, 1853. It's a printed receipt that's been filled out. It's something that, it's very similar in a way, to something that you might buy at an office supply store. If you went and needed a book of receipts because, you know, you had a business.

It's got a blank space that you can fill in the place and date. And then it says 18-five and blank.

So just like today in writing a check you might have—or a set of receipts—just to make things easier they might write two-zero-zero and then you can put in 2009, or 2008, or something like that. Just to make it just a little easier in filling out a receipt. It's got this, it's for—it's obviously a book of receipts that you can fill out all through the 1850s. Then it says, "Received of 'blank,' 'blank' dollars, being in full for the purchase of 'blank' Negro slave named 'blank.' The right and title of said slave 'blank' warrant and defend against the claims of all persons whatsoever, and likewise warrant 'blank' sound and healthy, as witness my hand and seal," and then the title of this. And it's a very elegant 19th-century receipt. It's in a nice filigreed kind of handwriting, it's got lovely illustrations on the side that depict kind of the engines of commerce for the time. There's a steamboat and there's a clipper ship and there's a railroad.

And it says, "Murphy and Company, Printers, Baltimore." Thinking about it, how many people are involved in this receipt? It's been printed by a printer in Baltimore, but it's been printed for probably a lot of people. But, this one in particular, it's noted it's sold by a bookseller in Richmond. This particular receipt is dated in Norfolk.

Now, if you were teaching students, using this for the classroom, one of the first things you might want to do is list all of the locations that are on this receipt and any of the other receipts, you know, so that students get a sense of the geography of the place. Like, where is Baltimore in relationship to Richmond? Where is Norfolk and why might this receipt be dated in Norfolk?

The thing, as an historian, that strikes me about these documents is, first, how mundane they are, how banal they are, how similar they are to the kinds of—the book of receipts that you could pick up today. But then, to realize that the people that are kind of in this kind of elegant handwriting, that are signing their names to this receipt, are engaged in the sale of humans.

This particular receipt from Baltimore, dated in 1851, "warrants and defends against the claims of all persons whatsoever and likewise warrants sound and healthy and slaves for life." So, it's almost identical, but it adds the little phrase "and slaves for life," that none of the others do. So, you ask yourself, "Well, what might account for that little bit of fine print, that little legal boilerplate being added to this receipt?"

People keep records of property in a way that they don't keep of people, and they lay—these records stay around with us for a long time.

You often will hear that, well, the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free any slaves really, because it only was under effect for those areas that weren't under the control of the Union Army. But what it did do, was take this huge amount of capital that was vested in slaves and wiped it out. It just erased billions of dollars of capital. It's one of the reasons that New York City was such a hotbed of pro-slavery sentiment, because the banks and the trading houses in New York City were very invested economically.

We know that, in this particular one, "Received of Charles H. Shield, Esquire, 1,000 dollars, being paid in full for the purchase of a Negro slave named Mary and her child, Louisianna. The right and title of said slave, I warrant and defend against the claims of all persons whatsoever," and it's signed by William W. Hall. So, Charles Shield and William Hall are engaged in the transaction of Mary and her child. But this is a legal document. Think about what is the backing? What is the legal claim that this receipt gives to the bearer? So that there's a certain#&8212;in other words, it's kind of to demonstrate that I have the legal right that I've been given by the seller, to the ownership of Mary and her child. The other thing, of course, you keep receipts for, is in case you have to return something.

It's very similar when you think about it, to the kinds of promises that you make when you're buying anything. Here—there's a warrant. In other words, someone is making a kind of authoritative claim and "defend against all claims of all persons whatsoever." So, by that, in other words that, "I have legal title to these people, and I warrant, I signed this in warrant that in fact, I'm transferring that title to the bearer, and I likewise warrant them sound and healthy, as witnessed by hand and seal." So, they're making a claim about these people, and it's not surprising that they make a claim about this. As I said, the law is imbued in every aspect of slavery, including all of these kinds of transfers, these kind of transfers, the sale of slaves. And there's a whole kind of, a set of legal laws about, "Well, what would happen if you sold a slave to someone, and the slave died? What if the person knew that they were ill? So, what does it mean to say that someone is healthy?" and what, what are the kinds of—these things come up. The courts serve the function of making sure that the business of slavery proceeds in an orderly fashion.

This is all about the buying and selling of people. But, there's this huge set of laws that are protecting every transaction. So, a lot of this printed language is what a lot of people, they'll refer to it as "boilerplate." This is the fine print, the fine print of the sale of slaves, that has a special meaning for every jurisdiction that this receipt is made out in.

The state, whether it's Virginia here or elsewhere, does have an interest in knowing about this, in part, just to keep track, but also because these transactions are often—they'll say "paid in full," but they're really also backed by loans. People are buying slaves on credit. It's very speculative. So, there are banks, insurance companies, who also have a stake in the ownership of Mary and her child, Louisiana, that may go far beyond Norfolk and the environs.

Now, one thing that this document won't tell you is, in and of itself, and I can't say that I know the answers to this myself, but who William Hall and Charles Shield are, but you can kind of make some educated guesses. This is happening, the sale is recorded in Norfolk, Virginia. Norfolk is, it's on the coast. It's 1853. Virginia is an old part of the kind of slave south of the Chesapeake [region]. There are hundreds of thousands of enslaved people in Virginia. But, the real money in 1853 to be made in slavery, is not in Virginia. It's in the new southwest. It's in places like Louisiana and Alabama, Mississippi.

A lot of legal cases developed over this because people wanted to make sure they were getting maximized profits for the sale of the estate, including slaves. It was found that "items sell best when sold separately." In other words, given the opportunity to sell a family, self-contained as a lot, to an individual, or to sell them as individuals, more money would be made selling them as individuals.

And, because the courts have a fiduciary responsibility in making sure that the heirs get the best bargain that they can from the estate, they're mandated to sell separately. So, it reminds one that there are hundreds of thousands of families that are being broken up through these types of trade. It's also a good thing to stop and think about how often we talk about the transatlantic slave trade, but to consider the domestic slave trade as well, as being a great tragedy and something that continued to wreak havoc for years and years. Some of the saddest documents that one can find are in African American newspapers and magazines, sometimes 10, 20 years after the Civil War. They're often called "Information Wanted" notices, looking for a mother or a sister or a child, still trying to find their family members.

Toolbox Library: Primary Resources in U.S. History and Literature


This website features eight "toolboxes" designed to enable secondary teachers to enhance existing units or collaborate with university faculty and create in-depth summer seminars on prominent themes in American history. Topics include: American Beginnings: The European Presence in North America, 1492-1690; Becoming American: The British Atlantic Colonies, 1690-1763; Living the Revolution: America, 1789-1820; The Gilded and the Gritty: America, 1870-1912; The Triumph of Nationalism/The House Dividing: America, 1815-1850; The Making of African American Identity: Volume I, 1500-1865; The Making of African American Identity: Volume II, 1865-1917; and The Making of African American Identity: Volume III, 1917-1968. Each "toolbox" includes roughly 50 historical documents, literary texts, and works of art, divided into topics and accompanied by annotations, substantive discussion questions, an illustrated timeline of the era, and links to numerous additional online resources. Three more "toolboxes" are coming soon: The Unresolved Crisis: America, 1850-1870; Becoming Modern: America, 1918-1929; and Making the Revolution: America, 1763-1789.

Adapting Documents for the Classroom: Equity and Access

Article Body
What Is It?

Preparing and modifying primary source documents so that all students can read and analyze them in their history classrooms.


Although they are useful for engaging students in the past, and teaching them to think historically, primary source documents often use antiquated or complex language. This can pose a challenge even for able readers, let alone those who read below grade level. Adapting a variety of historical documents for use in the classroom will allow students greater access to important reading and thinking opportunities.


Adapting documents for the classroom includes the use of excerpts, helpful head notes, and clear source information. It means adjusting documents for non-expert readers and making them shorter, clearer, and more focused. Adaptations can also include simplifying syntax and vocabulary, conventionalizing punctuation and spelling, cutting nonessential passages, and directing attention to a document's key components.

Teacher Preparation
  • Choose a document that is relevant to the historical question or topic that    your class is studying. Consider what you want students to get out of the    document. Will they try to unravel a historical puzzle? Corroborate    another document? Dive deeper into a particular topic? Write a focus    question for the lesson and the document.
  • Make sure that the source of the document is clear. State whether you    found it online or in a book, clearly identify when, where, by whom, and    for whom the source was originally created.
  • Create a head note that includes background information and even a brief    reading guide. This helps students to focus on what they're reading while    using background knowledge to make sense of it.
  • Focus the document. Although some documents may seem too important    to edit, remember that students may be overwhelmed by passages that    look too long. Judicious excerpting with a liberal use of ellipses makes any    document more approachable and accessible. If students are confused by    ellipses, shorten documents without them.

Consider simplifying the document. This can include the following modifications, but use them sparingly and carefully:

  • Cut confusing or nonessential phrases to make it shorter and easier to    follow
  • Replace difficult words with easier synonyms
  • Modify irregular punctuation, capitalization, or spelling

Every adaptation is a tradeoff, so when in doubt, consider whether a particular adaptation is necessary for your students to access, understand, and analyze the document. Work on presentation. Brevity is important, especially in making a document student-friendly. Other techniques to render a document approachable include:

  • Use of large type (up to 16 point font)
  • Ample white space on the page
  • Use of italics to signal key words
  • Bolding challenging words
  • Providing a vocabulary legend
In the Classroom
  • Devise a focus question to use with prepared documents. Introduce the    question to your class and explain that reading each document will help    them to answer it. (The focus question used in the example is "Why is the    Homestead Act historically significant?")
  • Explain that the document has been adapted to make it clearer and more    useful for today’s lesson. You can provide students with the original and    the adapted documents; or give them the adapted document, while    projecting the original on a screen.
  • Direct students’ attention to parts that have been added to the document.    Show them the document’s source information—its author, and the    circumstances of its publication—while discussing how such information    can help them understand the contents of a document. Show them the    head note.
  • Identify words that have definitions provided, reminding students to    underline or highlight other difficult words in the document in order to    build vocabulary skills.
  • Encourage students to notice any italicized words which indicate    emphasis and to make notes in the margins as they read.
  • Have students answer the focus question, using information and quotes as    evidence from the document to support their answers.
Have students answer the focus question, using information and quotes as evidence from the document to support their answers.

Extension: As students become more adept with using documents, discontinue some of the reading supports. A useful companion lesson is to let students compare the original document with the edited version, to make explicit the modifications and consider whether they changed the document’s meaning or not.

Common Pitfalls
  • Candidly explain that students are working with documents that have    been specially prepared for the classroom. A phrase such as "Some of the    language and phrasing in this document have been modified from the    original" posted at the bottom of the page may be useful. Make sure the    original document is available to students and allow anyone interested to    compare it with the adapted version.
  • Do be careful, however, that the adapted document doesn't seem less    valuable than the original. Emphasize to students that all historians    struggle with using documents from the past. Adapting documents is    simply a tool to help novice historians develop their skills and access    rich content.
  • Use this method also when students are using multiple documents. In this    case, instructional steps may be added to assist students in considering    how documents work together and to help them answer the focus    question.
  • The focus question should require that students read and understand the    document, and use it as evidence in supporting their answers.
An Example for High School Education

See here for original document, here for a transcribed version, and here for an adapted version of the Homestead Act of 1862.

An Example for Middle School Education

See here for a transcribed version of "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" by Fredrick Douglass, and here for an adapted version of the document for use in a middle school classroom. To view the original document, see Foner, Philip. The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, Volume II Pre-Civil War Decade 1850-1860 (New York: International Publishers, 1950).

An Example for Elementary Education

See here for an original version of John Smith’s "A True Relation." See here for an adapted version appropriate for an elementary school classroom.

Further Resources

For more examples of modified document sets, see Historical Thinking Matters. Select "Teacher materials and strategies," select one of the four topics, and then select "materials" and "worksheets." For original and transcribed versions of milestone documents in US history, see 100 Milestone Documents from the National Archives and Records Administration.


Biancarosa, Gina and Catherine E. Snow, Reading Next—A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy: A Report to Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2nd ed.Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education, 2006.

Wineburg, S. and D. Martin. "Tampering with History: Adapting Primary Sources for Struggling Readers." Social Education (ex. 58, no 4) (2009).

Writing to Learn History: Annotations and Mini-Writes

Article Body
What Is It?

Pre-writing strategies that help students understand content, think historically, and prepare for culminating writing assignments.


Typically, essays are written at the end of a history or social studies unit, if they are written at all. This structure misses opportunities to help students engage with the material and learn how to read and write about primary and secondary sources. Integrating writing throughout the curricular unit allows students to grasp the content, learn how to think historically, and practice writing.

Integrating writing throughout the curricular unit allows students to grasp the content, learn how to think historically, and practice writing.

In annotating a text, students become active readers, asking and answering historical questions, making connections both to prior knowledge and other texts, and summarizing—all widely endorsed reading comprehension strategies. Mini-writes give students the chance to think through a topic. Since writing is thinking, a series of mini-writes lets students build their understanding in achievable stages, one document at a time. During this process they become familiar with available evidence and deepen their historical understanding.


Annotating involves highlighting, underlining, and making marginal notes while reading a document. Some students have little experience annotating, or focus solely on reading comprehension. In such cases, explicit prompts to consider the source's author, perspective, and historical context can lead to better historical understanding. This may be done through teacher modeling followed by guided and independent practice. Ideally, informal writing exercises allow students to think through a historical document on their own, on paper. Mini-writes can be assigned at the beginning of class or as homework, and are used throughout the unit to develop student thinking and background knowledge.

  • Choose a historical question to investigate over the course of a unit. It    should be open to interpretation, go beyond summarizing, and be an    appropriate focus for a final essay.
  • Select documents to help students respond to the unit question.
  • Identify aspects of each document that help students understand the    document and the larger unit question.
  • Create annotation guidelines and mini-write prompts that highlight the    aspects of the document that help students understand the document’s    time period, and key historical actors, events, and issues central to the    unit question.
  • Arrange students in pairs or groups to work on annotations and    exchange mini-writes.
In the Classroom
  • Model the best ways to annotate documents.
  • Have students annotate individually, in pairs, or in groups.
  • Ask students to complete mini-writes independently and then share    conclusions with a partner or the entire class.
  • Invite students to explain why they reached certain conclusions, using    excerpts from the documents.
  • Ask students to write a final essay in response to the unit question; if    annotations, mini-writes, and final essay are properly aligned, they will    serve as scaffolds for the final essay.
Common Pitfalls
  • Students may have little experience annotating, i.e., actively thinking with    pen in hand. Using an overhead, model how to annotate a document for    the purposes of increased historical understanding. Examples of useful    annotation include: asking questions and answering them while reading;    summarizing passages; considering an author’s point of view; analyzing    word choices; and making connections between a document and when it    was written. Good modeling can display a degree of expertise, while    demonstrating that even teachers learn by asking questions and    pondering a text.
  • In their annotations or mini-writes, students may focus too much on    reading comprehension, by defining words or summarizing a document's    main idea. However, the point of writing about a document is to    understand the author and his or her times. To push students beyond    summary, prompt them to consider an author's purpose, the context of    the author's life, and their perspective.
  • Students who are unsure of how to respond to a document can be helped    by highlighting phrases or asking questions like, "What does the author    mean when he says this?" or "Why would the author say this?" Breaking a    document into components is a more concrete and manageable approach    than trying to respond to an entire document. As students become more    comfortable with document analysis, increase the challenge by assigning a    full page of text or an entire document.
  • If students make only vague references to a document in their mini-writes,    ask them to cite a particular passage and to explain their interpretation.    Teachers can get students into the habit of making specific references to    the text by prompting them during a discussion or in written feedback.
Good modeling can display a degree of expertise, while demonstrating that even teachers learn by asking questions and pondering a text.

The Spanish-American War unit from Historical Thinking Matters investigates the question:

Why did the United States invade Cuba in 1898?

To answer this question thoughtfully, students need to consider a range of evidence, multiple causes, and perspectives from the time period. As they analyze documents in writing, students become familiar with the causes of U.S. imperialism in 1898. Handouts help students to use annotations and mini-writes in responding to three documents that relate to the central inquiry question and lead to an evidence-based essay. Handout 1 models how to annotate a document and offers sample guidelines. Handout 2 provides guidelines for annotating a second document. Handout 3 gives a mini-write prompt in response to an additional document.


I thank teacher Vince Lyle for helping me see the value of annotations and mini-writes in the history classroom. I thank Historical Thinking Matters for offering rich document sets, one of which I use here.


Lehning, James R. "Writing About History and Writing in 'History.'" The History Teacher 26, no 3 (1993): 339-349.

Monte-Sano, Chauncey. "The Intersection of Reading, Writing and Thinking in a High School History Classroom: A Case of Wise Practice." Presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, day-day 2008.

Frederick Douglass's Autobiographies

Image Credits
  • "Cotton Harvest, U.S. South, 1850s"; Image Reference BLAKE4, as shown on, sponsored by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and the University of Virginia Library
  • Library of Congress
  • Lucky Mojo Curio Company
  • New York Public Library Digital Gallery
  • Open Library
  • Oxford University Press, USA
Video Overview

Historian Jerome Bowers analyzes excerpts from Frederick Douglass's fourth autobiography, My Bondage and My Freedom to explore the complicated realities of slavery and the survival of African cultural traditions. Bowers focuses on a story in which Douglass meets Sandy, a conjurer and a slave. Bowers models several historical thinking skills, including:

  • (1) close reading to examine the telling of the story;
  • (2) drawing on prior knowledge of the transatlantic slave trade, slave life and culture, and Douglass' life;
  • (3) corroboration and the meaning of memory by comparing this telling with a version of the story from Douglass's first autobiography and with an example from another slave narrative; and
  • (4) placing the story within a larger context of the African customs, the daily life of slaves, and slave agency.
Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Reading the Document
Teaching Strategies
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

In Frederick Douglass's My Bondage and My Freedom, it's the fourth of his autobiographies, and he elaborates upon a story that he tells in his first autobiography, The Life of Frederick Douglass. And it's where he meets up with Sandy, who he knows from the region as an African conjurer. Sandy is also a slave. He is also a slave who has been sent to the region of the Eastern Shore to be broken. But he is known in the slave community for not giving up the customs and traditions of Africa. And Douglass is a Christian, and the scene is, or the setting is that Douglass has just run away from Covey after being beaten by Covey, and he is fearful of who he hears walking in the woods, and it turns out to be Sandy. And he goes home with Sandy, and he is talking with Sandy about his problem about, "I don't want to be beat any more. I don't want to be put in a situation." And Sandy offers him a root as a talisman, he offers him some herbs from the woods, and it's a real symbol to Douglass of traditional African customs of "something from the earth gives you power." And Sandy encourages Douglass to put it in his pocket and assures him that when he goes back to Covey that Covey won't beat him, or if he does he will have the power to overcome Covey, and it works.

Or at least Douglass questions if it works because when he does go back, Covey is not successful in his second attempt to beat Douglass, and Douglass really struggles then with the confrontation of something African, traditional tribal—prevailed over his traditional, his accepted views of Christianity, and that's a real personal conflict for him.

Well, in his first autobiography, The Life of Frederick Douglass, which is probably the most commonly read, it's barely mentioned in passing. It's barely mentioned. He doesn't go into any kind of details about his own personal struggles with the talisman, about how the fact that he had it in his pocket challenges his own Christian beliefs. So he's thinking a little bit more later in life about who Sandy was, what Sandy represented on the Eastern Shore, how dramatically unique Sandy was from all the other slaves that Douglass encountered. Douglass was almost surprised later in life that the extent to which there could be one person who was still so African.

I think it's a great source to start inquiring about "to what extent have African customs survived the middle passage and the horrors of slavery?" I think the conversation is a natural one to have in the early years of slavery, obviously, but by the time Douglass comes around, slavery is already, the transatlantic slavery has already been cut off.

Slaves are not seen as imported any more, but yet it's a testament to the extent to which African customs and traditions and culture survives the institution, the trade, the trafficking, and the attempts, quite literally, to beat the Africans into submission, into slavery. So, it's a good document for asking those kinds of questions about how does this survive? What does its survival mean? What happens when an African American is confronted with African customs that they have rejected? That's a real internal personal struggle for Frederick Douglass, and it tells us a little bit about the character of the community in which African Americans are operating, that there is no one set definition of what slavery was, who was a slave, how did slaves live their lives, and all the facets that go into creating the African American community.

So, I really ask my students to kind of probe it on that particular level and the questions that come out of that document that lead them to discover a new sense and a new understanding of African Americans.

I usually use it with John Hope Franklin's book, In Search of the Promised Land, which is the story of a female slave who's owned by a Virginian but who lives in Nashville. So, she's allowed to live and exist almost as a free black woman with these tenuous connections to slavery, and it really shows in her life then, the kinds of things that can happen in those complex situations. Douglass's life is also very complex, and so I ask the students to think about this little story, this little snippet, in the larger story of his life.

Well, I hope that they'll try to find out the extent to which slaves were, in fact, either dominated by their master and not dominated by their master. Where are the margins within which slaves can control their own lives? I hope that they'll question their monolithic understanding of slavery because it seems to me that a lot of students come with such an understanding that all slaves lived on a large plantation, all slaves picked cotton, all male slaves were in the field, all female slaves were in the house. It's not the kind of story that gives us any kind of agency among the slaves. So, I really want them to examine that.

It's very important for them to read excerpts about the same event across the four different autobiographies of Douglass.

How did he change in the course of his life? Why did he expand upon the story in one of the narratives but not in the other narratives? Is it something he remembered? Is it something that gained greater importance as he went on in his life?

Those are the kinds of questions that you can ask of an individual, and we always need to get past, especially in slavery, we always need to get past the sense that we're looking for consistency and that individuals are not consistent, and we shouldn't expect that of our historical figures. Here's a slave who was taught to read against the law, and it's done openly. Here's a slave who passes through many masters; again, not the perception most students have of slaves. Here's a slave who does the unthinkable. He confronts a slave breaker. And so in that sense it gives them the hero story, but it also, it's building from a story about which they already think they know something, and I think that's real important that we start with things that they think they know and that they can then learn that there's more to that.

Tramping Through History: Crafting Individual Field Trips

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"Teachers," the Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis wrote, "are those who use themselves as bridges, over which they invite their students to cross; then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." With Kazantzakis’s maxim under my wing, I have nurtured his approach to teaching history for 30 years. Washington, DC, and its environs is the great laboratory of democracy. Given the chance to teach in the Washington, DC, area, I can empower my students with a special kind of learning—one infused by time, place, and space.


The Individualized Field Trip (IFT) permits students to encounter the past at historic sites and museums, all within the context of learning history based on state and national standards. They make outstanding summative assessment tools, while at the same time permitting students to have an enjoyable and fun experience while they learn.


The IFTs I have constructed over the last two decades have included student visits to battlefields, cemeteries, public monuments, history and art museums, and other historic sites. These activities are designed to have students, on their own time, visit these places, not simply for extra credit but for required enrichment of my classes. In each case students carry worksheets, a camera, and sometimes readings that they are to complete while visiting their particular site. These trips become a record of their experience, be they studying George Washington, while visiting Mount Vernon; Theodore Roosevelt while viewing an artistic exhibition interpreting his life at the National Museum of American Art; walking the National Mall and looking at the 20th-century war memorials to World War II, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars; or traipsing through Congressional Cemetery in search of the final resting places of Mathew Brady, the famous Civil War photographer, or feminist sculptor Adelaide Johnson, whose National Memorial to the Women’s Rights Movement sits in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol.

These activities are designed to have students, on their own time, visit these places, not simply for extra credit but for required enrichment of my classes.

In the days before PowerPoint I used to have students create photo essays, placing images on poster board and adding captions underneath each image for identification. Today with more sophisticated technology and access to digital archives via the web, students can now craft engaging PowerPoint presentations that incorporate not only the pictures that they take at these sites, but archival images as well.

Tailoring IFT to Teaching Unit

In my regular U.S. History classes I generally require IFTs for three of our four quarters. The IFT for the first quarter is connected to the Colonial Era, Revolutionary Era, and Early American Republic by visiting Mount Vernon. In the second quarter, students visit the National Gallery of Art and study the 1900 plaster cast of sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens’s Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Memorial. They also visit the National Memorial to African American Soldiers and Sailor’s Memorial by Ed Hamilton dedicated in 1997 which sits a short distance from Howard University, the first institution of higher learning for blacks created during Reconstruction. These visits are related to our study of the American Civil War. During the last quarter students are assigned an IFT I call “Echoes from the Mall,” which requires that they study the three memorials on the National Mall, all erected since 1982, that honor American sacrifice during those conflicts.

Historic Sites as Classrooms

In all of these instances students complete worksheets (Mount Vernon, National Portrait Gallery, Civil War sculpture, and monuments along the Mall) I designed during the groundwork stage of the activity, where I pre-visit the site. The worksheets are specific and can only be answered by visiting the site. Students also must take at least two photographs of the sites during their visit. These photographs eventually illustrate journal entries that students complete, and are placed in their bound composition books. They are also used to decorate a section of my classroom called Clio’s Corner, where images of these student-historians at work are placed on display. To explore the worksheets for each of these trips, see the “download” part of this entry.

Does This Only Work in DC?

While it is true that I may live near Washington, DC, and have access to all these incredible places, I remind you that history and memory have taken place all across the nation. Working with local historical societies, small house museums, and even public libraries can go far in offering you and your students a singularly unique view of the past. Local history can work as a prism for larger issues in American history, connecting your town or community to the bigger picture.

My biggest suggestion is to encourage you to do your homework before you send the students on their mission—you need to visit these places yourself.

My biggest suggestion is to encourage you to do your homework before you send the students on their mission—you need to visit these places yourself. That is crucial in crafting these activities. You need to know what you want your students to see, feel, and experience.


What is it?

What is it?

When can a social networking site, specifically Facebook, become a useful instructional tool—at least for secondary school students? Facebook is reportedly the fifth most-visited website in the world. It's not for every classroom environment, but many teachers wonder if its use might encourage student learning, help teach responsible internet use, and tap into different learning styles. (Note, however, Facebook is not intended for young people under the age of 13, and Facebook privacy standards state that "Until their eighteenth birthday, minors will have their information limited to Friends of Friends and Networks.")

Facebook has become a communications outlet for organizations as well as for individuals. History and art museums, preservation groups, archives and libraries have created Facebook pages and groups and they regularly post news and information. Teachers can form classroom groups as well and use Facebook as a classroom management tool to build community among students, share resources, elicit conversation via comments, and post assignments and schedules. Your Facebook page can also interconnect other instructional tools. You can upload images to Facebook and arrange them in albums as well as link your readers to other resources. Settings on Facebook also allow you automatically to announce and link your uploads to Flickr or sites you bookmark on Delicious. Students and peers can refer to them almost as soon as you make them available. The Notes section of a Facebook page can function like a blog, allowing you to post longer entries—essay-length, if you like—for your visitor (or student) comments.

Getting Started

Let's address perhaps the primary reservation educators may have about creating Facebook accounts: privacy.

The public aspect of Facebook often deters teachers from participating.

The fact is that Facebook accounts can be open to the world, completely private, or somewhere in between depending upon your choice and how you plan to use Facebook. In December 2009, Facebook rolled out privacy standards intended to increase user control over who can see what on each site. Privacy on Facebook explains three levels of privacy: Friends, Friends of Friends, and Everyone. Frequently Asked Questions and the Facebook Blog explain the fine points of managing the details of privacy settings, including selecting options components of the Facebook profile and customizing privacy settings for each piece of content users post. The new privacy settings are not without controversy. This article from PCWorld explains Facebook's Privacy Settings: 5 Things You Should Know. The YouTube video Educators, Students, and Facebook summarizes the main points of these pieces, and gives wise advice on interpreting Facebook policies for for both pupils and teachers.


Facebook settings allow you to regulate who sees what.

In his blog, Educator Michael Staton has posted a 20-slide presentation, Driving Engagement and Belonging with Facebook. Staton's presentation covers examples of how to use Facebook as a class community and management tool, including parental permissions. For some classes in some schools, this could be appropriate. Among his first suggestions: Create a teacher profile separate from your personal profile. A Texas 8th-grade teacher gives even more specific ideas for establishing and using a class Facebook page, including the tip that "the page should be a digital representation of your class and curriculum, not a page that is strictly teacher-oriented."

History Sites on Facebook

The numbers of public institutions on Facebook continues to grow. Admittedly, Facebook history-related groups usually mediate materials that are available elsewhere, but in the Facebook public forum, people comment and ask questions, and visitors can choose to share enthusiasm for the stuff of history. Information communities form. If students have Facebooks accounts and become fans of these sites, they can receive regular postings and information updates. With or without a Facebook account, these posts become springboards in the classroom for inquiry and analysis, resources on current events, spaces for conversation, and links to other resources. (Without a Facebook account, you can visit these Facebook groups, but cannot comment.)

What's happening in history becomes news.

It's simply another mechanism for bringing history alive, for stimulating interest, for integrating historical conversations and discovery into the everyday—and for resetting the parameters of social networking to include educational and professional use. See these examples of sites on Facebook that lead your students to information about American history:

Facebook Applications

Facebook increasingly includes learning tools among its many, many applications, although you'll need an account to explore them. Flashcards lets you create your own questions, vocabulary lists, and answers and maintain your digital cards in sets. The Courses application is one of several that enables students (or students and educators) to post schedules and exchange notes and comments. Teachers are also sharing ideas and resources through Facebook groups. See BrainPop, Primary Teachers: resources, ideas, stress relief, and Teachers: sharing ideas and resources for the classroom.

For more information

At Edutopia, Social Media in Education: The Power of Facebook gives examples of advocacy projects involving students in civic education, responsibility, and social change. (May 7, 2010)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation published Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline addresses continual transformations on Facebook surrounding user control of public information. (April 28, 2010)

Facebook Unveils Simplified Approach to Privacy. New York Times, May 26, 2010.

Talking About Facebook, from Middle School Matrix: Exploring the changing world of middle school teaching and technology. Enter Facebook in the search engine on this blog to see several entries about how one middle school educator teaches her students how to think about and to negotiate Facebook privacy issues. (Accessed May 24, 2010).

Watch a video of one Maryland high school teacher's creative use of Facebook in the classroom. Her students created Facebook profiles for historical figures, and then interacted with each other in-character online.


What is it?

Diigo is a social bookmarking tool that enables you to search, bookmark, organize, archive, share, discuss, and annotate materials on the web. It's a useful tool for professional collaboration, student project collaboration, and for feedback and conversation between teachers and students. Diigo's unique feature—the ability to organize bookmarks in lists and groups (the equivalent of discrete file folders)—makes this a social bookmarking supermodel. You can also grab a snapshot or a screenshot of your bookmarked page to help jog your memory; highlight and attach sticky notes; and control who sees and who shares your bookmarks. 

Getting Started

To get started with Diigo, simply create an account with username, email address, and password. You'll receive a confirmation email enabling you to activate your account. Then, install the Diigo toolbar according to directions for your browser; the toolbar enables you to access features quickly—including Diigo's highlighting and stickynote features. Once you have created your account, you can apply for an Educator Upgrade, which may take up to 48 hours to confirm. The most efficient way to maximize Diigo use is to watch the six-minute Take a Tour video and scan text highlights below the presentation to gain a sense of Diigo's possibilities.

Educators also use Diigo for assessment and classroom management.

Diigo allows you to highlight and attach sticky notes to specific parts of web pages you bookmark. Then, every time you return to your bookmarked page, these highlights and sticky notes remain—just as they do on hard copies. (Once you've joined Diigo, you may begin to notice sticky notes attached to a variety of sites—the New York Times for example.) Diigo users have the option of creating public, private, or shared annotations; it's up to you. Shared annotations allow you to continue threaded discussions with selected individuals or groups.


Bookmarking items of interest on the web can resemble photocopying dozens of documents and then throwing them in a pile on the desk. Just finding materials isn't enough; the next steps are classification, organization, and annotation—and Diigo features allow you and your students to create an organizational infrastructure for a variety of projects.

Diigo is a useful tool for teaching students how to plan, organize, and develop projects.

But it takes planning. The wiki Digitally Speaking: Social Bookmarking and Annotating by William Ferriter, is a general primer for social bookmarking, which Ferriter defines as collective intelligence, through examples using Diigo. Digitally Speaking identifies how students in all grade levels might utilize Diigo, and what skills Diigo allows them to use and practice in the course of developing projects and activities. The various entries linked through an introductory Table of Contents, include PDFs of examples of Diigo use, handouts, and tips and strategies for K-12 classrooms. For example, Digitally Speaking suggests introducing Diigo to your students through defining and assigning annnotation roles for effective, organized teamwork and collaboration: the Cannonball, Provacateur, and Middle Man for example; or, Original Thinker, Reliability Cop, and the Cleaning Crew. (Role titles and descriptions are available to download and handout.) You can also read a sample strand of of student-teacher annotation and interaction on the site of an archived news story. The Diigo entry concludes with an assessment tool with criteria to judge the quality of Diigo group annotating, commenting, and highlighting. An AP United States history teacher gives step-by-step directions and demonstrates student assignments with Diigo in this 11-minute YouTube video. Student Feedback with Diigo, a three-minute video on YouTube offers a specific example of how one teacher combines Google Groups and Diigo to give students feedback on their work.

For more information

The Ning group, Classroom 2.0 includes a discussion thread with examples of Diigo and purposes of social bookmarking as well as basic questions from teachers, to teachers about setting up Diigo accounts and student access. The Classroom 2.0 discussion thread New! Diigo Educator Accounts now available! is a discussion with question-and-answer commentary between Diigo administrators and classroom teachers. In December 2009, the American Association of School Librarians recognized Diigo as one of the top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning.

Narratives of Slavery

Image Credits

Video One

Video Three

Video Four

  • "Slave Auction, Richmond, Virginia, 1861"; Image Reference auction_Richd_1861, as shown on, sponsored by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and the University of Virginia Library.
  • National Park Service
  • Google Books
  • Harper's Weekly
  • Library of Congress
  • New York Times
  • New York Public Library Digital Gallery
Video Overview

Historian Richard Follett analyzes two narratives of slavery: an investigative report written by Frederick Law Olmsted in 1853 for the New York Times and Solomon Northrup's book Twelve Years A Slave. He discusses each document separately and then compares their very different perspectives on slavery in Louisiana's sugar growing parishes. Follett models several historical thinking skills, including:

  • (1) close reading, specifically the process of analyzing the language, meaning, and in some cases, the silences in both accounts;
  • (2) attention to key source information, including who wrote each account, when, and for what purpose; and
  • (3) exploring how to make sense of multiple perspectives and conflicting accounts to try to understand a complex system that affected individuals in radically different ways.
Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Conflicting Accounts
Olmsted's Account
Northup's Account
Teaching Strategies
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

The first source is by Frederick Law Olmsted, published in a collection called The Cotton Kingdom, in 1861. Olmsted was an eclectic man to be sure. He was an agricultural journalist, he was a landscape architect. He designed New York Central Park. But in 1853 he was commissioned by the New York Times to conduct a number of investigative tours through the American South and the slaveholding states of that region.

Over the course of the next 18 months he toured practically every part of the American South, compiling reports, sending them to the Times, and publishing them. And his intention was really to give Northern readers, who had no sense of the region of the Southern states and no sense of slavery, to give them an "authentic," in inverted commas, impression of what slavery was like.

The second source is by Solomon Northup, and Northup is an absolutely fascinating man. He was born free in Saratoga Springs, in New York, whose mother was of mixed-race origins, but importantly, Northup was a free man. In 1841 he is kidnapped, and he is sold into slavery in Washington, DC. He was transported south, and he was then sold to a number of different planters in central Louisiana, particularly on the Red River. Finally, after 12 years in bondage, Northup encounters a Canadian, a Canadian carpenter, who is anti-slavery himself, and it is that carpenter who writes letters north to—back to Saratoga to achieve and to require legal documentation that Northup was indeed a free man, and indeed, at that point he is finally liberated.

And one of the problems of writing history, and teaching history in point of fact, is: How do we recover the slave's voice? How do we recover those who actually were there? What did they think? What did they feel?

These products, these slave-written products, often published with the assistance of the abolitionists, represent one version of slavery. Olmsted represents another version of slavery. If we were to go to a plantation, archives in Georgia, Louisiana, across the American South, you'd read documents written by the slaveholders themselves. None of these versions are authentic in and of themselves. It is the task of the historian to essentially read against the grain of these documents, to push them back, to see what is probable, what is hidden, so that we assess these various documents in tandem, until collectively they represent a version that we might call the nearest to the facts of American slavery.

Both documents are suffused with 19th-century text. They're melodramatic, they're in one sense romantic. But they represent wholly different impressions, and this is really the nature of slavery. If you read, for example, Olmsted's account, it appears that the masters and the slaves seem to have a relatively good relationship. There's a sense of a kind of intimacy within the plantation world.

By contrast, if we pick up Northup's account, Northup's account is suffused with violence. It's suffused with the realities from the African American perspective, the realities of slaveholding, the realities of life in bondage.

When we look at Olmsted, we look at the way in which slaveholders manipulate the slave system. They provide the African Americans with absolutely nothing within the plantation and they make them use any money that they earn on Saturdays or Sundays to pay for the most modest of additional items: slightly improved food, plates, cups, the very raw products of life in a clapboard shack. Solomon Northup, of course, alludes to the fact that how significant this money becomes, that even though it is very small, the amount of money that is accrued by African Americans by Sunday trading, to those people in chains, the significance of purchasing cups, pails, calicos, of a very constrained commercialism, of a very limited commercialism, that for those people, that's enormously significant, the idea of ownership, of anything in a system that denies fundamental ownership.

If you put it in contrast to Olmsted, they look like completely separate regimes. They look like completely separate worlds, and it's the task of the historian to essentially place those two perspectives together and to tease out—Olmsted represents very much what planters wanted to think of the regime; Northup very much what slaves experienced of the regime.

We see a planter, Mr. R, he's probably [Mr. Andre Román], owner of a major plantation on Houmas Band on the Mississippi River in today's Ascension Parish. If we look at his description, Mr. R walks out onto the plantation. He's returned from illness, and he orchestrates this entire visual imagery.

So he marches out and he immediately inquires of the slaves: "Well, how are you girls?" he refers. "Oh"—and there's this immediate repartee between the enslaved and the enslaver, one that appears to be in a sense of mutual interest. But even at this earliest point, the planter is beginning to inscribe his authority.

This really gets to the core of how slaveholders thought of themselves. So he immediately inquires: "How are the children?" and he's very quick to make sure that the children, the sick children, are on the road to recovery. He begins to enforce a visual image of his authority as a slaveholder, and also, this sense that slaveholders had of themselves. And they often describe themselves as standing in pater familias, in replacement to the father.

And again we begin to see this relationship develop as he goes on into the plantation, and he goes out viewing the slaves and goes out making reference to the work. But herein lies the essence of the relationship. He goes to the [fence] he goes to a lad driving a cart, and he pulls out and he pulls up to him. He says, "Well, I'm getting on all right. But If I don't get about and look after you, I'm afraid we shan't have much of a crop. I don't know what you're going to do for your Christmas money."

And this was a tradition very common in south Louisiana, that to make a slave essentially work exceptionally hard, they were rewarded at Christmas, at the end of the harvest, with a small financial token relative to the proportionate size of the crop that they'd cultivated. The planter enforces this idea of his generosity.

But the slave is nonplussed. He's not fooled by this charade that the slaveholder has orchestrated, the showy display of authority that we have just seen with the slave women, now this rather ostentatious expression on the relationship with the young lad in the cart, because the slave returns and says, "Oh, well, you just go on. You just go and look down the field somewhat, and you just go and see what's there." And of course, what the slave is reporting and pointing to is a fine stand of cane in the distance and, importantly, by implication, that the slaveholder will pay the Christmas money and this time, a substantial amount of it.

Slavery is a relationship built on force. It's built on the ownership of one person by another. It's built on the power to compel that work—compel it by extreme physical violence. The slaveholders also knew that under these circumstances they had to combine it with elements of waged work to create what they needed at the end. What they needed was the cane cultivated, the cane cut, the cane ground and processed.

However objectionable slavery is, the slaveholders truly believed this image of themselves. It was a charade. It was deeply objectionable. But it was a way to justify holding other people in bondage. And it's important to say that these are amongst the last slaveholders in the new world. They're standing against time. They're standing against modernity. Only Brazil, only the Spanish Empire, and only the United States by the middle of the 19th century, are slave-holding powers.

Olmsted, however, interviews a African American and what occurs within this context is, we're stripped away from the planter's charade. Instead, we have a one-on-one conversation with a slave by the name of William.

So we learn at the very first instance that he comes from Virginia, and like so many of his compatriots of those slaves who resided in south Louisiana, they were part of the inter-regional slave trade, a movement of slaves from Virginia, Maryland, to the deep south. Hence the expression "sold down the river."

He wants, above all, to return to his family. When he's finally released and he asks "If I was free, if I was free," he indicates one, that he wanted to return to Virginia to see his mother. Secondly, he says what kind of a world he wants to live in, and he says what he wants to do is raise some crops on a little farm, a little land, but land of his own, independent land. And he says he wants to trade them down in New Orleans.

But ultimately, that's his vision of freedom: a restoration of family and independent land ownership. And those things ring absolutely true with what we know of African Americans as they come out of slavery and into freedom, through the Civil War years, and immediately on into the immediate aftermath of reconstruction and emancipation.

So Northup, as we've made reference to, offers almost an entirely opposite perspective to that presented by Olmsted. Olmsted looked at it in terms of these economic incentives, this Sunday money, etc., as a way to cajole the slaves to work even harder. Northup explodes that image here. As Northup observes, in this way only are they able to provide themselves with any luxury or convenience whatsoever.

"When a slave, purchased, or kidnapped in the North, is transported to a cabin on Bayou Boeuf, he is furnished with neither knife, nor fork, nor dish, nor kettle, nor any other thing in the shape of crockery, or furniture of any nature of description. He is furnished with a blanket before he reaches there, and wrapping that around him, he can either stand up, or lie down upon the ground, or on a board."

"To ask the master for a knife, or skillet, or any small convenience of the kind, would be answered with a kick, or laughed at as a joke. Whatever necessary article of this nature is found in a cabin has been purchased," he says, "with Sunday money. However injurious to the morals, it is certainly a blessing to the physical condition of the slave, to be permitted to break the Sabbath."

Here lies the slave's perspective in its rawest form. Here lies not a planter class who is offering some kind of added benefits like better housing, some food, some money or the like, as some kind of generosity. Here it's a cynical, abusive planter class, that essentially denies their slaves every single thing, and makes them—makes the slaves pay for any object.

So I think the first question the students would ask is, "Why are they so different? Why are these accounts so different?" Because they are, and they're not. They describe the same phenomenon, but from two sides of the telescope, if you like. The planter's side in Olmsted, and then the slaves' side—although Olmsted, as we pointed—tries to give this conversation with the slave William as well. So where does reality lie between this image that slaveholders have and this experienced reality that Northup gives?

I think another question that students should want to ask themselves is, "By reading this document, how can we best understand the system of slavery, both as a racial system, as an economic system, and as a system of power?"

Slaveholders wanted to inscribe that authority time and time and time again. Slaves, by contrast, generally speaking, wished to reject that authority. How, then, by reading these documents, do we begin to understand how people thrown together in the American south of the 19th century, both lived and experienced slavery.

The average plantations numbered about 75 slaves. Most plantations numbered much less. The largest number of slaveholders in the American south, the largest number of slaveholders, owned one slave, one or two slaves.

Ultimately, what defines slavery in the American south is a very uneasy, uneasy compromise. An uneasy compromise where unfortunately power does lie, and laid very firmly with the slaveholders, and as Solomon Northup indicates, it rests also with the compulsion of the power of the whip and the power of the slaveholders to enforce their will by violence when they so wished.

Both texts provide a way of understanding this very, very complex, and often extremely violent relationship between blacks and whites in the American south. The texts offer us a way to understand how slavery ultimately worked as a system, how it ended up becoming so profitable as it did.

I think the texts also provide us with a way of examining how American racism will ultimately impinge upon the visions and aspirations of African Americans as they go from slavery into freedom.