Worklore: Brooklyn Workers Speak

Photo, Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Construction Workers, 1947

This site explores the work lives of Brooklynites (historic and present) as they made their living in the borough. The site has four main sections: Confronting Racial Bias documents discrimination in the workplace; Women Breaking Barriers examines the ways in which women's work roles changed over the decades; Seeking a Better Life takes a look at the issues facing new immigrants; and Changes in the Workplace discusses challenges such as unemployment and job displacement.

Each section contains an approximately 2,000-word article on its respective topic, photographs, and audio files of people speaking about their various vocations. The site also includes eight help wanted advertisements from the 1850s, 1860s, 1920s, and 1930s.

Visitors should not miss the interactive feature Can You Make Ends Meet?, where they can pick one of four vocations, and see if they can stretch their salary out to adequately include housing, transportation, and entertainment.

Telling Your Story allows visitors to share their own recollections of Brooklyn life. The site includes few primary sources, but the personal stories of Brooklyn workers may be useful to students, teachers, or researchers.

Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum

Travel guide, Rand, McNally, & Co., 1871

On May 10, 1869, in Promontory Summit, UT, a rail line from Sacramento, CA met with another line from Omaha, NE. When the last spike was driven, the Central Pacific became the first transcontinental railroad. This site provides a vast collection of online materials documenting the history of the Central Pacific Railroad and rail travel in general, as well as material on the history of photography. The site boasts more than 2,000 photographs and images, including stereographs by Alfred Hart and Eadweard Muybridge; engravings and illustrations from magazines, travel brochures, and journals; and more than 400 railroad and travel maps. Also included are more than 60 links to images and transcriptions of primary documents dealing with the construction and operation of the railroad, including government reports, travel accounts and diaries, magazine and journal articles, travel guides, and railroad schedules.

A separate section documents the Chinese-American contribution to the transcontinental railroad, including four scholarly articles, two links to Harper's Weekly articles and illustrations about Chinese workers, a bibliography of 15 scholarly works, and links to more than 20 related websites. Timelines on the building of the transcontinental railroad from 1838 to 1869, the history of photography from 1826 to 1992, and the development of the railroad from 1630 to 1986 also help to contextualize the history of the railroad in America. The volume of information on the home pages make this site slow loading, unwieldy, and confusing to navigate, and there are no descriptive captions or other information on most of the images. But the site is keyword searchable, and for those interested in the history of railroads, this site is certainly worth the time.

Voices of Civil Rights

Photo, Protesters on Beale Street, 1968

This website represents the initial effort to create an archive of stories about the civil rights movement (both historical and contemporary), including essays, interviews, project updates, and special reports. While the site is under construction, currently there is already substantial material available, most of which is organized into one of five sections.

An interactive "Timeline" serves as in introduction to the Movement, highlighting major events and accomplishments. "Stories" allows visitors to read more than 100 personal stories about America's civil rights history (10 stories include audio excerpts). Visitors can peruse the section devoted to the contemporary civil rights movement and its historical legacy. Here visitors can listen to interviews about the promise of equal education with Wade Henderson, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, as well as many other activists. Students and teachers will find this site a convenient collection of primary accounts of the Civil Rights Movement, including the Chicano Movement and the National Organization of Women.

Making History on the Web: Creating Online Materials for Teaching U.S. History

Cartoon, Of McKinley, From Puck

Designed around a sample American history survey course, this site offers 10 teaching units, each comprised of eight to 12 documents (texts and images), and introductory essays by various scholars. Additionally, some units provide manuscript sources from the University of Virginia's (UVA) archival collections.

The units, covering American history from the Revolution to the First World War, are uneven, and the teaching suggestions are sparse. Still, the materials here are useful as a general introduction. The site, which includes links to teaching and history resources, is a product of a 1996 summer seminar held at UVA.

Click "A Sample U.S. History Resource Course" to reach the available units.

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence: History & Social Studies

Portrait, George Washington

This megasite brings together resources for teaching U.S. and world history from the far corners of the web. Most of these websites boast large collections of primary sources from the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, the National Archives and Records Administration, and prominent universities. There are more than 600 websites listed for U.S. history alone, divided by time period and topic: Business & Work, Ethnic Groups, Famous People, Government, Movements, States & Regions, Wars, and Other Social Studies. While most of these websites are either primary source archives (for example, History of the American West, 1860-1920) or virtual exhibits, many offer lesson plans and ready-made student activities, such as EDSITEment, created by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

A good place to begin is the (Subject Map), which lists resources by sub-topic, including African Americans (67 resources), Women's History (37 resources), and Natural Disasters (16 resources). Each resource is accompanied by a brief annotation that facilitates quick browsing.

Column A and Column B

Quiz Webform ID

In the 19th century, no one expected Chinese food to take off in the United States.


Some of the first who ventured to eat Chinese cooking reported back unfavorably—New York journalist Edwin Trafton wrote in Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly, "I feel as though I had eaten a rare-done nightmare," after eating a Chinese meal—but the cuisine soon took off. Answer the following questions.

Quiz Answer

1. In which of the following areas did early Chinese immigrants typically not find work?

e. Opening Chinese restaurants for non-Chinese

2. The first restaurant in America aiming to purvey Chinese food to non-Chinese customers opened around:

b. 1890

3. Which of the following is typical fare in China?

d. Sweet and sour pork

4. Which of the following were not among the first non-Chinese in America to develop a taste for Chinese food?

b. Irish construction workers who built the Union Pacific Railroad line to the West, who learned about Chinese cooking from the Chinese construction workers on the Central Pacific Railroad.

For more information

For more on Chinese immigrants' lifestyles and both outside and inside perceptions of a large Chinese immigrant community, check out the collection of close to 8,000 primary sources at the Library of Congress' American Memory website The Chinese in California, 1850-1925.

The Chinese-American Museum of Chicago collects postcards, menus, and both modern and historical articles on Chinese food on its subpage "Chinese Food and Restaurants in the Midwest".

Also check out the full text of one of the earliest Chinese (and Japanese) cookbooks published in the United States—Sarah Bosse's Chinese-Japanese Cook Book, hosted at Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project.

  • Bonner, Arthur. Alas! What Brought Thee Hither?: The Chinese in New York, 1800-1950. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1997.
  • Chan, Shiu Wong. The Chinese Cook Book. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1917.
  • "Chinese Cooking. Chinese Gastronomy Different from American. Wong Chin Foo's Account of His Countrymen's Customs." Galveston Daily News, July 27, 1884, 10.
  • "Chinese newspaper, dishware, basket and other unidentified items," Library of Congress, Alice Iola Hare Photograph Collection, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. (accessed April 16, 2010).
  • "Chinese Reception for Gotham: Reginald De Koven Plans a Purely Celestial Entertainment." Chicago Daily Tribune, November 16, 1896, 1.
  • "Chinese Restaurant on Dupont Street, San Francisco, Cal.: From Illustrated San Francisco News," 1869, Library of Congress, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (accessed April 14, 2010).
  • "Chow Chop Suey." Daily (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 23, 1896, 4.
  • Foo, Wang Chin. "The Chinese in New York." The Cosmopolitan, June 1888, 297-311.
  • Forman, Allan. "A Celestial Delmonico. Eating Perfumed Pig and Other Delicacies at a Chinese Restaurant in Gotham." Daily (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July 25, 1886, 11.
  • Forman, Allan. "The Chinese in New York." Atchison Daily Globe March 25, 1887.
  • "General Intelligence." Boston Investigator, October 10, 1888, 6.
  • "Quoe's Guests. They Ate of His Several Chinese Viands. Members of Boston's 400 Enjoy a New Dinner." Boston Daily Globe, March 1, 1891, 4.
  • Trafton, Edwin H. "A Chinese Dinner in New York." Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, February 1884, 183-187.
  • Young, Alexander. "Chinese Food and Cookery." Appletons' Journal of Literature, Science and Art, September 14, 1872, 291-293.
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Theatre of the People

Quiz Webform ID

Through performing art, U.S. minorities assert their identities. Answer these questions on multicultural music and theatre.


Arriving in the U.S. by choice or against their will, minority groups sought ways to express their uniqueness and maintain a sense of community. How better to come together than as an audience—or as a group of performers? Answer the following questions on multicultural performing arts in the U.S.

Quiz Answer

1. During World War I, New York City audiences (if they knew the language of the performance) could attend patriotic musicals with titles like ____ War Brides and ____ Martyrs of America. What ethnic group fills in the blanks?

a. Jewish

From the late 1880s to around 1940, Yiddish-language theatre found a home in New York City—as did the wave of Jewish immigrants who brought the performance form to the U.S. Fleeing persecution in Russia, these immigrants, whether they chose to be performing artists or audience members, developed a unique theatre culture. Unlike the short variety acts of contemporary vaudeville, Yiddish theatre presented full-evening-length plays, accompanied by music or broken up with song-and-dance numbers. Plays adapted popular works by authors like Shakespeare and Anton Chekhov, drew from folklore and folk customs, and/or commented on recent events in the U.S. and abroad. Some addressed issues of assimilation, such as intermarriage and generational gaps, while others praised the virtues of the immigrants' adopted country—as did the musicals mentioned above.

2. In 1852, a 42-member opera troupe arrived in the U.S. After giving successful performances to immigrants from its country of origin, it traveled to New York City, where non-immigrants panned its performances. Where did the troupe come from?

d. China

In 1852, the Tong Hook Tong Dramatic Company arrived in California, following the stream of Chinese immigrants who had come to the state with the 1848 gold rush. Greeted warmly by immigrant audiences, they accepted a contract to perform in New York City. In New York, they discovered the contract was a scam, and secured their own theatre space, performing for New Yorkers independently. Chinese opera bears little resemblance to European opera, and even less to the "Oriental" image of China then popular on the mainstream stage. Confused by what they were seeing, New Yorkers rejected genuine Chinese theatre that did not match up with contemporary media stereotypes.

3. In the 1960s and 1970s, a grassroots theatre movement, beginning in efforts to educate migrant farmers and encourage them to form unions, took off, spreading across the United States. Which minority group did this movement represent?

c. Chicanos

In 1965, Luis Valdez, the son of Chicano migrant farm workers, founded the theatrical company El Teatro Campesino. El Teatro Campesino took theatrical performances—often without props, sets, or written scripts—directly to the camps of migrant farm workers. In its performances, the company sought to inspire farm workers to form a farm workers' union, but it also performed pieces based on Mexican popular theatre: corridas (dramatized ballads), peladitos (comic skits with an underdog protagonist), and religious pageants.

El Teatro Campesino's success led to the growth of a national Chicano theatre movement, which peaked in the 1970s.

4. In the late 1910s and the 1920s, record companies including Okeh, Paramount, Vocalion, and Columbia began releasing records by performers from which minority group?

c. African Americans

Prior to the Great Migration of the early 20th century, when African Americans came north in search of a better life, major record companies released African American music, but only as performed by white performers. Sensing the potential for a new market, the companies began to record African American performers and release their music on special labels targeted at African American audiences. Called "race records," these records were later marketed to white audiences as well. African Americans also established their own companies to distribute records—the first African American owned label, Black Swan, was established in 1921. Many styles of music associated with race records would later be recategorized as "rhythm and blues."

For more information

The Library of Congress's American Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920 includes a subsection just for Yiddish-language playscripts. It encompasses 77 unpublished manuscripts, as well as an essay on Yiddish theatre. Brown University Library has digitized a collection of sheet music covers, including many songs from Yiddish musicals.

Today, only one professional Yiddish theater remains in the U.S.—the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre, in New York City. Founded in 1915, the company now promotes the preservation of the Yiddish language and theatre traditions.

Also from the Library of Congress, The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 archives approximately 8,000 primary source images and documents on Chinese immigrant life in California from the gold rush years through the early 20th century. Try searching by keyword "theater" or "theatre" to find images of theatrical (though not operatic) productions. For other resources on Chinese immigrants, enter "Chinese" as a keyword in NHEC's History in Multimedia search for online lectures, podcasts, and other presentations or in the Website Reviews search for websites with valuable primary sources.

For more on the influx of Chicano migrant workers in the mid-20th century, refer to NHEC's blog post on teaching Mexican American history with the Bracero Program (the Bracero Program was the largest guest worker program in U.S. history). Also look at PBS' The Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers' Struggle, made to accompany the documentary of the same name, for information on Cesar Chavez, Mexican American labor activist. Luis Valdez established El Teatro Campesino to support and further Chavez's goals.

PBS' Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns, also designed to accompany a documentary, features an article on race records. NPR offers a short audio presentation on the first recorded blues song sung by an African American artist—"Crazy Blues," sung by Mamie Smith—one of the first steps in the establishment of the race records market.

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Knock, Knock. . . Who Lives Here?

Quiz Webform ID

Would you answer the door if the census taker came knocking?


In March 2010, the 23rd U.S. census went out—220 years after the first census, in 1790. What do census questions tell us about American society and values? Look at the categories of census data below and select the year in which the information was collected.

Quiz Answer

1. 1790
families with 11 or more members
families holding 2-4 slaves
avg. slaves per slaveholding family
free colored slaveholding families
persons of Scotch nationality
persons of Hebrew nationality

2. 1840
white persons 20 years of age and over who cannot read and write
scholars in primary and common schools
female slaves 55-99 years of age
free colored females under 10 years of age
men employed in newspaper production
persons employed in navigation of canals

3. 1870
male citizens 21 years of age and over
persons born in Africa
persons 10 and over who cannot read
total state taxation
public debt of the county
youths employed in manufacturing

4. 1880
persons born in China
colored persons
farms 500-999 acres rented for fixed money rental
average hours labor per week in iron and steel manufacturing
average youths and children employed in manufacturing

5. 1900
other colored females 5-20 years of age
illiterate foreign-born alien males 21 years of age and over
native white illiterates 10 years of age and over of native parentage
farms of colored owners and tenants
capital invested in buildings used in manufacturing
salaries of salaried officials, clerks, etc. in manufacturing

6. 1910
rural population
white persons born in asian turkey
native white males of voting age of mixed parentage
Indian, Chinese, Japanese and male of all other races of voting age
persons 15-17 years of age attending school
farms of foreign-born whites

For more information

census-ctlm.jpg In 1790, federal marshals collected data for the first census, knocking by hand on each and every door. As directed by the U.S. Constitution, they counted the population based on specific criteria, including "males under 16 years, free White females, all other free persons (by sex and color), and slaves." There was no pre-printed form, however, so marshals submitted their returns, sometimes with additional information, in a variety of formats.

In 1810 and 1820, additional categories appeared, collecting information on "free White males and females under 10 years of age," as well as those "10 and under 16," "16 and under 26," "26 and under 45," and "45 years and upward." "Free colored persons" and slaves were now counted separately as were "all other persons, except Indians not taxed" and "foreigners not naturalized." Through the decades, the census continued to expand, including a growing number of questions on agriculture, manufacturing, living conditions, education, crime, mortality, and increasingly, race and ancestry.

The census has always had political implications, informing conscription, Congressional representation, and the collection and allocation of taxes. It has also always both reflected and shaped social divisions. Before 1960, census enumerators interviewed families in person and without consulting the individuals, selected which box to check for "race." Starting in 1960, largely for financial reasons, the Census Bureau mailed forms directly to households, thereby allowing individuals to select their own boxes. This led to a fundamental change in the way race was categorized and measured. In 2000, for the first time, individuals could select more than one box and about 6.8 million Americans did so, reflecting the complex nature of racial and ethnic categories today.

The 2010 census is designed to count all residents and will ask a small number of questions, such as name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, relationship and housing tenure. The longer American Community Survey will collect socioeconomic data annually from a representative sample of the population.

For searchable (and map-able) databases of historical census data from 1790 to 1960, refer to the University of Virginia's United States Historical Census Data Browser. For more current information, try the official website of the U.S. Census Bureau..

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Demographics 1890-1915


I am trying to find a good website that have the demographics during 1890-1915. Could you please give me a direction to go in?


Luckily, population studies play a role in many facets of government funding and studies. The wealth of information on U.S. demographics is rooted in the U.S. Census Bureau. The first census was taken in 1790 and included men, women, free, and enslaved persons. For more information on the history of one of the first government agencies, read the article, Stand Up and Be Counted: Teaching with the Census which also provides guidance on lesson plans.

The Great Depression and World War II


From the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History:

"Professor David Kennedy examines the experience of the American people in the Great Depression and World War II. Lecture topics include the origins and impact of the Great Depression; the nature and legacy of the New Deal; the military and diplomatic dimensions of American participation in World War II; and the war's impact on American society. Special attention will be given to the historical debate about the Depression's causes; America and the Holocaust; the wartime internment of Japanese-Americans; and the use of atomic bombs against Japan."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free, $400 stipend
Course Credit
"The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History is proud to announce its agreement with Adams State College to offer three hours of graduate credit in American history to participating seminar teachers. Teachers are required to submit a reflection paper and a copy of one primary source activity completed during or immediately after the seminar."
Five days
End Date