Early Washington Maps: A Digital Collection

Map, "Hermiston Oregon," Umatilla Project Development League, 1910

The nearly 1,000 maps available on this site document the conflict between Great Britain and America for ownership of the region. They also illustrate the transformation of the physical boundaries of the Pacific region and the efforts of its inhabitants to control the land. The site includes a valuable interactive timeline that presents the maps in historical perspective. The collection contains large-scale geographic maps of the land and sea and small hand-drawn sketches of settlements. The maps are very detailed and most were created in the late-19th- and early-20th-century. Maps are primarily concerned with geography, transportation, climate, population, culture, politics, and tourism and there is a searchable index that is organized according to 21 themes, such as forests, Puget Sound, railroads, Seattle, Washington State University, and Native American reservations.

A drop-down menu allows users to examine and enlarge thumbnail images of each map. Biographical and detailed descriptive text (most between 20 and 500 words) is presented with each image, and the text is searchable by keyword. Created as a resource to help students, teachers and researchers understand the history and development of the state of Washington, this site will appeal to those interested in Washington, historical geography, and the development of cartography.

Joe Hill

Photo, Joe Hill, Utah History to Go

Joe Hill was created as a companion to PBS channel KUED's documentary on the c. 1900 labor movement figure of the same name. Born in Sweden, Joe Hill's life is largely an enigma. Over time, he became involved in the Industrial Workers of the World, and was known as a writer of labor movement songs. Eventually, Hill was tried for murder, resulting in an outcry from sources as varied as the Swedish ambassador to the American Federation of Labor.

This website provides a brief biography of Joe Hill (also known as Joel Hagglund), introductions to major protestors against his sentence, an overview of the impact of his songwriting, audio recordings and lyrics of several of Hill's songs, lengthy sections of the formal appeal against Hill's sentence, and an interview with a lawyer and professor concerning the case and its legal and social context. Low-resolution images of Joe Hill, his cartoons, labor propaganda, and correspondence related to his trial and sentence are located throughout the site. In some cases, transcriptions are available of historical documents.

Joe Hill also contains information on various labor professions in the early 20th century. You can read about mining, immigration, the Scofield Mine Disaster, and more. Included are five interviews with professors and authors who contributed to the documentary film.

A final section on labor today offers readers an opportunity to submit their own labor stories, as well as a list of publications related to the life and death of Joe Hill.

Site navigation is not as intuitive as it could be. The best way to peruse the "Story" section, for example, may be to use the timeline, rather than to move through the pages in the order the "next" arrows would have you do. Using the timeline, however, will link you to sections in both the "Story" and "Legal Battle" section of the site. Expect to use your browser's back button frequently.

Digital Resource Guide for the Labor Archives of Washington State

Photo, Camp Ferry crew on their way to lunch, 1939, WPA, Uni. of Washington

The Digital Resource Guide for the Labor Archives of Washington State exists for one purpose—to break down and make accessible the contents of the University of Washington's labor collections. To begin, simply scroll down or select "Topics" from the top navigation bar to view five categories within the collections. From there, make your choice, and find a summary of the collection contents alongside links.

"The I.W.W. in the Pacific Northwest" offers access to ephemera, newspaper clippings, personal accounts, and photographs related to the 1916 Everett Massacre and the 1919 Centralia Massacre; letters and documents concerning opposition to the I.W.W.; and local Wobblie charters, letters, and manuscripts.

"The Seattle General Strike and Its Aftermath" includes photographs and documents from the strike; notes, letters, reports, news clippings, and ephemera related to the Central Labor Council of Seattle in the 1920s and 1930s; documents pertaining to the Seattle Union Record, the CLC's newspaper; documents related to Henry Ault, an editor of the paper; and letters, manuscripts, ephemera, and photographs concerning Anna Louise Strong, advocate of laborer and children's rights.

Look to "Anti-Labor Reactions and Labor Espionage" for photos and documents from the Spruce Production Division and the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen; speeches, articles, and letters by the Associated Industries; and 1919 and 1920 reports from spies within the labor movement.

"Labor and the New Deal" leads to photographs only. Here, you can find more than 450 photographs related to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civil Works Administration, the CCC, and Works Progress Administration workers at the Grand Coulee Dam and elsewhere.

Finally, "Labor in the Modern Era" emphasizes Cesar Chavez and the farmworkers' movement, as well as protests held at the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting. Resources include posters, interviews, fliers, pamphlets, and photographs.

Bisbee Deportation of 1917

Logo, Bisbee Deportation of 1917

In 1917, a labor dispute between copper mining companies and workers in Bisbee, Arizona, escalated into vigilante action against suspected members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). This site provides primary and secondary sources on the strike and subsequent deportation of over 1000 striking miners from Bisbee. It offers a roughly 500-word essay on the incident's historical context, and provides online access to materials such as personal narratives, witness interviews, government reports, newspaper articles, correspondence, and images selected from the University of Arizona Library, the Arizona Historical Society, and the Sharlot Hall Museum in Prescott, Arizona. There are 26 mining and deportation photographs, three maps, 19 IWW publications with color images of the covers, and six images of IWW stickers on the site, along with a bibliography of 34 scholarly works, 11 of which offer links to online, full-text versions. The site provides a partial finding aid that lists items with links to the document texts featured on the site. The site is ideal for studying labor action and labor/management relations in the early 20th century.

Isleton Tong


In this four-minute episode of PBS's "History Detectives," Charlotte Brooks, speaks about the relationship between Chinese immigrants and the white populations with which they came into contact in the U.S. Topics covered include the transition from violence to non-violent discrimination, the simultaneous romanticization and distrust of the Chinese, the lack of Chinese legal standing, and the way in which the arrival of Japanese and Filipino immigrants altered the social standing of the Chinese.

Teachers should be aware that the term tong is never defined within the talk. It essentially refers to Chinese organized crime groups within early Chinatowns. The violence and disparity of the anecdotes called to attention in this discussion render it better suited to middle or high school students, rather than an elementary audience.

Brooks holds a BA in Chinese history, as well as a MA and PhD in American history. She currently teaches at Baruch College, and primary academic interests include Asian American history, politics, and community in California.

War Balloon


Tukufu Zuberi of PBS's History Detectives speaks to Tom Crouch, Senior Curator of Aeronautics at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum about balloon bombs, used by the Japanese against the U.S. West Coast during World War II.

Presidio of San Francisco [CA]


The Presidio of San Francisco has served as a barracks for 218 years, and has been occupied by three countries. Now, visitors can enjoy the stunning architecture of the Presidio, as well as see the historic airfields and national cemetery also located in the park. In addition to the impressive history and culture of the Presidio, the park also serves as a haven for endangered species and features beautiful and expansive views of the Golden Gate Bridge, the city of San Francisco, and Marin County.

The site offers historic information about the Presidio, visitor information, a photo-gallery containing 92 photographs of the Presidio and its surrounding grounds, and resources for educators, including an interactive field trip planner and educational online games for students.

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument [NM]


In 1907, President Teddy Roosevelt signed a proclamation recognizing the Gila Hot Springs Cliff Dwellings as being of "exceptional scientific and educational interest," and created the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. "Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument offers a glimpse into the homes and lives of the Mogollon people who lived in this area over 700 years ago."

The site offers visitor information, including up to date information on park and road closures, brief historical information regarding the Cliff Dwelling National Monument, and an online bookstore. As with all National Park Service websites, in order to email the park, use the "contact us" link on the website.

Fort Bowie National Historic Site [AZ]


Fort Bowie commemorates the bitter conflict between Chiricahua Apaches and the U.S. military—a lasting monument to the bravery and endurance of U.S. soldiers in paving the way for settlement and the taming of the western frontier. It provides insight into a "clash of cultures," a young nation in pursuit of "manifest destiny," and the hunter-gatherer society fighting to preserve its existence.

The site offers exhibits and tours.

Wupatki National Monument [AZ]


Less than 800 years ago, Wupatki Pueblo was the largest pueblo around. It flourished for a time as a meeting place of different cultures. Yet this was one of the warmest and driest places on the Colorado Plateau, offering little obvious food, water, or comfort. How and why did people live here? The builders of Wupatki and nearby pueblos have moved on, but their legacy remains.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.