Jim Crow and the Fight for American Citizenship


This seminar explores the rise of Jim Crow in the United States and tracks it forward to its modern post-civil-rights manifestations. Seminar participants will work with a range of primary sources to interpret the shifting social, economic, political, psychological, and cultural trauma associated with this set of racial practices. Close attention will be paid to the effects of Jim Crow on both sides of the color line.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend granted
Course Credit
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
One week
End Date

The Culture of Jim Crow


Using ESSEX History is pleased to welcome back Dr. Cynthia Lyerly (Boston College) to lead a discussion of the culture of Jim Crow. This seminar will provide nuance for discussions of segregation by taking educators out of the courtrooms and voting booths to examine how the Jim Crow system affected everyday life and how depictions of race in popular culture complemented and supported both legal and de facto segregation. Readings for this seminar will focus on the turn of the 20th century and will bring together a diverse amount of scholarship including: Dr. Lyerly's own work on The Clansman author Thomas Dixon, Jr.'s studies on the segregation of consumption and public spaces, and investigations into popular cultural icons such as Shirley Temple and Scarlett O'Hara. This seminar will take place at the NARA facilities in Waltham and will include screenings of portions of several films including Gone With the Wind, The Littlest Rebel, and Within Our Gates, as well as investigations into NARA's archives.The primary sources for the day reveal surprising ways in which the culture of segregation affected life here in New England.

Contact name
Bethany, Jay
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 978-542-7349
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Course Credit
By attending an entire seminar and preparing a quality lesson plan based on the materials and information discussed during the day, participating teachers will earn 10 PDPs and a stipend of $125.
Contact Title
Academic Director
Six hours

The Segregated South Through Autobiography, 1890s-1960s


This seminar examines legal segregation in the American South from its origin in the 1890s until its demise by the end of the 1960s through the autobiographical writings of the most prominent interpreters of the era, black and white, male and female. Participants will explore the reasons for segregation's rise and fall and its legal, social, and moral aspects.

Contact name
Wright-Kernodle, Lynn
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
North Carolina Humanities Council
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; a $75 stipend is provided for completion of the seminar.
Course Credit
Certificates are provided for credit renewal (CEUs) through teachers' individual school districts.
Two days
End Date

Race and Place


This archive addresses Jim Crow, or racial segregation, laws from the late 1880s until the mid-20th century, focusing on the town of Charlottesville, VA. The theme is the connection of race with place by understanding the lives of African Americans in the segregated South. Political materials includes seven political broadsides and a timeline of African American political activity in Charlottesville and Virginia. Census data includes searchable databases containing information about individual African Americans taken from the 1870 and 1910 Charlottesville census records. City records includes information on individual African Americans and African American businesses. Oral histories includes audio files from over 37 interviews. Personal papers contains indexes to the Benjamin F. Yancey family papers and the letters of Catherine Flanagan Coles. Newspapers, still in progress, includes more than 1,000 transcribed articles from or about Charlottesville or Albemarle from two major African American newspapers—the Charlottesville Recorder and the Richmond Planet. Images has links to two extensive image collections, the Holsinger Studio Collection and the Jackson Davis Collection of African American Educational Photographs, and three smaller collections.