Great American Texts: Mark Twain


One way citizens of large republics are educated in the principles of government is through novels. With this in mind, this course examines selections from the work of Mark Twain. Not only is Twain America's most enduringly popular author, but his novels depict important aspects of the American character and have much to say about such themes as equality, slavery, freedom, modern science, Christianity, and democratic leadership, all of which are crucial for understanding American history and politics. The main texts will be Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court; if time permits, participants will also consider The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend
Course Credit
Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $468.
Six days
End Date

2008 Reverend Bullock Memorial Lecture Featuring James Carroll


While much of the press portrays Islam as a monolithic tradition, James Carroll's talk, "Islam: Threat of Gift?," will explore the perception of Islam and its complex relationship with Judaism and Christianity. A response by Asma Afsaruddin, Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame and Chairwoman of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, will follow.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Phone number
1 978-837-5428
Start Date

Immigration, Religion, and Culture on New York's Lower East Side


This workshop will "treat the Lower East Side, a neighborhood known for its immigrant history, as a primary source. Walking tours, lectures, and photography will bring teachers and a diverse group of scholars together to learn about how various ethnic, religious and immigrant groups adapted their religion and culture to America. The workshop aims to provide teachers with the tools and inspiration to bring the Lower East Side back to their classrooms." Specific topics will include "Eldridge Street Synagogue and Religious Adaptation," "Chinatown and the Development of a Port Culture on the Bowery/Chatham Square," "The African Burial Ground and African American Communities," "Irish and Italian Immigration and Foodways," and "The Interaction Between East European Jews and the German Christians on the Lower East Side."

Contact name
Freed, Phyllis
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 212-219-0888
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Five days
End Date

Sunday School Books: Shaping the Values of Youth in 19th-Century America


These full-text transcriptions and page images of 163 "Sunday school books" address religious instruction for youth published in the U.S. between 1815 and 1865. Materials include texts used by Methodists, Baptists, Mormons, and other denominations and are searchable by subject, author, title, and keyword.

Books are categorized according to nine types: "Advice Books, Moral Tales"; "Animals, Natural History"; "Child Labor, Orphans, Poverty"; "Death, Dying, Illness"; "Holidays"; "Immigrants"; "Slavery, African Americans, Native Americans"; "Temperance, Tobacco"; and "Travel, Missionaries." There are 67 author biographies and an essay on Sunday school books. This collection offers valuable materials for studying antebellum culture, American religious history, print culture, and education.