Art Deco Society of California [CA]


The Art Deco Society of California (ADSC) is dedicated to honoring the aesthetic and architectural achievements of the first half of the 20th century, especially the decades of the 1920's, 30's and 40's that is now known as the Art Deco period. The ADSC was founded in 1981 by an architectural historian in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a member of the International Coalition of Art Deco Societies. The ADSC "endeavors to increase public awareness of the Art Deco era, to preserve and promote its art, architecture, music, fashions, transportation, and other forms of its popular culture." The ADSC researches and documents buildings and other artifacts worthy of preservation and also awards certificates of merit for noteworthy preservation and restoration efforts in California.

The site offers a calendar of events, a listing of notable Art Deco structures in the San Francisco Bay Area, past ADSC award winners, photo galleries for all past events held by the ADSC, and an archive of all issues of the ADSC magazine, "The Sophisticate," which are available for purchase.

Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation [CA]


Located in San Francisco Bay, the U.S. Immigration Station at Angel Island served as a processing and detainment center for hundreds of thousands of immigrants and emigrants between 1910 and 1940. The Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF) was founded in 1983 with the mission of continuing the preservation and educational efforts regarding Angel Island. Currently, AIISF raises funds to restore, preserve, and interpret the Angel Island Immigration Station. AIISF has recently launched the Angel Island Legacies Project, which trains oral historians and conducts interviews of detainees and descendants of all nationalities.

The site offers information about the AIISF, including FAQs and a history of the organization. In addition, the site offers resources for educators, including a curriculum guide, book recommendations, and helpful links; past media, including press and an archive of the "Passages" newsletter; and a brief historical section that covers the history of Angel Island.

Yo, Ho, Ho and a . . . Bushel of Oysters?

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Shellfish pirates stole from the rich to feed themselves—and make a little money on the side.


With Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th, students may be rolling their "Arrs." Popular media focuses on pirates pillaging at sea, but pirates didn't limit themselves to the open ocean. Consider these questions on oyster pirates, who made their living thieving shellfish in America's bays.

Quiz Answer

1. Oyster pirates were at the height of their trade during what years?
a. The 1700s, the Golden Age of piracy
b. The 1800s, prior to the Civil War
c. Approximately 1930 to 1940
d. Approximately 1870 to 1920

Oysters became a high-demand source of protein and nutrition following the Civil War. With the rise of industry and of shipping by rail, canneries and corporate oyster farming operations sprang up on both coasts, eager to supply the working class, and anyone else who wanted the tasty shellfish, with oysters shipped live or canned. In San Francisco, a center of oyster piracy, the boom years of the oyster industry corresponded, unsurprisingly, with those of the oyster industry—both took off in 1870, as the state began allowing major oyster farming operations to purchase the rights to underwater bay "land" (traditionally common property), and petered off in the 1920s, as silt and pollution disrupted the bay's ecosystem.

2. Which famous author spent time as an oyster pirate?
a. Jack London
b. Mark Twain
c. Ernest Hemingway
d. Upton Sinclair

At 15, Jack London bought a boat, the Razzle Dazzle, and joined the oyster pirates of San Francisco Bay to escape work as a child laborer. London wrote about his experiences in his semi-fictional autobiography, John Barleycorn, and used them in his early work, The Cruise of the Dazzler, and in his Tales of the Fish Patrol. The latter tells the story of oyster pirates from law enforcement's perspective—after sailing as an oyster pirate, London switched sides himself, to hunt his former compatriots.

3. What was popular working-class opinion on the oyster pirates?
a. Oyster pirates should be hunted down and captured, as they gave a bad name to common fishermen
b. Oyster pirates meant very little to the working class in bay areas; a few people admired or condemned them, but most people ignored them
c. Oyster pirates were heroes, fighting back against corporate ownership of underwater property
d. Oyster pirates pulled attention from more important issues, such as urban crime rates and public health

The working class romanticized oyster pirates as Robin-Hood-like heroes, fighting back against the new big businesses' private control of what had once been common land. Traditionally, underwater "real estate" was commonly owned—anyone with a boat or oyster tongs could fish or dredge without fear of trespassing. Following the Civil War, states began leasing maritime "land" out to private owners; and the public protested, by engaging in oyster piracy, supporting oyster pirates, scavenging in tidal flats and along the boundaries of maritime property, and, occasionally, engaging in armed uprisings.

4. On April 3, 1883, the comic opera Driven from the Seas; or the Pirate Dredger's Doom played to an appreciative audience at the Norfolk Academy of Music in Virginia. What Chesapeake Bay event did the opera satirize?
a. A successful raid against Chesapeake oyster pirates by Virginia governor William Evelyn Cameron, in 1882
b. The sinking of two dredgers' ships in February 1883, when the dredgers ran against rocks while being chased by overzealous patrol boats
c. The misadventures of a group of drunk oyster pirates arrested for causing a public disturbance in Norfolk in March 1883
d. An unsuccessful raid against Chesapeake oyster pirates by Virginia governor William Evelyn Cameron, in February 1883

The opera satirized Governor William Evelyn Cameron's second raid against oyster pirates in the Chesapeake Bay, on February 27, 1883. Cameron had conducted a very successful raid the previous February, capturing seven boats and 46 dredgers, later pardoning most of them to appease public opinion—which saw the pirates as remorseful, hard-working family men. His second raid, in 1883, went poorly. Almost all of the ships he and his crews chased escaped into Maryland waters, including the Dancing Molly, a sloop manned only by its captain's wife and two daughters (the men had been ashore when the governor started pursuit). The public hailed the pirates as heroes and ridiculed the governor in the popular media—the Lynchberg Advance, for instance, ran a poem comically saluting the failed raid.

For more information

oyster_pirates_ctlm.jpg Oyster piracy highlights the class tensions that sprang up during post-Civil War industrialization. Big business and private ownership began to drive the economy, shaping the lives of the working class and changing long-established institutions and daily patterns. Young people such as Jack London turned to oyster piracy as an escape from the new factory work—and the working class chaffed against the loss of traditional maritime common lands to business owners.

For more on oyster piracy, consider Jack London's fiction on the subject. Full-text versions of The Cruise of the Dazzler, John Barleycorn, and Tales of the Fish Patrol are available at Project Gutenberg, which provides the full text of hundreds of out-of-copyright works.

The Smithsonian's online exhibit On the Water includes a section on the Chesapeake oyster industry, with a mention of oyster pirates.

The Oyster War: A Poem

The oyster war!
The oyster war!
The biggest sight you ever saw;
The Armada sailing up the Bay,
The oyster pirates for to slay.

With cannon, brandy, cards aboard,
They steam from out of Hampton Road,
The Govnor wearing all the while
A Face lit up with many a "smile."

But when the pirates hove in view
Quick to his post each sailor flew!
The squadron, with "Dutch courage" bold,
Sweeps like the wolf upon the fold.

They to the Rappahannock turn
To fight like Bruce at Bannockburn,
And give the oyster-dredgers fits,
Like Bonaparte at Austerlitz.

Oyster, 1921
Oyster, 1921
Oyster, 1921
Oyster, 1921
Oyster, 1921
Oyster, 1921
"Gathering and dressing oysters under difficulties," 1879
Preview Mode

Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy [CA]


Established in 1981, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy is the nonprofit partner that supports and assists the Golden Gate National Parks in research, interpretation, and conservation programs. The Conservancy's work is undertaken with generous contributions from individual, corporate, and foundation donors, as well as income earned from operating park bookstores and cafes, publishing educational materials, producing interpretive merchandise, and providing park tours. Since its inception in 1981, the Parks Conservancy has provided the Golden Gate National Parks with more than $100 million in support and is recognized as one of the largest and most effective park partners in the country.

The Conservancy is focused on aiding the parks, and so does not offer visitors much besides volunteer opportunities. The website offers detailed visitor and historical information about all parks supported by the Conservancy, and also offers access to park stores and events calendars for each park.

The conservancy is a support organization. It does not offer a physical site for visitation.

Web de Anza


Web de Anza presents material relating to Juan Bautista de Anza's two expeditions into Alta California that resulted in the settlement of San Francisco in 1776. The site is under development, but it is easy to navigate. Visitors will find a 700-word background essay on the historical context of the expeditions and links to seven other sites about de Anza and California history. Primary source material currently includes eight diaries and two letters, available in English and Spanish and indexed by date. This material is supplemented by a gallery of 11 portraits, 14 images of scenery relevant to De Anza's expeditions, and drawings and photographs of nine objects such as a musket of the kind that De Anza probably used.

The site also includes six photographs of re-enactments of events in de Anza's expedition. An Atlas section provides 10 trail route maps, and 20 maps of the area of de Anza's expedition. The site provides useful material for students of California history, religion, and Native Americans at every level, from elementary to graduate school.

San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection


This collection of 30,000 historical photographs contains scenes of San Francisco from 1850 to the present and includes views of streets, buildings, and neighborhoods, as well as photographs of famous San Francisco personalities. Visitors can search for photographs by neighborhoods using the interactive map, one of the site's most engaging options. There are also miniature tours of such locales as the Barbary Coast, Nob Hill, and Telegraph Hill.

The San Francisco neighborhoods are searchable through a list of subjects, which includes monuments, nightclubs, orphanages, parks, and stadiums.

There are several specialized collections, such as the James A. Scott Collection featuring 27 pairs of "before-and-after" images of the city with the photographer's notes and comments.

A photo morgue of the daily newspaper, San Francisco News-Call Bulletin, dating from the 1920s to 1965, completes the site.

Chinese in California, 1850-1925


These 8,000 items document the immigrant experience of Chinese who settled in California during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Materials include photographs, letters, diaries, speeches, business records, legal documents, pamphlets, sheet music, cartoons, and artwork.

Access is provided through nine galleries, each containing an introductory essay and 70 to 575 items. Four galleries present materials on San Francisco's Chinatown, including architectural space, business and politics, community life, and appeal to outsiders. Additional galleries deal with Chinese involvement in U.S. expansion westward; communities outside San Francisco; agricultural, fishing and related industries; the anti-Chinese movement and Chinese exclusion; and sentiments concerning the Chinese. Visitors may search by keyword, name, subject, title, group, and theme. The site will be useful for studying ethnic history, labor history, and the history of the West as well as Chinese-American history.

Museum of the City of San Francisco


These 11 exhibits address the history of California and San Francisco. Topics include the Gold Rush of 1849; earthquakes of 1906 and 1989; the history of the city's fire department; construction of the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges; and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. These exhibits provide timelines and links to more than 200 primary documents and images, including newspaper articles, diary entries, oral histories, photographs, political cartoons, and engravings. Two exhibits are hyperlinked chronologies pertaining to San Francisco during World War II and the rock music scene in the city from 1965 to 1969.

Documents can be accessed according to subject, with more than 25 documents listed on the Chinese-American community, fairs and expositions, and labor issues. The site also contains more than 150 biographies of prominent San Franciscans.

The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire


Created to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake, this exhibit and archive features an extensive collection of primary source material, an interactive map, and a 360-degree view of the damage to the city. The primary sources include thousands of images and text files available, offering more than 8,000 photographs, 500 cityscapes, and 500 letters, as well as a host of additional resources, such as broadsides, oral history texts, periodical articles, photomechanical prints, reports, and stereographs. Visitors can browse the archive by genre or subject or search by keyword, subject, genre, or geographic location.

The exhibit has five galleries, each with several text/photograph displays: San Francisco before the fire; the earthquake; the fire, including a map showing burned districts; the story of refugees and survivors; and reconstruction. The interactive map divides San Francisco into 10 regions, each of which can be browsed or searched for images taken in that region. It also includes 11 aerial cityscape views. The 360-degree panoramic view of San Francisco shortly after the disaster is composed of 11 separate photographs taken from the roof of the Fairmont Hotel.