Comic Books in the History Classroom

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Freddy Marvel asks readers to buy war stamps
Freddy Marvel asks readers to buy war stamps
Freddy Marvel asks readers to buy war stamps
Freddy Marvel asks readers to buy war stamps
Freddy Marvel asks readers to buy war stamps
Freddy Marvel asks readers to buy war stamps
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The summer of 2011 offers moviegoers several productions based on superheroes and comic books. Thor. X-Men: First Class. Green Lantern. Captain America: The First Avenger. Cowboys & Aliens. Hollywood has discovered that comic book movies are more than a passing fad, resonating with audiences who connect with the humanity behind the costumes. As a result, comic book-based films have grown over the last decade—both in production and ticket sales— with many more movies to be released over the next few years (The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spider-man, Iron Man 3, and The Avengers to name a few.)

Teachers can use the popularity of superhero films to expand students' understanding of American culture. University of Idaho professor of history Katherine Aiken explored the use of comic books to teach U.S. history in a recent essay published by the Organization of American Historians' Magazine of History (Vol.24, no.2-April 2010). Aiken concluded that because comic books reflect larger social issues in U.S. society, they can help students examine how U.S. artists addressed issues of race, gender, nationalism, and conflict in popular publications.

Some educational publishers, for their part, have produced illustrated history stories and graphic novels to capture younger readers' attention, such as tales from the Revolutionary War. While history-based graphic novels are a useful supplement to course materials, studying comic books provides a different focus in the classroom. Analyzing U.S. popular culture can help teachers and students contextualize the origins of comic books, explore how events in history shaped the evolution of this medium, and assess the ability of comics to address larger social concerns.

A few approaches for connecting comic books to U.S. history include:

  1. Chronological comparative study
    Students can create timelines, decade-level synopses, or graphic organizers that align U.S. historical events with the dates of creation of specific comic books, and show how these titles reflected social concerns. (For a nice overview on the history of comic books, Michigan State University's Ethan Wattrell's course website contains lecture slides and podcasts that can help orient educators.)

    For example:
    • 1920–30s: Comic books developed as a form of fantasy and escapism during the 1920s and the Great Depression.
    • 1940s: Superheroes went to war. Did comic books become tools for wartime propaganda, or did they simply reflect a period of national pride?
    • 1950s: Fantasy, horror, Westerns, and other genres overshadowed superhero stories. Is this a case of "hero" fatigue or socio-political concerns?
    • 1960s: The Marvel and Silver Ages: The Cold War, space race, and civil rights shaped a new era of heroes. The space race, for example, influenced the creation of the Fantastic Four and other interstellar heroes. The nuclear arms race, in turn, influenced the creation of Iron Man and the Hulk. Civil rights also played a significant role in the development of characters with social struggles, from the mutant X-Men to the blind superhero known as Daredevil and the increasing number of female heroines beyond Wonder Woman.
    • DC comics' attempt to deal with drug abuse among teens

    • 1970s–1980s: Comic books became more mature. Serious issues such as drug abuse and apartheid influenced storylines in teen-centered titles such as the Teen Titans and X-Men/New Mutants. Specific stories, such as The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen, tapped into the economic and political anxieties during the Reagan era. Titles such as Sandman also introduced comic books to a new generation of female readers during the late 1980s. All three titles appeared on the New York Times Bestseller list.
  2. Addressing social issues
    Popular culture has often been able to deal with serious issues in an accessible manner. The story of Genosha in the pages of the X-Men extended the theme of genetic discrimination against mutants to issues of slavery and oppression—much like apartheid in South Africa. In this vein, comic books are an accessible way to address other social issues.

    For example:
    • Gender studies: How did the feminist movements of the 1970s affect characters like Wonder Woman and the Invisible Girl/Woman? What changes are visible in the depiction of female superheroes? How has the growing visibility of female artists, such as Louise Simonson, Lynn Varley, and Gail Simone, changed a male-dominated industry?
    • Activism: Students can study the effects of larger events such as the Vietnam War, September 11th, and the passage of the Patriot Act on comic book storylines. Recent stories such as Marvel's Civil War and World War II-era comics are useful starting points to examine individual rights and nationalism respectively.
    • Intellectual Property: Why was DC Comics unable to use the names "Superboy" and "Captain Marvel?" How did the founding of Image Comics become a significant development for independent comic books and the idea of creator rights? How do copyright and fair use laws affect the use of comic book characters in education?
  3. "Golden Age," "Silver Age," and "Modern Age" of comic books
    What characterized each of these eras? Using long-running characters like Batman and the Joker, students can assess changing social norms, expectations, and trends in the 20th-century U.S. through the evolution of specific characters.
  4. logo for Comics Code authority

  5. Government regulations and political concerns
    McCarthyism and moral issues threatened the comic book industry during the 1950s. Why? One fascinating story involves Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent, a bestselling book that eventually led to the policing and regulation of comic books and the creation of the Comic Code Authority. This is a good period to discuss government regulations, free speech, and what made comic books a "danger" to children in the 1950s. Another topic, dealing with moral issues, is human experimentation. In this video by Emory Bioethics professor Paul Root Wolpe, he uses the genetics in the X-Men comic books to talk about Nazi experimentation on humans, the Nuremberg trials, as well as U.S. testing on human subjects.
  6. The evolution of major characters
    While Batman is one of the easiest character to compare his own evolution to changes in American society, he is not the only one that shows the influence of time and place. Tony Stark (Iron Man) famously struggled with alcoholism in the 1980s. Captain America went from World War II hero to a man out of time after decades of frozen animation. Peter Parker's (Spider-man) journey from awkward teenager to a married professional may be an easy-to-relate-to story for students. Likewise, Superman's recent decision to forgo his American identity, in order to embrace a more "global" role, created renewed interest (and a bit of controversy) in the media.
  7. Comic book creators
    How did the personal lives of writers and illustrators like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Jerry Siegel, and Joe Schuster, among others, affect the tales they created? Many of these artists came from ethnic and working-class communities that shaped the setting and topics of their stories.

cover to an issue of Sheena the She-DevilComic books, therefore, can help diversify the teaching of American history and allows teachers to address important issues in a novel yet useful way. However, educators should take caution. Over the last few decades, comic books have shifted to a more mature audience and as a result the depiction of violence has become more graphic. Similarly, educators should be mindful of issues or artists that oversexualize characters.

As is the case with any material to be used in the U.S. history classroom, comic books should be previewed beforehand. Educators, however, can find plenty of "classroom-friendly" comics online or at a local comic book store. For example, the Pulitzer Prize-winning comic, Maus, commonly found at most school libraries, is a different take on Nazism and the Holocaust. Comic book companies have also increased their number of "kid-friendly" titles, easily found at bookstores like Barnes & Nobles and department stores such as Target. Finally, the first Saturday in May is "Free Comic Book Day" each year—a good chance to explore several titles at a local comic book store.

A final note:
Freddy Marvel and war stampsInterdisciplinary approaches to using comic books in the classroom are also helpful for the history teacher. Art educators often argue that reading and making comics encourages students to become more skilled at critically examining texts—full of complex concepts and human relations. Students and teachers can use comics to bridge the gap between personal experiences and history, examine the connection between comics and social groups (such as the "art world" and ethnic groups,) and to deconstruct the medium in order to gain a better sense of what issues affected society. The marriage of visuals and text also helps reach reluctant readers and bring the classroom teacher closer to youth culture. Similarly, language arts specialists find that engagement enhances reading fluency— even in the elementary years. Low-level readers, in various studies, demonstrate greater engagement with visual texts like comic books.

Captain America attacks HitlerHistory teachers can benefit from collaborative uses of comic books across disciplines. Either by working with a language arts or art teacher, or adapting diverse approaches to visual literacy in the history classroom, the use of comic books is helpful for working with others. Students will also find similar collaborative benefits in outside research and work. Whether they develop digital timelines using tools like Dipity or generate a Google Map to assess the geographic connections of comic book characters to U.S. history, digital tools are ideal for collaborations inside and outside the classroom. (Note: The Dipity and Google Map links show examples of how to use American comic books to teach U.S. History.)

  1. Aiken, Katherine. "Superhero History: Using Comic Books to Teach U.S. History." Organization of American Historians Magazine of History 24 (2010): 41-47.
  2. Annett, Doug. "Implementing Graphic Texts into the Language Arts Classroom". Minnesota English Journal 44 (Fall 2008): 150-179.
  3. Editorial. "Comic Books in the Classroom". New York Times January 3, 2008. Online.
  4. Hanson, Thomas J. "Holy Student Assessment, Batman! We've Hit the Schools!". Big Ideas: an Authentic Education E-Journal (March 2008).
  5. Morrison, Timothy G., Gregory Bryan, and George W. Chilcoat. "Using Student-Generated Comic Books in the Classroom". Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 45 (May, 2002): 758-767.
  6. White, Ross. "Comics in the classroom". Learn NC.
  7. Williams, Rachel Marie-Crane. "Image, Text, and Story: Comics and Graphic Novels in the Classroom". Art Education (November 2008): 13-19. Reprinted on Iowa Research Online
For more information

Teacher James Carter offers a basic primer on how to help students create their own comic books, as well as a lesson plan that can be adapted to history content.

Comics in the Classroom offers some ideas on how to incorporate comic into social studies and how to develop lesson plans.

Forming Lesson Plans Around State Mandates

Watercolor, Otto Dix, 1924, Assault under Gas, Deutsches Historisches Museum

How do you teach California World History Standard 10.6.4?
10.6.4: Discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g. Pablo Picasso, the “lost generation” of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway).


Like most state standards, the California history-social studies content standards provide an outline of content and skills that all students should “know and be able to do.” The standards purposefully avoid pedagogy, leaving all decisions regarding how to teach the standards to teachers.

Pedagogy, however, is addressed in the Department of Education’s primary curriculum document for history education – the History-Social Science Framework. The latest edition of the Framework, stalled in the adoption process due to a lack of funding but available on-line, is meant to help teachers and administrators implement the standards. Check out the Framework’s new chapters on instruction and differentiated instruction as they provide several suggestions for “teaching the standards.”

Content Knowledge

Have students examine a number of artifacts that address the question from different perspectives and genres

When planning to teach any historical topic a good place to start is to develop your own content knowledge. Go beyond simply reading about the topic in the textbook and establish deeper contextual knowledge of the period. If possible, familiarize yourself with the historiographical debates surrounding the topic. This work can be done largely on-line. A good place to start is the Gilder Lehrman web-site, which includes several, short “guided readings” on World War I and the 1920s that are helpful for developing content knowledge. Similarly, you might also check out Digital History’s short essays on the Jazz Age.

Backward Planning
Before lesson planning, consider how you might embed this material in a larger unit of study - in this case, a unit on the effects of World War 1 or the 1920s. Follow a backwards design process by first establishing the learning goals and objectives for the unit. To do this, think about how post-war literature and art relate to other topics mentioned in standard 10.6 – for example, the “widespread disillusionment with pre-war institutions, authorities, and values” (10.6.3), and the “effects of the war on…population movement, the international economy, and shifts in the geographical and political borders of Europe and the Middle East" (10.6.2).

Lesson Plan: Investigating a Standards-Based Question

Excerpt strategically

One approach for teaching this standard is to investigate it as a historical question: How did World War One influence literature, art, and intellectual life? Or, perhaps, How did artists interpret and depict the consequences of World War One? Begin by providing students some background content on pre-war art movements (e.g., realism and modernism) and information on artists who emerged out of the war. Next, have students examine a number of artifacts that address the question from different perspectives and genres. The standard includes some places to start searching for documents – namely, Picasso, Stein, and Hemingway. You might also take a look at T.S Eliot’s The Wasteland and Otto Dix’s painting, Assault By Gas (1924). Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises (1926) includes some vividly dark recollections of the war and Wilfred Owens’ Dulce Et Decorum Est (How Sweet It Is) (1921) satirically captures the horrors of trench warfare. It is important here to excerpt strategically - include short passages of written work that speak directly to the lesson’s historical question.

Finally, yet perhaps most importantly, this standard is unique in that it promotes collaboration between history and English classes. If you are teaching a 9th or 10th grade world history course, seek out the members of your English department to see if they teach, or might be willing the teach, any literature of the “lost generation.”

The Great War Society

Logo, The Great War Society

The homepage for an organization that "encourages discussion, learning, scholarship and independent research on the events surrounding the First World War." Currently presents four exhibits: "The Doughboy Center: The American Expeditionary Forces"; "La Grande Guerra: The Italian Front, 1915-1918"; "France at War"; and "Legends and Traditions of the Great War." A fifth exhibit, "Russian Revolution and Civil War," is scheduled for summer 2002. The site furnishes information about the society's activities and events and contains issues from its journal, Relevance. Also includes a listing of more than 400 links to resources about the war. Although the site contains few primary materials, it should prove useful to those interested in military and social aspects of the war.

RaceSci: History of Race in Science

Logo, History of Race in Science

RaceSci is a site dedicated to supporting and expanding the discussion of race and science. The site provides five bibliographies of books and articles about race and science. The section on current scholarship has 1,000 entries, organized into 38 subjects. A bibliography of primary source material includes 91 books published between the 1850s and the 1990s. Visitors can currently view 14 syllabi for high school and college courses in social studies, history of science, rhetoric, and medicine. The site links to 13 recently published articles about race and science and to 49 sites about race, gender, health, science, and ethnicity. This site will be useful for teachers designing curricula about race and for researchers looking for secondary source material.

Campaign Atlases

Image for Campaign Atlases

These 400 20th-century color maps of military campaigns cover a broad range of conflicts, from American colonial wars to U.S. involvement in Somalia in 1992—1993. Most of the maps represent conflicts in which the U.S. played a role, such as the "Battle of Bunker Hill" or the "Allied Landing in Normandy," although the collection also includes maps of the Napoleonic Wars, the Chinese Civil War, the Falkland Islands War, and Arab-Israeli conflicts.

Maps are indexed by war and may be enlarged, but are not annotated. The site is easy to navigate, although large maps may be slow to download. A bibliography lists eight atlases, published between 1959 and 1987, from which many of the maps were taken. The site is particularly useful for studying cartography and military history.

EASE History: An Experience Acceleration Support Environment

Photo, A boy reads a comic book, Dorothea Lange, 1942, Ease History

This collection of video clips and photographs focuses on 20th-century historical events and political campaigns. "Historical Events" presents 470 items from 1900 to the present that the visitor can explore by decade or by 13 thematic topics that include presidential administrations, the environment, politics, war, the economy, and science/technology. "Campaign advertisements" offers 229 campaign ads from 1952 to 2004. The visitor can explore the items by year, candidate, party, and issue, or by thematic topics such as ad themes or positive/negative ads. "Core values" allows visitors to explore the values at the center of presidential political campaigns. All the clips can be displayed one, two, or four at a time.

The learning guide offers activity suggestions and provides more than 100 questions tied to the themes on the site. The site also offers "learning segments" on the Cold War and campaign ads. The search feature offers the ability to search all themes in the campaign ads, history events, and core values sections; select individual film clips from a full listing; conduct a keyword search; or select from 32 classroom topics such as communities, culture, war, the Great Depression, the New deal, and the Great Society.

Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1998

Logo, Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement

Furnishes secondary materials concerning women's rights efforts in the U.S. from 1848 to the present. Includes a 5,000-word history of the movement; a 7,000-word chronology of political activism; six curriculum ideas; a detailed list of activities for high school students, librarians, and teachers to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the movement; listings for 54 prominent women's history organizations, arranged alphabetically by state; basic information and/or links for 60 groups that treat contemporary women's issues; and descriptive listings for 18 "costumed history performers" who portray public figures in women's history. The site is sponsored by the National Women's History Project, "a nonprofit organization, founded in 1980, that is committed to providing education, promotional materials, and informational services to recognize and celebrate women's diverse lives and historic contributions to society."

California Labor History

Image, Introductory graphic, California Labor History

This interactive essay covers 300 years of labor history in California. Powered by Shockwave, the site features a map of California that depicts the locations of labor disputes from 1776 to 1992. Using the scrollbar at the top of the site, users can change the year displayed on the map. On the map itself, small dots indicate the location of a particular event important to California's labor history. Clicking on the dot reveals a chronological list of related "Labor Events." The bottom-left panel, titled "Bigger Picture," provides links to sections of a larger secondary source entitled "Contextual Information" on California labor history relevant to the year and location the user is viewing. 64 700-word essays are mainly excerpts from published books and articles.

Indiana's Storyteller: Connecting People to the Past

Image, Brewett, Chief of the Miami, James Otto Lewis, 1827, Indiana's. . . site

The Indiana Historical Society's main digital archive site contains more than 34,000 images, most of which are directly related to Indiana's past, grouped into almost 30 themed collections that include photographs, prints, sheet music, manuscripts, old court documents, letters, Indiana ephemera, and maps. Also collected here are images from the Jack Smith Lincoln Graphics Collection (containing photographs, lithographs, and engravings of Abraham Lincoln) and the Daniel Weinberg Lincoln Conspirators Collection (containing newspaper clippings, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to the Lincoln assassination). A sampler of the other collections: digitized images of the Indianapolis Recorder; manuscripts and images of James Whitcomb Riley; a collection of 900 postcards of scenes from Indiana from the first two decades of the 20th century; and fascinating panoramic photographs from the early part of the 20th century, showing church groups, picnics, army recruits, and conventioneers.

New York, NY, Ellis Island: Immigration: 1900-1920

Photo, Ariel View of Ellis Island

These 24 stereoscopic photographs of Ellis Island are produced for sale primarily to schools and libraries. Includes an "air" view of Ellis Island; boats unloading European immigrants; and American officials examining female immigrants. The photographs include captions, but no material accompanies them other than a 150-word introductory essay. The photographs are part of the Keystone-Mast Collection at the California Museum of Photography (UC Riverside), one of the world's largest holdings of historic stereographic negatives and prints. To access this collection, click on "Collections" and type "Ellis Island" into the search; or click here to access the archive directly.