Korea + 50: No Longer Forgotten

Photo, "A South Korean soldier comforts a wounded buddy" Department of Defense

A collection of more than 200 official documents, nine oral histories, and more than 70 photographs pertaining to the pursuance of the Korean War by the administrations of Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Provides day-by-day access covering June 24-September 14, 1950—and more sporadic contributions during subsequent periods—to diplomatic and military documents and accounts by administration officials, including correspondence, speeches, memos, reports, and briefing papers. A special section covers the historic Wake Island meeting in October 1950 between Truman and General Douglas MacArthur, with excerpted documents, reminiscences by participants and observers, and photographs. Also includes an audio recording of Truman discussing the firing of MacArthur in 1951; an extensive "Korean War Teacher Activity" from a high school in Independence, MO, including assignments geared to official documents and oral histories; guides to archival materials in the Truman and Eisenhower presidential libraries; information on relevant exhibitions in the libraries; and links to five related sites. Valuable for students to learn to evaluate historical narratives composed of materials from diverse sources.

U.S. Army

Article Body

The U.S. Army provides forces for national defense and the protection of national resources, as well as the support of civil authorities and the logistics of other military branches, as needed.

Although the Army website appears to favor current events and media, it does provide a number of historical resources. Primary sources available include veteran oral histories, army regulations, and photographs dating from the late 19th-century through present. Historical photographs can be compared to recent images, within the Army's main media gallery.

Other resources provided include archives of Soldier magazine from 2001 through present; an artifact of the month feature; full texts and excerpts on military history, divided by time period; artworks, including posters which appear to have been created for the classroom; and a wide variety of multimedia presentations. Presentation topics include the Battle of Gettysburg; the centennial of Army aviation; D-Day; Operation Arkansas; occupied Japan; and separate features for African Americans, Native Americans, Asian and Pacific Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women in the Army.

If you wish to take your class on a field trip, the website provides a list of Army museums.

Research & Reference Gateway: History - North America

Logo, Rutger's University Libraries

This site furnishes hundreds of links to primary and secondary sources on North American history. An eclectic collection, it includes links to library catalogs throughout the world, archival collections, texts, journals, discussion lists, bibliographies, encyclopedias, maps, statistics, book reviews, biographies, curricula, and syllabi. Materials are arranged by subject, period, and document type. Try "History-North America" for the widest variety of vetted sources. Special resource collections include "America in the 1950s," "New Americans: American Immigration History," "The Newark Experience," "U.S. Business History," "U.S. Labor and Working Class History," and "Videos on the U.S. and American Studies."

Papers of John Jay

Portrait, John Jay

This site is a compilation of the unpublished papers of founding father John Jay, dating from 1745 to 1829. It is comprised of nearly 14,000 pages scanned from Jay's manuscripts and related materials. Abstracts and bibliographic notes accompany the scanned images. The primary documents are difficult to read in the original handwriting and they have not yet been transcribed. The quality of some of the images is also poor, although users can enlarge and enhance them. The records are searchable by name of writer, date of composition, name of holding institution, and accession number. Keyword searching of the abstracts, which vary in length and informational detail, is also possible.

Users will find letters from such prominent individuals as John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. The correspondence deals with New York, anti-slavery, repeal of the Missouri Compromise, international affairs, and state government and politics. Those unfamiliar with Jay and his historical significance should be sure to visit the site's four thematic pages, each containing an essay (500 to 800 words) with links to documents. The site also includes a 1,300-word brief biography and a more than 50 item bibliography of relevant sources.

HERB: Social History for Every Classroom

Photo, Before-and-After Photograph. . . , War Department, NARA

HERB consists of three TAH projects, History for All, History Matters, and Our American Democracy, as well as a wide variety of non-TAH collections, primarily related to social history. If you're wondering where the name came from, HERB's namesake is Herbert Gutman, a labor historian and co-founder of the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, which has been involved with K-12 education since 1989.

On HERB, you can keyword search for resources such as prints, posters, advertisements, and other artworks; oral history transcripts; statistics; documentary-viewing guides; timelines; activities; worksheets; explanation by historians; letters; songs; and more. From the main page, you can also browse by selecting your time period of interest or a major theme—immigration and migration, civil rights and citizenship, slavery and abolition, work, reading supports, expansion and imperialism, gender and sexuality, Civil War, or social movements.

Search results do not give suggested grade levels for any of the materials, including classroom activities, so be prepared to do some thinking about what might be best for your classroom's collective interests and ability levels.

For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

Logo, For Euro. Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan website

This exhibit from the Library of Congress is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the speech by Secretary of State George Marshall that led to the formation of the Economic Recovery Program [ERP] of United States economic aid to post-World War II Western Europe. The site features more than 30 documents, including photographs and cartoons from the Prints and Photographs Division and photographs, letters, memos, and printed material from the papers of Averell Harriman, the ERP special representative in Europe from 1948 to 1950. These materials, accompanied by brief commentary and a list of key dates, document the origins and effects of this successful international initiative. A useful introduction to the subject.

National Security Archive

Photo, White House Photo # 5364 / 5364-02, Oliver F. Atkins, Dec 21, 1970

Despite its official sounding name, this is a non-governmental institution. Founded in 1985 as a central repository for declassified materials obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, the Archives at present offers approximately 100 "Briefing Books," each providing government documents and a contextual narrative on national security history and issues, foreign policy initiatives, and military history.

While much of the material relates to events abroad, documents provide information on U.S. involvement and perceptions. Major categories include Europe (with documents on the Hungarian Revolution, Solidarity, and the 1989 revolutions); Latin America (overall CIA involvement, war in Colombia, contras, Mexico); nuclear history (treaties, Berlin crisis, India and Pakistan, North Korea, China, Israel); Middle East and South Asia (Iraq and WMD, hostages in Iran, October 1973 war); the U.S. intelligence community; government secrecy; humanitarian interventions; and September 11 sourcebooks on the terrorist threat. A wealth of information on U.S. diplomatic and military history during and after the Cold War.

Oral History Digital Collection

Image for Oral History Digital Collection

These full-text first-person narratives present the voices of more than 2,000 people from northeast Ohio discussing issues significant to the state and the nation. These oral histories, collected since 1974, focus on a range of topics such as ethnic culture, including African American, Greek, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Romanian, and Russian, and industry, such as steel, pottery, brick, coal, and railroads.

Others discuss labor relations, including women in labor unions, wars (World War II, Vietnam, Gulf War), college life (including the shootings by National Guard troops at Kent State in 1970), the Holocaust, and religion. Subject access is available through more than 200 topics listed alphabetically.