Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World

Photo, Doffers at the Bibb Mill No. 1, Lewis Hine, 1909, Like a Family.

The companion to a book of the same name, this website offers selected oral history resources that examine lives in southern textile mill towns from the 1880s to the 1930s. The site is divided into three sections. "Life on the Land" discusses agricultural roots of the rural south, changes in farm labor after the Civil War, and economic factors that caused the transition to mill work in the late 19th century. "Mill Village and Factory" describes work in the mills and life in the company mill towns. "Work and Protest" discusses labor protests of the 1920s, formation of unions, and the textile strike of 1934.

The site contains 15 photographs and nearly 70 audio clips drawn from oral history interviews with descendants of millhands and others involved in the history of the Southern textile industry. There are valuable links to Southern history, oral history, and textile mill history websites. This site is ideal for studying rural southern life and labor history from Reconstruction through the 1930s.

Flint Sit-Down Strike

Photo, Genora Johnson with a very..., c. 1936-1937, Flint Sit-Down Strike

This rich, multimedia resource provides an introduction to "the greatest strike in American history." The six-week occupation of the General Motors plant at Flint, Michigan, in 1936–37, was led by the recently-formed United Auto Workers. Using the new tactic of remaining in the plant rather than picketing outside, the strikers stopped production and won many demands.

The site begins with a short introductory essay and a small bibliography and webography. The three main sections—organization, strike, and aftermath—provide nearly 100 audio interviews recorded between 1978 and 1984 with former strikers recalling work conditions prior to the strike, experiences during the sit-in, the hostile reaction of Flint residents, the role of the Women's Auxiliary, and conditions following the strike. Each section includes a narrative essay. In addition the site presents slideshows, an audio timeline, and a Flash-generated strike map with textual and audio links.

Child Labor in America, 1908-1912: Photographs of Lewis W. Hine

Image for Child Labor in America, 1908-1912: Photographs of Lewis W. Hine

Furnishes 64 photographs taken by Lewis W. Hine (1874–1940) between 1908 and 1912. Images document American children working in mills, mines, streets, and factories, and as "newsies," seafood workers, fruit pickers, and salesmen. The website also includes photographs of immigrant families and children's "pastimes and vices."

Original captions by Hine—one of the most influential photographers in American history—call attention to exploitative and unhealthy conditions for laboring children. A background essay introduces Hine and the history of child labor in the United States. This is a valuable collection for studying documentary photography, urban history, labor history, and the social history of the Progressive era.

The Liberty Pole


Tom Hay, supervisor of the Courthouse at Colonial Williamsburg, looks at public protest and victimization of Loyalists in the period leading up to the American Revolution, including tarring and feathering, burning in effigy, and other public humiliations.

Clothing Speaks Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/08/2009 - 18:44

Linda Baumgarten, Curator of Textiles and Costumes at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about 18th-century clothing and fashions, including how they reflected class differences.