Open Yale Courses

Photo, Professor Joanne B. Freeman, Open Yale Courses

Yale University has made a sampling of their courses available for listeners, viewers, and readers.

As of writing, the history subsection contains six courses—two of which relate directly to U.S. history ("The American Revolution" and "The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877") and one which touches on relevant issues, "Epidemics and Western Society Since 1600." Each of these courses offers links to individual pages for each lecture. Lecture pages contain short text overviews of the topic at hand; a list of any reading which was required for the day; and links to lecture audio, video, and transcriptions.

Our site links you directly to the Yale's history courses. However, consider exploring other topics as well. Maybe a lecture on Roman architecture will give you background for discussing monuments in Washington, DC, or an economics course will give you a new way of thinking about the American Revolution. Interdisciplinary possibilities are endless.

Texas Archive of the Moving Image

Screenshot, The Dr. Henry Withers, M.D. and Frances. . . , George Withers, TAMI

The Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI) hosts more than 1,000 streaming videos about Texas, shot by Texans, or created in Texas. Users who have appropriate footage, including home videos, can have their films digitized and added to the collection free of charge.

Of the four main navigational buttons, the one to pay attention to is "Teach Texas." This opens a page leading to lesson plans; information on how to implement TAMI resources in the classroom; collection browsing options; and "Documenting History," a documentary-making activity.

Lesson plans can be browsed by grade level, starting with a K-3 category, or by general topic. Specific topics covered include the 1900 Galveston hurricane; 20th-century business; oil; Japanese, Italian, and German internment in World War II; festivals; cattle; the Dust Bowl; the aerospace industry; Lyndon B. Johnson and civil rights; the Vietnam War; the World War II home front; and Gulf Coast hurricanes. Lesson plans are structured, offering, for example, objectives; lists of useful prior knowledge and/or activities to engage said knowledge; hooks; the activity itself, including films to watch, questions to address, and readings to complete; worksheets; resources; and lists of Texas state standards.

Using Archival Film in the Classroom holds best practice suggestions for preparation prior to class, in class (before, during, and after a film viewing), and further resources on using film to teach.

Documenting History is a multi-day lesson plan, which culminates in group documentaries discussing local people, events, or items. While the idea is to collect Texas history, the plan can easily be implemented elsewhere without the possibility of adding the videos to the TAMI. In addition, the plan includes information on free video editing software, so, while there are equipment requirements, you do not need your school to possess expensive editing software to put the plan into action.

Finally, Curated Collections offers video sets on home movies, Lyndon B. Johnson, Austin television, local films, Texas and the Vietnam War, Speakers of the Texas House of Representatives, and the U.S.-Mexico frontier.

Bubbles, Panics, and Crashes: A Century of Financial Crises, 1830s-1930s

Detail, Somerset County, Maine map, Baker Library Historical Collections

One year after the sub-prime mortgage crisis, this website presents a small collection of historical materials and information surrounding four financial crises in the 19th and early 20th century: the Panic of 1837, the Panic of 1873, the Bankers' Panic of 1907, and the Great Crash of 1929. Each section includes a brief explanation of the crisis, including causes and consequences, and between four and six primary sources, including maps, images of bank notes, title deeds, and letters. These sources highlight the complexity of crises and their increasing internationalization over time, as well as issues surrounding historical interpretation of the crises.

The website also includes sections on the Waltham Watch Company, which drew on lessons learned during the Panic of 1937 to mechanize the production of watches; and the real-estate boom of the early 1920s, which has been used recently by economists and historians to better understand current connections between real estate markets and financial crisis. Finally, a bibliography of close to 30 works on the history of these crises, links to manuscript collections, trade publications, and financial databases, give website visitors suggestions for further study.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of South Carolina

Map, Charleston, May 1884

The 580 maps of more than 80 South Carolina towns and cities in this archive reveal urban landscapes and the locations of businesses, mills, colleges, depots, and other buildings between 1884 and 1923. The collection includes 232 unpublished, hand-drafted maps from the years 1899 to 1937. All maps are displayed with original color coding. Users can zoom in and out of maps and can pan right, left, up, or down to examine details. Every map is accompanied by bibliographic data. The full collection can be browsed or the user can choose to browse just the unpublished maps. The collection can be searched by city, year of publication, and county. The maps provide many details about mills and are particularly useful in revealing spatial relationships and location of railroad lines. There is also a link to the Union List of Sanborn and other fire insurance maps. An extremely useful resource for those researching the business or urban history of South Carolina in the decades around 1900.

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series

Logo, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) USA Logo

Currently provides 22 census data samples and 65 million records from 13 federal censuses covering the period 1850-1990. These data "collectively comprise our richest source of quantitative information on long-term changes in the American population." The project has applied uniform codes to previously published and newly created data samples. Rather than offering data in aggregated tabular form, the site offers data on individuals and households, allowing researchers to tailor tabulations to their specific interests. Includes data on fertility, marriage, immigration, internal migration, work, occupational structure, education, ethnicity, and household composition. Offers extensive documentation on procedures used to transform data and includes 13 links to other census-related sites. A complementary project to provide multiple data samples from every country from the 1960s to 2000 is underway. Currently this international series offers information and interpretive essays on Kenya, Vietnam, Mexico, Hungary, and Brazil. Of major importance for those doing serious research in social history, the site will probably be forbidding to novices.

Material History of American Religion Project

Logo, The Material History of American Religion Project

In 1996, eight historians of religion and three advisors embarked on a five-year project to illuminate ways that material culture and economic history can be used in the study of American religion, a discipline traditionally dominated by ideas. The site presents annotated photographs of 39 objects, including an evangelical coffee bar, chewing gum packed with biblical verses, artwork in a family Bible, and a church stick used to awaken sleeping congregants. Thirty-eight documents from the 1850s to the 1960s, range from an 1854 book steward report for the African Methodist Episcopal Church to a chain e-mail from the 1990s. The site also includes 23 essays and interviews by the project's participants on such eclectic subjects as "Material Christianity," religious architecture, how Catholic practice has shaped children's experiences, the role of costume in the Salvation Army, how to practice economic history of religion, and "what makes a Jewish home Jewish." Includes eight issues of the project's newsletter; a bibliography of 22 titles; and links to 18 related sites. This site will be especially valuable to university students interested in evaluating the value of material culture scholarship in religious studies, students of economic history curious about applying their discipline to non-traditional fields of inquiry, and scholars within the field of material culture and the broad discipline of American cultural history.

Hagley Digital Archives

Logo, Hagley Digital Archives

With a focus on business history and its connections to larger cultural, social, and political trends, the Hagley archive presents digital images on a range of topics, including "industrial processes; commercial landscapes; marketing and advertising; transportation facilities and methods; development of information technology; and, the social and cultural aspects of work and leisure." Pictured are bridges, dams, coalmines, and the testing and manufacturing of gunpowder and explosives, nylon, steel, railroads, automobiles, and airplanes. Also included are images of historic buildings, homes, and gardens in Delaware and Pennsylvania.

There are some images of advertisements, packaging, company brochures, trade catalogs, pamphlets, internal documents, letters, and other ephemera from various industrial enterprises. It includes, for example—under "nylon"—not only shots of machinery, product samples and images of the stages of melting and forming polymers, but also such treasures as ads and publicity shots of women modeling nylon stockings and swimsuits (including "Miss Chemistry" at the 1939 New York World's Fair), and news photos of the riotous early sales of nylon stockings.

Other topics include the early development and use of computers by Univac, IBM, and Remington Rand, aerial photos of the Mid-Atlantic seaboard; automobiles; Lukens Steel Company; ship building; and coal mining.

Economic Data, Fred II

Title graphic, Economic Data

Offers statistical national economic and financial data in the following 12 categories: interest rates; business/fiscal (including federal debt, receipts and outlays, employment cost index, productivity and cost, and inventories and sales); consumer price indexes; monetary aggregates; commercial banking; employment and population; gross domestic product and components; producer price indexes; exchange rates, balance of payments and trade data; reserves; and daily/weekly financial data. Much of the data was compiled monthly. Periods covered vary according to category; some statistics go back to 1901. Also provides historical and recent statistics for the states of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Useful for those studying business and economic history, and for social historians interested in employment trends.

Industrial Research and Development Information System

Logo and website graphic (edited), National Science Foundation

Provides data from more than 2,500 statistical tables on historical trends in expenditures on research and development (R&D) conducted in the U.S. from 1953-1998 by industrial firms, domestic and foreign-owned. Tables are accessed as downloaded Excel spreadsheets. Data for more recent years, presented under a new coding scheme, can be found in a linked site. Compiled by the National Science Foundation's Annual Survey of Industrial Research and Development. Statistics available include expenditures by industry, size of R&D programs, types of cost, comparison by states, comparison of R&D to net sales by industry, comparison by size of company, federal amounts of R&D, and cost of R&D per scientist and engineer. The site does not contain data for individually specified firms. Provides links to approximately 15 publications and sites on national patterns of R&D resources. Of great value to those studying business history, history of science, and government, in addition to policy makers.

HistoryWired: A Few of Our Favorite Things

Postcard, "Chinese Actor Impersonating a Female Character," San Francisco

An experimental presentation of 450 items in the Smithsonian Institution's American History collections, many of which are not on public display. Visitors to this virtual tour will find a map divided into regions representing broad subject categories that contain smaller rectangles standing for individual objects. Moving a mouse to a particular square results in the appearance of the name of the object, a thumbnail image, a date projected onto a timeline, and lines emanating out to relevant subject areas. Users can then click to learn more, finding a 100-200 word description, an option to zoom in closer, and often links to further information in other Smithsonian sites. Also searchable by keyword and category. Objects selected by curators "include famous, unusual, and everyday items with interesting stories to tell. They are not intended to be representative of the Museum's entire collection."

Categories reflect the wide range of the Institution's holdings, including clothing, arts/entertainment, business, science/medicine, photography, home, print/communications, transportation, military, computers, and sports. Includes audio and video items. Users can submit ratings for each object that will affect the future relative size of each square. Although innovative in design, the site may be disappointing to those searching for in-depth information about American history and culture; this is history-lite, with bells and whistles given more prominence than context and meaning.