Kentuckiana Digital Library

Image for Kentuckiana Digital Library

These historical materials come from 15 Kentucky colleges, universities, libraries, and historical societies. There are nearly 8,000 photographs; 95 full-text books, manuscripts, and journals from 1784 to 1971; 94 oral histories; 78 issues of Mountain Life and Work from 1925-62; and 22 issues of Works Progress Administration in Kentucky: Narrative Reports.

Photographs include collections by Russell Lee, who documented health conditions resulting from coal industry practices; Roy Stryker, head of the New Deal Farm Security Administration photographic section; and others that provide images of cities, towns, schools, camps, and disappearing cultures. Oral histories address Supreme Court Justice Stanley F. Reed, Senator John Sherman Cooper, the Frontier Nursing Service, veterans, fiddlers, and the transition from farming to an industrial economy. Texts include Civil War diaries, religious tracts, speeches, correspondence, and scrapbooks. Documents cover a range of topics, including colonization societies, civil rights, education, railroads, feuding, the Kentucky Derby, Daniel Boone, and a personal recollection of Abraham Lincoln.


Photo, Bob Heft, Designer of  the 50 star flag, StoryCorps

StoryCorps is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collecting and preserving the stories of people across the U.S. Founded in 2003, it has collected more than 15,000 stories from people in all walks of life—immigrants, veterans, those that suffer from debilitating diseases, lovers, September 11th survivors, and many more. Each recorded conversation includes two or three people, often grandchildren interviewing grandparents, old friends interviewing each other, or children remembering their parents. Clips, usually between two and five minutes, from hundreds of these stories are available.

The clips are keyword searchable and browseable by category: Angels & Mentors, Discovery, Friendship, Griot, Growing Up, Hurricane Katrina, Identity, Romance, September 11, Struggle, Witness, Wisdom, and Work. Many people discuss their involvement in World War II or the Vietnam War, and many more talk about how they met their spouses or coped with segregation. Always thought-provoking, and often moving, these clips can expose the more human side of major 20th-century events.

African Americans in the Spanish Civil War

Photo, Paul Williams, Pilot, December 1937

This site documents the remarkable story of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, a volunteer brigade of Americans who traveled to Europe to fight in the Spanish Civil War. Out of the 2,800 volunteers, 90 (including two women) were African Americans.

"Introduction" features a 3,800-word essay in three parts on the Brigade and its commitment to fighting fascism. "Resources" includes six audio and video files, more than 130 pages of documents, and approximately 50 photographs. "Biography" contains an index listing each of the 90 African American soldiers, along with a 250-word biography for each and photographs of most.

The site makes available for the first time a complete (and downloadable) copy of Walter Garland's 60-page FBI file. Garland was a Communist Party activist and founder of the United Negro Allied Veterans Association (UNAVA). Maps, a glossary, timelines, and lesson plans are coming soon as the producers finish building the site. The audio and video interviews, as well as the supporting documents, are useful primary sources, and the site is a good place to begin research on the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.


Title graphic, American Experience: D-Day

D-Day is a companion website to the PBS American Experience documentary of the same name. On Tuesday June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in France in an attempt to end World War II. The PBS documentary consists of archival footage and the commentary of 43 eyewitnesses.

While the film itself is not streaming online, you can read the full transcript, which alternates between narration and oral history.

Special Features includes some trivia points, accounts of D-Day by both U.S. and German soldiers, two breaking news articles of the invasion, statistics on paratroopers, and six letters home written by U.S. soldiers following D-Day.

Other site features include a timeline, short biographies of key figures, a map, and a teacher's guide. The teacher's guide offers four activity suggestions—one each for history, economics, geography, and civics. The history suggestion includes writing alternate histories and preparing oral reports on decisive battles in U.S. history.

All in all, the site provides a decent amount of historical trivia and personal accounts, which could be used to enliven a unit on World War II.

Mass Moments

Engraving, Filling Cartridges, Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Harvey Isbitts

On May 15, 1602, English explorer Bartholomew Gosnold dropped anchor off the Massachusetts coast, and due to the abundance of cod fish in the waters surrounding his ship, named the location Cape Cod. This is the first of 365 moments in Massachusetts history presented at this website.

The majority of moments cluster in the 19th and 20th centuries, and include events of relevance to political, economic, social, and cultural history, including the incorporation of the town of Natick in 1781, the opening of Boston's African Meeting House in 1806, and the release of the movie Good Will Hunting in 1997.

Each moment is described in roughly 750 words, and is accompanied by an excerpt from a primary source. The text is also available in audio format. The moments are keyword searchable, as well as browseable through the website's Timeline and Map features.

Elementary, middle, and high school teachers will find the Teachers' Features section especially useful, as it includes several comprehensive lesson plans, on labor, women's rights, the African American experience in Massachusetts, and early contact between settlers and indigenous peoples in Plymouth.

Education by Design: Using Visual Aids

Puzzle, Kindergarten cut-outs

This site offers an online exhibit and an image database of more than 70 historic educational visual aids created for use by schools, libraries, and museums beginning in 1935 by the WPA's (Works Progress Administration) Museum Extension Project. The collection features items such as puppets, toys, architectural models, dioramas, jigsaw puzzles, handbooks and pamphlets, lantern slides, miniature furniture models, prints, and posters. Each item contains information about its size and place of production.

The collection is searchable by item and by state of manufacture and contains materials from Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Suitable for those interested in material culture or government-sponsored education projects.

Typical in the 1930s

Leathers family of Clarendon, Texas

Who was the Typical American Family of the 1930s?


The Leathers family of Clarendon, Texas.

At least that was the conclusion of a panel of judges enlisted by the New York World’s Fair Corporation to make the choice out of forty-six families who had been selected by local newspapers across the United States as “typical” in their area. The contest was a promotional effort by the World’s Fair, which was in its second season. As research by Jon Zachman shows, the families chosen hardly represented a cross-section of America. None, for example, were African Americans; the largest group of winners by far were white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Moreover, the ground rules of the contest mandated a very traditional notion of “family” as a nuclear family with two parents, headed by a male breadwinner.

Whatever the obvious biases of the contest and the selection process, the quest for the “average family” was itself quite representative of 1930s American culture. As historian Warren Susman points out, the thirties were the heyday of the notion of “the people,” which suggested “that a basic unity underpinned the social and culture structure of America.” Out of the quest for “the people”—the single voice that united American society—came the birth of “the concept of the average,” what Susman calls “a kind of statistical accounting of the people seen as a unit.” Whereas American culture had previously venerated individualism, it now celebrated the Average American and the Average American Family. This search for the average American reflects a deeply conservative impulse within a decade that is often mistakenly seen as largely radical—a “red decade,” as it is sometimes called.

And what were the “average” Leathers like? Mr. Leathers was a thirty-nine-year-old stock farmer; Mrs. Leathers was a thirty-eight-year-old housewife. Both were Baptists of English descent. Their teenage son, Johnny, was president of the 4-H Club; their sixteen-year-old daughter, Margaret Jean, belonged to the Pep Squad as well as the Home Making and Natural Music clubs. Mr. Leathers’s ambition was “to become a more useful citizen and raise more and better Hereford cattle.” His wife wanted “to give my children the very best education possible and teach them to be good American citizens.” At the end of a decade of great social turmoil, what could be more reassuring than to consider the Leathers as the average American family.


Warren Susman, Culture as History: The Transformation of American Society in the Twentieth Century. Pantheon Books, 1984.

Jon B. Zachman, “The Typical American Family during the Great Depression,”unpublished paper, George Mason University, 1996.

The Album in the Age of Photography


Video background from The Library of Congress Webcasts site:

"As photography became an increasingly accessible medium in the 20th century, the popularity of the photographic album exploded, yielding a wonderful range of objects made for varying purposes—to memorialize, document (officially or unofficially), promote or educate and sometimes simply to channel creative energy. Verna Posever Curtis traces the rise of the album from the turn of the last century to the present day."

Research & Reference Gateway: History - North America

Logo, Rutger's University Libraries

This site furnishes hundreds of links to primary and secondary sources on North American history. An eclectic collection, it includes links to library catalogs throughout the world, archival collections, texts, journals, discussion lists, bibliographies, encyclopedias, maps, statistics, book reviews, biographies, curricula, and syllabi. Materials are arranged by subject, period, and document type. Try "History-North America" for the widest variety of vetted sources. Special resource collections include "America in the 1950s," "New Americans: American Immigration History," "The Newark Experience," "U.S. Business History," "U.S. Labor and Working Class History," and "Videos on the U.S. and American Studies."