Motherhood, Social Service, and Political Reform: American Woman Suffrage

Pin, Jailed for Freedom, National Woman's Party, Given all women arrested for...

One of several projects related to the foundation of a National Museum of Women's History in Washington, DC, this exhibit marks the 150th anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention. As an in-depth image gallery, it "examines the development of a distinct female political culture and imagery that evolved to promote voting rights for women." Visitors can browse the gallery of 50 images of a variety of artifacts developed by suffrage supporters or take a more in-depth tour of the woman's suffrage movement. Through topical paragraphs (Campaign Symbols, Mass Movement, Two Strategies of the 19th-century Movement, and Creating a Female Political Culture) and selected images, the tour traces the history of the woman suffrage movement and the significance of its colors, icons, and slogans. Visitors can print out the exhibit for a 5,000-word text version. Additional resources include a quiz and a collection of related resources.

The Malcolm X Project

Photo, Introductory graphic, The Malcolm X Project

This site is dedicated to the study of the life and legacy of Malcolm X. Only one of three "initiatives" is publicly available (Columbia faculty, staff, and students may also access the site's "multi-media study environment" section). "Oral histories," "outreach," and "Malcolm X biography project" are under construction. A chronology traces Malcolm's life from his birth in May 1925 to his assassination in February 1965, with short entries on major events. "Government Documents" offers FBI files on Malcolm X—4,000 pages of surveillance reports—covering the period 1954 to 1964. A brief summary accompanies each report and the files can be searched by keyword. The site's project journal, focusing on particular themes and issues, has seven articles on Malcolm X and eight weblog postings. Additionally, the site offers an e-seminar "Life after Death: Malcolm X and American Culture" by Columbia professor Dr. Manning Marble for a fee (available free to Columbia faculty, staff, and students). When this site is completed, it will be a good starting point for researching the ideas and life of Malcolm X.

Slavery and the Making of America

Image, Graphic from Religion, Slavery and the Making of America

This extensive companion to the PBS documentary of the same name provides interpretive and primary material on the history of African-Americans during slavery and Reconstruction, including essays, personal narratives, original documents, historical readings, and lesson plans. The "Time and Place" chronology of slavery and Reconstruction places the main events of U.S. history relating to African Americans between 1619 and 1881 in their historical context. "Slave Memories" allows visitors to hear the voices of African Americans recorded by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) on their experiences in slavery and Reconstruction. "Resources" includes 17 print resources, 23 books for children, and 30 websites related to slavery. "Slave Experience" allows users to explore slave life through the themes of legal rights and government; family; men, women, and gender; living conditions; education, arts, and culture; religion; responses to enslavement; and freedom and emancipation. Each features essays, historical overviews, original documents, and personal narratives.

A K-12 learning section features historical readings of narratives, slave stories and letters, student plays, links to 19 sites with primary sources, and six lesson plans for middle and high school. This website is a valuable resource for teachers as well as an excellent introduction and overview for those with an interest in the history of slavery and slave life in America.

Images of African Americans from the Cook Collection of Photographs

Photo, Boys with Banjo, 1880s

This site consists of nearly 300 images of Afro-Virginians dating from the 1880s to the early 20th century. Images are scanned from prints taken by father and son, George S. Cook and Huestes P. Cook, principally in the Richmond and Central Virginia area. Users can search the digital collection by keyword or browse images, including agriculture, education, recreation, religion, tobacco, and urban life. Documentation of labor is the most extensive, while the images of children ad education are fascinating. This site is valuable to those studying African-American life at the turn of the century or Virginia history.

Famous American Trials: "The Scottsboro Boys" Trials 1931-1937

Photo, Scottboro Boys with attornery Leibowitz

Part of the "Famous Trials" site created by Law Professor Douglas O. Linder, this collection provides documents, photographs, essays, and information about the controversial trials of nine African American youths for allegedly raping two white women on a train in the Depression South. Contemporary materials include 20 excerpts from the trials; 22 contemporary news articles; 10 appellate court decisions; eight letters; 28 photographs; 16 quotes from participants and others commenting on the trials; a political cartoon; and a postcard.

Also offers two essays by Linder of 6,000 and 18,000 words each; 20 biographies ranging from 100 to 1,000 words each on participants in the trials, political figures, and historians who have chronicled it; and a bibliography of 30 entries, including five links to related sites. Of value to those studying American race and gender history, the South, legal history, and Depression America.

Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences

Photo, Roger Arliner Young, Zoologist

This site contains biographical profiles of over 200 African American men and women who have contributed to the advancement of science and engineering. The site provides brief (roughly 250 word) biographies of scholars from fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, zoology, and veterinary medicine, as well as inventors. Among the scientists included in the site are prominent figures like George Washington Carver, scientist and inventor of numerous industrial applications for agricultural products, and astronomer and mathematician Benjamin Banneker.

Each entry also includes a bibliography of sources for further biographical information. The site is indexed by scientist name and profession, and there are special sections for the biographies of 20 women scientists and 14 of the first African Americans to receive PhDs in science. Though there are no primary documents on this site, it is a good place to find general information on prominent African American scientists throughout American history.

African-Americans--Biography, Autobiography, and History

Logo, The Avalon Project

This section, recently added to the Avalon Project, contains complete copies of Martin Luther King Jr.'s August 28, 1963, "I Have A Dream" speech; Frederick Douglass' 1855 My Bondage and Freedom; The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, dictated by Sojourner Truth and edited by Olive Gilbert; W.E.B. Du Bois' 1903 The Souls of Black Folk; and Up From Slavery: An Autobiography by Booker T. Washington. All of the transcripts are legible and available in HTML format.

The Cultural Civil War of the 1960s


Historian Linda Gordon looks at family values during the 1960s, comparing and contrasting the institution of the family and perception of problems in family in the 1960s with such institutions and perceptions both past and present.

The provided site links directly to the Real Media audio file, as it is not associated with a visual webpage.

McKinley Assassination Ink: A Documentary History

Postcard, McKinley Monument, Buffalo, N. Y., McKinley Assassination. . . site

On September 14, 1901, American anarchist Leon Czolgosz assassinated President William McKinley, propelling Theodore Roosevelt onto the U.S. political stage and, some historians would argue, making way for political modernization. Through hundreds of documents and images—including book chapters, newspaper articles and columns, sermons, poetry, and government documents—this website explores the McKinley assassination alongside U.S. politics and culture before and after.

Topics include turn-of-the-century journalism, race relations, anarchism, women's roles, the death penalty, international relations, and the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY, where McKinley was shot. A good place to begin is the "Quotes About" section, which provides short excerpts from a variety of sources that serve to familiarize users with conflicting views of McKinley, Czolgosz, Roosevelt, the assassination, Czolgosz's trial, and anarchism in the United States. All documents are keyword searchable and indexed by date, author, title, type, named persons, and source. An extensive bibliography provides suggestions for further reading.