Library of American Broadcasting Sound Bites

Logo, Library of American Broadcasting

A sample of 13 audio files of radio commercials from the late 1950s through the early 1960s—part of the Radio Advertising Bureau Collection. This is part of the larger collection of 850 discs, containing approximately 70 hours of material, that have been remastered. The Bureau, a national trade organization, was formed in 1950 (as the Broadcast Advertisers Bureau) to promote radio as a medium for advertisers. The samples—available in two formats, .WAV and .AIFF—include ads for toothpaste, cold medicine, soft drinks, gasoline, beer, cigarettes, cookies, automobiles, dog food, deodorant, and pimple cream. Useful for those studying consumer culture and the use of pop music and radio in advertising.

HistoryWired: A Few of Our Favorite Things

Postcard, "Chinese Actor Impersonating a Female Character," San Francisco

An experimental presentation of 450 items in the Smithsonian Institution's American History collections, many of which are not on public display. Visitors to this virtual tour will find a map divided into regions representing broad subject categories that contain smaller rectangles standing for individual objects. Moving a mouse to a particular square results in the appearance of the name of the object, a thumbnail image, a date projected onto a timeline, and lines emanating out to relevant subject areas. Users can then click to learn more, finding a 100-200 word description, an option to zoom in closer, and often links to further information in other Smithsonian sites. Also searchable by keyword and category. Objects selected by curators "include famous, unusual, and everyday items with interesting stories to tell. They are not intended to be representative of the Museum's entire collection."

Categories reflect the wide range of the Institution's holdings, including clothing, arts/entertainment, business, science/medicine, photography, home, print/communications, transportation, military, computers, and sports. Includes audio and video items. Users can submit ratings for each object that will affect the future relative size of each square. Although innovative in design, the site may be disappointing to those searching for in-depth information about American history and culture; this is history-lite, with bells and whistles given more prominence than context and meaning.

Max Hunter Folk Song Collection

Sheet music, "A Fox Huntin'"As sung by Mr. Fred High,

Audio files and song transcriptions of more than 1,000 songs recorded in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas between 1956 and 1976 by Max Hunter, a traveling salesman. The complete collection of 1,594 songs is scheduled to be available by summer 2003. Includes lyrics for all included songs; musical notations for many songs with annotations providing information on how singers phrased certain notes; listings of the name of the singer, and location and date of the recording; and, where relevant, links to variant versions in the collection or similar songs in published sources. No information is offered for composer or lyricist. Users may browse singers and song titles or search titles using keywords. Users may also listen in three formats: RealPlayer, high quality AIFF, and in some cases MIDI. The archival collection includes additional material that may be available online in the future, including "fiddle tunes, jokes, stories, and what Max Hunter called 'visits,' or interviews with the people he was recording." As some of the songs include references to current events woven into verses of traditional lyrics--for example, a version of "Down in the Valley" taped in 1959 situates the singer in the Birmingham, Alabama, jail-- the collection should prove valuable for those studying American culture as well as folk music students.

The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: The 40th Anniversary

Photo, The tip of a Soviet R-12 (SS-4) medium-range missile. . .

In October 1962 the United States and Soviet Union came very close to war over Soviet plans to place missiles on Cuban soil. A recent movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis, Thirteen Days, inspired the National Security Archive to make a group of declassified documents relating to the tense incident available. The site includes 17 full-text images of declassified documents, such as the Joint Chiefs of Staff's suggestions on American response to the construction of missile sites in Cuba, a CIA Intelligence Estimate, correspondence, memoranda, and a post-mortem on the crisis. Eight audio clips of White House security briefings, two of which are partially transcribed, are also available, along with 12 U-2 spyplane photographs of missile launch sites.

The site also offers a chronology of events from a characterization of relations between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba in 1959, to the 13 days of crisis in October, 1962, and through 1992, when the last of five meetings on the crisis took place in Havana, Cuba.

A 1,000-word essay critical of the film Thirteen Days, a 1,500-word essay looking back on the Cold War, and excerpts from seven other documents and accounts of the crisis are also included.

The site provides the introduction (about 1,500 words) and the table of contents to The Cuban Missile Crisis, a documents reader edited by historians Lawrence Chang and Peter Kornbluh. This site is a good resource for students and teachers interested in Cold War relations.

Conversations with History

Photo, John Arquilla, Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey

This is a collection of 107 transcribed interviews with "distinguished men and women from all over the world," about a wide range of topics. Harry Kreisler has been moderating this interview series since 1982 at the University of California at Berkeley. An additional 104 interviews are not available online.

Interviews are unedited and can be searched by interviewee, profession, topic, chronology, Berkeley faculty, and Berkeley alumni. The interviews may also be searched by keyword. Interviews are from three to 10 pages and address topics such as Africa, civil rights, Communism, ethics, free trade, human rights, and women's roles. Professions include education, diplomacy, law, journalism, psychiatry, history, policy making, and economics. Howard Zinn, Kofi Annan, and Robert MacNamara, among others, talk about everything from their own childhoods to global politics.

The "Research Galleries" present interview excerpts in text and video grouped around topics such as "China and the World," "Truth and Power," and "Women Role Models for the New Millenium." In some cases, the galleries include email conversations between interviewees, such as Alan Cranston, and high-school students. The site will be particularly useful for research in international relations.

Earliest Voices: A Gallery from the Vincent Voice Library

Photo, William Jennings Bryan delivering the Cross of Gold speech...

A collection of 19 audio clips of speeches recorded by seven turn-of-the-century public figures—William Jennings Bryan, Eugene V. Debs, Thomas Edison, Samuel Gompers, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Booker T. Washington. The clips last between one and seven minutes each; all but one were made between 1900 and 1920. Subjects of the speeches include politics, reform, socialism, isolationism, trusts, the gold standard, U.S. military force, labor issues, and race relations. The site includes transcripts of the speeches as well as 150-word biographies and three photographs of each speaker.

Through digitization, technicians have improved the sound quality of these recordings, some of which had become nearly inaudible. An opportunity for users to experience the oratorical powers of influential men from the early 20th century.

Belgian-American Research Collection

Photo, Alex Parins farm, Woman displaying lay of the bricks, 1976

Designed to document the presence of Belgian immigrants in three Wisconsin counties, this site contains a variety of primary and secondary sources. Legal documents, diaries, letters, photographs, and oral histories are included, totaling some 1,500 resources. The site includes 400 architectural surveys, 54 oral histories (many given in Walloon, a primarily oral French patois spoken by generations of Belgian immigrants to Wisconsin), and approximately 500 pages of Immigration Histories.

The entire collection (with the exception of a few documents that have defied OCR translation) is searchable by keyword and can be browsed. This is a unique collection of primary sources, easily accessed, and usable by students, teachers, or researchers.

Club Kaycee, Golden Age of Kansas City Jazz

Photo, Lester Young

These 43 audio files present Kansas City jazz recordings that span the years 1906–1954. Most were recorded during the city's "Golden Age"—from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. Provides 100- to 500-word profiles on 28 jazz artists including Count Basie, Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Big Joe Turner, Benny Moten, and Andy Kirk.

Also includes a 1,700-word article on the 18th and Vine district, "internationally recognized as one of the cradles of jazz"; a 1,500-word article on the first Kansas City jazz band to become known nationwide in the 1920s, the Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawks Orchestra; shorter essays on Kansas City clubs and nightspots; a 26-title annotated bibliography; and a 45-title discography. Small photos of people and places accompany some of the essays. A good introduction to this important center of jazz creation that will be of interest not only to jazz aficionados, but to those studying 20th-century urban and cultural history.

Perfessor Bill Edwards Ragtime/Old-time Piano Gallery

Sheet music cover, Chow Chow Rag, Andre C. De Takacs, 1909

Provides more than 300 musical selections and sheet music covers, in addition to essays on ragtime music and related subjects. Music available as MIDI files, performed by site creator Bill Edwards, a professional musician and collector. Selections include descriptive annotations from 200 to 600 words, and many include lyrics. Biographical essays of 100-800 words each on 26 composers, including Scott Joplin, James Scott, Joseph Lamb, Artie Matthews, and Eubie Blake. Longer essays (2,000-6,000 words) on the histories of ragtime music, player pianos, sheet music cover art, and technique tips for playing ragtime. A section on ragtime nostalgia provides information on people, inventions, events, advertising, city life, and rural life during the ragtime era. Provides annotated links to approximately 80 related sites and a bibliography of 17 titles. Valuable to those studying music history and turn-of-the-century American culture.

Colonial House

Photo, The colonists encounter an older form of transportation

A companion to the series Frontier House, this site documents the five months that 26 American volunteers spent in a Maine wilderness recreating life in 1628 New England. The site provides short biographies of all 26 participants, a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show, and a series of short activities designed to highlight colonial American history. Teachers will find most useful the four lesson plans (for grades five to eight) that discuss the settling of America.

In addition, an online scavenger hunt allows students to learn about day-to-day colonial life (teachers may tape broadcasts and show them in class for 12 months after airing). The site also includes 14 video clips, 12 audio clips, and more than 90 photographs of the cast and village.

Visitors should not miss the Myth-Conceptions quiz, or the language tutorial, where they can test their knowledge of colonial America and compare 17th-century English to 20th-century English.

Visitors will not find document collections or historical maps; the site's primary value is in the anecdotes that reveal little bits of information about 17th-century life in New England.