Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project

martin luther king

Featuring texts by and about Martin Luther King Jr., this regularly updated website currently contains more than 1,400 speeches, sermons, and other writings, mostly taken from five volumes covering the period from 1929 to 1968. (These are listed in the Published Documents section under Papers.)

In addition, sixteen chapters of materials published in 1998 as The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. are available. The website presents important sermons and speeches from later periods, including "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," the March on Washington address, the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, and “Beyond Vietnam.” Additional materials include an interactive chronology of King's life, two biographical essay, over twenty audio files of recorded speeches and sermons, and twelve articles on King. More than thirty photographs complete the website.

The King Papers Project is valuable for studying King's views and discourse on civil rights, race relations, nonviolence, education, peace, and other political, religious, and philosophical topics.

Mark Twain: A Film Directed by Ken Burns

Cigar box

Developed primarily to support a PBS film, this website uses Twain's writings to illustrate his life. An interactive scrapbook, similar to the one patented by Twain, is the centerpiece of the site and provides access to nine chapters of his life. Each chapter is illustrated by period photograph—the scrapbook includes about 100 photographs—and Twain's personal observations. Excerpts of about 15 letters written by Twain are included, as are some 25 news clippings of his lectures, travels, and public appearances. Visitors can also see approximately 20 drawings from first editions of some of Twain's books. The scrapbook offers about 25 audio clips of actors—most notably Hal Holbrook—reading Twain's writings and 15 video clips of the Mississippi River and other sites important to Twain's work. An accompanying chronology lists the events of Twain's life, and Classroom Activities offers five lesson ideas for introducing middle- and high-school students to Twain and his place in American history.

The site asks for sponsorship pledges and markets the video and soundtrack, but overall this site is well designed and offers valuable material for investigating Mark Twain in historical context.

After the Day of Infamy

Day of Infamy website screen shot

More than 12 hours of audio interviews conducted in the days following the December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor and in January and February, 1942, are included on this site. Interviews include the voices of 200 "ordinary Americans" recorded in 10 places across the U.S.

December recordings were made by fieldworkers contacted by the Library of Congress Radio Research Project to gather opinions of a diverse group of citizens regarding American entrance into war. In the 1942 recordings, produced by the Office of Emergency Management, interviewees were instructed to speak their minds directly to the President. Interviewees discuss domestic issues, including racism and labor activism, in addition to the war. Related written documents and biographies of the fieldworkers are also presented. The interviews are available in audio files and text transcriptions, and are searchable by keyword, subject, and location.

Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project

Logo, Veterans History Project

This collection presents video and audio oral histories and additional material from American veterans of 20th-century wars. Materials include memoirs (some lengthy), letters, diaries, photo albums, scrapbooks, poetry, artwork, and official documents. The website currently provides digital materials from 4,351 veterans from World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan and the Iraq War, and other similar events. The 226 video interviews range from 25 minutes to two hours in length.

The material presented is part of a rapidly growing archive, the Veterans History Project, created by Congress in 2000 to collect stories from the 19 million living veterans. Other sections highlight World War I; World War II's forgotten theaters in China, Burma, and India; and 37 other unique war experiences.

Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture

musicians at the Grand Ol' Opry

The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture contains more than 1,500 entries related to both state and national historical themes. In Categories, users can access entries, images, video, audio, and interactive resources from 38 separate thematic subjects (note: not all categories contain each type of resource). In addition, users can also access each item type by selecting the corresponding links in the navigation menu at the top of the page. A list of popular entries and images is also found at the bottom of the page.

The most dynamic aspects of the site are its visual sources and interactive files that can be used in the classroom. Each encyclopedia entry offers specific information about an event, place, or significant person—with any corresponding video, audio, or image linked within the entry page. Users looking at specific themes should search under the "Categories" page, but should be mindful that some categories offer more resources because they are broad in nature. For example, "Civil War" contains three entries specific to the war, along with two videos and an interactive display—whereas "Music" and "Military," more general themes, contain over 100 entries each. Search within the individual tabs to locate additional information.

Created as a collaboration between the Tennessee Historical Society and the University of Tennessee Press, the site achieves its goal: providing a resource for the field of education and the general public.

Guampedia aharmon Fri, 10/21/2011 - 13:41
Illustration, Landing Place at Guam, Jan-July 1863, T. Coghlan, Flickr Commons

Don't let Guam be forgotten in your classroom! After all, it is one of only 16 non-self-governing territories worldwide that are recognized by the UN. As such, leaving Guam out of history is to ignore a rather remarkable political exception.

Guampedia offers a range of short articles on everything from architecture to World War II. These pages also feature relevant photographs and further resource listings. Additional sections offer basic facts on Guam (motto, population, etc.) and its major villages. Be sure to check out the history lesson plans to see if there's any ready-made content appropriate for you to introduce to your classroom.

Additional ways to explore include a selection of media collections including photographs, illustrations, soundbites, and video; MARC Publications, including issues of the Guam Recorder, lectures, and additional e-publications on topics such as archaeology and stonework; and traditional recipes.

Kentuckiana Digital Library

Image for Kentuckiana Digital Library

These historical materials come from 15 Kentucky colleges, universities, libraries, and historical societies. There are nearly 8,000 photographs; 95 full-text books, manuscripts, and journals from 1784 to 1971; 94 oral histories; 78 issues of Mountain Life and Work from 1925-62; and 22 issues of Works Progress Administration in Kentucky: Narrative Reports.

Photographs include collections by Russell Lee, who documented health conditions resulting from coal industry practices; Roy Stryker, head of the New Deal Farm Security Administration photographic section; and others that provide images of cities, towns, schools, camps, and disappearing cultures. Oral histories address Supreme Court Justice Stanley F. Reed, Senator John Sherman Cooper, the Frontier Nursing Service, veterans, fiddlers, and the transition from farming to an industrial economy. Texts include Civil War diaries, religious tracts, speeches, correspondence, and scrapbooks. Documents cover a range of topics, including colonization societies, civil rights, education, railroads, feuding, the Kentucky Derby, Daniel Boone, and a personal recollection of Abraham Lincoln.

Library of Virginia Digital Library Program

Image for Library of Virginia Digital Library Program

More than 1.2 million items on Virginia and life in the South are available on this website, including 40,000 photographs and maps, 350,000 court documents, and 800,000 manuscripts. Manuscripts include governors' letters, land office grants, Revolutionary War bounty land warrants, Confederate pensions, and disability applications. Several complete collections are available, as well as 25 exhibits on Virginia history.

Users can find photographs that document buildings and people; patents and grants submitted to the Virginia Land Office between 1623 and 1992; Northern Neck Grants and Survey forms filed between 1692 and 1892; military records, including Revolutionary War state pensions material and World War I History Commission Questionnaires; WPA Life Histories; and Virginia Religious Petitions from 1774 to 1802. Exhibits deal with topics including the legacy of the New Deal in Virginia; resistance to slavery; Virginia roots music (with seven audio selections); Thomas Jefferson; John Marshall; Virginia's coal towns; and political life in the state.


Photo, Bob Heft, Designer of  the 50 star flag, StoryCorps

StoryCorps is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collecting and preserving the stories of people across the U.S. Founded in 2003, it has collected more than 15,000 stories from people in all walks of life—immigrants, veterans, those that suffer from debilitating diseases, lovers, September 11th survivors, and many more. Each recorded conversation includes two or three people, often grandchildren interviewing grandparents, old friends interviewing each other, or children remembering their parents. Clips, usually between two and five minutes, from hundreds of these stories are available.

The clips are keyword searchable and browseable by category: Angels & Mentors, Discovery, Friendship, Griot, Growing Up, Hurricane Katrina, Identity, Romance, September 11, Struggle, Witness, Wisdom, and Work. Many people discuss their involvement in World War II or the Vietnam War, and many more talk about how they met their spouses or coped with segregation. Always thought-provoking, and often moving, these clips can expose the more human side of major 20th-century events.

African Americans in the Spanish Civil War

Photo, Paul Williams, Pilot, December 1937

This site documents the remarkable story of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, a volunteer brigade of Americans who traveled to Europe to fight in the Spanish Civil War. Out of the 2,800 volunteers, 90 (including two women) were African Americans.

"Introduction" features a 3,800-word essay in three parts on the Brigade and its commitment to fighting fascism. "Resources" includes six audio and video files, more than 130 pages of documents, and approximately 50 photographs. "Biography" contains an index listing each of the 90 African American soldiers, along with a 250-word biography for each and photographs of most.

The site makes available for the first time a complete (and downloadable) copy of Walter Garland's 60-page FBI file. Garland was a Communist Party activist and founder of the United Negro Allied Veterans Association (UNAVA). Maps, a glossary, timelines, and lesson plans are coming soon as the producers finish building the site. The audio and video interviews, as well as the supporting documents, are useful primary sources, and the site is a good place to begin research on the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.