The Radical Middle Class in American History: John Brown, Martin Luther King and . . . Harry Lane


Professor Robert D. Johnston explores the issue of class in the United States, focusing particularly on the middle class. He argues for the middle class as a respectable, valuable social class, capable of radical social action; he uses the figures Martin Luther King, Jr., John Brown, and politician and physician Harry Lane (1855-1917) as examples.

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"Stony the Road We Trod": Alabama's Role in the Modern Civil Rights Movement


From Bombingham to Selma, Montgomery to Tuskegee, Alabama's people and places left an indelible mark on the world in the 1950s and 1960s. From Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver to the Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, Alabama citizens have been at the forefront of the crusade to improve African Americans' lot in life in the United States. Selma's citizens began a march in 1965 to protest the killing of one man. This day became known as Bloody Sunday. Now the citizens of Selma have created a people's museum so the world will not forget those tumultuous days and will remember the people's stories. Teachers in this workshop work with noted scholars, converse with living legends, participate in discussion groups, meet foot soldiers of the movement, and travel to key sites of memory dedicated to the preservation of the history of the modern Civil Rights Movement.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Contact Title
Cooper, Priscilla Hancock
One week
End Date

Eisenhower Academy


From the Eisenhower National Historic Site:

"The 13th annual Eisenhower Academy, a summer institute for teachers, presents an in-depth perspective of Dwight D. Eisenhower as president and world leader, and introduces effective strategies for teaching the Cold War era in the classroom. Lectures and discussion cover civil rights, the Cold War, 1950's economics, popular culture, and new scholarship on the Eisenhower Presidency. Field trips include a visit to the Eisenhowers' home and a guided walk through historic Gettysburg to explore Eisenhower's life and times in the community."

Contact name
John Joyce
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Eisenhower National Historic Site, Gettysburg College, Mount St. Mary's University
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$725 with room and board; $475 for day students
Course Credit
"Two Pennsylvania Professional Education Credits (60 Act 48 CEUs) are available for attending the Academy. Three graduate credits are available for an additional fee of $1128 through the Mount St. Mary's Master of Education program. To receive credit, students will complete course assignments and lesson plan, and attend all sessions of the Academy."
Six days
End Date

The Most Southern Place on Earth: Music, Culture, and History in the Mississippi Delta


Participants in this workshop will travel throughout the Delta as they visit sites where significant events occurred. They will discuss and learn about issues involving civil rights and political leadership, immigrants' experiences in the Delta, the Blues, the great migration, agriculture, and the Mississippi River, among other things. They will sample Delta foods, visit local museums, and listen to the Blues. Field trips will roam as far as Greenville, Greenwood, and Memphis, with stops in between.

Contact name
Brown, Luther
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Delta Center for Culture and Learning
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Six days
End Date

The March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project


A project of the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, The March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project preserves the history of the Civil Rights Movement in Milwaukee, WI. In the late 1960s, the open housing movement worked to break down housing restrictions that segregated the city's population. Milwaukee residents of all ages and walks of life supported or opposed this movement.

The site features more than 150 digitized primary sources from the period, including oral histories, letters to organizations, support and hate letters, meeting minutes, Henry Maier's 1967 mayor's log, speeches, press releases, photographs, official reports and research studies, video clips, curriculum and programming from Freedom Schools (alternative schools children could attend during school boycotts), and more. Sources can be searched by keyword and browsed by media type (audio, documents, photos, or video) or collection (materials are divided into 10 collections by relationship to prominent individuals and groups in the movement). Visitors can add sources to "My Favorites" and review them as they browse.

In addition, a downloadable map shows the division of Milwaukee neighborhoods in 1967 and the path of the Aug. 28 open housing march, and a timeline tracks local and national events from 1954 to 1976. A glossary of key terms gives the context for more than 60 acronyms, names, places, and other terms, and a bibliography lists more than 40 primary sources and more than 50 secondary sources.

Teachers may need to do a little extra legwork to contextualize the primary sources, but the collection can bring Civil Rights Movement history home to Wisconsin students, particularly those in Milwaukee and the surrounding area. Teachers nationwide can use the materials to explore the work of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), NAACP Youth Council, and local institutions like Freedom Schools and integration committees.

Zinn Education Project


Created by the nonprofit organizations Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change, the Zinn Education Project works to bring resources exploring the “role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history” into the classroom. Inspired by the work of historian Howard Zinn, author of the popular A People's History of the United States, the website provides teachers with materials for expanding on these historical narratives.

“Teaching Materials” contains the bulk of the site's content, including more than 100 teaching activities. These can be downloaded in PDF form following free registration, and include essays, articles, interviews, and full lesson plans on topics related to marginalized groups and labor history. Titles range from “Exploring Women's Rights: The 1908 Textile Strike in a 1st-grade Class” to “What the Tour Guide Didn’t Tell Me: Tourism, Colonialism, and Resistance in Hawai'i”.

“Teaching Materials” also contains more than 300 annotations on audio resources, fiction and nonfiction books, films, posters, commercial teaching guides, websites, and Spanish/bilingual resources. Annotations consist of 2–3 sentences describing the resource and its relevance to Zinn's focus and classroom use.

“Teaching Materials” can be browsed by date (either selected on a timeline, or chosen from 16 time periods, ranging from “Colonialism” to “20th Century” ) or searched by one of 29 themes, five reading levels, or by type of material (teaching activity .pdfs, audio, books: fiction, books: nonfiction, films, posters, teaching guides, websites, or Spanish/bilingual).

Useful to teachers wanting to expand on the traditional textbook narratives on marginalized groups and labor history.

Land of (Unequal) Opportunity


While many are familiar with the 1957 Little Rock High School integration crisis, far fewer students of U.S. civil rights history may be aware of the longer history of that struggle in Arkansas. This website includes more than 460 documents and images, including cartoons, court decisions, photographs, newspaper articles, letters, and essays related to that history. For example, an essay on the meaning of relocation written by a high school student at Arkansas's Jerome Relocation Center in 1943 brings a more personal perspective to the story of internment, as the student describes the ways in which members of her community have struggled between the "fighting spirit" and the "giving up spirit." Users new to civil rights history in Arkansas may want to begin with the extensive timeline that describes events from the arrival of slaves in Arkansas in the 1720s to a 2006 State Supreme Court ruling that struck down a ban on gays serving as foster parents. The website also includes 10 lesson plans geared for middle school students that make use of the website's resources—such as a speech given by Governor Oral Fabus in 1958. An extensive bibliography of secondary sources related to many aspects of civil rights, including African American, gay and lesbian, and women's issues, Japanese relocation, religious intolerance, political rights, and anti-civil liberties groups and issues, is also available.

Opening Up the Textbook: Rosa Parks


The textbook is examined as one source among many, rather than a final authority.


Using a textbook passage and two primary sources, this lesson engages students in using historical evidence in order to critique a textbook passage. In this way, it also allows teachers to introduce the textbook as one source among many, rather than the final word on historical events.

Article Body

This easy-to-follow lesson cuts to the heart of historical thinking. Its strength is that it requires students to go to the sources in order to develop historical knowledge. Not only does it show students how public memory and history textbooks can oversimplify complex events, it gives students the means to craft their own textbook passage by drawing on specific textual evidence, including sources that contradict one another.

The simplicity and clarity of the lesson make it ideal for introducing both historical thinking in general and the Civil Rights Movement specifically. More experienced teachers may chafe at the lesson's tight structure—so, they can create their own lesson by using the website's multiple resources regarding the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Of the two suggested writing assignments, Prompt One, which asks students to rewrite a standard textbook account, is particularly good. Prompt Two asks students to take a position for or against using a standard textbook. While this may prompt students to consider the implications of the traditional Rosa Parks story, it is also problematic. Would it be possible for a student to argue for and still receive a good grade?

Montgomery Bus Boycott and Civil Rights
Time Estimate
One hour

Yes Current historians highlight both Parks's training as an activist and the fact that she was part of a broad, well-organized movement in Montgomery.


No The point of the lesson is to look at students' and textbooks' assumptions about Rosa Parks, and so the lesson purposefully does not offer extra background. However, resources are available at the website.


Yes The lesson includes reading one secondary and two primary sources. Teachers can choose from two suggested writing assignments.


Yes Students create their own interpretation, and they question a textbook interpretation.


Yes Through looking closely at sources, students arrive at a complex understanding of events.


Yes The lesson is appropriate for high school students and with modifications could be used with younger students.


Yes If analysis stalls, teachers could prod students to look at the documents' dates and to identify the contradictions among the documents.


No Assessment strategies are included, but not assessment criteria.




Yes The lesson states its goals, and it progresses in a logical, linear fashion.

History and Politics Out Loud


Audio materials on this website were designed to capture "significant political and historical events and personalities of the 20th century."

Materials include 107 items, including speeches, addresses, and private telephone conversations from 19 speakers. Most material comes from three U.S. presidents—Richard M. Nixon (34 items); Lyndon Baines Johnson (30 items); and John F. Kennedy (19 items).

Additional material highlights international figures such as Secretary of State George Marshall; British Prime Minister Winston Churchill; civil rights leaders Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis, and A. Philip Randolph; Supreme Court Justices William O. Douglas, Arthur J. Goldberg, and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; and Soviet Union Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. This website provides an opportunity to experience the persuasive speaking powers of 20th-century world leaders.