Literature and Culture of the American 1950s

Image for Literature and Culture of the American 1950s

This collection of more than 100 primary texts, essays, biographical sketches, obituaries, book reviews, and partially annotated links explores the cultural, intellectual, and political trends of the 1950s. Organized alphabetically and according to lesson plans, this eclectic collection of readings is structured around a few landmark texts and topics, including McCarthyism and anticommunism, Daniel Bell's The End of Ideology (1960), William H. Whyte's The Organization Man (1956), feminism, Philip Rieff's The Triumph of the Therapeutic (1966), and conformity in universities.

Materials include substantial excerpts from Vance Packard's The Status Seekers (1959) and the Encyclopedia of the American Left, in addition to retrospective analyses of the postwar period.

Bureau of Economic Analysis

Image for Bureau of Economic Analysis

Comprehensive and summary data estimates concerning national, international, and regional economic activity are available on this website. Additional data is available according to industry. An overview of the economy provides data on production, purchases by type, prices, personal income, government finances, inventories, and balance of payments.

An easy-to-use keyword index to a set of annual and quarterly national income and product account (NIPA) tables from 1929 to 2006—found in the "National" section under "Personal Income and Outlays"—allows users access to data on specific product sales and ways that consumers have spent money. Forty-nine recent research papers by staff members address issues such as globalization, how the "new economy" is measured, and structural change of the economy over a 28-year period.

National Election Studies

Image for National Election Studies

This wealth of data presents National Election Studies surveys of the American electorate conducted in presidential and congressional election years from 1948 to 2006. Large files of raw data can be downloaded. In addition, The ANES Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior is available and is readily accessible.

Composed of more than 100 tables and graphs, the guide traces nine key variables in the makeup and opinions of the electorate. These include: social and religious characteristics; partisanship and evaluation of political parties; ideological self-identification; public opinion on public policy issues; support for the political system; political involvement and partisanship; evaluation of presidential candidates; evaluation of congressional candidates; and vote choice. This website also provides pilot studies on recent surveying issues, such as measuring exposure to television advertisements, and a 5,000-item bibliography.

Herblock's History: Political Cartoons from the Crash to the Millennium

Image, "The other ascent into the unknown," Herbert Block, 1965

The 150 cartoons presented here were drawn between 1929 and 2000 by three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Herblock (Herbert Block). Cartoons comment on major events and public issues.

The website also presents an essay by Block on "the cartoon as an opinion medium"; a biographical essay; and 15 caricatures of the cartoonist by well-known colleagues. Cartoons are organized according to 13 chronological sections, with an additional segment devoted to presidents. Brief annotations provide historical context for each image.

A tribute site by the Washington Post, Herblock's longtime employer, offers additional cartoons and essays by Block.

Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

Camel cigarettes advertisement, 1952, Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

More than 40 million pages from more than seven million tobacco industry documents are presented on this website. Documents were made public as a stipulation of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement to settle multiple lawsuits. Index records, prepared by tobacco companies, can be searched by full-text.

Documents range from the 1930s to 2002, though most were created since the 1950s, and deal with industry concerns such as marketing, sales, advertising, research and development, manufacturing, and expansion of business to developing countries. There are 80 links to related sites and promises to include more documents in the future. This project offers an abundance of material for studying the history of smoking, advertising, and 20th-century American business practices.

Fifty Years of Coca-Cola Television Advertisements Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/25/2008 - 22:21
Image, Coca-Cola advertisement, 1952, Fifty Years of Coca-Cola Advertisements

Highlights of Coca-Cola television advertisements from the Library of Congress Motion Picture archives are exhibited on this site, with 50 commercials, broadcast outtakes, and experimental footage.

There are five examples of stop-motion advertisements from the mid-1950s, 18 experiments with color and lighting for television ads from 1964, and well-known commercials, such as the "Hilltop" commercial featuring the song "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" (1971). Additional resources include the "Mean Joe Greene" commercial (1979); the first "Polar Bear" commercial (1993); the "Snowflake" commercial (1999); and "First Experience," an international commercial filmed in Morocco (1999).

The site also includes a bibliography and links to finding aids for other television commercials at the Library of Congress. While this site is relatively small, it provides a good resource for studying the history of post-World War II consumer culture in terms of content and technique.

Medicine and Madison Avenue

Image, Ayds ad, Carlay Company Inc., 1953, Medicine and Madison Avenue

Designed to help users better understand the evolution and complexity of medicinal marketing in the 20th century, this website provides more than 600 health-related advertisements printed in newspapers and magazines from 1910 to 1960. Ads are organized into six categories: Household Products; Over-the-Counter Drugs; Personal and Oral Hygiene; Vitamins and Tonics, Food, Nutrition and Diet Aids; Institutional and Pharmaceutical; and Cigarettes. Over-the-Counter Drugs; Personal and Oral Hygiene; Vitamins and Tonics, Food, Nutrition and Diet Aids provide the largest number of advertisements; the Cigarette category offers only one.

Supplementary materials, such as internal reports from marketing companies, American Medical Association reports and editorials, Federal Trade Commission archival records, transcripts of 1930s radio commercials, and medical journal articles, focus on the production and influence of health-related advertisements. A bibliography provides 80 further reading suggestions. The project highlights materials for case studies on Fleischmann's Yeast, Listerine, and Scott Tissue.

Internet Moving Images Archive

Screencapture, Duck and Cover, U.S. Federal Civil Defense Ad., 1951, Moving...

These resources come from a privately held collection of 20th-century American ephemeral films, produced for specific purposes and not intended for long-term survival. The website contains nearly 2,000 high-quality digital video files documenting various aspects of 20th-century American culture, society, leisure, history, industry, technology, and landscape. It includes films produced between 1927 and 1987 by and for U.S. corporations, nonprofit organizations, trade associations, community and interest groups, and educational institutions. More than 80 films address Cold War issues.

Films depict ordinary people in normal daily activities such as working, dishwashing, driving, and learning proper behavior, in addition to treating such subjects as education, health, immigration, nuclear energy, social issues, and religion. The site contains an index of 403 categories. This is an important source for studying business history, advertising, cinema studies, the Cold War, and 20th-century American cultural history.

Oyez: U.S. Supreme Court Multimedia

Supreme Court 1890. Photo by Napoleon Sarony. Courtesy Library of Congress.

These audio files, abstracts, transcriptions of oral arguments, and written opinions cover more than 3,300 Supreme Court cases. Materials include 3,000 hours of audio arguments in selected cases since 1955 and all cases since 1995. Users can access cases through keyword searches or a list of thirteen broad categories, such as civil rights, due process, first amendment, judicial power, privacy, and unions.

Cases include Roe v. Wade (abortion), Gideon v. Wainwright (right to counsel), Plessy v. Ferguson (segregation), Grutter v. Bollinger (affirmative action), and Bush v. Gore (election results). Biographies are provided for all Supreme Court justices and "The Pending Docket" provides briefs and additional materials on upcoming cases. The website also includes links to written opinions since 1893 and podcasts featuring discussions of cases starting in 1793.

Admiral Television


From the Kansas State Historical Society website:

"Developed in Europe during the 1920s, television quickly spread around the world. Its first appearance in Delia, Kansas, came in 1949 when the Rosser family purchased this Admiral home entertainment system."