
Illustration, Landing Place at Guam, Jan-July 1863, T. Coghlan, Flickr Commons

Don't let Guam be forgotten in your classroom! After all, it is one of only 16 non-self-governing territories worldwide that are recognized by the UN. As such, leaving Guam out of history is to ignore a rather remarkable political exception.

Guampedia offers a range of short articles on everything from architecture to World War II. These pages also feature relevant photographs and further resource listings. Additional sections offer basic facts on Guam (motto, population, etc.) and its major villages. Be sure to check out the history lesson plans to see if there's any ready-made content appropriate for you to introduce to your classroom.

Additional ways to explore include a selection of media collections including photographs, illustrations, soundbites, and video; MARC Publications, including issues of the Guam Recorder, lectures, and additional e-publications on topics such as archaeology and stonework; and traditional recipes.

Kentuckiana Digital Library

Image for Kentuckiana Digital Library

These historical materials come from 15 Kentucky colleges, universities, libraries, and historical societies. There are nearly 8,000 photographs; 95 full-text books, manuscripts, and journals from 1784 to 1971; 94 oral histories; 78 issues of Mountain Life and Work from 1925-62; and 22 issues of Works Progress Administration in Kentucky: Narrative Reports.

Photographs include collections by Russell Lee, who documented health conditions resulting from coal industry practices; Roy Stryker, head of the New Deal Farm Security Administration photographic section; and others that provide images of cities, towns, schools, camps, and disappearing cultures. Oral histories address Supreme Court Justice Stanley F. Reed, Senator John Sherman Cooper, the Frontier Nursing Service, veterans, fiddlers, and the transition from farming to an industrial economy. Texts include Civil War diaries, religious tracts, speeches, correspondence, and scrapbooks. Documents cover a range of topics, including colonization societies, civil rights, education, railroads, feuding, the Kentucky Derby, Daniel Boone, and a personal recollection of Abraham Lincoln.


Photo, Bob Heft, Designer of  the 50 star flag, StoryCorps

StoryCorps is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collecting and preserving the stories of people across the U.S. Founded in 2003, it has collected more than 15,000 stories from people in all walks of life—immigrants, veterans, those that suffer from debilitating diseases, lovers, September 11th survivors, and many more. Each recorded conversation includes two or three people, often grandchildren interviewing grandparents, old friends interviewing each other, or children remembering their parents. Clips, usually between two and five minutes, from hundreds of these stories are available.

The clips are keyword searchable and browseable by category: Angels & Mentors, Discovery, Friendship, Griot, Growing Up, Hurricane Katrina, Identity, Romance, September 11, Struggle, Witness, Wisdom, and Work. Many people discuss their involvement in World War II or the Vietnam War, and many more talk about how they met their spouses or coped with segregation. Always thought-provoking, and often moving, these clips can expose the more human side of major 20th-century events.

North Carolinians and the Great War

Poster, Blood or Bread, Henry Raleigh, 1914-1918

A new addition to the Documenting the American South collection, this site focuses on the impact of World War I on the lives of North Carolinians. Drawn from multiple collections at the UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries, the digitized text and images are divided thematically into three sections, the "Home Front," "Propaganda and Posters," and "Soldiers' Experience." Each section includes an introductory essay (2,000- to 13,000-words) to provide historical context. "The Home Front," is divided into five subject categories: African Americans, educational institutions, mobilizing resources, patriotism and politics, and women. It concentrates on how North Carolinians responded to the war. The 11 documents on the contributions of African Americans and women to the war effort are especially informative.

"Propaganda Posters" includes 100 U.S. World War I posters distributed in North Carolina, covering topics such as military service and war work. "The Soldiers' Experience," focuses on the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and nurses, in and out of combat, and includes memoirs, unpublished diaries and letters, regimental histories, published biographies, and 17 photographs with descriptive captions. Students will also find 17 artifacts typical of soldiers' equipment—boots, field rations, and "dog tags"—fascinating.

Teachers will appreciate this thematic collection for its effective blend of descriptive text, primary and secondary documents, and historical photographs.

Great Expectations for the Civil War

B&W photo, McCormick harvester-thresher, New York Public Library

What happened to Civil War farmers who went home to take care of the crops and then came back to fight?


Very few Civil War farmers went home to take care of the crops and then returned to fight. The American Civil War was far longer and more destructive than virtually anyone expected. At the outset of the war, many eager volunteers signed 90-day papers, evidence of the widespread belief that the war would be brief and nearly bloodless. Instead, the struggle stretched nearly four full years. Between 1861 and 1865, the Union and Confederacy mobilized more than three million men for the fighting and suffered some 600,000 deaths. The war remains the bloodiest conflict America has ever fought.

One of the reasons for the dramatic increase in the length of the war, the size of the armies, and the magnitude of the casualty rolls was the technological improvements in agricultural production that occurred in the decades leading up to the war. In the eighteenth century, the food demands of the population at large served as an important limit on the amount of manpower that could be mobilized into the army and on the length of time those armies could be maintained in the field. In those years, a nation that diverted a large proportion of its agricultural labor force to the military and kept it in the field for months at a time risked deprivation and starvation on the home front.

The war remains the bloodiest conflict America has ever fought

A bevy of technological improvements that appeared in the first half of the eighteenth century—iron and steel plows, seed drills, cultivators and, most importantly, mechanical reapers and threshers—made it possible to increase the amount of food that could be produced manyfold. By the mid-1800s, two men equipped with a horse and the new agricultural machinery could produce as much grain in a day as twenty men could harvest by hand using sickles in the late 1700s. Together, these changes dramatically altered the proportion of the population required for agricultural production. Three-quarters of American workers labored on farms in 1820; by 1860, fewer than three in five worked in agriculture.

The massive shift in the demographics of food production helps explain how the Civil War armies could place so many men under arms and keep them in the field for years on end. The massive armies that contested the huge battles between 1861 and 1865 could fight so long in part because their members were not needed at home to plant and harvest crops: the divisions could stay on campaign without threatening the larger society with starvation. And the substitution of mechanical advantage and animal effort for human muscle meant that farm labor no longer required adult men. Younger children and women could now perform many of the tasks that formerly demanded male workers. In the south, the labor of four million African-American slaves helped support the armies in the field and freed the white population to continue fighting. While neither side offered exemptions to farmers, the South did institute the Twenty-Negro Law, which released a plantation owner or overseer whom managed more than twenty slaves from military service—powerful evidence not just of slavery’s importance in maintaining the Southern economy and war effort but of the persistent fears of slave insurrection.

This is not to say that soldiers never returned to their homes and farms during the war. Furloughs for the troops were not uncommon, often doled out as a reward for service. (In the winter of 1863-1864, a Union Army desperate for reenlistments offered a 30-day furlough to any soldier willing to sign on for an additional three-year term.) But those furloughs rarely coincided with the agricultural cycle: campaigning season usually ran from the spring to late fall—precisely the months of planting and harvesting—and armies found it easiest to grant furloughs once the armies had gone into winter quarters. Soldiers generally viewed furloughs as a chance to visit loved ones and to escape the stifling discipline of army life for a brief moment.

Many soldiers elected to leave the ranks and return home to provide for their families, officially a capital crime in the eyes of the military system

In the South, the deprivations of war affected individual soldiers more acutely. Non-slaveholding white farmers—those who farmed small parcels of land for sustenance, as opposed to large planters growing cash crops—frequently joined the army in the belief that they were defending homes and families from Yankee invasion. As the war dragged on, and Federal troops pushed deeper into the Confederacy seizing crops and blocking transportation lines, many of those families suffered intensely from the scarcity of basic supplies. When letters arrived from home telling of wives, children, and siblings threatened with starvation, many of those rebel soldiers elected to leave the ranks and return home to provide for their families. Those desertions—officially a capital crime in the eyes of the military system—became more and more widespread in the last years of the war; historians estimate that as many as one in three Confederate soldiers had deserted by the final months of the war. Very few of those deserters returned voluntarily to continue the fight.

For more information

Burns, Ken. The Civil War. WETA, 2002.

Farmer's Museum[NY]

McPherson, James. For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. Oxford University Press, USA, 1998.


Civil War Preservation Trust. Civil War Primary Sources 2009.

McPherson, James. The Civil War Era Collection 2002.

St. John de Crèvecoeur, J. Hector and Albert E. Stone. Letters from an American Farmer and Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America New York: Penguin Books Ltd., 1984.

Carriers' Addresses

Image, Introductory graphic, Carrier's Addresses

Limited in scope, this site provides an introduction to the study of Carriers' Addresses, which were poems or broadsides read by American newsboys to their customers on New Years' Day. The carriers read the poems, which often emphasized the diligence and hard work of the newsboys, expecting to receive a tip from the customer.

The site includes a 2,500-word explanatory essay and a collection of more than 400 digitized addresses from 1772–1912. The site is searchable, and visitors may browse the collection alphabetically by subject, title, or creator. Each address indicates the name of the newspaper, the date, and the name of the newsboy if known.

Williamson Museum [TX]


The Williamson Museum presents the history of Williamson County, Texas. Exhibits address Swedish immigration, an overview of 13,000 years of local history, cowboys, and local communities and towns.

The museum offers exhibits, group tours of the museum, group walking tours of the Courthouse Square, guided tours of the Williamson County Courthouse, museum overnights, a summer camp, hands-on activities, traveling trunks, and hands-on outreach presentations for students. School tours are designed to meet state curricula for second through seventh grade, and must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. The outreach presentations are designed for kindergarten through second grade. The traveling trunks are designed for third through seventh grade; and topics include pioneer life, the Chisholm Trail, life as a cowboy, Swedish immigrants, and archaeology. The website offers historic images.

HERB: Social History for Every Classroom

Photo, Before-and-After Photograph. . . , War Department, NARA

HERB consists of three TAH projects, History for All, History Matters, and Our American Democracy, as well as a wide variety of non-TAH collections, primarily related to social history. If you're wondering where the name came from, HERB's namesake is Herbert Gutman, a labor historian and co-founder of the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, which has been involved with K-12 education since 1989.

On HERB, you can keyword search for resources such as prints, posters, advertisements, and other artworks; oral history transcripts; statistics; documentary-viewing guides; timelines; activities; worksheets; explanation by historians; letters; songs; and more. From the main page, you can also browse by selecting your time period of interest or a major theme—immigration and migration, civil rights and citizenship, slavery and abolition, work, reading supports, expansion and imperialism, gender and sexuality, Civil War, or social movements.

Search results do not give suggested grade levels for any of the materials, including classroom activities, so be prepared to do some thinking about what might be best for your classroom's collective interests and ability levels.

Oral History Digital Collection

Image for Oral History Digital Collection

These full-text first-person narratives present the voices of more than 2,000 people from northeast Ohio discussing issues significant to the state and the nation. These oral histories, collected since 1974, focus on a range of topics such as ethnic culture, including African American, Greek, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Romanian, and Russian, and industry, such as steel, pottery, brick, coal, and railroads.

Others discuss labor relations, including women in labor unions, wars (World War II, Vietnam, Gulf War), college life (including the shootings by National Guard troops at Kent State in 1970), the Holocaust, and religion. Subject access is available through more than 200 topics listed alphabetically.

American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning


This site introduces the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning (ASHP/CML), an organization located at the City University of New York (CUNY) that "seeks to revitalize interest in history by challenging the traditional ways that people learn about the past," with a particular emphasis on labor history and social history. The site includes information about ASHP/CML books, documentary films, CD-ROMs, Internet projects, and educational programs, as well as five articles by staff members and numerous links to history resources.

"Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl: Immigrant Women in the Turn-of-the-Century City" presents selected photographs, illustrations, and accompanying short explanatory texts intended for use with a ASHP/CML documentary of the same name. Among the Project's current endeavors is "an intellectual and spatial exploration of P. T. Barnum's American Museum," entitled The Lost Museum, which burned down under mysterious circumstances in 1865. With the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, ASHP/CML produces History Matters.