Nuremberg Trials: Perspectives


Dr. John Barrett of St. Johns University of Law (one of the foremost Nuremberg Trials historian in the United States) will give the background and importance of the Nuremberg Trials. John Q. Barrett is a Professor of Law at St. Johns University School of Law in New York City, where he teaches constitutional law, criminal procedure, and legal history. Professor Barrett currently is working on a biography of Justice Jackson that will include the first inside account of his year (1945–46) away from the Supreme Court as the chief American prosecutor of the principal surviving Nazi leaders at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. He will be followed by three veterans of the First Division who were guards or military police during the trials who will share their experiences.

Sponsoring Organization
First Division Museum
Phone number
Start Date
Course Credit
1.5 Teacher CPDUs available for this event.

America Between the Wars


"Professor Alan Brinkley and Michael Flamm explore the period between the end of the “Great War” and the beginning of the “Good War,” during which the United States experienced dramatic political, economic, social, and cultural change. The uneven prosperity of the 1920s contributed to the crisis of the 1930s. The Great Depression in turn led to the New Deal and the reshaping of the modern state, but also to a global crisis that produced World War II. Topics of discussion include the coming of the Great Depression, the New Deal, crime and culture in the 1920s and 1930s, and the beginning of World War II."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
1 646-366-9666
Target Audience
Start Date
None ($400 stipend)
Course Credit
"Participants who complete the seminar in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate. Teachers may use this certificate to receive in-service credit, subject to the policy of their district. No university credit is offered for the course."
One week
End Date

Becoming Modern: America, 1918-1929: A Summer Institute for High-school Teachers


How did World War I affect politics in the United States? Why did the prestige and power of American business dramatically increase in the 1920s? What explains the remarkable cultural ferment of this period? What place did religious and spiritual values assume in the United States during the 1920s? How did concepts of citizenship and national identity change in the decade after World War I? How did women and African Americans struggle to advance social equality? How did modernizing and traditional forces clash during the decade?

This institute will explore these and other questions through history, literature, and art. Under the direction of leading scholars, participants will examine such issues as immigration, prohibition, radicalism, changing moral standards, and evolution to discover how the forces of modernity and traditionalism made the 1920s both liberating and repressive. Participants will assist National Humanities Center staff in identifying texts and defining lines of inquiry for a new addition to the Center's Toolbox Library, which provides online resources for teacher professional development and classroom instruction.

Contact name
Schramm, Richard R.
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $1,000 stipend
Contact Title
Vice President for Education Programs
Eleven days
End Date

Crime and Justice Data Online


Presents statistic tables showing trends in crime and law enforcement operations at state, local, and national levels. Users can find tendencies in types of crimes, types of victims, and types of weapons based on figures voluntarily reported to the FBI by state law enforcement agencies from 1960-1999, and by local agencies from 1985. In addition, statistics concerning law enforcement operations for states and large local agencies are searchable according to variables such as demographic composition of police forces, function, salary, and employment and training requirements. Valuable for those studying American social history, urban history, and human geography, in addition to students of the U.S. criminal justice system.

Photographs from the Chicago Daily News: 1902-1933


More than 55,000 photographs taken by staff photographers of the Chicago Daily News during the first decades of the 20th century are available on this website. Roughly 20 percent of the photos were published in the paper. The Chicago Daily News was an afternoon paper, sold at a cost of one cent for many years, with stories that tried to appeal to the city's large working-class audience.

The website provides subject access to the photographs, which include street scenes, buildings, prominent people, labor violence, political campaigns and conventions, criminals, ethnic groups, workers, children, actors, and disasters. Many photographs of athletes and political leaders are also featured. While most of the images were taken in Chicago and nearby areas, some were taken elsewhere, including at presidential inaugurations. The images provide a glimpse into varied aspects of urban life and document the use of photography by the press during early 20th century.

Without Sanctuary: Photographs and Postcards of Lynching in America


James Allen has assembled a collection of chilling photographs of lynchings throughout America, primarily from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many were circulated as souvenir postcards. The site is a companion to Allen's book Without Sanctuary. The exhibit can be experienced through a flash movie with narrative comments by Allen or as a gallery of more than 80 photographs with brief captions. Most images also have links to more extensive descriptions of the circumstances behind each specific act of violence.

While the vast majority of lynching victims were African Americans, white victims are also depicted. Individually and as a group, these images are disturbing and difficult to fathom. They provide, however, an excellent resource for approaching the virulence and impact of racism in late 19th and 20th-century America.