George Mason University Electronic Documentary History

Photo, First graduating class, June 9, 1968

Charts the institutional history of George Mason University from its beginnings in 1949–50 as an adult education extension of the University of Virginia located in northern Virginia, through its formal separation from UVA in 1960, to its present-day existence as a multi-campus university.

Offers more than 30 documents and nearly 50 photographs related to the history, a 400-word biography of George Mason, an annotated chronology, and a current 108-page fact book. Of interest to those studying the history of education and Virginia history.

Bethlehem Digital History Project

Oil on canvas, Johannetta Ettwein, John Valentine Haidt, 1754

This collection of materials addresses the Moravian community of Bethlehem, PA, from its founding in 1741 to 1844, when the community first opened to non-Moravians. Most documents are available in three formats: facsimile of original in German type, transcription, and translation into English. All documents may be read in English.

A 650-word essay introduces visitors to Bethlehem history. The community kept a diary that visitors may read for the years 1742 to 1745. The Journal of the Commission of the Brethren of Bethlehem, from 1752 to 1760, allows further access to the inner workings of the community. The death register currently lists 400-word obituaries for five women and six men. Birth and marriage registers are to be added to the site.

Moravians of this era read memoirs (2,000–3,000 words) at the funerals of community members, sometimes incorporating autobiographical writing. Visitors may read 34 of these memoirs.

The records of the community also include four maps, a survey, and the ledgers of the town finances from 1747 to 1765. Inventories of four shops may also be examined.

Other material includes a 32-page 1876 historical sketch of the Bethlehem Seminary for Young Ladies, a 19-page scholarly essay on the Moravian approach to business, and a 1762 discussion of how to finance the Single Sisters' Choir. Visitors may search the site by subject. The site will be very interesting for research in colonial history and the history of religion in America.

Democracy in America: Alexis de Tocqueville

Map, Tocqueville's America

A product of the American Studies program at the University of Virginia, this site attempts to "construct a virtual American ca. 1831-32"—the period that Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States—in order to illuminate Democracy in America, his classic examination of political and social life in the young nation. The book is still regarded by some scholars as the greatest ever written about the United States.

The site presents a hypertext version of the book—one translation among many—accompanied by 13 projects on topics such as Tocqueville's sources and the 1840 Census, race relations, fashion, religion, women, art, navigation, and humor. These projects are uneven in quality, though a few—such as the navigation projects—provide useful primary material and worthwhile background texts. Overall, the character of the site seems somewhat ad hoc.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Logo, Encyclopedia Britannica

[SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED FOR FULL ACCESS] Offers abstracts of Encyclopedia Britannica entries to all visitors and full-text articles to "premium service" subscribers. Users can browse alphabetically and by subject, or enter search terms for links to relevant journal articles and sites.

"Classic Voices" reproduces selected entries from previous editions by well-known contributors identified only by their initials, including "Yosemite" by John Muir, "Conjuring" by Harry Houdini, "Psychoanalysis" by Sigmund Freud, "Motion Pictures: A Universal Language" by Lillian Gish, and "Wilbur Wright" by Orville Wright.

The "BritannicaSchool" subscription service offers K-12 curriculum activities designed to conform with state and national standards. With a wealth of information provided in abstract form, the site is of great valuable even to non-subscribers.

Cold War: Postwar Estrangement

Letter, Khrushchev to John F. Kennedy, Cuban Missile Crisis

One "showcase" within a multi-part exhibit that presents Soviet archival documents, this site offers three items related to Cold War politics and ideology: a 1945 telegram from Stalin to Harry Truman; a 1971 document from the Communist party's Central Committee, "Additional Measures To Expose Imperialist Policies"; and a 1962 telegram from Khrushchev to John Kennedy protesting American policy in Cuba.

The documents, available as both untranslated images and translated texts, are accompanied by a useful introduction of 1,036 words.

Visitors should consider using the site's "guided tour," which incorporates these materials within the larger exhibit.

Chicago Imagebase

Map, Chicago

Dedicated to "enhancing knowledge about the built environment of the Chicago region," this site hopes to offer a comprehensive "system for indexing, storing, retrieving, comparing, and analyzing images, maps, data, literature, and other geographically-based materials" on Chicago.

Contains an array of historical and recent maps, photographs, and illustrations, plus textual information about Chicago's history and architecture.

Includes approximately 600 aerial photographs taken in 1996 by Alex S. MacLean; 83 photographs by C. William Brubaker; 14 by Robert Thall; multiple images of 55 buildings and historic sites; four Works Progress Administration land use maps; more than 30 images dealing with the Chicago Fire of 1871; 20 photographs by William Henry Jackson and Charles Dudley Arnold of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition; 22 Rand McNally "Bird's Eye Views" from 1893; and numerous additional maps and images.

An animated map shows the city's expansion and the development of neighborhood communities from 1850 to 1990.

Presently, the site focuses on four Chicago areas: the "Loop," Lawndale, Armour Square, and Bridgeport. Though not updated since 1999, the site contains useful materials documenting Chicago's development.

Crisis at Fort Sumter

Print, Fort Sumter

This site provides documents, essays, and questions about the events leading up to the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in 1861 and places the events within a broader context of secession and southern independence.

There are nine chronological sections and students must make decisions at five "critical junctures," soliciting advice from official and unofficial advisors. Students can compare their choices with Lincoln's, and a commentary section challenges students to explore multiple interpretations of events. "Hotwords" provide additional information on topics throughout the simulation.

Provides over 200 references in the bibliographic section.

Well-designed activity for helping students at the high school and college level explore the issues surrounding the Civil War.

American Museum of Photography

Photograph, Woman with Daisies and Spirit

Photographs from 1839 to the late 20th century are on view in 12 exhibits that offer 100- to 600-word introductory essays and a diverse range of images.

"The Face of Slavery" presents 10 photographs of African Americans from 1855 to 1905.

The work of Southworth and Hawes, a photography team active between 1843 and 1862, is represented by eight daguerreotypes of women.

In "Do You Believe?" visitors may consider evidence of ghostly existence offered by 22 "spirit photographs" taken between 1875 and 1932.

In "Photography as a Fine Arf!," 16 photos from the 1850s to the 1950s "explore the complex relationships of people and dogs."

In "At Ease," nine photographs from around 1850 refute the popular notion that early portraiture was stiff.

An exhibit of the trick photography of William H. "Dad" Martin presents eight photos produced between 1894 and 1912 that show exaggerated ordinary objects.

In "Of Bricks and Light," the museum exhibits 33 architectural photographs.

Business executive and photographer Shotaro Shimomura took pictures of his trip around the world in 1934-35; nine of these are exhibited in "An Eye for the World."

An interactive exhibit of nine cartes de visite allows visitors to investigate details such as the hats worn by men in Abraham Lincoln's funeral procession.

"Scott Mutter: A More Perfect World" presents 11 "hyper-realistic" photomontages by the acclaimed image maker.

"Masterworks of Photography" includes 25 images produced from 1840 to 1975, including English inventor William Henry Fox Talbot's "The Footman," of 1840, considered the earliest photograph on paper of a human being.

In addition, the museum showcases 42 of its favorite pieces.

The site also provides a 1,700-word explanatory essay on photographic processes and links to 25 other resources concerning the history and art of photography. This site cannot be searched by subject, however, which limits its usefulness for research.

Digital Librarian: A Librarian's Choice of the Best of the [History] Web

Logo, Digital Librarian

A librarian in Cortland, NY, maintains this eclectic compilation of more than 1,000 history links. Brief annotations introduce most of the links, which include primary and secondary sources. The site offers a wide range of links, including dictionaries, autobiographies, state and federal documents, museums and libraries, books, speeches, and articles.

Listings are arranged alphabetically and also in the following categories: African Americans, Asian resources, classics and ancient world, electronic texts, genealogy, images, Judaica, Latin American resources, medieval and Renaissance studies, Middle East, Native American resources, railroads and waterways, the southwest, and women's resources.

Updated regularly.

Organization of American Historians

Cover, OAH Magazine of History, July 2009

The site of the largest organization for professional historians of the United States, the Organization of American Historians (OAH), includes basic information about membership; current programs, annual meetings, and special events; employment listings, grants, fellowships, and other professional resources; and issues on which the organization has adopted positions of advocacy. The site's "Teaching History Resource Center" includes publications and resources of current interest to history teachers, including 14 syllabi for undergraduate-level U.S. History survey courses. The site also offers an introduction to OAH publications, including Journal of American History, OAH Newsletter, and OAH Magazine of History and a list more than 90 links to other professional associations, history journals, and governmental agencies. A valuable site for professionals in the field of history.