Through Our Parent's Eyes: Tucson's Diverse Community


The ethnically diverse history of Tucson, Arizona is celebrated here in sections on the Hispanic, Native American, African American, Chinese, and Jewish heritage of the area. A 1000-word essay on the Hispanic history of Tucson is complemented by the four histories, from two to 100 pages, of local families. An exhibit of traditional arts in the Mexican American community includes photographs of houses, piñatas, and ten video clips of low-rider cars. Sources on Native Americans include 12 oral histories (300-600 words), about food and culture. The history of African Americans in the Tucson area from the 16th to the 19th century is recounted in an 1,800-word essay. A collection of 22 biographies (120-800 words) and summarized oral histories offer more personal details of African American life in Tucson. The collection of material about Chinese Americans in Tucson includes four biographies (600-1,200 words) and seven video clips of interviews with a Chinese American woman who grew up in Tucson in the 1940s. The journey made by one Jewish family from Russia in the 19th century to Tucson in the 20th is recounted in a 4,700-word illustrated essay. The site will be useful for research in ethnicity and the history of the west.

Student Voices from World War II and the McCarthy Era


Presents transcriptions of oral history interviews—with selected accompanying audio files—of five students who participated during World War II in Brooklyn College's Farm Labor Project.

The students, most of whom were children of Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland and were committed to radical politics, journeyed upstate during the summer to work on farms in order to support the war effort. The site organizes excerpts of the words of the five interviewees—four women and one man—into four broad sections covering their background and youth, campus life, life on the farm, and life after the project.

These sections are further divided into 20 subsections covering such topics as family life, social influences, politics, working conditions on the farm, protests against a "capitalist" farmer, interactions with locals, and later life. Individual excerpts range in length from one sentence to 750 words. Audio files are provided for 23 of the excerpts.

The site also includes 12 photos from the project, a timeline, and a syllabus for an undergraduate-level course in Oral History Theory and Practice.

A second group of oral histories addresses the shutdown of Brooklyn College's newspaper during the McCarthy era as well as related biographies, contextual essays, and primary documents. The site will be valuable to those studying student life, radical culture, American Jewish history, and homefront experiences during World War II.

Pictures of World War II


This National Archives and Records Administration online archive offers selected photographs depicting Americans' activities during World War II. The 202 photographs, drawn from the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives, primarily came from the records of the Army Signal Corps, Department of the Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and the Office of War Information. They represent all aspects of wartime preparation, from military training to combat and support services, as well as the homefront activities of civilians and war agencies. They are grouped into 22 subjects, including eight regions of Europe and the Pacific in which Americans fought, and other topical categories such as: the Homefront; Rest and Recreation; Prisoners; The Holocaust; Death and Destruction; and Victory and Peace.

Images include leaders like Franklin D. Roosevelt, General Dwight Eisenhower, and Adolph Hitler, as well as posters from homefront rationing and war bond campaigns, Rosie the Riveter posters, combat photographs of invasions and scouting missions, and images of entertainers like Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby visiting the troops. Each photograph is accompanied by a 15-25 word caption with the title, photographer, location, and date the photograph was taken. This site is ideal for those interested in illustrating reports or lectures on Americans' contributions to World War II.

Women of Valor


This site introduces Emma Goldman—an immigrant, an advocate of free love, a promoter of birth control, and an anarchist. The designers have done a splendid job in tying the many facets of Goldman's public life together into one set of interrelated narratives. An "Introduction" is divided into 13 thematically coherent sections, such as Early Years, Anarchism, Use of Violence, and Deportation. Each runs approximately 500 words. A Timeline is useful for placing Goldman into historical and cultural context.

There are several dozen artifacts, including the full text of two books, six cartoons, four historical documents, an analytical essay, two personal letters, 12 news clippings, and 16 photographs. The information is well documented, and includes a detailed bibliography.

The care that the producers took in explaining potentially confusing or problematic terms (like feminism and suffrage) makes the site particularly appropriate for high school and undergraduate students. Although not a comprehensive archive, this site nonetheless provides an informative introduction to Goldman and her role in American history.

Life After the Holocaust: Stories of Holocaust Survivors After The War jmccartney Thu, 09/03/2009 - 08:58

This website presents the stories of six Holocaust survivors—three men, three women; five born in Poland and one in Czechoslovakia—who immigrated to the United States after World War II. Visitors can either listen to the six 30-minute interviews in their entirety, or listen to interview clips surrounding six themes: "starting over," "arriving in New York," "living with the past," "speaking out," "faith, guilt, and responsibility," and "telling their children." Many of the survivors begin by talking about their experiences before the war, and proceed to explain the complexities of starting over in the United States after the war.

Each interview is interspersed with narration and accompanied by photographs and other personal memorabilia, helping visitors better contextualize the narrators' stories. Audio files and interview transcripts are downloadable, making this website's resources useful in classroom settings, as well as to a broader public interested in understanding the aftermath of the Holocaust through deeply personal accounts.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

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The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) stimulates citizens to examine and confront hatred and to promote human dignity. The extensive archives, programs, educational outreach, and events are designed not only to teach history, but to promote thought about the continuing need for vigilance in preserving democratic values and individual freedom.

For Teachers includes an online workshop for teaching the Holocaust and several exemplary lessons for middle and high school educators with video, text, and handouts, as well as additional classroom and community educational resources. An Online Teacher Workshop: Teaching About the Holocaust includes video segments that anchor all Museum professional development presentations.

For Students offers a narrative introduction to the Holocaust and points students to supplementary materials, exhibits, and activities.

Online Exhibitions extend the reach of the museum archives and educational materials.

Collections and Archives offers a wealth of multimedia materials, digitized documents, photographs, and interactive maps.

Jewish Women's Archive


These exhibits and resources are valuable for studying American Jewish women's contributions to their communities and the wider world. Women of Valor focuses on 16 notable historic women—including Congresswoman Bella Abzug; radical Emma Goldman; philanthropist Rebecca Gratz; poet Emma Lazarus; actress Molly Picon; Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold; and nurse, settlement worker, and political leader Lillian Wald. Women Who Dared offers oral history interviews of Jewish women activists in text, audio, and video formats. Interviewees discuss activism in the context of Jewish and gender identity, values, and situations, and elucidate the path to activism, challenges, rewards, and impact. The Encyclopedia, browsable by keyword, time period, and country, includes 2,000 articles on Jewish women's history. This Week in History looks at moments in the lives of Jewish American women corresponding to the date; visitors can subscribe to this feature by RSS feed or email. On the Map pinpoints locations important to Jewish American women's history—and to Jewish American women today. Visitors can add their own locations with photos. Jewesses with Attitude, the JWA blog, features articles on Jewish American women past and present and on other topics relevant to the lives of Jewish American women today. The site has also digitized nine volumes of The American Jewess. Most recently, the Jewish Women's Archive has compiled objects, photographs, and personal accounts of the Hurricane Katrina disaster and the aftermath, complete with 100 oral histories, blog postings, emails, and other firsthand accounts.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Website Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/25/2008 - 22:21

Interactive exhibitions and resources address the Holocaust and related subjects. The site is composed of five sections: education, research, history, remembrance, and conscience.

"Education" introduces the subject of the Holocaust and provides extensive bibliographies. "Research" contains a survivor registry and an international directory of activities relating to Holocaust-era assets. Searchable catalogs pertaining to the Museum's collections and library are easy to navigate to find artworks, artifacts, documents, photographs, films, videos, oral histories, and music. "History" includes the Holocaust Learning Center, with images, essays, and documents on 75 subjects, such as anti-Semitism, refugees, pogroms, extermination camps, and resistance. "Committee on Conscience" contains information on current genocidal practices in Sudan.