American Studies Crossroads Project

Logo, Crossroads Project

This impressive site presents a rich array of primary and secondary material designed to foster electronic learning. The site's "Reference and Research" section furnishes an annotated, searchable gateway to hundreds of links dealing generally with American history and life, including SiteScene, a biweekly journal that reviews websites, texts of recent articles published in American Quarterly; abstracts of American Studies dissertations from 1986 to 1999, organized alphabetically by author; and links to image and document archives. Three additional sections—entitled "Community," "Curriculum," and "Technology and Learning"—offer a wealth of material concerning developments in the field of American Studies and teaching with new technologies, including essays, syllabi, bulletin boards, and newsletters.

RaceSci: History of Race in Science

Logo, History of Race in Science

RaceSci is a site dedicated to supporting and expanding the discussion of race and science. The site provides five bibliographies of books and articles about race and science. The section on current scholarship has 1,000 entries, organized into 38 subjects. A bibliography of primary source material includes 91 books published between the 1850s and the 1990s. Visitors can currently view 14 syllabi for high school and college courses in social studies, history of science, rhetoric, and medicine. The site links to 13 recently published articles about race and science and to 49 sites about race, gender, health, science, and ethnicity. This site will be useful for teachers designing curricula about race and for researchers looking for secondary source material.

EASE History: An Experience Acceleration Support Environment

Photo, A boy reads a comic book, Dorothea Lange, 1942, Ease History

This collection of video clips and photographs focuses on 20th-century historical events and political campaigns. "Historical Events" presents 470 items from 1900 to the present that the visitor can explore by decade or by 13 thematic topics that include presidential administrations, the environment, politics, war, the economy, and science/technology. "Campaign advertisements" offers 229 campaign ads from 1952 to 2004. The visitor can explore the items by year, candidate, party, and issue, or by thematic topics such as ad themes or positive/negative ads. "Core values" allows visitors to explore the values at the center of presidential political campaigns. All the clips can be displayed one, two, or four at a time.

The learning guide offers activity suggestions and provides more than 100 questions tied to the themes on the site. The site also offers "learning segments" on the Cold War and campaign ads. The search feature offers the ability to search all themes in the campaign ads, history events, and core values sections; select individual film clips from a full listing; conduct a keyword search; or select from 32 classroom topics such as communities, culture, war, the Great Depression, the New deal, and the Great Society.

Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1998

Logo, Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement

Furnishes secondary materials concerning women's rights efforts in the U.S. from 1848 to the present. Includes a 5,000-word history of the movement; a 7,000-word chronology of political activism; six curriculum ideas; a detailed list of activities for high school students, librarians, and teachers to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the movement; listings for 54 prominent women's history organizations, arranged alphabetically by state; basic information and/or links for 60 groups that treat contemporary women's issues; and descriptive listings for 18 "costumed history performers" who portray public figures in women's history. The site is sponsored by the National Women's History Project, "a nonprofit organization, founded in 1980, that is committed to providing education, promotional materials, and informational services to recognize and celebrate women's diverse lives and historic contributions to society."

California Labor History

Image, Introductory graphic, California Labor History

This interactive essay covers 300 years of labor history in California. Powered by Shockwave, the site features a map of California that depicts the locations of labor disputes from 1776 to 1992. Using the scrollbar at the top of the site, users can change the year displayed on the map. On the map itself, small dots indicate the location of a particular event important to California's labor history. Clicking on the dot reveals a chronological list of related "Labor Events." The bottom-left panel, titled "Bigger Picture," provides links to sections of a larger secondary source entitled "Contextual Information" on California labor history relevant to the year and location the user is viewing. 64 700-word essays are mainly excerpts from published books and articles.

Tennessee Electronic Atlas

Map graphic, Tennessee Electric Atlas

This site provides information about the state of Tennessee and offers a gateway for learning more about the state. One of the main goals is to disseminate data through thematic maps and interactive mapping (which contains tutorial exercises that introduce the basic concepts involved in geographic information systems). For those interested in utilizing the full capabilities of the site, the Metro GIS service area of the site allows users to look at the main metropolitan regions in the state and to customize the themes (such as churches, golf courses, and hospitals) to their preferences. Included are data concerning agriculture, education, physical landscape, economics, and society. The site includes information from the 2000 national census, as well as state legislative districts. There is also detailed information about education in Tennessee. Visitors can check out the school system report cards to see results of standardized tests, both in raw numbers and in comparative terms versus other districts. Although the site contains no historical maps, the site allows visitors to compare some change over time, and visitors can use the site to compare the size and shape of the 106th and 108th Congressional districts.

The Insanity Retrial of Mary Lincoln


In 1875, Mary Todd Lincoln's son, Robert Lincoln, petitioned to have his mother institutionalized for insanity. Mary Lincoln was declared insane and subsequently detained in Bellevue Sanatorium for four months. One year later, Mary Lincoln underwent another trial; however, this one proved more beneficial to the widow, as she received a formal declaration of sanity and the restoration of control over her assets.

Now, over a century later, various Mary Lincoln historians, legal experts, and mental health professionals have been assembled to discuss the question of Mary Todd Lincoln's insanity. This roundtable examination of Mary's mental state has been broken up amongst two panels—one which focuses on historic interpretations and other other on modern perspectives. Join these two panels as they examine this infamous case of insanity, its ramifications, and its modern interpretations.

Labor Arts

Lithograph, "John Henry," William Gropper, Between 1897 and 1977

A modestly-sized exhibition of visual materials from a variety of labor-related organizations that focuses on ways in which artists and others have celebrated working people and labor unions in 20th-century America. Includes 44 photographs, 19 images of leaflets and pamphlets, 13 buttons, badges, and ribbons, 25 examples of cartoon art, eight songbook and sheet music covers, six images from murals, and nine covers from the journal Labor Defender. Covers themes of workers at work, strikes, parades, demonstrations, and the civil rights movement. Provides exhibits on original art depicting labor, the New York City "culture of solidarity," and the early struggles of the Hotel and Motel Trades Council. Materials are identified with short descriptions of up to 100 words. Offers links to 61 related sites. Useful for those studying political uses of visual culture in 20th-century America.

Hard Hat Riots: An Online History Project

Photo, Construction Workers with American Flag, New York Times

A well-designed and innovative approach to teaching history, this site, designed by three PhD candidates at New York University, presents multifaceted perspectives on the May 8, 1970, attacks in New York City on Vietnam War protesters by hundreds of construction workers.

Users can enter the site by selecting any of 12 photographs, nine newspaper headlines, three places in the city where rioting occurred, or 10 summaries of views on the events and their meaning by historians and journalists. Selected items link to additional resources, including a police report and interviews with a student and a construction worker. The creators challenge users to fit the riots into wider contexts and to assess variant attempts at historical understanding.

Offers about a dozen suggested activities for high school and college teachers. Though limited in scope and quantity of material, this site is of great value to those studying social class in the Vietnam War era, labor history, and media influence in American life.

Flint Sit-Down Strike

Photo, Genora Johnson with a very..., c. 1936-1937, Flint Sit-Down Strike

This rich, multimedia resource provides an introduction to "the greatest strike in American history." The six-week occupation of the General Motors plant at Flint, Michigan, in 1936–37, was led by the recently-formed United Auto Workers. Using the new tactic of remaining in the plant rather than picketing outside, the strikers stopped production and won many demands.

The site begins with a short introductory essay and a small bibliography and webography. The three main sections—organization, strike, and aftermath—provide nearly 100 audio interviews recorded between 1978 and 1984 with former strikers recalling work conditions prior to the strike, experiences during the sit-in, the hostile reaction of Flint residents, the role of the Women's Auxiliary, and conditions following the strike. Each section includes a narrative essay. In addition the site presents slideshows, an audio timeline, and a Flash-generated strike map with textual and audio links.